
hallick | Joined since 2014-11-16 18:48:26

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2021-11-16 15:06 | Report Abuse

Interestingly, Mr. Hew Voon Foo, one of EMPB BOD, is also Chairman & INED of Genetec Tech ...


2021-10-20 20:44 | Report Abuse

Southern Cable wins RM30mil Telekom contract
TheStar Thu, Sep 02, 2021 07:07pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Southern Cable Group Bhd has secured a contract from Telekom Malaysia Bhd to supply rectifier systems for its regional hubs.

The 30-month contract was worth RM30mil, Southern Cable said in a filing today.

contract, worth RM30mil, would span The job was to supply, deliver, install, test and commission rectifier systems, including associated engineering services and accessories for TM’s regional hubs in Peninsular and East Malaysia.

Rectifier is a device that converts electrical alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), which are required for the operations of some transmission applications and devices.

"This latest contract is the largest rectifier systems order we have secured from TM to date, complementing our long term supply of communication cables and wires," managing director Tung Eng Hai said.


2021-09-25 23:23 | Report Abuse

It's like silicon price to be like gold price ... since multiple use of silicon especially in high tech equipments like computer chips, solar panels, construction industry, in health & medical supplement, and demand for EV had increase much further the use of silicon ..

Silicon stood as one of the great semiconductor material, looks likely to become a driver of international competition in the coming decades.


2021-09-25 22:23 | Report Abuse

Yes ... PMBTECH had double its production from 36,000 mtpa to 72,000 mtpa up to now, up to its 2nd phase project expansion from 4 phase development of 64 hectares ..


Logistic Cost Advantage : Strategically located between the East and the West, Malaysia is located at the straits of Malacca, home to Singapore Port & Port Klang, Malaysia, two of busiest port in the world where shipping rates are favourable.

Locally Sourced Raw Material : Malaysia has readily available raw material which ensures consistency in supply.

Abundant Green Power Supply : Blessed with high rainfall and an abundance of rivers, Sarawak provides affordable, renewable energy through hydropower developments .. 1st hydroelectric plant (HEP) at Batang Ai (108 MW) in 1985, with Bakun HEP in 2011 (2,400 MW), followed by Murum HEP in 2014 (944 MW). Baleh HEP is still under construction & expected to be commissioned by 2025. That will make total capacity 3,452 MW.
source : sarawakenergy.com

Silicon & Aluminium price on a tear

Both silicon & aluminium price soars to their 3-year high. While global solar energy demand drove the recovery from March lows, it was actually news about China changing their environmental policies that fuels the price trend.

China produces more than 50% / 60% of the world’s aluminium / silicon. As mentioned earlier, it takes a great environmental toll to produce these materials. Now that China pivots its environmental concern policies, coal-fired power plants will be discontinued hence potentially shrinking production rates and altering supply-demand balance outlook.


Solar – The basic component of a solar cell is pure silicon, which also has been used as an electrical component for decades.

Polysilicon (a purer form of silicon) is in acute shortage because of vigorous solar module demand. Over 90% of the current solar cell market is based on silicon currently.

Electronic Vehicles (EV) – Elon Musk announced that Tesla will use more Silicon to replace Cobalt in producing its batteries for its future generation models.

The strategy poise to make Tesla EV a lot more affordable and is seen to be adopted by other EV battery vendors.


PMBT is undergoing an aggressive expansion plan to meet the world’s silicon demand is impeccable.

Located in Samalaju Industrial Park in Bintulu, Sarawak, it had double production capacity from 36,000 mtpa (1st phase) to 72,000 mtpa (phase 2), current phase.

The co.’s corporate plan indicates that the plant size is of 64 hectares and is suitable for 4 phases of development.


Trade war distorts the global supply chain. PMBTECH stands to capture higher market share as a neutral Malaysian producer.

Meanwhile the company’s markets are mainly in Europe and America where there are trade barriers against the Chinese suppliers.


Solar and EV drives silicon demand

Production capacity expands by 2x in 2021

Tesla battery revolution drives more silicon for anode material

Trade war for higher market share


2021-09-24 22:32 | Report Abuse

PMBT is banking on Silicon as an essential material for our future economy.

Silicon is the basic material for solar industry.
Tesla intends to replace cobalt with silicon for its batteries.
China alters global silicon supply demand balance as it pivots on environmental friendly policies.
These factors drove silicon price to a fresh 3-year high.

Majority own and manage by the Koon family, PMBT and PM are of the same playbook. More importantly when PM started off with less resources and market recognition in the past, today’s PMBT – leverage on experience acquired and the market respect from PM – earning will ramp up swifter.

Silicon metal is an important element added to various grades of aluminum alloys used in performance applications such as automotive components and aerospace products.

