
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2019-08-29 21:37 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... Keep it Simple...All decisions are acceptable...Invest, trade or Sell...All depend on the person experience, knowledge n risk appetite... Everyone has their own choice n success or failure... it's our own undertaking n nothing whatsoever...GL...!!!


2019-08-29 21:00 | Report Abuse

Future is Promising...But Not everyone has the Gut...To See...Past is Over... Present is to Analyse...Future need Gut to sense it...!!!


2019-08-29 19:01 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... Amazon of Travel...Now Everyone Can Travel... that's the future of AA... Don't look backward so much...80%...Must be forward n need lot of...Patience...!!!


2019-08-28 20:22 | Report Abuse

Hehehe... AirAsia Group... Probably trying to restructure to be somehow like Virgin Group...Well...Need lot of patience...I think overall... Teleport...@>100%...others will increase proportionally going forward... Slapping a Liquidation Value...@12Billion...@3.60...!!!


2019-08-28 14:32 | Report Abuse

How to value...AA...Now becoming assets light airlines business model...!!!... Probably study Uncle Klarmans 3 methods...!!!???


2019-08-28 14:23 | Report Abuse

PENTA-NPV N Market Valuation are relevant- Liquidation Value/Cash Value- Irrelevant...!!!


2019-08-27 19:49 | Report Abuse

Automation/Autonomous/EV... Explosive Growth...@>33%...!!!


2019-08-26 19:51 | Report Abuse



2019-08-24 18:52 | Report Abuse

Good... Advantage for ATE, FAS, EMS, OSAT...Spade Cards are for SEA countries... hehehe...Buy on Weakness...!!!...Be fearless when others are fearful...And please understand your own business...But there certain type of people who are so... desperate n headless don't know what they are doing in other people business...In Singlish... it's called...'KayPoh'...!!!


2019-08-19 13:03 | Report Abuse

CGS-CIMB Research raises target price for Pentamaster on better-than-expected 2Q earnings |


2019-08-18 15:18 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... Target...@4.00...First with PE multiple of...>@25... Predictions of next two quarters... that's 2019... Financial result...@Feb, 2020...I think should be okay...with less Margin of Error...@>5.00...Hold...GL...!!!


2019-08-17 18:24 | Report Abuse

Ha...PENTA... management didn't start to be KESM, MMSV, AEMULUS... ELSOFT is diversifying a bit this the results will reflect next year. Same like Inari, Gtronic. Before that PENTA was struggling to change...few years back...Now they saw it and conquer it...but technology can change very, very they cannot have complacency high technology business. Anyway now the world is in this Supernova we are going to see many, many more gadgets n unbelievable machines, etc...Be prepared...!!!


2019-08-17 15:07 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...@25% yoy increase of cash flow...What a fantastic earnings growth prospects...!!!...So how to buy company with above DY...20%...5 years return of capital. Probably you need to average down your cost of capital when price increase 50%...the best is 100%...become zero cost. Many people don't know when to lower down cost of capital...and holdings wait for better opportunities...!!! Buffett holding ton of cash n equivalent...US121B... that's foolish it's...???...But he bought Amazon recently...PE...73x...???...Great business or otherwise...???...!!!


2019-08-17 14:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... Probably there are people still in efficient the deploying company cash flow...creating more cash flow...they already deployed some cash for bonus share...But still have increasing cash flow. Probably they are more efficient than KESM...and even ELSOFT or VITROX. They are daring enough to venture first into these automation testing and system few years back. I think ELSOFT just started this year...and KESM n MMSV still lagging behind because of led n semiconductor slow down, due to trade war. That's why Investing in forward earnings growth prospects company can be very, very challenging. Either you win big...or you lose big or cut lost...!!! Some people just don't have the temperament. These are probably for younger generation...who are still working...n not for retirees...who need dividend. But in the long run... probably you will win bigger cash then just dividend yield... unless you can buy stock that give you...DY...10-12%...So your capital return will be less than 5 years. That's a wonderful company at reasonable price...your capital appreciation will be very much faster. So don't be a Fool...Even Uncle Buffett sold his holdings when price are unreasonable... hehehe...!!!


2019-08-16 15:17 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...those who think... SuperPenta don't have earnings growth prospects... especially the guy who bought at...@3.65...Just Sell loh...!!!...If not after go down 3.00...He jumps down from KLCC...So many uncertainties at present scenarios...lot of risks...But PENTA is in what type of business model...???... Financial crisis n recession all shares will drop... It's not the downside... it's how fast the downside can be an upside... when you invest in a sunrise industry... Sometimes low price can go down lower...if you buy an earnings decreasing company. That's why Investing is looking forward n not backward...n can be very challenging...!!!


2019-08-16 15:04 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...@Isv1977final...So.... optimistic...Not so fast probably...@4.20...Present PE...25x...@TTM...EPS...@0.168...Target Only...!!!...In two years s time probably...@7.00...if no other unforseen circumstances happening...GL...!!!


