
HiddenGem | Joined since 2019-05-08

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2013-08-27 09:52 | Report Abuse

Too many uncertainties globally pushing share prices lower.


2013-08-27 08:59 | Report Abuse

Price drop like a waterfall ever since it qualified to be listed in FBM KLCI index linked counter. Those who bought @4.00 n above, the bleeding hv yet to stop n shld now be in the ICU.


2013-08-27 07:09 | Report Abuse

Yesteday the US DJIA was down 64 points. The US new home sales fell by a larger-than-forcast 13.4% in July, the largest decline in more than 3 years.

The weak data added to uncertainty over whether the Fed will start to taper its USD85 billion-a-month asset purchase program next month.

So all eyes n ears will be on Fed Res next meeting scheduled on 17 (Tues) & 18 (Wed) Sept 2013 which shall dictate the direction of the global mkts. Good Luck.


2013-08-27 06:52 | Report Abuse

It was mainly due to uncertainties in the global mkt n investors remained cautious. The US Fed Res has made clear that tapering could begin most probably on Sept 2013 provided the economic news between now n then was not dramatically bad.

The next US Fed Res Committee Meeting has been scheduled on 17 (Tues) & 18 (Wed) Sept 2013, n it shall hv a strong impact on the direction of the global mkts. Good Luck.


2013-08-26 18:55 | Report Abuse

U must bear in mind that the global uncertainties if resulted in a crisis, any srong support or strong corporate earning will still b overshadow by the global economic downturn. Be prepared for the worst storm looming over the sky n be cautious. Thank you for sharing


2013-08-26 17:40 | Report Abuse

tedbeh. V must explore n one step ahead before their official announcement. If wait for their announcement its already too late becos if it happened that either Tan Sri LKS, his son or ex SPSETIA director is confirmed to be the private placement strategic investor, the price of SALCON will escalate n v will missed the boat.


2013-08-26 16:50 | Report Abuse

Brother Steve Jub where r u? Today I didnt hear yr beee...bor....beee...bor...


2013-08-26 16:36 | Report Abuse

Inwest88 luckily I've sold GOB @0.895 to cut loss n incurred some brokerage fee, if not will b in ICU by now. How about u?


2013-08-26 14:22 | Report Abuse

Today penny stocks moving sideway....up a little.....n then down a little....even though I've reloaded my TOUCH & GO but still not the right time to move in. So 2day 'INI KALI LAH' masih tak bolih pakai, maybe I've to wait for 'LAIN KALI LAH'.


2013-08-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

55880955 Prevention is better than cure. The crisis is a global phenomena n if US sneeze the whole world will catch cold or if India or Indonesia is in crisis the contagion effects will also spread to Malaysia just like the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis started fr Thailand n spread rapidly.


2013-08-26 10:11 | Report Abuse

Tq for the info 55880955. I'm temporary on the sideline n will move in using my TOUCH & GO aiming for the right timing. Good luck


2013-08-26 10:06 | Report Abuse

My sincere advice to all our readers is that whatever forum comments written here r not recommendation for u to buy or to sell any security.
U must hv the knowledge to do some research to analyse the stock that u intended to buy or sell.
Ultimately the decision to buy or sell any stock lies with the individual becos it is yr hard earned money n u shld decide yrself n not 2b influence by any party or parties.
There might b some bad guys who purposely created false n unreliable forum comments either hoping that investors after reading their negative news might become fearful n force to sell their stock, n the other party could buy at a lower price.
Or they will create positive n tempting false forum ccomments hoping to attract more buyers on that stock to achieved their selfish intention n to sell at a higher price.



2013-08-26 07:35 | Report Abuse

Our FBM KLCI will further consolidate in the coming mths due to the following:=

1)Increased outflow of foreign funds in this region.

2)Further currency depreciation in the coming weeks. The main threat is coming fr INDIA & INDONESIA.

3)Threat of increase yield in bonds that will affect our interest rates. The 10 year bond yields r soaring across the region in the past weeks n if not contained will provide bigger threat to the real economy.