Silicon metal also is a critical raw material in the production of silicone compounds used in numerous products including sealants, adhesives, rubber gaskets, caulking compounds, lubricants, food additives, coatings, polishes, and cosmetics, among others.

In addition, silicon metal is the base material in the production of polysilicon, a purified form of silicon used in solar cells and semi-conductors.

In summary, Silicon demand will be driven by solar and electronics in many years to come, whilst supported by its widely adopted application in various industries currently.

Growth factors

Management and efficient Hydro power supply
The competitive advantage of the PMBT series of companies lies in its lean production cost. On top of the very capable management strength, the ultra-competitive position is because of its power procurement contract with Sarawak Energy i.e. Bakun Hydropower.

Silicon production requires substantial amount of power. Energy cost as a single cost component weights more than 40% of the total production cost. The availability of an efficient energy sources alone determines the survival rate of the business.

By securing the ultra-competitive Bakun hydropower supply contract – which is one of the lowest in the world, PMBT will emerge as one of the lowest cost producer in the world.



2021-09-24 21:49 | Report Abuse

Silicon is not only used in the construction industry, but high tech equipment like computer chips, solar panels, and transistors are all made up of silicon. The fact that silicon can act as a semiconductor , by allowing control of electrical current, makes it ideal for virtually all electronic equipment.

Silicon supplements are also used as medicine. Some people take silicon by mouth for weak bones ( osteoporosis ), heart disease and stroke ( cardiovascular disease ), Alzheimer's disease, hair loss, and improving hair and nail quality. It is also used for skin healing and for treating sprains and strains, as well as digestive system disorders.


2021-09-18 22:20 | Report Abuse

Market Cap: 238 Million
NOSH: 45 Million

Market Cap: 1,853 Million
NOSH: 51 Million

Market Cap: 1,598 Million
NOSH: 215 Million

Market Cap: 8,865 Million
NOSH: 1,252 Million

From the above, Widetech shld easily can fly more faster compared to other company that end with the word tec ...


2021-09-02 11:57 | Report Abuse

we as investor whether as long term, short term or hit & run (contra) .. just enjoy the show .. anybody can exit at any TP their set .. .. no harm .. just take the amount targeted profit away at any time u guys plan to do ... cheers ...


2021-09-02 10:53 | Report Abuse

those who hit & run, OK, good. for u guys, got handsome profit ... So, do not need to bash those who got faith to invest (longer period) based on qtrly report & eps improving ... just gives new management spaces to push up further their share price to the price it shld be ..


2021-09-02 09:01 | Report Abuse

shares in the market are not much, easy for the new management to push up the price as what the price shld be at ..


2021-09-01 12:15 | Report Abuse

For contra, can exit & keep profit ... For those who still hve faith, can keep long to see at much higher value RM or even hve dividen if the new team management decide to gives .. ;)


2021-09-01 10:58 | Report Abuse


How to value Khind?

It is very simple. The closest comparable is Panasonic Malaysia. Panasonic Malaysia trades at a PE ratio of 14x. If we were to annualise Khind's latest quarter's EPS of 20.8sen, their annual EPS would be 83.2sen. At 14x PE, Khind would be valued at RM11.65! Let's forget about 14x and just use 10x. It will still be worth RM8.32 at 10x PE.

Wooowww ... still too far to go ... go go go for Khind ..


2021-09-01 10:46 | Report Abuse

if LU today, it will closed at 5.15


2021-08-13 15:15 | Report Abuse

Pemimpin politik yang mementingkan diri, sentiasa mengganggu kestabilan politik amat menjejaskan pasaran bursa KLSE ... there should be a full stop to a political interference, we should be together be united to focus to combat pandemic Covid-19 with all frontliners & together to bring our economy to recover fast ... kasihan bnyk org yg terjejas ...


2021-07-27 15:42 | Report Abuse

ramai sudah lari ...


2021-07-23 00:08 | Report Abuse

faris111 history will repeat itself, kaunter ini pernah bullrun selama 7 bulan berturut2 pada tahun 2003 naik dari harga 50 sen hingga mencecah paras harga rm6. kalau beli sekarang hold selama at least 4 bulan.kita tengok apa jadi.

=> kalau ini berlaku lagi, wahh .. boleh masyuk lagi .. oksigen sangat diperlukan ...


2021-07-23 00:07 | Report Abuse

PakMan xmau bagi tau TP terdekat saya...ATH jer lah 7.40..hahaha..silap2 jalan terus lagi..

=> maksudnya, boleh pergi lebih jauh lagi dari 7.40 ???


2021-07-22 20:42 | Report Abuse

One of BIG important client is Air Liquide since last year.

Air Liquide is a world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, It is present in 78 countries with approximately 64,500 employees and serves more than 3.8 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the company’s activities since its creation in 1902.

