
greedy44444 | Joined since 2020-04-22

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2021-01-29 06:33 | Report Abuse

Market trading not just one or two can’t fight the big boys every trading day, look at GameStop price today, only last for one day.

News & Blogs

2021-01-29 06:29 | Report Abuse

How long you could fight them ? Seems GameStop only last for one day. Today dropped more than 44% !


2021-01-29 06:07 | Report Abuse

@Pyh96, you got buy any pnepcb ? I don't think so. Why you so busybody ? Those who bought at 40 cents also never complained. You're the one should stop talking cock here. Go somewhere else if you got nothing to show. Don't bark here.


2021-01-29 00:54 | Report Abuse

After one year covid-19 caused havoc all over the world now only this lohchin stock wanted to get involved with covid related venture ??


2021-01-29 00:53 | Report Abuse

Everyday good news...apa pon takde. No wonder only bloggers and their taiko laughing to the bank but small fish crying to ah long for help !


2021-01-28 20:36 | Report Abuse

The most sting rubbish stock giving cny angpow daily starting tomorrow


2021-01-28 17:03 | Report Abuse

Beware of getting burn again... don't waste your angpow money here. Today could earn 10k the next day could lose 20k. Stay alert until 5pm if you want to play this goreng stock.


2021-01-28 16:57 | Report Abuse

Nothing positive news to support the sharp rise. Seems con stock is making a comeback. Those suffered heavy losses last round still never learned ??

News & Blogs

2021-01-28 16:57 | Report Abuse

Nothing positive news to support the sharp rise. Seems con stock is making a comeback. Those suffered heavy losses still never learned ??


2021-01-28 16:52 | Report Abuse

Other bourses down a lot because of high valuations. Our bursa is out of touch with indices hardly move for the past years. So no effect on bursa. Up a lot and then correct a lot too common in share trading. Tenaga share price still very cheap compare to those goreng stocks.


2021-01-28 11:52 | Report Abuse

@deMusangking, no money buy 100 units also can mah. Musang King not laku ke ?


2021-01-28 11:49 | Report Abuse

@Pyh96, come join me at Tenaga. You going to love the show there.


2021-01-28 11:20 | Report Abuse

After MCO surely rocket to RM11


2021-01-28 11:19 | Report Abuse

@princehero, read their annual report


2021-01-28 11:17 | Report Abuse

Seems like this naive small fish pyh96 like to see other ppl loss money in share market. Even other ppl loss money also non of your business la...why so busybody ? It's their money not your father's money !! Karma will strike you soon for your bad attitude. Bertaubatlah Pyh96 b4 it's too late.


2021-01-28 11:10 | Report Abuse

@pyh96, how you know I lost a lot of money in PNEPCB ? Syiok sendiri ? I cheated you all along with comments here you also don't know. Seems you're laughing at me that cheated you from the beginning. Really dumb right ? Next time be smarter a bit. Don't believe what ppl comment here 100%. Pity you too naive to trust stranger.


2021-01-28 11:08 | Report Abuse

@Bemillion, I also wait at 20 cents...sailang !


2021-01-27 21:10 | Report Abuse

KWAP is buying aggressively... they also noticed at below 10 is a bargain price for a blue chip like Tenaga


2021-01-27 21:09 | Report Abuse

Tenaga below 10 is a good buy. Definitely gives good returns soon... better than FD.


2021-01-27 21:03 | Report Abuse

Rubbish big show coming soon... watch out for the anak rubbish Friday...wd 3 cents for sure !


2021-01-26 13:26 | Report Abuse

I'm waiting at around 40 cents. No hurry just enjoy the show.


2021-01-26 13:25 | Report Abuse

Guess today red or green ? Still waiting at 20 cents ? Good luck guys !


2021-01-26 13:22 | Report Abuse

Why no one makan wd at 2.5 cents ? Want to wait for 5 cents only makan this anak rubbish ??