4)There is no firm policy guidance fr Central Banks in the region including Malaysia n majority r facing limited monetary tools to combat the fragile mkt condition.
As a result, they r intervening in the foreign exchange mkt by selling dollars to prop up their own currency. Even our Bank Negara sold several billion USD to prop up our Ringgit last week, causing jitteries among the foreign investors.

5)We r going into the 2nd stage of the CRISIS n this is where volatility in financial mkts is heightened. Events can take a turn for the worst in a short period of time where the contagion effect can spread like wild fire to Malaysia n other region.

Hence it is advisable for investors not to accumulate stocks for long-term strategy temporarily n to be more on the safe side, the 'HIT & RUN' formulae at the right timing shall b more applicable during this period of uncertainties.
Furthermore, it will reduce the high risk of being 'burnt', cash flow being tightened & will not hv the funds available when the 'BEAR' has been slaughtered by the 'BULL'.

Always remember 'CASH IS KING' during a crisis. GOOD LUCK & GOD BLESS.


2013-08-25 23:29 | Report Abuse

Our FBM KLCI will further consolidate in the coming months due to the following:-

(1)Increased outflow of foreign funds in this region.

(2)Further currency depreciation in the coming weeks. The main threat is coming fr INDIA & INDONESIA.

(3)Threat of increase yield in bonds that will affect our interest rates.The 10 year bond yields r soaring across the region in the past weeks n if not contained will provide bigger threat to the real economy.

(4)There is no firm policy guidance fr Central Banks in the region including Malaysia n most importantly facing limited monetary tools.
As a result they r intervening in the foreign exchange mkt by selling dollars to prop up their own currency.

Even our Bank Negara sold several billions of USD to prop up our Ringgit last week, causing jitteries among the foreign investors.

(5)V r going into the 2nd stage of the CRISIS n this is where volatility in financial mkts is heightened. Events can take a turn for the worst in a short period of time where the contagion effect can spread like a wild fire.

Hence it is advisable not to accumulate stocks for longterm strategy n 2b safer the 'hit & run' formulae shall b more applicable during this period of uncertainties. Furthermore it will reduce the risk of being 'burnt', cash flow being tightened & will not hv the funds to accumulate more stocks at a steep discount when the BEAR has been slaughtered by the BULL.


2013-08-25 22:23 | Report Abuse

titus tqvm for informing to use google for translation. What nemesis said is absolutely right becos MKLAND shld hv follow the mkt trend at that period of time when highend properties were selling like hot cakes n not the other way round.


2013-08-24 23:48 | Report Abuse

anbz r u still holding any shares? I've already sold all n waiting for opportunity to move in using the 'hit n run' formulae. At this moment of uncertainties it is advisable to sell on strength n take profit n do not accumulate stocks for longterm strategy due to high risk of getting caught in the crossfire n burnt.


2013-08-24 23:07 | Report Abuse

Thank you very much. Good luck n goodnite.


2013-08-24 22:58 | Report Abuse

anbz thank you very much for using yr precious time to translate the mandarin wordings to enable me to read but I'm so sorry to said that I can read but couldnt get the meaning unless it is written in English. Anyway thank you for yr kind assistance.


2013-08-24 16:28 | Report Abuse

Hafiz Millip I seldom watch movie but always reserve my precious time exploring the FA & TA of stocks that I intended to accumulate when the dust has settled n most importantly an indepth study on the global market technical analysis for the past, present & future n shall share with all our valued i3investor readers, sifu, brothers & sisters, friends, etc.


2013-08-24 15:59 | Report Abuse

The global mkts hv been surrounded by hidden mines & not hiddengem, that might explode at any moment of time.

If v deceive ourself into thinking that the global economy is going to hv a happy landing somehow, u r going to get blindsided by the coming SUDDEN STORM.

V hv to watch closely the yield on 10 year US Treasuries praying that it will not exceed 3.50% or else v shall b heading for the worst financial crisis in modern human history.

When the yield on 10 year US Treasuries goes up, it is bad for the US economy becos it pushes long-term interest rates up. When interest rates rise, it constricts the flow of credit that is absolutely essential to the debt-based system.

In addition, higher interest rates could easily precipitate another housing crash. Higher yields will push long-term borrowing cost for US consumers n businesses; n mortgage rates will rise resulting in higher cost of borrowing & liquidity will be tightened thereby affecting the equity mkt.

