Fardar Chye

iris | Joined since 2014-11-11

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2015-07-01 15:53 | Report Abuse

wa so fast connie make round 3 already.. congratz ya!


2015-07-01 15:52 | Report Abuse

yeah yeah.. i cover my losses at HK this morning liao... hehehe...


2015-07-01 15:37 | Report Abuse

shanghai kene kawkaw.....


2015-07-01 15:37 | Report Abuse

simon, i wan buy invi blink forcestaff bkb tp... so can siam all incoming wakkaka..

manowar.. i understand wat is FKLI.. but FKLI SELL is wat ah? is that means "short"?


2015-07-01 15:02 | Report Abuse

alibaba... i am WK with aegis pun tak cukup mati lo tadi... lol


2015-07-01 15:02 | Report Abuse

abang region, my view is 50-50 inside the citizens.. but i know all other EU members are waiting to kick greece out lo.. actually they very kesian la...


2015-07-01 14:54 | Report Abuse

u 2 very kejam... already bkb + hood immune still im the 1 tanking alone.. sad die me liu


2015-07-01 14:39 | Report Abuse

wakakaka... depend on wat ulti la.. every1 of us here got many ulti wan.. more geng in dota..

index can support o not? can index buy ward? buy courier? cannot lo... so i "guess" cannot support la... but difficult to say.. now even pudge can be use to support lo... ehhe


2015-07-01 14:17 | Report Abuse



2015-07-01 14:12 | Report Abuse

sekarang punye NC no more stay in nc... all come out to lane and push tower liu... cepat cepat kasi ulti habis...


2015-07-01 14:11 | Report Abuse

wa... orang paling tua sini sudah mari... u sleep till so late baru wake up... rumah mao runtuh liao lo...


2015-07-01 14:06 | Report Abuse

halo guys.. i suggest u all can host another forum out there la for ur "interesting discussion"... really not polite to discuss in inappropriate tone here lei.. hahaha...

here all orang tua tua mao sunyi sunyi punye... suara kuat sikit orang tua pun tak tahan la... kan kan abang region?


2015-07-01 13:55 | Report Abuse

connie.. by right should be like that la.. but i have this bad habit la... always attempt to neutralize them lo... hahaha.. if not i scared i will pour into the waste container... then habis la them...


2015-07-01 11:59 | Report Abuse

ya la... the NC all sudd come out to lane liao.. wakakka...

Posted by region > Jul 1, 2015 11:58 AM | Report Abuse

FARDAR >.< our dota place being invaded lolx


2015-07-01 11:45 | Report Abuse

ya ya... go bintai.. go opensys.. go smrt... don gaduh2 here ya... i can feel u guys exhibiting ur loves thru gaduh2... but don do it here ya... ehhehehe


2015-07-01 11:37 | Report Abuse

connie jie jie... my lecturer always said.. certain materials will exhibit its acidic / alkalinity features no matter how hard u try to neutralize it.. they are not meant to be neutralized..

i guess that statement also refer to human being right.... hahaha


2015-07-01 11:33 | Report Abuse

kamsiah kamsiah tsy...

Posted by tsy88 > Jul 1, 2015 11:30 AM | Report Abuse

Farfar .. congrats on 1359!!


2015-07-01 11:32 | Report Abuse

its getting more and more complicated... now is like 3-4 ppl bombing each other.. aiyo.. don la... peace peace ok.. if wanna talk about systech.. can go to systech forum... smrt can go smrt forum.. bintai go bintai forum ok... peace ya..

tkp1 and fakoptimus.. we make peace here ok... if wanna continue the existing arguement.. get a more suitable place ya... hehee

Posted by MrNobody > Jul 1, 2015 11:29 AM | Report Abuse

fardar pls tell me who come in here to attack me??

you ppls said want peace and contructive suggestion, when i gave, ppls come in attack me

and u ppls do nothing. ????


2015-07-01 11:27 | Report Abuse

haha... ok better to prevent a beautiful house being bom by few of u.. i suggest the old pengetua or old headmasters statement: mau gaduh pegi gaduh luar... jgn gaduh dalam sini ya... hehehe


2015-07-01 11:11 | Report Abuse

i got a very bad hobby in my chemistry studies: always neutralize the over acidic or over alkalinity in any condition. really a bad habit...


2015-07-01 11:10 | Report Abuse

means i am partially correct lo hehe... since that 30 stocks is the influencing the index, i guess understanding all the 30 stocks is essential too.. well unless like u said, gomen wan it up, it up lo.. gomen wan it down.. it down lo.. haha

Posted by MrNobody > Jul 1, 2015 11:08 AM | Report Abuse

fardar, no, in index, u only look at index as the 30 stocks movement cancel each other out to form a direction.