Air Liquide’s ambition is to be a leader in its industry, deliver long term performance and contribute to sustainability - with a strong commitment to climate change and energy transition at the heart of its strategy. The company’s customer-centric transformation strategy aims at profitable, regular and responsible growth over the long term. It relies on operational excellence, selective investments, open innovation and a network organization implemented by the Group worldwide. Through the commitment and inventiveness of its people, Air Liquide leverages energy and environment transition, changes in healthcare and digitization, and delivers greater value to all its stakeholders.

Air Liquide’s revenue amounted to more than 20 billion euros in 2020. Air Liquide is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange (compartment A) and belongs to the CAC 40, EURO STOXX 50 and FTSE4Good indexes.

Par value €5.50
Number of shares 473,660,724
Closing price €134.25
Market capitalization €63,589 million


2021-07-21 09:07 | Report Abuse

Simon, is it about pivate placement as mentioned bfore ??


2021-07-19 15:29 | Report Abuse

What price limit up ?


2021-03-03 13:26 | Report Abuse

too high to chase .. be careful guys ..


2020-11-17 08:47 | Report Abuse

if the whole world are seriously affected by covid-19, the cases still increasing around the world including our beloved country, keep on increase & we still fight for covid-19, that's mean we still need gloves to protect ourself from many kind of virus such as covid-19, H1N1 etc ...


2020-11-17 08:36 | Report Abuse

look at GETS ... just announced to start business in gloves, the share up so much like no tomorrow ... AT now ready to produce gloves next month ... should be uptrend chasing other ctrs like Careplus etc ..


2020-11-17 08:26 | Report Abuse

Not AT Gloves .. i'm talking about gloves as general ...


2020-11-17 08:15 | Report Abuse

My wife works at government hospital said that gloves still be needed even vaccine hve been found ... every testing or injection must wear gloves ... demand for gloves are increasing when such pandemic like Covid-19 or H1N1 etc are spread whole over the world ....


2020-07-27 20:13 | Report Abuse

This case was reported on 12th August 2016 ... its old news ..

bux0880 PDZ named in RM166.5m lawsuit filed by Efogen's CEO



2020-07-19 22:59 | Report Abuse

Follow KYY advice ... Hold tight ... will continue upward .. foreign investors on eye big 4


2020-07-19 20:09 | Report Abuse

i think Supermax price will surpass Topglov price ...


2020-07-19 20:05 | Report Abuse

mother 1st fly, then son will follow


2020-07-18 19:49 | Report Abuse

kaki contra will sell 1st on Monday morning ... then it will shoot up again ...

News & Blogs

2020-07-18 15:09 | Report Abuse

if you look the price pattern of Supermax compared to Topglov, it seems like Supermax price will surpass Topglov price soon ...


2020-07-18 12:53 | Report Abuse

This is old story ... try to scare pple from buy mqtech ...

Posted by menort > Jul 18, 2020 12:39 PM | Report Abuse



2020-07-13 17:04 | Report Abuse

Today not good, not as expected the share to spike bcoz of political situation today ...


2020-07-12 19:32 | Report Abuse

Reported by tv1 this afternoon that a multinational company from US & China hve moved their operation to Johor ... Is it also related to PDZ ???


2020-07-12 19:06 | Report Abuse

Just saw tv1 07.00pm, regarding news about big company from US & China invest in Johor ... Is it about PDZ ???


2020-07-12 11:42 | Report Abuse

if true johor state govt & syed al bukhari also involved in this business, the price will explode ...


2020-07-12 11:22 | Report Abuse

if new good news come, no drop la ... will go upward .. better get in early bfore the share spike ..


2020-07-10 22:50 | Report Abuse

supermax already fly high ... 2 consecutive days fly more than Rm1 ... when is Topglov start to fly high consecutive days to achieve next target Rm25, and so on to next level Rm30, Rm35 ... to meet the challenge to become Amazon of Malaysia ...


2020-07-10 22:39 | Report Abuse

i 've sold all ... cannot tahan wait so many months .. other stock already move upwards ... this stock only move up and down 0.01-0.015 .. if u bot at 0.01, also very hard to sell at 0.015 ... at last, if u want to get out, hve to sell at 0.01 also .. no profit ..


2020-07-10 16:32 | Report Abuse

son is far behind mother ...


2020-07-10 16:32 | Report Abuse

still got chance to close hopefully at 0.07


2020-07-10 16:31 | Report Abuse

Tmrow is Saturday klsebigshark. Hve to wait for next Monday to continue our business .. :)


2020-07-10 08:39 | Report Abuse

if people sell, guaranty also people accumulate at low price bfore go upward ...


2020-07-10 08:33 | Report Abuse

price down bcoz ESOS but it suppose to move upward bcoz of good news ... it will move upward again ..


2020-07-09 23:42 | Report Abuse

Topglov attracted foreign fund to flow in ...