
gweilo | Joined since 2013-10-04

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2014-04-18 17:39 | Report Abuse

when is inari listing on main board? I thought it was supposed to be by end 2013 and now is April 2014 ?


2014-04-18 11:05 | Report Abuse

yes it's under accumulation now.


2014-04-17 13:58 | Report Abuse

we had a spike rise from .50 to 90 (40 sen) followed by a period of consolidation then we had another spike rise from .90 to 1.3 (40 sen) followed by a period of consolidation. Now I expect another spike rise from 1.3 to 1.7 (40 sen) followed by yet another period of consolidation.

Nothing ever goes straight up forever. After any real pop in price it is certain that there will be congestion, digestion and a shaking out of weak hands before the next "spike".

This doesn't always happen though and sometimes there is a slow and steady rise to fair value.
This is orderly and some might argue better for contra players but the market always tries to disappoint as many as possible.

I have this 90:10 rule that says 10% of investors take home 90% of the profits and 90% of investors take home 10% of the profits.


2014-04-17 08:20 | Report Abuse

another "jump" coming soon.


2014-04-15 22:00 | Report Abuse

Like I said though this time ground zero will be wall street, not asia. so, after the initial panic i think asia will recover and maybe even a lot higher because all the money will want to flee the USA and it has to go somewhere.


2014-04-15 21:54 | Report Abuse

Ukraine IS About The Death Of The Dollar


2014-04-15 21:53 | Report Abuse

You would also remember that it was impossible to sell and get out as the exchange was overloaded and flooded with sell orders. So even if you are a smart trader, your dead before you can get out.


2014-04-15 21:06 | Report Abuse

US numbers are all FAKE ! They are really desperate.


2014-04-15 20:54 | Report Abuse

Will Today's Stock Market Rally Last? Here's Greg Mannarino take.


2014-04-15 20:40 | Report Abuse

I got news for you. the usa hardly make anything anymore. no manufacturing, no jobs, 50+ million on the dole and printing 100 billion a month dollars with 17 TRILLION in debt! Are you shitting me? There is NO way they can manage the debt. Listen to this and learn !


2014-04-15 19:54 | Report Abuse

sori kenna mention any stocks but insas cause it upset Tori a lot.


2014-04-15 19:53 | Report Abuse

of cos i have experienced crash. trick is to get out ahead of time and not be greedy. US is going to crash and badly so I own no US stocks. Soros also bought tons of puts on the s&p recently. Buffet has been buying "real" property like railroads. all the smart money is out oledi. but asia will not be hurt anywhere near as badly as the usa this time. in fact after a brief spike down i expect asia to be the beneficiary of funds flowing OUT of the USA looking for a safer place because the US dollar is going to plunge. some experts think as much as a 80% drop before it's over. Why ? because it is the only way the US can ever hope to pay its debts, with cheap money.

also if you have good solid shares you can ride it out. if you had mercedes benz shares during the hyperinflation and crash of the weimar republic and held them they are worth a fortune now. the trick is only holding solid shares that won't go out of business during a depression but that may even thrive on one. shares like agriculture, food, oil, utilities we all need them even in a depression ! all the junk stocks will however disappear.

buy quality when it is depressed and you WILL always make money. if a depression intervenes you may have to hold it for a while, even years, but in the end you will make a profit still. but buy junk and you will be wiped out with nothing to hold even if you wanted to. i like gold now. I think it will be 10x higher in a few years. silver even more. maybe 25x higher.

why cause all the central banks are printing printing printing money to the point where the world is flooded with worthless paper with nothing to back it up. when the US dollar crashes nobody gonna want "paper". rumor is china and russia and the BRICS are planning a common gold backed currency that will have real value. so, who would then want a worthless US piece of paper? oso hear dat imf may issue a gold backed global currency, all these r rumor but yah know where there is so much smoke there is also usually fire.


