Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-01-14 12:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 12:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 12:17 | Report Abuse

Air Asia now using covid just as excuse for losses

already making HUGE losses way before covid

already insolvent way before covid.
Look at those advances "refused refund" figures before covid can see already


2022-01-14 12:14 | Report Abuse

Air Asia already making huge losses way before covid

its HUGE LOSSES way before covid


2022-01-14 11:52 | Report Abuse

the theoretical price of common shares is normally lower than loan stock.

coz loan stock 75 sen <=> common share plus interest

so common share must be lower than 75 sen


2022-01-14 11:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 10:38 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 10:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 09:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 08:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 08:30 | Report Abuse

PN17 => No digital banking license coz contravene Bank Negara Malaysia rules


2022-01-14 08:13 | Report Abuse

Thats becoz AA will request for Rights Issue every year for the next 20 years.
Rights Issue is called capital

Capital A is short form for Capital Always every year => Capital A

Posted by AllYouCanBuy > Jan 14, 2022 7:27 AM | Report Abuse

Any significance of Airasia changing name to Capital A??


2022-01-14 08:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-14 07:47 | Report Abuse

I used to delete all my posts otherwise I would have 100,000 posts by now


2022-01-14 00:34 | Report Abuse

BNM condition for digital Bank license => cannot be PN17

please kiss goodbye

We choose it, win or lose it
Love is never quite the same
I love you, now I've lost you
Don't feel bad, you're not to blame

So kiss me goodbye and I'll try not to cry
All the tears in the world won't change your mind
There's someone new and she's waiting for you
Soon your heart will be leaving me behind
Linger awhile, then I'll go with a smile
Like a friend who just happened to call
For the last time pretend you are mine
My darling, kiss me goodbye

I know now I must go now
Though my heart wants me to stay
That girl is your tomorrow
I belong to yesterday

So kiss me goodbye and I'll try not to cry
All the tears in the world won't change your mind
There's someone new and she's waiting for you
Soon your heart will be leaving me behind
Linger awhile, then I'll go with a smile
Like a friend who just happened to call
For the last time pretend your are mine
My darling, kiss me goodbye
My darling, kiss me goodbye


2022-01-13 22:00 | Report Abuse

no worries

according to Team B, PN17 is very good for AA, time to buy more.
10% profits is guaranteed.


2022-01-13 19:06 | Report Abuse

no worries

crude oil is not relevant.
crude oil is not used since after paying for tickets, flight is cancelled.

newbie8080 The high crude oil price of USD80 pbl remains the critical issue for AA.

The other is the border reopening for Msia and AA destinations.
13/01/2022 4:43 PM


2022-01-13 18:56 | Report Abuse

Team A => its Fun

Team B => its Agony


2022-01-13 18:27 | Report Abuse

Asia Poly is a very "happening company"

A lot of acquisitions, purchases, contracts, new business and capacity expansion.



2022-01-13 18:08 | Report Abuse

company expand means shares should go back to 4 sen right?


The Property is strategically located approximately 800 meters from the Group’s existing acrylic
manufacturing plant in Meru, Klang. The acquisition will allow the Group to expand its production capacity
up to 3,200MT per month to meet the growing demand from overseas customers especially from US and
Middle East. The acquisition will expect to contribute positively to the Group’s future earnings


2022-01-13 13:19 | Report Abuse

not forgeting

there is a "silly mike" who claims sslee and i3lurker is the same Jenja Girl doing investing inbetween bedsheets inbetween 2 horny men inbetween niteclubs inbetween jobs


2022-01-13 13:03 | Report Abuse


=> Beware of some listed NON-FINANCIAL company also having money lending license. EKRAN Ting Pek King, took 700m fromEkran via the company money lending license. $700m was never paid back.


