Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2021-10-09 13:28 | Report Abuse


please see the movie "Casablanca"
There is a scene where someone is warning Suiyee Sucker Bilis to be careful of pickpockets.

Casablanca is one of those movies you have to see before you die


2021-10-08 15:06 | Report Abuse

Yes dateline approaching to get RM5 billion

its better, easier and simpler to dump off all shares to Suiyee Sucker Bilis at high high price before Jan 7, 2022.

The date of the first relief announcement is July 8, 2020, and the 18-month period ends on Jan 7, 2022.


2021-10-08 14:20 | Report Abuse

Since the theoretical valuation is 35 to 42 sen

market price now of 42 sen can be considered a good buy if power plants turns you on.

Otherwise there are other stocks with extreme high growth factors that power plants do not have...and can never give you.


2021-10-08 13:36 | Report Abuse

very slim chance of Chinese plant breaking down

nowadays China Goods better quality than Japanese Goods

Malakoff were all Japanese boilers


2021-10-08 13:27 | Report Abuse

Malakoff boilers cracked and capacity payments were not paid as per contract terms.
Share price nose dived...and never recovered even though won lawsuit against boiler manufacturer.


2021-10-08 13:23 | Report Abuse

for all power plant contracts throughout whole world, fixed capacity payments will always be paid even if plant is not running but is ready to run...

The only condition is that Power Company requires the coal plant to be in a state of readiness to start up anytime per contract terms upon request


if everything is working => Capacity payment is Guaranteed.

if turbine rotor blades cracked or boiler cracked and plant unable to start up => No capacity payments at all since plant is NOT in a state of readiness to start up.


2021-10-08 12:46 | Report Abuse

from Vietnam historical records, during the monsoon periods, coal plants can be partially or totally shut down and EVN will use hydro power.

What i3lurker is saying if the end users/customers only pay your so much per KWH and if coal cost increase causing your net power output cost more than the customers ready to pay then you must as well shut down the power plant as what happening in China.
08/10/2021 8:54 AM


2021-10-08 07:53 | Report Abuse


thats USD180.00 extra charges.

so if you were in EVN shoes will you incur a loss producing electricity?
so if you were in EVN shoes will you order the coal plants to run?

PSAi3alert i3lurker,

One year ago, coal price was 50 USD/T

Now coal price is 230 USD/T


2021-10-07 22:10 | Report Abuse

//////Therefore, higher coal prices mean higher energy profit due to higher price per BTU. //////


I am not gonna comment on this. You go figure it out yourself.

Like I said.
Coal is dun make money on coal prices.
Someone gonna lose gigantic big.

Who will lose gigantic big?

Who gives you the orders?


2021-10-07 17:23 | Report Abuse

it will NEVER ever happen coz the Universe cannot be brought back to its Original State before the Big Bang.

if it happens, I will cut off my fingernails

Thats because our understanding of Universe is not complete. There is dark matter, gravitic waves, universe cooling etc etc.

Posted by mita29 > Oct 7, 2021 5:09 PM | Report Abuse

i3lurker, Im still waiting for net energy fusion until hair turns grey since the beginning but I'm still hopeful for a breakthrough so our next gen will live normal life like us.

“Nobody — no companies, universities, national labs, or governments — have achieved the goal of break-even fusion to date,” Andrew Holland, Chief Executive Officer of the Fusion Industry Association, told CNBC."

Net energy fusion means the output of energy is greater than input of energy. Right now it's like 60-70% if I'm not mistaken. You spend 10 gigawatt to create this super hot artificial sun but only get back like 7 gigawatt of power in return.


2021-10-07 17:07 | Report Abuse

I believe thats not the real reason.
the real reason is that Jaks is considered a Virtual Company by many people.

Shareholders of Virtual Companies will never ever get any dividend.

The only benefit that shareholders of Virtual Companies get is to attend a virtual AGM. No door gifts, nothing at all.