Low interest rates r good for economic activity which is good for the stock mkt. When interest rates rise, that is bad for economic activity n bad for the stock mkt. The US stock mkt already seems ripe for a hugh adjustment n rising interest rates could gv it a hugh extra push in a negative direction.

As a result of uncertainties in the global mkt, it is advisable to apply the 'TOUCH & GO' formulae, reducing the risk of cash being locked & providing the necessary bullets to recoup our earlier losses or additional bonuses to our profit margins.



2013-08-24 14:41 | Report Abuse

My strategy for the time being is TOUCH & GO n will not keep for long-term.

If v deceive ourself into thinking that the global economy is going to hv a happy landing somehow, u r going to get blindsided by the coming SUDDEN STORM.

V hv to watch closely the yield on 10 year US Treasuries hoping that it will not hit above 3.50% n heading for the worst financial crisis in modern human history.


2013-08-24 14:17 | Report Abuse

Yes. My assumption is based on the possibility of a lot of clients might b unable to top up their funds due to the severe downtrend recently n resulted in force selling for nxt week.


2013-08-24 14:06 | Report Abuse

Nxt week beware of margin call n force selling by financial institutions.


2013-08-24 14:02 | Report Abuse

tedbeh pls check whether the private placement strategic investor is Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, his son or former SP Setia director who is now a director of SALCON. Pls share with us.TQ


2013-08-24 13:55 | Report Abuse

iQBE189 dont mind share yr comment in English becos I dont know how to read in mandarin. Tq


2013-08-23 16:49 | Report Abuse

I'm also aiming to move in 'to hit & run' but still not the right time becos still hazy n the dust hv yet to settle.


2013-08-23 16:42 | Report Abuse

Be patience n standby yr bullets for nxt week Touch & Go. At present long-term investment is not applicabe, must change strategy to suit the current enviroment.


2013-08-23 15:44 | Report Abuse

I dare not hope for any good news for the month of Sept becos of the possibility of Fed Reserve withdrawal of stimulus monetary policy, then another selldown globally.


2013-08-23 15:02 | Report Abuse

Still hv space to consolidate due to uncertainties.. Not the right time to reload my bullet today is Fri, shall wait for nxt week using the TOUCH & GO application.


2013-08-23 12:24 | Report Abuse

Temporary it is hidden-arrow n not hiddengem.


2013-08-23 12:22 | Report Abuse

Temporary TOUCH & GO applicatn might b more suitable n would not tight yr cash flow.


2013-08-23 12:18 | Report Abuse

Not necessary becos uncertainties override good corporate results.


2013-08-23 10:38 | Report Abuse

Brother still hazy. 'SMOKE IN YOUR EYES' & not ' SMOKE ON THE WATER' (sang by Deep Purple ) shld b safer to accumulate. Present scenario TOUCH & GO is much safer instead of being caught in the war zone.


2013-08-23 10:06 | Report Abuse

Still hazy. The dust hv yet to settle n u might experience breathing difficulties if u r unlucky.


2013-08-23 09:48 | Report Abuse

55880955 uncertainties every where. Not the right time to enter for longterm. Maybe for short-term Touch & Go shld b saver n Cash Is King will still b available for the world war if it happens.


2013-08-23 09:43 | Report Abuse

Truly admire SANG-JERO & Steve Jub for their bravery. I'm still on the sideline n waiting to accumulate MALTON at the right time. Good Luck


2013-08-23 09:23 | Report Abuse

Bravery will b rewarded handsomely. SANG-JERO good luck.


2013-08-23 09:20 | Report Abuse

Still waiting for opportunity due to uncertainties n risk. Good luck to those who hv invested.


2013-08-23 09:17 | Report Abuse

Keep up the momentum.


2013-08-22 18:47 | Report Abuse

Today the global mkts bled blood & SEA OF RED all over the radar screen as a result of yesterday US Fed Open Mkt Committee revealing its tapering plan to end its stimulus monetary policy either by Sept or year-end.

The withdrawal of Fed's stimulus policy will create a knee-jerk reaction on emerging countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Thailand, etc which will hv a direct hit on the respective countries due to massive outflow of foreign funds. The funds hv been providing the much needed liquidity to our financial institutions n equity mkt, n any pullback will hv a devastating blow to our economy.