JJPTR How to predict in advance that a company is hiding a fraud?
1. The company change its external auditor very often.
2. The company change its financial years often to delay issue annual report
3. The company accountant/financial controller resign often.
4. The company ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE is 2 times higher than account payable. Money stuck or goods sold to cronies.
5. The company keep printing billions of shares to suck cash from shareholders.
6. The company seems to go to court often to "sue" a third party for not paying the debts. The 3rd part may also be the cronies actually
7. The company has almost zero revenue but still seems to survive.
8. The company seems to take huge bank loan, or 2 years later issue huge right shares "for working capital and pay bank borrowing".
9. ‘Meteoric’ rise in both revenue and profits DESPITE industry outlook, are also red flags. Say industry average growth is 5%, but this guy shows 50% growth, not one year, but last 3 years, very fishy.
10.The company only sells its product to one customer. Obviously it is easier to be in cohhort with one party instead of many parties. Goods sold become huge bad debts
11. The company buys few FERARI for its directors...Megan Media...
12. The company cash flow and profit imbalance. If its getting wider year by year, avoid.
13. The company reports FAKE revenue of billions,fake sell their bonds
14. Tyco International USA. CEO and CFO siphon off $150m USD via loans to directors. Beware of some listed NON-FINANCIAL company also having money lending license. EKRAN Ting Pek King, took 700m fromEkran via the company money lending license. $700m was never paid back.
13/01/2022 11:37 AM


2022-01-13 08:18 | Report Abuse

some people went on holiday to look for gigolos

Posted by amet2017 > Jan 12, 2022 8:18 PM | Report Abuse

Posts becomes lesser now.. Really suit the status which is under suspension.


2022-01-13 00:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-12 12:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-12 09:28 | Report Abuse

when Inari goes up Insas goes down

when Inari goes down Insas goes down

thats how it works



2022-01-12 08:33 | Report Abuse

so what.... if Asiapoly profits multiplies by 5 times?
Nobody cares lah


2022-01-12 07:25 | Report Abuse

no need scare mongering

and whatever is said and done here at i3 makes no difference to the share price.

Dun pretend to be influential when you are NOT.

News & Blogs

2022-01-11 17:34 | Report Abuse

when first hear audit problem, SELL at whatever price at market

thats also 3iii advice

many believed pearlblack punya explanations of: -

anti-bumiputra conspiracy


forced takeover,

people want buy Serba,

Elvis is still alive,
Martians have landed at Putrajaya.

so now those cult followers of pearlblack cult have to pay the price lah

you prepared the bed so must lay in it lah.....


2022-01-11 16:04 | Report Abuse

WC will always be over-priced
thats how Sharks in Malaysia do things

When its 30 sen, its theoretical price will be 25 to 27 sen

News & Blogs

2022-01-11 10:20 | Report Abuse

in the financial world.......... a failure to declare Beneficial Ownership of shares is just like doing murder, rape and robbery at the same time....


2022-01-11 08:00 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-01-11 01:50 | Report Abuse

same case for Azam Baki

1) Azam Baki just declared publicly that he is a criminal
2) and that Azam Baki committed a jailable offense against SSM and SC for failing to declare Beneficial Ownership of his shares for his brother.
3) Azam Baki was very happy to be a self-confessed criminal.....

and after that Law Minister U-Turn

1) and claim that those shares were Azam Baki punya shares
2) and no criminal activities were committed by Azam Baki,
3) and shares were affordable


News & Blogs

2022-01-11 01:20 | Report Abuse

again this article is against all known laws of nature of sheet and pee
and some say Acts of Parliament .... laws of SC and SSM as well.

and also all known laws in US, UK and some say Afghanistan too.

nominees must declare their beneficial ownership to Cosec.
Failure to comply is jail term.

so Cosec will compile all Beneficial Owners and show inside AR.
=> If dun have KWSP inside AR means dun have KWSP. PERIOD

I just do not see KWSP and KWAP wanting jail terms for their CEOs

so along comes this feller from Tanjung Rambutan with just kindergarden education claiming that KWSP and KWAP CEOs should be jailed?

why am I replying to a madman from Tanjung Rambutan with kindergarden education?

=> I am just afraid that this Tanjung Rambutan feller wants more company with him inside Tanjung Rambutan.


2022-01-10 16:01 | Report Abuse

so no Fook FU ?


only see 1 cockroach but cupboards are full of cockroaches hidden from view ....

News & Blogs

2022-01-10 08:21 | Report Abuse

wow !!

shocking news !!

Minister is calling Azam Baki a LIAR !!

now Minister confirms shares actually belong to Azam Baki and not the brother.

