
gweilo | Joined since 2013-10-04

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2014-07-30 16:50 | Report Abuse

Oh and yeah now both mrcb and uems seem to have got their s*it together and will move too by end of the year. I don't like these companies but when they move they really move !


2014-07-30 16:48 | Report Abuse

what do i say now ? BUY MULPHA !


2014-07-30 16:48 | Report Abuse

and yeah insas what i wrote when ot was 50 sen !


Oct 4, 2013 05:11 PM | Report Abuse

the chart looks fantastic the news is all positive and the share buyback is just beginning in earnest. i've rarely seen such convergence of reasons to buy a share especially one selling at 35% of its nav and with tones of cash and short term investments! it's like a GOLD mine !!!


2014-07-30 16:43 | Report Abuse

Mphbcap was 1.7 when I reco last November n hit 2.6 last friday.
E&O was 1.9 when I reco last November now 3 RM !


2014-07-30 16:35 | Report Abuse

What I wrote 8 months ago. Please check my track record against prices now.

Nov 26, 2013 10:04 PM | Report Abuse

I can oso see MPHBCAP at RM 3 in a year or less. These are my two favorites at the moment. Taitai oso own E&O which suffer a bit from the budget but again I see RM 3 in a year or less based on what they have going in Penang, She Oso keep Media Prima and Magnum for dividends. She gonna dump mrcb, johan, uems and put proceeds in Insas, Mulpha may keep it as not be doing nothin but ya know i got dis feeling about it surprising her. dunno. maybe she oso dump it and put in mphbcap.


2014-07-30 16:22 | Report Abuse

yeah warrant be good ! maybe I arbitrage my 1 million insas shares for 2 million warrants !


2014-07-30 16:21 | Report Abuse

Like I said earlier reason insas not rise much yet is cause it still be months away and several approvals needed beforehand so nobody gonna tie up themselves until it be a sure thing. Once it is it gonna skyrocket cause it be free money manz !


2014-07-30 15:02 | Report Abuse

i told you long ago not to try and play games wif insas or you will lose. buy it and forget it and you will later wake up a rich man.


2014-07-30 15:01 | Report Abuse

of cos not ! he dun want no gamblers ! he wan investing partners who will all get rich.


2014-07-30 14:47 | Report Abuse

do not let mulpha get away from you. it is oledi up 9 sen since i recommended it.


2014-07-30 14:03 | Report Abuse

sorry valueguru but anytime you get not one but TWO IN THE MONEY WARRANTS for FREE it is indeed manna from heaven. Too good to be true. I ken understand why you are so bewildered.


2014-07-30 12:50 | Report Abuse

honestly i buy more and more. all i can. now get feeling i am getting richer by the minute. just imagine insas goes to 2. warrants be at least 1 each that be 2+1+1 or FOUR RINGGIT !!!!!!! who can be so dumb not to wan ? oh wait ! value guru that's who !!! maybe he gimme his warrants for free ? ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


2014-07-30 12:16 | Report Abuse

ah ha ha hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha value guru kenna not figure out why company want to give back to its shareholders ! earlier they bitch no dividend now can get 8% on rps and still BITCH. Get free warrant BITCH. Insas share triple BITCH OF COURSE ! No pleasing some people.


2014-07-30 12:10 | Report Abuse

Free warrants are greatest thing. two warrants + mother share easily be DUA RINGGIT DUA RINGGIT !!!


2014-07-30 11:41 | Report Abuse

me. i buy more!


2014-07-29 13:01 | Report Abuse

how can insas ever go up when market is closed for two days ?


2014-07-29 10:17 | Report Abuse

No wonder Malaysia can't progress, Always wanna lie down and not work.


2014-07-29 10:01 | Report Abuse

why isn't klse open today ? I thought holiday was yesterday ?


2014-07-28 18:12 | Report Abuse

yes of course. buy good value when low and wait to sell high is the secret. i always lose when i play the trading game but i never lose when investing. this is true of most i think.


2014-07-28 12:47 | Report Abuse

Let's hope wall street is up a hundred points plus tonight and then we will have a nice ride tomorrow.


2014-07-27 18:58 | Report Abuse

i also shout it at 0.40-0.50 !


2014-07-27 16:38 | Report Abuse

ah i see i see.


2014-07-27 12:38 | Report Abuse

good buy now at 2.46. collect 6% dividend and wait to sell at rm3 for additional 20% capital gain in a year or less.


2014-07-27 12:33 | Report Abuse

this counter way undervalued now.


2014-07-27 12:31 | Report Abuse

can at least eat some goblins.


2014-07-27 12:30 | Report Abuse

anybody who leaves their email address here is well .... CRAZY !!!


2014-07-27 12:00 | Report Abuse

i also do not want dividend. I am just saying Bank Negara should have NO say in such matters !!!