Most of those China companies who came and listed in BURSA are also Virtual Companies. You will never ever get any dividend.

Being a shareholder of a Virtual Company means you will get nothing, even after 100 years of holding the share..

Posted by sense maker > Oct 7, 2021 4:50 PM | Report Abuse

Since before Kyy goreng this share years ago, I already warned that JAKS manufactured paper profits, to lure innocent investors subscribe for their additional shares by paying them cash- time after time, This trick continues till today.


2021-10-07 16:16 | Report Abuse


its NOT France

for fusion reactor, China is the most advanced country in the world with the longest fusion time.

China’s ‘artificial sun’ nuclear fusion reactor has set a new world record after running at 216million degrees Fahrenheit (120million°C) for 100 seconds, according to state media. It also achieved a peak temperature of 288million°F (160million°C) – more than ten times hotter than the sun.


2021-10-07 07:13 | Report Abuse

I am asking Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Malaysia and Miss Aeroflot to marry me too.


2021-10-06 23:14 | Report Abuse

guess many people still dun undertand


2021-10-06 23:14 | Report Abuse

coal is passthrough

power plant will not run due to high cost of coal


2021-10-06 23:12 | Report Abuse

coal is passthrough

only capacity payments will be made

the power plant will not run

thats easy enough to understand


2021-10-06 23:08 | Report Abuse


I see 4 to 5 Billion shares


2021-10-06 22:05 | Report Abuse

thats why he deleted it all

I really cannot understand why you all fellers insist on embarassing him by illegally copying his wayward conclusions.

Just let him be retired to high mountain..............

please have some pity for DK


2021-10-06 21:41 | Report Abuse

its non-linear

for april may june quarter "new" coal plants will generate maximum profitability

thats as good as you will ever get


2021-10-06 21:12 | Report Abuse

coal power plants are under stress nowadays

the long term future prospects for coal power plants are all very dim


2021-10-06 21:02 | Report Abuse


REMEMBER => VIETNAM Ministerial Determination for coal is 10% IRR for both Capacity and Energy.

thats how all power plants are calculated, even nuclear ones.

for coal it used to be 8% IRR globally but Vietnam was desperate so gave 10% IRR

12% IRR is normally given for Green Power Sources


2021-10-06 20:43 | Report Abuse

its so long ago

I vaguely remember I did key in some figures into my Power Plant Template but DK refused to answer anything.

later I heard a FRAUD was committed

a FRAUD was committed by creating a FAKE ID and then claiming that FAKE ID was me....


2021-10-06 20:41 | Report Abuse

The Vietnam Ministerial Determination for coal is only 10% IRR for whole thing capacity and energy


2021-10-06 20:39 | Report Abuse

300 - 400 million is just a Harlequin / Mills & Boon novel written by nasty uncle

Posted by Sslee > Oct 6, 2021 8:34 PM | Report Abuse

We only get 37 million per quarter of earnings instead of the previously acclaimed 300-400 million.

If I am not mistaken the tax free is only for 5 years after that need to pay tax.


2021-10-06 20:36 | Report Abuse

Hitler’s reasoning was a steaming pile of bullshit, but the point remains that if the question is whether Hitler knew he was a bad man, then the answer is, no, he thought he was a good man doing good things.

He and many other Nazis thought they were giving the world a solution to the “Jewish problem.”

Hitler knew what he was doing, and he did it willingly. But Hitler didn’t think he was a bad person for doing it.


2021-10-06 17:16 | Report Abuse

keep a glance on the S&P500 as well.
Its corelated purely on the basis that it is the same group of US Gamblers play 2 holes

Standard Chartered Bank had done a research on S&P500 corelation with crude oil price and its 100% corelated.

the other Rational thinking is that when earnings are down => business is down
when business is down => then industries will not consume so much oil as well.


2021-10-06 16:40 | Report Abuse

I think those US Hedge Funds tried to pre-empt / front run this idea

but the API data shows huge crude oil stocks increases = > consumption not take off yet...