2015-07-01 11:07 | Report Abuse

connie... how come i don find it interesting... purfhhhh


2015-07-01 11:05 | Report Abuse

bro nobody, correct me if i am wrong ya.. index also need to take care 30baskets right?


2015-07-01 11:03 | Report Abuse

wakakaka ali, yes yes i get wat u meant.. but i cannot la.. i got very bad habit.. i easily get addicted with things.. and i am only part timer in bursa so cannot always monitor closely.. not like today can snake snake and chit chat in i3 ma... i congratz ur huat huat can la... member happy.. we also tumpang happy ma.... heheh

Posted by alibabacoming > Jul 1, 2015 10:59 AM | Report Abuse

fadar, you can just wait a good chance like today only go in long right? scare you can't control only then everyday in and out out and in haha.

if and only if greece exit europe then you short like no tomorrow right? HAHA


2015-07-01 10:58 | Report Abuse

good morning pw, i agree with u.. thats why part time traders only goes into bursa here when we have "extra money".. and rmb.. "extra money = total income - (necessary expenses + money for contigency)..

rmb oh.. contigency is very very important oh..

Posted by pw1985 > Jul 1, 2015 10:50 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning guys,
I think no matter which market, if able to sell and make profit, then do it, keep more cash, CASH always is King,unless you guys have super confident on certain counters la ;)


2015-07-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

lol bro ali.. i admire ur bravery, but bilis like me cannot so brave wan la.. must curi2 heheheheh

Posted by alibabacoming > Jul 1, 2015 10:49 AM | Report Abuse

i agreed with mrnobody, don't waste time on those wat put and call.

just open futures account shoot directly! straight forward.


2015-07-01 10:48 | Report Abuse

wakaka... high five! and we always said in dota term "n1!"

Posted by region > Jul 1, 2015 10:45 AM | Report Abuse

high five fardar hehe....


2015-07-01 10:47 | Report Abuse

yes mr nobody, i also damn sh*t f*cking hate this... if they wan it, they will do it like nobody business..

but i hope i clarfies the spirit in this particular forum called "Dow Jones,Oil,KLCI Discussion". where 1 of the description of this forum is "Please do respect and do not attack each other in this group. Treat everyone here as Family.
Our main objective is to make money and not make enemy. "..

i can feel u also have some sights onto our sharemarket ma.. come often and share like a family / frens. i personally welcome u to come over even with doubts or disagreement, then we can discuss over and widen our views ma... ngam bo?

Posted by MrNobody > Jul 1, 2015 10:43 AM | Report Abuse
i hate to say this again. the govt can park the klci in 1800 NOW. even if they wanted it.


2015-07-01 10:43 | Report Abuse

curi2 tell u region.. just now i grabbed .95 as well... wakkakakaa


2015-07-01 10:41 | Report Abuse

region, i agree with u... call me buying big-small (which is not the spirit of this forum).. i am buying increment of bursa will cut down below 20pts, 1723-1724 is my target...


2015-07-01 10:38 | Report Abuse

exactly, as i know.. today fitch rating and the improvement of MYR is good news for bursa and increased confidence level of investment..

however i have a few concern whether this rainbow will shine thru in longer term like after raya or august due to a few reasons:

1. most immediate is greece issue, altho the newsline had repeatedly reported that greece issue shall not impact our sharemarket, but i still skeptical because if greece habis cerita, USD may be the next interest and as value of USD increase, we are looking at importation costs, but still benefits the exports business.

2. US interest hike. im not sure how many investors (bilis-scale like me) are aware on this.. but once the interest hike is on during 3Q meeting by federal, im sure the impact is huge enuf to shake us..

3. 1MDB issues. resolved? no. with the cinematic level of performance by how the issues been temporarily resolved is not resolved. so it shall continue to contribute as bad sentiments to sharemarket..

my view la... if i am wrong, please correct me ya.


2015-07-01 10:33 | Report Abuse

mr nobody, i apologize if i cause any misunderstanding to u.. many many sorry ya.. hahaha.. my engulish not so good la.. so sometimes i will read and write wrongly.. paiseh paiseh.. hehe


2015-07-01 10:31 | Report Abuse

haha bro nobody.. u r posting too many questions in 1 go.. let me answer ur question 1 by 1...

1. "read the thread title. discussion of dj, oil, klci. not blind prediction."

