
enning22 | Joined since 2014-07-04

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2017-02-07 14:58 | Report Abuse

Target price is rm5 -rm6, anybody disagree??

News & Blogs

2017-02-07 10:53 | Report Abuse

tongkak policy, ended up in wheel chair policy.


2017-02-06 10:34 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2017-02-03 16:26 | Report Abuse

if you put too much enthusiasm on religion, you are having a mentality of going backword,which counter to forwarding looking, progressive ,scientific culture .That is reason causing many countries trapped in chaos and civil wars,like it is today in middle east.


2017-02-03 16:03 | Report Abuse

for ref : JAN production : IOI -12% , KLK -6% , SOP -14% , Felda -10% , Kretam -12%


2017-02-03 15:38 | Report Abuse

@Adamtee 应该是新股民,过度担心,是不利投资。大起大落,分分钟引发心脏病,血压过高病。第一次投资吗?选择此种植股是保守行为,需要耐心等待。有耐心就有报酬的。二月底有季度报告出庐。应该利好。


2017-02-03 15:03 | Report Abuse

don't get bedazzle, production decline is an annual, seasonal affair, production will pick up by April, gradually increase and peak by September/October,then slowly decline there on. The important factor for plantation counter, is the selling price of CPO, if can maintained above rm 2500 per tonne, plantation houses are making good profit,the cost is rm1600 /tonne

News & Blogs

2017-01-31 16:39 | Report Abuse



2017-01-26 00:15 | Report Abuse



2017-01-24 12:11 | Report Abuse

as regard to SYOP production contribution, we see a increase, if we take monthly production figure of SOP as reported as january 2017 (FFB 86K tonnes)and January 2016 (76k tonnes).reasonable increase,as we know , not all syop plants are in matured productive stage.


2017-01-23 16:14 | Report Abuse

wish you good luck, have a good holiday, reenter when next wave begins


2017-01-19 14:07 | Report Abuse



2017-01-19 08:23 | Report Abuse

if vietnam project turns in reasonable profit, there are plenty of room for growth, as plentiful opportunities available in Vietnam.


2017-01-18 00:52 | Report Abuse

annual seasonal decline in production is generally expected,this should not be a surprise. the decline is gradual , lowest by February and production will only pick up as from early April.This is a seasonal production pattern, experienced every year. Currently supply of oil is tight, and you will see CPO market price is trending up .Demand is comfortably good, that is important.


2017-01-17 17:21 | Report Abuse

u really think so ?? holiday market , let some people need to square their book,to be away,


2017-01-17 15:52 | Report Abuse



2017-01-17 15:45 | Report Abuse

sometimes big plantations which have mills , can also buy ffb from small holders, to produce more cpo.


2017-01-17 15:37 | Report Abuse

ffb =fresh fruit bunches; ffb crushed to get cpo( crude palm oil).syop =??


2017-01-15 10:22 | Report Abuse

fertiliser is an issue ,but not a big issue, costing has increase in certain %, but not in big way.the fact is , you need not applying fertiliser every day to the plant


2017-01-15 10:05 | Report Abuse

let the next quarterly report,out in Frebruary dispells all your worry.For shinyang plantation purchase price,you may think was high, but by next year, you will think it is cheap. The psychological factor in valuation actually depends on CPO selling price. Whether CPO could still fetch reasonably good price in the future is vital issue,in the investment decision making.IN the bigger picture ,the current state of global oils and fats market,we saw there is strong expansion in demand,particulally in soyabean(meal and oil) while limited room for supply to increase in any hefty way.Many consumers alternatively turn to palmoil for future supply.So up to you to judge.


2017-01-14 12:11 | Report Abuse

both are gems , shining bright.


2017-01-14 11:35 | Report Abuse

coming quarterly report will be out sometimes in Febrebuary,expected to be better than last quarter;therefore it is no need to be too much of farts about this or that. FFB production in seasonal decline, as usual is expected,it is national common phenomena, experienced by all plantations in the country.


2017-01-12 23:29 | Report Abuse

chief minister sarawak passed away, observe 7 days mourning,

News & Blogs

2017-01-12 14:58 | Report Abuse

you don't understand dynamic nature of businesses and economy in general , they could transform, but before transformation really happens, junk is still junk, intrinsic value ,and growth principles, still apply.

News & Blogs

2017-01-12 12:09 | Report Abuse

"value stock investing" and "growth stock investing" are two basic principles we need to bear in mind. Junk stock investing are for gamblers not investors.