Macgyver11 Border opening soon and once aviation/tourism business kicks off...walaoeh! There will be huge demand for oil .Then all upstream players become hefty rich. Haley luya!!!
06/10/2021 4:36 PM


2021-10-06 16:34 | Report Abuse

yup be safe and ship will sail a million miles


2021-10-06 16:25 | Report Abuse

the Academy Award actors are OPEC+ and those US Hedge Funds together with US oil news reporters crying shortage of oil.
While doing this they bought crude oil steadily until high high.

Balloon of lies only punctured when the US American Petroleum Institute reported huge crude oil inventory build up.


2021-10-06 15:56 | Report Abuse

sslee so smart got profits take profits first


2021-10-06 15:34 | Report Abuse

many saw those Serba Directors all in borrow from Ah Loong to buy Serba shares so they also all in

by a miracle shares still remain 30 sen



2021-10-06 14:16 | Report Abuse

US stockpiles of crude oil are rising very fast
its a fake crude oil shortage engineered by Hedge Funds

Gamblers are buying up crude oil.
When they must take delivery crude oil may go negative again.

Brace for impact to zero crude oil price


2021-10-06 08:06 | Report Abuse

sslee Good Morning!

many still boasting of gambling riches here

if go up mountain too often will meet tiger ... lol

they are still very vulgar here but the long term odds are against them.
Long term ... these tiger food people will disappear.

Posted by Sslee > Oct 6, 2021 7:00 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning i3lurker,
"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
Have I pissed off those low intelligent, desperate, uneducated and born losers to resort to insult and vulgar when they know they are losing the argument?

Seek the truth, hear the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, speak the truth, hold the truth, defend the truth and the truth shall/will prevail.


2021-10-06 08:01 | Report Abuse


if SIR is good ... insider will sell father mother wife children to buy loh and also sell their cats and dogs as well plus toilet bowl and toilet paper too.

will price still be 30 sen?

dun be lazy, must use the brain a little bit...


2021-10-06 04:44 | Report Abuse

WTI is off peak from 79.53 and fluctuate down at posting its 79.03.

Royal Dutch Shell on Monday said it has restarted production at its Olympus platform in the Mars Corridor in the Gulf of Mexico following repairs to portion of its West Delta 143 offshore facility in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. [thats 4 Oct]

The oil and gas rig count, an early indicator of future output, rose seven to 528 in the week to Oct. 1, its highest since April 2020, energy services firm Baker Hughes Co said in its closely followed report on Friday.

LOOP reopened on Sept. 10, and on September 20 serviced its first vessel after the storm, tanker Eagle Bintulu, which discharged about 600,000 barrels of Urals crude loaded at the Russian Baltic port of Ust-Luga, according to Refinitiv Eikon tanker tracking data.

Conclusion =>

Short Term Profit Takers => Oil could be heading down

Long Term and Investors => Armada fundamentals are intact


2021-10-05 21:47 | Report Abuse

it has been working this way since the East India Company.

When Sharks see the truth being told by people like sslee,
they will quickly urgently and desperately expedite the share transfers to Suiyee Sucker Bilis.

The only way to boost transfer to Suiyee Sucker Bilis is to simulate more buying at higher prices from left pocket to right pocket.

nothing surprising, its standard SOP

there is a sucker born every second....


2021-10-05 17:14 | Report Abuse

problem belong you (pidgin Inglishee)

Thats your problem if you cannot understand and cannot remember when I say coal is passthrough.

no one can help you.

I win money, every second money pours into my bank accounts.
I am really not interested in winning arguments.

You better scroll up and read again. Check dictionary too.

Posted by OOMMGG > Oct 5, 2021 5:04 PM | Report Abuse

I3lurker, l rarely comment in i3. Do l misconstrue your comment? There is no argue point over here as audiences have better clarity.


