Fardar Chye

iris | Joined since 2014-11-11

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2015-06-23 22:37 | Report Abuse

Like tht no team spirit de feel lialo....


2015-06-23 20:37 | Report Abuse

yeah bing bro.. i mean for contra is high lioa la now.. i am waiting it to draw down a bit see can get 1 more round bo... last round earn a bit kopi liao ma.. next wanna see can earn 1 roti canai o not... heheh


2015-06-23 20:36 | Report Abuse

hahaha.. well trained by u la.. u give us most of the info liao how to get injured.. unless keras kepala nia... lol


2015-06-23 20:35 | Report Abuse

i angry u la.. how come u no buy minion gongzai pujuk me lei... T.T


2015-06-23 18:18 | Report Abuse

bing.. u misunderstand liao.. i think this "she" will go up in long time, like generating good return to investors.. but it will not everyday go up ma.. if everyday go up de hua ppl don buy other stock liao.. haha..

if A goes up, it will come down, even if in general trend its an up.. but sometimes will take a break.. rest a while.. then only continue chiong chiong chiong de...

i have no intention to say krono is going down down down... may be like up up up down down, up up up up down, down down down up, down up up up, up up up down... so generally its still up de.. just would like to warn contra player la.. already earn from 0.205 till 0.260 in 1 week.. take a break.. then let it chill a bit and enter to chiong chiong chiong ma... hehehe


2015-06-23 17:33 | Report Abuse

hahaha.. actually i was expecting myself to do some med term instead but tak jadi.. i think i still cannot hold the discipline to peep at the market and gamble it out... no good no good... must change that bad habit....


2015-06-23 17:27 | Report Abuse

tsy... got time i curi2 let u execute ya... farfar likey eh... nyek nyek nyek...


2015-06-23 17:26 | Report Abuse

where is mr chiang? i wan ask him why no 30cents? i already buy in at .260.. now i lose money liao loh... (just kidding)

long term wan no worry, contra player trade carefully oh.. personal opinion only ya... good luck!


2015-06-23 17:23 | Report Abuse

wa.. CI today no rebound lo... u guys all ok bo... any injuries bo.. but i see u all on hand stock all buy at very low price.. i think u all bo rasa wan la hahaha..


2015-06-23 17:21 | Report Abuse

ya.. abang dk very caring.. after he rub the whip cream he tap my butt and didi to ensure the cream penetrate into my skin.. but today whole day i cannot sit la.. thats why until now only i sit infront of comp to read thru this forum...

i wanna say tenkiu to abang dk bcos while he sapu the cream i saw he curicuri tears come down and feel very sedih for me... awww.... very touching lei....


2015-06-23 17:13 | Report Abuse

wa.. open cc house sudd see a bit 18SX conversation...

so now sifu seph and kakak connie go "busy"...

left me and abang dk nia loh...


2015-06-23 10:32 | Report Abuse

erm.. bing, my opinion is.. good stock can maintain at OB but even so its not for long unless 1. it has good sentiments; 2. shark is goreng-ing it...

normally if it hugging the upper band for sometimes it will come down for a while also... marathon runner also need to slowdown to drink water ma... hehehe


2015-06-23 10:20 | Report Abuse

but charts is not 100% wan la.. there is no fix formula in BURSA...malaysia boleh ma..


2015-06-23 10:19 | Report Abuse

in fact already out of the band.... check 60' chart..


2015-06-23 09:49 | Report Abuse

trading buyer careful. its already OB for 60'... don too greedy ya....


2015-06-23 07:51 | Report Abuse

Good morning to all!!!!!!!

great day good day huat day healthy day ahead ya!


2015-06-23 07:50 | Report Abuse

hi morning all!

today TR is continuing? probably 1736-1737 region? (this wan macam beli loteri ahha)..

wish every1 hav a great day ahead ya!


2015-06-22 19:33 | Report Abuse

Well said duit... congratz to ir 10k... and wish everybody to posess the best health for upcoming futures too...


2015-06-22 18:36 | Report Abuse

duit, ok noted... fundamental side will required more resources.. that part is what i am trying to work on...


2015-06-22 17:41 | Report Abuse

eh.. how come we do not have the RCA report come out yet i already kene penalize ah... if 0.755 is high, then 0.79 is low meh.... if buy at 0.755 and sell at 0.79 is still a buy low sell high right?


2015-06-22 17:23 | Report Abuse

ouch mslee.. i felt ur *ouch* as well... do take care and take necessary medications / supplements for speedy recovery... glad that you make it from the worst.. i understand those kinda feelings also.. please get more rest physically and mentally ya...


2015-06-22 17:17 | Report Abuse

swee swee.. frontside stil ok, i can see wonderwoman a has a very great marksmanship.. but backside a bit cham... the He Man yelled very loud "OH NO" then cabut liao.. now my backside a bit cold cold dei... i think he got a shocked saw wats on my backside....


2015-06-22 17:16 | Report Abuse

thanks jc, i will tahan until i have the greatest pleasure and excitement by both of them... great evening to u ya jc!


2015-06-22 17:14 | Report Abuse

duit, u havent feed back ur response on "my plan" yet...


2015-06-22 17:13 | Report Abuse

actually instead of u whipping me... i am expecting duit to *pancut*....


2015-06-22 17:12 | Report Abuse



2015-06-22 17:07 | Report Abuse

alo mr executor... u and ms executor both late ok.. i open my seluar and my brother almost catch cold for 4mins lei... ape lagi executor mao?