2021-01-26 07:55 | Report Abuse

Some naive small fish here thought buy in shares just for few days excitement. They not even understand what is smart investment where you put your money in a stock with no negative news but just human act that push down the price of the stock. When not many contra players around the stock price will definitely find its fair prices although it takes time. Just buy and keep lo...why so difficult ?? If you don't have enough capital to invest then you just enjoy your stay here with your brainless comments. Continue to enjoy the show@pyh96


2021-01-26 07:46 | Report Abuse

Kiasi ppl like you just enjoy the show here


2021-01-26 07:43 | Report Abuse

@Pyh96, let's see who has the last laugh

News & Blogs

2021-01-25 18:59 | Report Abuse

Be patience guys...waiting at 20-25 cents to sapu another 50m shares. Drop more means i could buy at cheaper price. Thank you sellers for your generosity. Hope the price drop more days to come.


2021-01-24 16:16 | Report Abuse

Pity gemfinder nothing else to post already, just force to recycle the old news. Seeing TG up another 23 cents must felt very painful to swallow. RSS bosses and CBC must be very disappointed with him. Same fate like Trump is waiting for gemfinder. You're fired !!!


2021-01-23 13:24 | Report Abuse

Jpmrgn TP for Topglov is 3.50 !! What a big joke !! Just like one investment bank setting TP for AAX as 0 cent !! What is the price of AAX today ?? Only fools will believe IBs price target.


2021-01-23 13:16 | Report Abuse

No negative news to warrant the sharp drop in PNEPCB share price. Price down because some sellers too naive to trust the report by the convicted insider trading from US that glove demand and ASP will drop sharply this year. This unethical investment entity from US is definitely cannot be trusted. Only fools will believe their reports.


2021-01-22 20:42 | Report Abuse

I'm very sure my investment here will double or triple when PNEPCB officially become the glove producer.


2021-01-22 20:39 | Report Abuse

No problem, I'm capable of keeping PNEPCB share until they sell their first glove. Just transferred money from bank to PNEPCB. Already earned enough interest from wb yesterday....could cover my holding in PNEPCB until they sell their first glove.


2021-01-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

Many contra players already cleared most of their holdings


2021-01-22 16:54 | Report Abuse

No much selling already... next week surely rebound to 40 cents


2021-01-22 16:44 | Report Abuse

Sailang 30 cents !!!!


2021-01-22 16:31 | Report Abuse

Closing 32 cents !!!


2021-01-22 16:31 | Report Abuse

Lowest already...30 cents sailang all !


2021-01-22 07:45 | Report Abuse

Glove business definitely will bring huge profit to the company in the long run.


2021-01-22 07:44 | Report Abuse

30 cents sailang... happy waiting for those at 20 or 25 cents. Target by cny, the price will rebound to 40 cents, at least. Better than put money in the bank. One month returns definitely higher than bank's interest.

News & Blogs

2021-01-21 00:23 | Report Abuse

Jan. 18, 2021By Sarah Mervosh
Source: The New York Times

The California state epidemiologist has recommended that the state pause the distribution of more than 330,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine after a “higher than usual” number of people showed signs of a possible severe allergic reaction.

The recommendation comes at a dire moment in California, which is experiencing one of the most acute outbreaks in the nation. About 40,000 people are testing positive each day — the equivalent of the daily caseload for the entire United States as recently as September — and California’s hospital beds are filling up.

The state epidemiologist, Dr. Erica S. Pan, made the recommendation “out of an extreme abundance of caution” after several people who received the vaccine at one community clinic needed medical attention in the span of 24 hours. Each appeared to experience a possible “severe” allergic reaction, and officials recommended not using other vaccines from that batch until an investigation was completed, the health department said in a statement on Sunday.

Unreliable vaccine !!


2021-01-21 00:21 | Report Abuse

Jan. 18, 2021By Sarah Mervosh
Source: The New York Times

The California state epidemiologist has recommended that the state pause the distribution of more than 330,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine after a “higher than usual” number of people showed signs of a possible severe allergic reaction.