2021-10-05 16:27 | Report Abuse

I had already mentioned umpteen times that coal is passthrough.
Thats ok
I actually understand since you are chinese educated so dun speak Inglisheee

anyhow this sounds exactly same as creating a fake id,
then claim fake id is me
and then proceed to sack fake id from private brainwashing chat room.

All these actions and activities are actually => Fraud to cheat Suiyee Sucker Bilis

Posted by OOMMGG > Oct 5, 2021 1:32 PM | Report Abuse

There is no ground base for those want to mongering fear by exploiting hiking coal price as a tactic to scare off retailer for their own benefits.

I3lurker is famous and known for his fear mongering tactic. After many years back he still doing the same stuff in i3. Don’t know why if he’s not succumb to doing this type of stuff he can’t make his lives. Perhaps he is in deep love with blood smeared and inherited for shorting.


2021-10-05 09:34 | Report Abuse

congrats to all on your luck

stay close by
dun stray too far away

=> dun forget winter comes once a year.

by now sslee drawn like bee to honey in Armada

=> every winter sslee migrates to Armada

News & Blogs

2021-10-05 08:25 | Report Abuse

I know for a fact that a lot of teachers stationed in East Malaysia or outstation travel to balik kampung.
and they ONLY have enough money for 2 or max 3 trips per year through extreme savings from salary unless they use 1MDB method and get Jho Low involved.

In remote rural small villages people dun have money to pay you personal tuition fee.
You have to grow your own vege and spray blood from own chicken to get money for flights.

Refused refunds to teachers are very pitiful.

/////You can search and see for yourself how many AA customers were disgusted by the way they were treated in claiming refund and cursing AA and Tony for not refunding them the cancelled fight ticket fare.///

News & Blogs

2021-10-05 07:52 | Report Abuse

but actually your "donation" just went to his Tesla enjoyment

and the satisfaction that his F_U_C_K ratio is successful and actually working.

the F_U_C_K ratio is the percentage of refused refunds

if the F_U_C_K ratio is too high Air Asia will lose customers, so must be balanced carefully.

News & Blogs

2021-10-05 07:45 | Report Abuse

You meant to say its for Tony's medical fee and funeral expenses?

Posted by Sslee > Oct 5, 2021 7:36 AM | Report Abuse

Posted by Thorman > Oct 4, 2021 7:16 PM | Report Abuse
Well, shortfall is temporary.
Trust is prime factor.

Ans: Trust Takes Years To Build, Seconds To Break And Forever To Repair.

You can search and see for yourself how many AA customers were disgusted by the way they were treated in claiming refund and cursing AA and Tony for not refunding them the cancelled fight ticket fare.

By the way I am not even bother to claim my refund, take it as my donation to help AA.

News & Blogs

2021-10-04 22:48 | Report Abuse

of course must buy Air Asia to help the Sharks sell out at high price.

Must sell your wife and children to buy Air Asia, Sharks need your help.

News & Blogs

2021-10-04 19:22 | Report Abuse

I heard AA is flying to the sun.... at night .... of course

Posted by VolatileIsMyGold > Oct 4, 2021 5:12 PM | Report Abuse

I heard AA is working on a flight to Mars


2021-10-04 18:41 | Report Abuse

thats why Leno already said long ago its FRAUD ACCOUNTING

Leno said FRAUD ACCOUNTING ... for so many months and months and both suepipi and conpipi did not sue her

share price is 30 sen .... so nothing good loh

OpporturnityHunter insders know everything. They will ask their friends, relative to quickly buy loh if something good to be happen soon
04/10/2021 6:30 PM


2021-10-04 17:45 | Report Abuse

sue me?

he should sue Leno
Leno is claiming that it is FRAUD ACCOUNTING !!!

superrr i3lurker whatever report is no longer relevant

no money loh

no money => PN17 => liquidation

Later kararoooom sue u lol...haha he is not happy today
04/10/2021 4:47 PM


2021-10-04 16:43 | Report Abuse

whatever report is no longer relevant

no money loh

no money => PN17 => liquidation