2019-08-15 17:01 | Report Abuse

US 2-yr.Treasury yield is higher than its 10-yr..Causing an inverted yield curve...a recession warning... interest rates need to cut again. Other then this scenario, plus trade war uncertainty, overall market Sentiments is in a yo-yo directions. Green quarter going forward... achievable...But still very mixed trends going forward. Keep this one... probably at least...@2-yr...Hold...!!!


2019-08-14 15:51 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...I think many people don't know how to differentiate between conservative earnings growth, erratic n cyclical earnings, negative earnings, plus above average n wonderful earnings growth prospects company. Of course earnings growth will stabilise at certain points of time, and these companies become matured n become conservative earnings, insync with GDP, n overall buying power from consumers. So there are PE n PEG for its market valuation, where the crowd will determine. For negative n cyclical earnings growth we cannot estimate its free cash flow. So probably you use its floor or cash, or net current asset value. For purely assets class like REIT, business trust, financial institutions, book value n Dupont ROA is appropriate analysis. Don't understand the business model it's better don't invest. Don't be like FOMO...Fear of Missing Out...!!!


2019-08-13 18:00 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... Good...But be more conservative N think of Margin of Safety...Of course SuperPenta...Cash Flow growth is fantastic...We need to estimate its growth prospects...10-yrs forward earnings growth...Should be around...@22.50...PEG...that's PE/G...Must be below...@1.0...Maximum PE to be reasonable should be probably below...@27x...Put Value for fantastic earnings growth prospects company... TQ...!!!


2019-08-12 17:44 | Report Abuse

Economies of Scale...!!!...AA...Yes/No... hehehe...!!!
Malaysia Airlines joins peers in seeking JVs |


2019-08-12 15:22 | Report Abuse

Read N Learn N use your Intuition to Invest...!!!
Invest in sustainable earnings growth prospects company...!!!


2019-08-09 16:03 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Like what Uncle Buffett said about Intrinsic Value...when people ask him...He answers...'That's the Hard Parts'...If it's not to justify my salary...!!!???...So you think intrinsic value just combination of few numbers n ratios... What's it tangible book value...n its intangible assets value...!!!...???


2019-08-09 15:42 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...No such thing as...Please shoot up to...???...And there are nothing to show off anyway or any which way in the stock markets...Because there are so many cunning sharks swimming around to eat you are just a baby pup...that don't recognise those sharks...???....I doubt you are so innocent.. hehehe...!!!


2019-08-09 15:30 | Report Abuse

Market Cap... Should be above...RM 10.28B...Comparing wz its peers of same number of assets n employees... Patience...!!!


2019-08-09 11:28 | Report Abuse

@3.65...Average Price...First thing you know why, what, n how you must do...your this probably unreasonable Price...???.... Investing is a very, very risky business...Do you know what type of business your are Investing...???... Probably your relatives and parents just ignored you at this Price...!!!...They should know PENTA cash value, or working capital is only...@0.78...and its NCAV is only...@0.88...!!!... It's just plain ignorant to sailang or using Margin at this Price...???...I don't want and afraid to see someone gone crazy...looking for a hole to jump...from KLCC...if there are unforseen circumstances...when its market value depreciate towards its floor value or tangible book value of...@0.78...!!!???


2019-08-08 16:54 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...those who Hold... Super PENTA...for the past 1-yr... already capital gains...@81%...And those who Hold above the past 5-yrs... capital gains a whopping...3,100%. Comparing with VITROX...the past 10-yrs...Hold...also capital gains...@3,400%. But VITROX earnings growth almost peaked...this 1-yr capital gains is...<@10%... hahaha...!!!


2019-08-07 10:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyah pity him lah...he has bipolar disorder...Time bomb lah...danger for him n others...Let it be...Let it be...The Beatles... hohoho...!!!


2019-08-06 17:02 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Just because DJ dropped 750 points...panic selling...N... those who dare or contrarian enough already profited...@0.26...within one trading day... that's why day trading is so...easy meh..,???...!!!!


2019-08-06 15:03 | Report Abuse

Aiyah...rate cut, recession fear, financial crisis circumstances, anything are all from the crowd fear this and that. Of course Investing is all about business fundamental... it's a sunrise business or sunset business or it's a defensive type where earnings are erratic or conservative earnings growth. The most important is a business that's growing in terms of sales, stable margins, n Profit growth prospects. In the long, long run please find ways to lower down your cost of capital, to protect yourself from sudden or unforseen circumstances market value decline... during financial crisis, recession, geopolitical tension, interest rates increase, etc. These ways you have 100%...Margin of Safety...think of downside First...where roughly is the company floor value, dividend support value, or cash value. Nothing is perfect of course...but when your data n reasoning are almost don't anyhow listen to the crowd. The crowd agree or don't agree doesn't matter at all...Be an independent thinker or contrarian that makes sense whatsoever...TQ.