The recommendation comes at a dire moment in California, which is experiencing one of the most acute outbreaks in the nation. About 40,000 people are testing positive each day — the equivalent of the daily caseload for the entire United States as recently as September — and California’s hospital beds are filling up.

The state epidemiologist, Dr. Erica S. Pan, made the recommendation “out of an extreme abundance of caution” after several people who received the vaccine at one community clinic needed medical attention in the span of 24 hours. Each appeared to experience a possible “severe” allergic reaction, and officials recommended not using other vaccines from that batch until an investigation was completed, the health department said in a statement on Sunday.

Unreliable vaccine...more dangerous variants coming soon !


2021-01-20 22:39 | Report Abuse

Kiasi small fish at AAX and AirAsia forum kicked themselves everyday when its prices went up to 8.5 cents and 93.5 cents respectively. I'm very sure kiasi small fish here will kick themselves too when PNEPCB went up to 80 cents if covid-19 failed to contain this year especially when vaccines not be able to eliminate covid-19 or different variants of covid-19 exploding worldwide.


2021-01-20 21:39 | Report Abuse

Unreliable vaccine


2021-01-20 21:39 | Report Abuse

Jan. 18, 2021By Sarah Mervosh
Source: The New York Times

The California state epidemiologist has recommended that the state pause the distribution of more than 330,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine after a “higher than usual” number of people showed signs of a possible severe allergic reaction.

The recommendation comes at a dire moment in California, which is experiencing one of the most acute outbreaks in the nation. About 40,000 people are testing positive each day — the equivalent of the daily caseload for the entire United States as recently as September — and California’s hospital beds are filling up.

The state epidemiologist, Dr. Erica S. Pan, made the recommendation “out of an extreme abundance of caution” after several people who received the vaccine at one community clinic needed medical attention in the span of 24 hours. Each appeared to experience a possible “severe” allergic reaction, and officials recommended not using other vaccines from that batch until an investigation was completed, the health department said in a statement on Sunday.


2021-01-20 21:38 | Report Abuse

Unreliable vaccine


2021-01-20 21:38 | Report Abuse

Jan. 18, 2021By Sarah Mervosh
Source: The New York Times

The California state epidemiologist has recommended that the state pause the distribution of more than 330,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine after a “higher than usual” number of people showed signs of a possible severe allergic reaction.

The recommendation comes at a dire moment in California, which is experiencing one of the most acute outbreaks in the nation. About 40,000 people are testing positive each day — the equivalent of the daily caseload for the entire United States as recently as September — and California’s hospital beds are filling up.

The state epidemiologist, Dr. Erica S. Pan, made the recommendation “out of an extreme abundance of caution” after several people who received the vaccine at one community clinic needed medical attention in the span of 24 hours. Each appeared to experience a possible “severe” allergic reaction, and officials recommended not using other vaccines from that batch until an investigation was completed, the health department said in a statement on Sunday.


2021-01-20 21:37 | Report Abuse

Jan. 18, 2021By Sarah Mervosh
Source: The New York Times

The California state epidemiologist has recommended that the state pause the distribution of more than 330,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine after a “higher than usual” number of people showed signs of a possible severe allergic reaction.

The recommendation comes at a dire moment in California, which is experiencing one of the most acute outbreaks in the nation. About 40,000 people are testing positive each day — the equivalent of the daily caseload for the entire United States as recently as September — and California’s hospital beds are filling up.

The state epidemiologist, Dr. Erica S. Pan, made the recommendation “out of an extreme abundance of caution” after several people who received the vaccine at one community clinic needed medical attention in the span of 24 hours. Each appeared to experience a possible “severe” allergic reaction, and officials recommended not using other vaccines from that batch until an investigation was completed, the health department said in a statement on Sunday.


2021-01-20 21:21 | Report Abuse

@Pyh96, for your information my investment in bursamalaysia since the pandemic is among the best in my share investment history as I always chose to buy low when everyone so scared of buying. Just keep the share and wait for it to rebound strongly then you going to gain a lot with your patience. DON'T PLAY CONTRA if you don't want to lose your hard-earned money !!