
edragon777 | Joined since 2017-02-28

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2017-11-10 12:52 | Report Abuse

That's normal, the price readjusts before heading upward to another new record!


2017-10-03 16:08 | Report Abuse

what happen to this counter? =.=


2017-05-31 09:28 | Report Abuse

stupid foreign loss, even at higher revenue


2017-05-30 09:31 | Report Abuse

quoted from the portal:

The valuation of the company become
RM0.60 (Anasuria Cluster)+ RM0.55 (North Sabah) = RM1.15
Maybe I am too optimistic on this valuation, how about 30% discount
RM1.15 x 30% = RM0.80 still has 70%+ upside on current price.

Judge urself =)


2017-05-18 23:38 | Report Abuse

but no dividend.....profit so much no reward back to shareholders, this is very disappointing


2017-05-18 14:48 | Report Abuse

what else to expect......lol...* note the last word from HL Investment bank research below...

Significant cash call. We regard the 1 for 1 rights issue to be relatively significant, doubling MRCB?s share base from 2,173m to 4,346m under the minimum case scenario (we analyse the minimum case scenario as the existing warrants are out of the money). Based on the indicative rights price of RM1.00 and the 5-day VWAP of RM1.5424, the theoretical ex rights price would be RM1.27.

Source: Hong Leong Investment Bank Research - 18 May 2017.


2017-05-18 09:22 | Report Abuse

RI exercise is not for BM, MRCB already clearly stated its use for its privatisation of sport complex plus interest saving purpose.
BM unofficial calling for 100b, RI total proceeds not even its 1 qtr amount lol...


2017-05-17 16:25 | Report Abuse

if local developer got such money power to acquire the ''big appetite'' of the project, why would jib bother to ask help from China initially? lol...just think logically


2017-05-17 16:13 | Report Abuse

bandar malaysia is just one of the 5 main pillar projects of iwcity?


2017-05-16 16:18 | Report Abuse

let it down to 1.6 haha


2017-05-16 16:16 | Report Abuse

depends on which CREC like to partner to, if they still go for IWC, then jib got no choice too..China is the biggest boss behind the scene


2017-05-16 15:57 | Report Abuse

no matter how it will be realized one, coz jib needs money from China, and china premier already told jib to let CREC back to this project.


2017-05-16 15:40 | Report Abuse

the buy and sell queuing so weird....someone is cooking something up


2017-05-16 15:35 | Report Abuse

PM department gave greenlight to IWCity to re-bid the deal, now this is official news from Minister.


2017-05-15 15:40 | Report Abuse

lol...u think can up up up nonstop meh haha...dun take it seriously, this type of trend wont last long, usually 20-30 min then stop d, u buy and sell fast = congratz. ur hand slow slow, die trapped nowhere anytime


2017-05-15 15:36 | Report Abuse

1.99 to 1.90 in 5 min, then up again few cents...exciting than roller coaster...lol


2017-05-15 15:33 | Report Abuse

haha...better watch show, this type of trend is not viable in long run =P


2017-05-15 14:59 | Report Abuse

every company has one key and main source/boost contract field that can generate profit in short/long term, which the investors have faith and that's the reason for growth in that company.
As a wise investor, all of us should know this key field.
Eg. IWCity -- Bandar Malaysia /SKH -- ?? (you should know by now)
IF this main key suddenly disappears/delayed/stopped, by all means, you need to run as fast as possible, without any hesitation..you'll only get burnt hard if you're still naively believe the empty bunker, by then you can only blame urself.


2017-05-15 09:44 | Report Abuse

once qtr report reveals, it is the time where the cruel truth will reveal ...


2017-05-12 10:04 | Report Abuse

that project delay alone can cause huge blow to SKH's profit as it is expected to contribute to the company's growth in short term. It is a 181-mil project and with this delay (with no period specified), the company future profit will be stagnant and their effort in profit diversifying into property sectors will be in vain. Unless, unless they get new contract in near future, otherwise it is likely the share price will drop back to where it previously floats about..if you know where the level is.


2017-03-27 16:02 | Report Abuse

price dropped just because of someone dumping the shares? or is there any other factors that we overlooked? hmm...

News & Blogs

2017-03-02 09:53 | Report Abuse

wltan22, can teach where to look for exercise value?


2017-03-01 15:19 | Report Abuse

almost at resistance level d, floating starts =D


2017-03-01 10:14 | Report Abuse

it may take time to gain investors' confidence back, as profit money is always attractive..none can deny that =P
If follow graph recovery trending, bouncing back close to 0.6 is likely possible, but won't be so drastic as how it went down yesterday...it is gonna take time, probably in 1 week time or so.


2017-02-28 16:25 | Report Abuse

FX Lee, nothing much info i said this morning, i just checked on graph movement statistically, and query if the price will drop down to bottom low at 0.505 level of last year december, based on its moving trend past few days...
someone even scold me leh ask me to go back study what company work..duh >.<


2017-02-28 16:13 | Report Abuse

Management actually said they have rectified the causes and was trying to tackle it since early this year. This statement sounds like they actually roughly can estimate how much the losses would be...
Pang123, it is actually 800+ mil projects in their hands, in first 2 months of this year, sound promising. If they can control the losses well, next q should be able to recover bit.


2017-02-28 15:55 | Report Abuse

it was to my surprise that what I've said this morning become real...back to 0.505 dip as dec 16.


2017-02-28 10:57 | Report Abuse

problem is with that '' if ''...no one knows who and what is cooking behind the scene, until the moment it revealed itself


2017-02-28 10:31 | Report Abuse

most likely ppl trying to secure profit taking before the uncertainties of report release...


2017-02-28 10:08 | Report Abuse

will it drop to bottom dip of dec last year 0.505?