Investors r therefore advised to be cautious, refrain fr accumulating more stocks but instead shld b SELLING ON STRENGTH to take profit at this moment of uncertainties. In the event of mkt crashes v will hv surplus funds to buy our favourite stocks at a steep discount possibly reducing the risk n enter at the right time.

Always remember when mkt crashes 'CASH IS KING' with plentiful of opportunities & choices for u to explore n select the best stocks at a special discount to maximise yr profit margins. Hv patience & good luck. KINDLY TAKE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE IS MY PERSONAL OPINION.


2013-08-22 18:02 | Report Abuse

Good luck Steve Jub becos PANTECH is a good stock n that's why I'm still holding some. After yesterday Fed Open Mkt Committee announcement I was forced to take some profits instead of taking the high risk ending as a loser. I've already reloaded my M16 bullets n shall b at the firing line when the time is right for meto move in.


2013-08-22 16:57 | Report Abuse

Brother SANG-JERO & Steve Jub. I've offloaded all my shares this morning at 9.00am except my favourite PANTECH which I'm still holding some (sorry qty is strictly confidential?)


2013-08-22 14:35 | Report Abuse

Today global mkt bled blood immediately after yesterday US Fed Open Mkt Committee meeting revealed its tapering plan to end its stimulus monetary policy either by end Sept or year end.
As a result, the emerging mkts like Malaysia, India, Thailand, Indonesia, etc will b badly hit due to massive outflow of foreign funds fr the emerging countries & shall hv a strong impact on the equity mkt.
Investors r therefore advised to be cautious, refrain fr accumulating more stocks but instead shld b SELLING ON STRENGTH to take profit temporary. In the event of mkt crashes v will hv ample funds to buy our favourite stocks at a steep discount n possibly at the right timing.Remember when mkt crashes 'CASH IS KING' n v will b able to buy stocks at a cheaper price to maximise our profit. THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION. GOOD LUCK & TQ


2013-08-22 09:25 | Report Abuse

Early morning sold PANTECH @1.02 n still keeping some & sold all other stocks after having heard Fed Open Mkt Committe minutes. Sea of red every where. Waiting for furher consolidation n right timing to move in.


2013-08-21 17:51 | Report Abuse

Both MALTON & GOB r trading at a very low PE ratio n fundamentals r intact. Both identical twins r undervalue n growth prospects r vibrant.


2013-08-21 17:44 | Report Abuse

Tonite all eyes n ears on Fed Open Mkt Committe meeting minutes. Hope that the Fed Reserve Chairman will announce some stimulus plan to save US fr going into a recession. The DJIA index will response with GREEN GREEN & tomorrow our FBM KLCI will also b GREEN GREEN on the radar screen. God bless


2013-08-21 17:26 | Report Abuse

Sephiroth, MALTON & GOB r identical twins. Yesterday when most people r fearful, I was lucky to be greedy n managed to bought at 0.88 an auspicious number fatt, fatt all the way.


2013-08-21 15:16 | Report Abuse

PANTECH bullish sign sighted n shld resume uptrend any moment.


2013-08-21 14:59 | Report Abuse

Today majority of the comment column so quiet no business, becos everybody waiting for Fed Open Mkt Committee minutes for direction.


2013-08-21 11:21 | Report Abuse

Asian stocks decline for 5th day ahead of Fed Mtg today. Investors were watching the release of the Fed Open Mkt July mtg minutes for hints on when the stimulus withdrawal will begin.
Emerging mkt stocks were rolled this week amid concern capital outflows will accelerate. Foreign investors yesterday sold a net $359mil of Thai stocks.
Mkt participants were hoping for clarity following the highly anticipated FOMC mtg today on the big question : to taper, or not to taper? The answer shall influence n determine the direction of the global mkts.
Investors r anticipating that a 3rd round of QE3 or a similar measure to stimulate the US economy to avoid the recession many r predicting for 2013.
Hence many r predicting that tha Fed will send a pretty decisive signal that r prepared to provide more support to boost economic growth n lower unemployment.