2014-07-27 11:31 | Report Abuse

yeah capgain excellent BUT in principle bank negara should not have any say nor any right in any dividend payments. it is NOT their money ! It's MINE !!!!!!


2014-07-27 10:48 | Report Abuse

why does bank negara have to approve dividend anyway ? do they own the company? it's NOT their money ! It belongs to the shareholders !!!


2014-07-27 10:46 | Report Abuse

i playing mphbcap, e&o and mulpha for huge gains so far in all three following my triple in insas.


2014-07-26 21:24 | Report Abuse

If you want dividend RPS is very attractive at 8% yield based on 50 sen cost when offset by sale of warrants.


2014-07-26 16:41 | Report Abuse

ten percent rise in one day and there seems to be no news or media commentary on why? why!


2014-07-26 13:50 | Report Abuse

I expect Insas to strengthen on this news but not too much because thge approvals are not in place and it will not happen for months. Once it is approved and a done deal I then expect a bigger bigger move up. I would be a buyer here for sure.


2014-07-25 23:24 | Report Abuse

kful: Yes and that means an 8% dividend on the 50 sen price of the RPS if you pay for half of the RM1 cost with a 50 sen free profit from the warrants sold at 25 sen which is the minimum price they will ever sell at unless the insas main share price drops well below rm 1.25.


2014-07-25 23:18 | Report Abuse

ccs999: yes at least rm1 but more if you sell at the market beforehand should the price be higher.


2014-07-25 23:16 | Report Abuse

I also think the RPS will sell at a premium to RM1 with a market price guaranteed dividend of 4% which is higher than bank non-guaranteed interest at he moment so you may just be able to sell the rps early and make an even bigger immediate profit if you don't want collect the 8% dividend over time.

I simply can see nothing but GOOD coming from this for insas shareholders.


2014-07-25 23:08 | Report Abuse

lazycat: we do not know but i expect it to rise in advance and perhaps drop a bit after.
ccs999: yes. this is not stated that i saw. but i don;t care as i will take 8% (assuming i sell the warrants to pay for half the RPS) as long as i can get it !


2014-07-25 23:04 | Report Abuse

notebook: even if rps is not convertible you will get back a guaranteed rm1 at maturity and if you sell the warrants to pay for half of the purchase the rps will cost you only 50 sen and yield a dividend of EIGHT percent on your outlay ! Where are you going to get that kind of dividend yield!

Everybody bitching here about Insas dividen and now you have a chance to get EIGHT percent !!



2014-07-25 22:56 | Report Abuse

Warrants are free but price will be quote at least 25 sen when listed because the strike price is RM1 and the share price is 1.25RM. So the 2 warrants you get if you sell them at 25 sen are worth 50 sen (at least) in your pocket on day one. But you also get 1 RPS with a 4% dividend that will return you RM1 at maturity or earlier that you paid only 50 sen for (RM1 less the 50 sen you got back for free for selling the 2 warrants).

But if the warrants sell at a premium of say 50 sen instead of 25 sen than if you sell them at that price your rps are then FREE. You will be getting 4% on a FREE investment ! How good is that manz !!!

I hope this is clear enough cause it is a bit complicated but easy to grasp with a basic understanding of warrants and how they work,


2014-07-25 22:17 | Report Abuse

But remember this is a few months from happening and needs a few approvals so it's not instant money except the share price should move up based on the actual likelyhood of it being approved.


2014-07-25 22:14 | Report Abuse

so worst case is the rps cost you 50 sen net for which you get back rm1 at maturity.
sorry for these few errors in my thinking. it's because i am SO excited !!!


2014-07-25 22:07 | Report Abuse

sorry the warrant above with no premium is worth 25 sen not 50 so you need make some adjustments to what I said above but it does not change the picture much as i expect the warrants to sell at a big premium.


2014-07-25 22:05 | Report Abuse

that means warrant worth 50 sen with no premium so 2x warrant is rm1 which is the same price as the rps so you basically get the rps for free ! but you have to pay the rm1 up front for the rps and warrants and then if you sell the warrants you should get more than your money back and keep the then free rps. but i think the warrants will sell at a nice premium so you will do much better and even better still if you keep them. This is similar to the mphb deal with magnum last year where they spun off mphb capital and you got your money back ~RM1 to get a free share in mphb capital which just hit RM2.6 today !!!!! This is VERY good for insas shareholders. I told you patience would pay off !!!


2014-07-25 19:38 | Report Abuse

hey look at mphbcap i reco here at 1.5 a short time ago ! oso E&O and now Mulpha !


2014-07-24 20:29 | Report Abuse

Buy Mulpha !


2014-07-24 19:11 | Report Abuse

hope so, then i will buy a lot more !


2014-07-24 16:00 | Report Abuse
I recommended a month ago at .43 - 45 now look at it.


2014-07-24 02:25 | Report Abuse

oh and buy mulpha. it up 6 sen oledi.!