2014-04-15 17:46 | Report Abuse

I always look for seriously undervalued shares with good financials, business outlook, and management. Then I buy as low as i can and set a price in my mind at which I will sell and barring any major major shock (good or bad) I always sell at that price. The sell discipline is important because maybe it's still going up and you want to ride it but have to always remember it is now no longer a bargain and maybe even overpriced. That's still the hardest part for me so I have to enforce this discipline on myself and never expect to sell at the exact top but be satisfied i can sell at my previously set target which in most cases is 100% gain or more. Most of my Insas shares I bought at .42. I think the shares are worth 2RM or more but I will sell at 1.80 and am confident of doing that for a ~400% gain. Hey if it takes a year or even two, I'm ok with that. But, I do buy a lot of shares. I have almost a million shares of Insas.


2014-04-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

well when i used to trade i always know when to buy but never know when to sell and always very stressed and lose money like at casino where if you keep playing you WILL lose. It's same here the professional traders and dealers have the house edge and if you keep playing you WILL lose. Maybe not everybody but at least 95%. whereas my new approach i have no stress and win 100% of the time. Your choice. Also remember bulls can make money, bears can make money, but pigs always lose.


2014-04-15 16:53 | Report Abuse

vinvin sure but don't delude people that you can always trade in and out at a profit. in fact most traders will LOSE on 3 trades out of 5 and maybe eek out a small profit while their brokers get rich. I think my way is better. Buy low, wait, sell high. The way I pick stocks I make 100% most of the time. Sure, it can take months or even a year but I sleep well and always make money 5 trades out of 5.


2014-04-15 16:40 | Report Abuse

Tori I am not worried in the least. In fact I hope you sell cause all this worrying is self manufactured. Sounds like you should not be in the market. Might lead to high blood pressure or worse. Me, I calm, cool and collected. Makin lots of money. I'd mention all the stocks of mine that are UP a lot today but you dun wanna hear right?


2014-04-15 16:37 | Report Abuse

OK now 1.21 are you out ?


2014-04-15 16:36 | Report Abuse

vin vin you better get out now ! it might go back to 1.17 soon ! this be what traders face. up down in out and mostly lose in the end. but buy good value when down and hold till value realized well never lose n far less stress too. of course if your intention is make broker rich then go for it. maybe if she be female and cute you can at least ask for some rebates.


2014-04-15 16:33 | Report Abuse

hey you shud sell now ! it's 1.2. You can make 1 sen ? Go for it. Me, I wait to make > 1.5RM at 2.


2014-04-15 16:18 | Report Abuse

yeah so how you trade now? got loss. me no worries. buy and hold sell when sky high. sleep at night. if trading so easy everybody be rich. instead oni brokers rich. me no feed brokers. i starve them. keep profits for myself. i dun care if insas go down to .90 sen even cause I know it will be 2rm soon. i know some stocks that will rise more than 10sen in the next few days but Tori says I can't tell you what they are. so your loss.


2014-04-15 15:27 | Report Abuse

I told you so !


2014-04-15 15:24 | Report Abuse

Tori the twit. MANY PEOPLE here mention stocks outside of Insas ALL the time. From now on I will police them all and make a BIG deal of it whenever anyone mentions ANY other counter BUT Insas. Will that make you happy ? Of course you will miss out on BIG almost INSTANT gainers like INSAS, E&O and MPHBCAP which I was the FIRST to recommend before they ran ups. OOPS ! I just did it again myself. Sorry ;))


2014-04-15 12:52 | Report Abuse

and now i will say it AGAIN ! BUY INSAS !


2014-04-15 12:51 | Report Abuse

I hate to say it but look at mphbcap ! then check back in this blog to my recommendation of it and e&0 a few weeks ago. sure you dun wan me posting these "gems" anymore? mphbcap +8 today e&o + 9 ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


2014-04-15 11:12 | Report Abuse

I posted a BUY on both mphbcap and e&o here one or two weeks ago. how many bought them? both subsequently went up a LOT. yesterday i said BUY INSAS so you watch in a short while it will also be up a LOT. Go and trade if you think you can make money. I used to do that and only lose. Now, I NEVER lose. Why? Because if you buy good stocks that are undervalued even if they go down they will also be the first to come back up again. I invest. Traders gamble. It's as simple as that. You think you can trade and beat the house ? Maybe once, maybe twice but in the long run you will lose. Or at least 95% of you will.