News & Blogs

2017-01-12 10:13 | Report Abuse

或者他根本就没概念,名之为“无法胜有法”;“无概念胜有概念”。PE ratio很重要,但是,未来的PE ratio预测却是关键,主导股价的升降。这考验着你的知识和智慧。


2017-01-12 10:02 | Report Abuse

houses, furniture etc, need timber , right?


2017-01-11 23:57 | Report Abuse

if timber price recovered , as world economy moves on recovery path, good prospect ahead.collect some in your portfoleo.

News & Blogs

2017-01-11 18:01 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2017-01-09 16:25 | Report Abuse

has eaten too much "big head vege".


2017-01-08 16:33 | Report Abuse

check the monthly production figure , very small, 5000 tonnes CPO per month,look like a small plantation holder, .....the big share holders are property developer, ..so you see the link, explaining why the need to buy high price property.

News & Blogs

2017-01-07 14:53 | Report Abuse

it is true that china import of palm oil has reduced recently,in quite a big percentage, but her import of soyabean has increase significantly,latest projection estimates to reach 80 millions tonnes form 70 miilions last year.Soyabean can be crushed and produce two products , soyaoil and soyameal. Soyameal is important for animal-feed industry in China , as the expansion of demand of meat has increased significantly as people there become more welloff. with more soyabean going to China, less soyabean and soya oil availability to the rest of the world, less competation exists globally .Palmoil actually indirectly benefited, as other consumer-countries need to increase the percentage of palmoil,from the import-mix,to satisfy their consumers demand.


2017-01-06 15:07 | Report Abuse

SOP recently gave right issue, for the purchase of new plantation, and new share need sometime to be digested in the market,


2017-01-06 09:55 | Report Abuse

@probability--- don't be stingy, pay bonus to workers, let them share abit of the result of business good fortune.


2017-01-05 11:45 | Report Abuse

already in ,that is why last a month or two, mkt price not moving , digesting new shares,pls go and read up the various posts under sop column.


2017-01-05 11:29 | Report Abuse

SOP right issue already over , priced at rm2.80. Look don't just keep under rader, keep in the portfolio,or else miss the opprtunity.


2017-01-05 11:15 | Report Abuse

LCchong data chart is worthless, more to this it could confuse you, currently market is moving fast, just keep focused on selected few is enough.


2017-01-05 10:51 | Report Abuse

SOP is another gem, Jaya tiasa could be good, if the timber sector not giving trouble..


2017-01-04 10:31 | Report Abuse

if without irregularity of any kind, being honest management, sky is the limit,.


2017-01-04 00:45 | Report Abuse

i think still got room to move higher, at the same time,you must keep tracking CPO selling price,if maintain at or above rm3000 per ton,lucrative profit for plantation house.Timber/log price is another important factor,if price recover strongly, as global economy is holding on very well ,we should hold tight with our stock.


2017-01-03 16:57 | Report Abuse

getting rid off eagle height burden ,Fgv finally able to rise up from icu bed in (intensive care unit).


2017-01-03 12:21 | Report Abuse

sorry lah @007 aka @jealous chaishen, Taann broke rm 4.00 mark, and the next target price would be likely rm 5.00. but i am not suggesting or recommending anyone to go in at this high level.


2017-01-03 11:43 | Report Abuse

cpo production down is due to seasonal factor,all plantations too are experiencing this seasonal decline.timber price i think is about to recover, as Japanese economy is starting to improve , with healthy growth in GDP reported.This certainly would benefit the Japanese property market.India economy is in top form.These two countries are the largest comsumers of sarawak timber.


2017-01-02 15:06 | Report Abuse

please be fair to kyy, due to human limitation ,his words had been 50% right , 50 % fallasy. so you have to exercise respective intellectual analysis and differentiate.
02/01/2017 15:03


2017-01-02 14:50 | Report Abuse

EPF sold completely their holding of FGV , not taann.on the other hand taann directors continue to acquire more taann shares; anyone want to sell , please sell to taann directors, they are more than willing to acquire.


2017-01-01 23:22 | Report Abuse

stupid are those cannot differentiate short term speculation from longer term investment, this is why you need to study more. reading and learning are good for you..


2017-01-01 17:37 | Report Abuse

why average price of cpo in 2017 is presumed to be rm3000, actually it could be just over rm2000, then everything is just bullshit, It was believed the price high was due to el nino heat wave which cut productions in these two producing countries,with the heat wave became history, and high production pattern back into normal, the chances of price decline is highly realistic.


2016-12-29 10:30 | Report Abuse

malaysia is in the midst of recession,and you still hope for many lucrative projects coming out from the air for gadang?? sorry lah.


2016-12-28 10:37 | Report Abuse

look at samchem , report show strong business growth in Vietnam and indonesia, luxchem also had established subsidiaries in these two countries, need to see the result.