That means Minister confirms Azam Baki testimony to Anti-Corruption Advisory (actually Investigation) Board is a pack of lies !!!

That means Anti-Corruption Advisory (actually Investigation) Board punya press conference is based on lies and fake testimoney by Azam Baki

Shocking !!!

Ministers should not call MACC chief as liars !!!!!


2022-01-10 08:15 | Report Abuse

no worries

20 years of covid

everyday a discount price


2022-01-08 19:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-01-08 18:20 | Report Abuse

reviews & complaints
1431 complaints
131 resolved
1300 unresolved


2022-01-08 18:11 | Report Abuse

"Stay away from AirAsia!"
M Sousa (Brazil) 8th October 2021
✅ Trip Verified | This is a very bad airline, they canceled my flight and did not refund me. I've wasted so much time and energy contacting them trying to get my money back, but it seems that scam customers is part of their business. Stay away from AirAsia!


2022-01-08 18:08 | Report Abuse

Dec 28, 2021
What ever you do .. dont use AirAsia. If anything goes wrong refund!
They destroyed our holiday and now we are stuck in Thailand.
They canceled our flight (not because of covid) simply not enough people on the airplane.
We had to buy more expensive insurance and visa in Thailand and now stuck here.
I followed instructions in email for refund but still eneded up getting only useless credit!!! one big scam!!!
I simply can mot understand how airlines are allowed to operate like this.. it is a big scam.
What ever you do .. be very careful when booking with airasia!!!


2022-01-08 17:54 | Report Abuse

bondholders not stupeeeeeed even though pearlblack is

bondholders should get back around 15% of principal

as shareholders, bondholders will only get back 0.01%


2022-01-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

SIR, a document which does not exist

can be released to public which does not exist anytime

but so far Serba which does not exist prefer suspension.


2022-01-08 14:11 | Report Abuse

bankers themselves dun care even zero % at all,
its not their money, its bank punya money

and only silly people buy bonds, coz most bonds crash and burn easily...

and nobody will feel sorry for you....

like meowkua sing Titanic song to celebrate Serba sinking and many people died...

Posted by shareinvestor888 > Jan 8, 2022 1:43 PM | Report Abuse

I recalled few years ago when some bankers so arrogant & they ‘loved’ crowding around Karam during some business functions…

No need feel sorry for the banks or bondholders la… he he


2022-01-08 12:34 | Report Abuse

no worries !!

you want Serba to be privatised? at 35 sen?

thats very easy !!!

1) Rights Issue RM5.00 per share you bank in to Serba bank account

2) Serba pays you back 35 sen per share for privatization exercise

no worries

Easy !! You get what you want !!


2022-01-08 12:23 | Report Abuse

Meowkua happily singing Titanic song coz he is happy Titanic sank and many died

Meowkua happily singing Titanic song coz he is happy Serba sank and many died

Cheers !!

Bottoms Up !!


2022-01-08 09:42 | Report Abuse

means the Fook Fook U aka Fook FU (which does not exists) is correct...

and Serba still refuses to release Fook Fook U aka Fook FU (which does not exists).

Bursa says Serba shares will continue to be suspended forever waiting for the Fook Fook U aka Fook FU (which does not exists) to be released......



2022-01-08 09:03 | Report Abuse

no worries

standby to pump in RM30 Billion into AA for next 20 years

Cheers !!!

Bottoms Up !!

All international passenger flights except from Mainland banned from landing in Macao from 9th Jan


2022-01-08 08:53 | Report Abuse

the Titanic sank right?

many people aboard the Titanic died right?

sama sama lah

Serba sank also.

many people aboard Serba died also.

thats what he is telling you, Serba sank and many people died......

superrr Mabel 60+ nenek retirement has all been eaten by SD, no wonder so desperately ....Titanic song will suitable to console him/her ?
08/01/2022 8:44 AM


2022-01-08 08:39 | Report Abuse

no worries

liquidation and auction off Serba signboard is also BAU busuk

amet2017 Interesting to know what will be the answer by latuk during agm on the BAU, from profit to loss then Pn17 is considered BAU?
08/01/2022 8:19 AM