Ans: yes, its a discussion instead, so no 1 in the forum shall give u direct INSTRUCTION on wat u should do and wat u should buy, but if some1 does it, its out of his efforts with "non-blind" TA and FA review and not plug from the sky. it should be appreciated u know, and appreciation doesnt mean we must folo watever the person says. decision stil at ur hand.

2. "my friends, what is the use of all these? i m not attacking you, i m encouraging you to divert your energy and talent to better use."

Ans: we are all learning, and nobody is perfect (nobody in this context not mean u ya..).. as we all are learning means we exchange views and enhance each other for future battle.. we are quoting ourselves here as a team / family.. and i don even think of if our teammembers make a unrealistic statements, others will remain silen, we will exchange views for continuous improvement.. and im sure criticizing each others is breaking the team apart, but commenting and sharing views will improve the team knowledge and relationship...


2015-07-01 10:25 | Report Abuse

mr nobody, chill out, cool down.. don get me wrong ya..

1. i am quoting an example.. not describing what is inside this forum...

2. positive discussion simply means that we voice out why would we disagree with the statement that others made, EXAMPLE:

A: today CI will up to 5000 points. because *some VIP* just provide the statement of earnings of country for 10trillion based on projects we completed in 1st half of 2015
B: hi A, i think it wont go up to 5000 points, it will go down to 500 points because it has been proven that the 1st half project is all a haox, a scam, it has taken all our EPF and tabung haji money and all the banks are planning to shut down in the afternoon.

(purely quoting some extreme examples in terms of figures and incidents for understanding, based on fictionary statements and not referring to any actual or real case)


2015-07-01 10:18 | Report Abuse

abang k8118k.. long time no see u here lei... how are u?

i think we may not agree with each other a lot of times too.. but important is to bring disagreement into positive discussion isnt it?


2015-07-01 10:16 | Report Abuse

erm... mr nobody.. good morning to you..

i may wanna say no body in i3 is Dato Kong that can predict 4d numbers accurately... even sometimes Dato Kong also don give u the exact 4 numbers...

but to buy or not to buy the 4numbers is up to u.. plus if u think that u can have a better 4 numbers, share with us, we are having open ears to listen =)


2015-07-01 10:09 | Report Abuse

wah.. i feel so loved.. thanks abang dk and kakak connie..
ok la i have make up my mind to keep my HK..

connie.. i agree with what u said.. but after my previous slash of some bad experience.. i always think that there is alawys a need for "plan B" or "contigency plan".. so that we can still back up with minimize damage... hehehehe... i will pick up and exit for short term where to me ci still in bearish mode like cap tm and sifu hawk mentioned.. so no worry ya!


2015-07-01 09:50 | Report Abuse

no worry region, no 100% untung in trading ma..


2015-07-01 09:49 | Report Abuse

thanks trustme / hawk / connie...

now my brain got a bit serious hesitating d... "keep, sell, keep, sell, keep, sell....."

i need to close my monitor now... ahhaha


2015-07-01 09:33 | Report Abuse

ok la looks like have to cut HK already lo like that.. lose some transaction fees...


2015-07-01 09:29 | Report Abuse

i got a bit scared lei.. the HK pisau quite near to me already... lol


2015-07-01 09:28 | Report Abuse

connie... normally i set 2 exit: "emergency exit" or "critical exit"... now is at about my average entry.. lose some transaction fees.. thinking to exit or not... cham liao.. my hesitating prob again... left right left right @@..


2015-07-01 09:21 | Report Abuse

connie.. i missed the "emergency exit" lo.. now in a bit red already... thinking to cut off o not...


2015-07-01 09:19 | Report Abuse

sapu liu ifca.. but now thinking to cut HK o not...


2015-07-01 09:14 | Report Abuse

sh*t.. missed the "cut-win" point for HK liu... sob sob..


2015-07-01 09:13 | Report Abuse

today got roller coaster bo? i missed the "cut win point" for HK... sad die me...


2015-07-01 07:45 | Report Abuse

Good morning simon.. time to switch hk to others liao... krono ifca ok mou


2015-07-01 07:43 | Report Abuse

Anyway need to see how ci open morning session...


2015-07-01 07:43 | Report Abuse

Good morning abang dk.. tsy.. and all...

Tsy.. last nite fitch rating for malaysia is A-.. slight higher than many expectation of B.. ci may hop up lo... if ci up... hk jiu... so may b i will cut hk or pick up put into freezer lo..


2015-06-30 17:50 | Report Abuse

connie tsy dk jc rchi and all... great evening ahead ya!