2014-04-15 10:23 | Report Abuse

lotsa people mention other stocks here ALL the time douchebag,


2014-04-15 00:03 | Report Abuse

not show off. i told you to by weeks ago. now i tell you to buy insas so if in a few weeks i say its up 30 sen will you say i show off? grow up.


2014-04-14 19:27 | Report Abuse

I don't think so. Maybe.


2014-04-14 18:52 | Report Abuse

AmResearch: Federal approval for E&O reclamation very significant
April 14, 2014

KUALA LUMPUR: AmResearch views the Department of Environment conditional approval for Eastern & Oriental's subsidiary to undertake the reclamation of Phase 2 of Seri Tanjung Pinang (STP2) at Tanjung Tokong, Penang as a "very significant one".

It said on Monday that E&O might soon proceed to call for tender proposals for the reclamation of the 760 acres at STP2 once it receives formal approvals from the Penang state government.

"The latter had already granted E&O conditional approval for STP2 in April 2011. Formal submission to the state government would soon be in motion," it said.

Earlier Monday, E&O said its subsidiary Tanjung Pinang Development Sdn Bhd (TPD) had received the conditional approval for the detailed environment impact assessment study and conceptual masterplan for the Phase 2.

AmResearch is maintaining its Buy rating on E&O and raised its fair value from RM3 a share to RM3.90 a share -- based on a 15% discount (previously 35%) to its unchanged net asset value of RM4.61 a share.

"We have assigned a significantly lower discount to our NAV as regulatory risks dissipate with the approval from the DoE, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) study and conceptual masterplan for STP2," it said.


2014-04-14 18:07 | Report Abuse



2014-04-14 16:13 | Report Abuse

Egad ! e&o UP 26 SEN !!!


2014-04-14 13:07 | Report Abuse

what's with Johan waking up from .16 all of a sudden ?


2014-04-14 12:44 | Report Abuse

wow ! My e&o up 18 sen now ! You guys shuda followed me !


2014-04-14 11:02 | Report Abuse

wow! my e&o flying! up 10sen today.


2014-04-13 22:50 | Report Abuse

wall street will rebound in a few days and then mphbcap will break 2rm


2014-04-13 22:32 | Report Abuse

Hexza is not better value than Insas. Its revenues are falling past 5 years. Profits are erratic. Paying out more dividend than it earns. Share Price .75RM with NV 1.1 which is ok but they have nowhere near the same growth outlook and momentum as Insas. Plus their biz is low tech, boring and plodding along. That said if they can keep paying the 100%+ dividend and maintain their nav it is a reasonably safe stock but Insas is better and has far more explosive upside potential.


2014-04-12 18:36 | Report Abuse

I'm not worried at all ! Well not about Insas. Wall Street OTOH is a wall of worry.


2014-04-11 16:45 | Report Abuse

go here click on 6 months look at green bars and then upwards spikes. they corelate. no high spikes on down days however. see what i mean ?


2014-04-11 16:41 | Report Abuse

volume not high at all today !


2014-04-11 16:34 | Report Abuse

yes volume is key. when volume is high Insas go up. when volume is low insas drift down. this is actually a very bullish sign.


2014-04-11 15:47 | Report Abuse

Just BUY ! If new Mercedes offer for 5000rm would you ask if the price too high to go in? Well, Insas is a Mercedes of stocks !


2014-04-11 14:42 | Report Abuse

The other alternative of course is for the USA to start WWIII. I don't recommend that but who knows what a madman like Obama will do ?


2014-04-11 14:16 | Report Abuse

er not to mention the US dollar is in big trouble and also WAY overvalued with China and Russia set to undermine it because of the way the USA thinks it can throw its weight around and sanction people who don't obey Obama's orders. The USD is doomed and will lose 80% of its value. No way US can pay back its enormous debt otherwise. Even an idiot can see that!


2014-04-11 13:50 | Report Abuse

even when crash happen after initial shock asian shares likely to recover quickly and rally because it is the USA that is infected with lack of transparency and crony capitalism this time around with Asian companies selling at more than reasonable valuations with no overspeculation as is the case in the USA. It is the USA that is TREMENDOUSLY over valued this time so when the money needs a place to go a significant part will find its way into asian stock markets especially since interest rates are so low bonds are and will remain unattractive.