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Jun 22, 2015 05:06 PM | Report Abuse

after tunggu for more than 58 years (same time with Independent day)

Now only tanggal seluar-ing??????????
either you DUNKNOW how to stripless or U have more than 55,000 seluar on your body. U think U are Michellin Tyre boy ar??? Need many seluar


2015-06-22 17:06 | Report Abuse

wat da ****..... i tot whipping cream suppose to gently wipe and rub rub rub wan... sudd so chi kek wan... I LIKEY!

Posted by connie > Jun 22, 2015 05:04 PM | Report Abuse



2015-06-22 17:02 | Report Abuse

great weihan.. u can see ur holding stocks almost break even with the market value...


2015-06-22 17:00 | Report Abuse

*tanggal seluar-ing*...

here i come... wu wu wu wuuuu....


2015-06-22 16:57 | Report Abuse

connie.. have u suite up? can i request abang duit to suite up as He Man in matching with ur wonderwoman suite?


2015-06-22 16:54 | Report Abuse

abang dk.. my portfolio now is empty de lo...


2015-06-22 16:52 | Report Abuse

oh.. ok ok serious:

1. i have not seen IRCB yet.. so no plan at all, no see no in.
2. carepls:
a. hovering upper band
b. slow sto + RSI in OB region
c. MERS evasion extended geographically

a+b+c to me still a "not now"...


2015-06-22 16:48 | Report Abuse

shhhh... diam diam kasi tao u orang... actually i like that whip play wan... piak piak.. AZA AZA!!!!! PIAK!!!!


2015-06-22 16:46 | Report Abuse

wait wait.. is there any violation on using vulgar words in CC house 1st o not? later i kene double dose of the whipping cream...


2015-06-22 16:42 | Report Abuse

ha..... front part ka... i oredi cuci bersih-polish kilat my a*s woh... so do i need to cuci bersih - polish kilat my d**k as well ah...


2015-06-22 16:03 | Report Abuse

Dear Lawyer Buruk of Dunknow,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Kindly assist to inform your client that the Palm Oil Chicken Goreng (here after known as "PaOChiGo") must be prepared with chicken wing.

We shall not discuss any food topics in this month to respect muslims who are fastings. Any PaOChiGo inquiry shall be done separately through private messaging.

Again, thanks for your communications and wishes your client the best with his PaOChigo preparation.

Thanks and regards,
Farfar who is not so far, Muaks


2015-06-22 15:48 | Report Abuse

Dear Dunknow,

Good day to you! On behalf of Mr Duit, I would like to follow up on your portfolio status of Berhati-hati Tambahan to check whether you have queued / taken profit for careplus at 0.78.

Kindly advise your status asap. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Cleaning assistant

On behalf of Inventory supervisor, Duit.


2015-06-22 15:14 | Report Abuse

ok ok.. take ur time.. wanton mee comes first hehe..


2015-06-22 15:06 | Report Abuse

tsy, please do so.. our organization look at valid complaint as opportunity for improvement... come come.. then i can get to makan chicken wing lagi... heheheheh

Posted by tsy88 > Jun 22, 2015 03:02 PM | Report Abuse

Farfar .. think next one will be tsy to LODGE COMPLAINT, KIKIKI.


2015-06-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

how come the nothern part of the country got so many nice food de.. my place only got bahkuteh and wah zai 1 tonne mee...


2015-06-22 15:00 | Report Abuse

ouch... nevermind weihan, still congratulate ur earnings today. as for your .325.. time will come.. just be very very patient.. but im very impressed and surprised that u can hold from .325 till .205 without cutting loss... ur heart must be a very strong wan..


2015-06-22 14:49 | Report Abuse

congratz jingweihan! haha... extra 1 cent for u!


2015-06-22 14:48 | Report Abuse

ape entry price... gua cepat2 kasi q dulu lei... belom q lagi..


2015-06-22 14:47 | Report Abuse

abang dk... marah tak de.. sedih sampai mati liu... wuwuuwwuuu...*cepat sayang me with 20 pcs of chicken wing la*.....wuwuuwuwuwuwu...


2015-06-22 14:44 | Report Abuse

Dear BOSS (aka Ms Connie),

RE: 20 whips / 20 palm oil ayam goreng / 20 palm oil banana goreng

I am willingfully to accept any commandment onto me disregard of any charge of violations. However how can the management decide to penalize any members without proper root cause analysis?

I fully understand of the "Buy Low Sell High" policy but if we buy high and can sell higher, we also can assist other members for additional income isnt it. I hope that the management can review the incidents on the disatisfaction prior to confirm the penalty onto me.

Again, I am willingfully with any decisions that made onto me, but I hope:

1. If I am going to eat 20 pcs of ayam goreng, can i request only chicken wings and dii tong?
2. If I am to eat 20 pcs of banana goreng, can abang DK ensure they are all male banana?
3. If i am to be whipped, can I be tied with the ropes with full body like *ehem ehem* and it should be executed by kakak connie with wonderwoman suite?

My sincere apologize to the offense I have conducted, if any.

With regrets,



2015-06-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr Dunknow

Re: Re : Unsatisfied with Mr Farfar's service as Interviewer
Apologize for the disatisfaction / poor service as interviewer that you have been received during the process. We shall review the "BUY HIGH" incidents and come back to you after investigation. Again, thousands apologize.

Yours Sincerely,


2015-06-22 11:58 | Report Abuse

on behalf of duit as interviewer: can la.. janji untung wang.. altho not the max... but secured first... later join farfar 2nd round at .755... (oops)


2015-06-22 11:54 | Report Abuse

abang dk! please seduce me with all ur food.. i am very irresistable for any food.. far far likes bananar.. careful with the cooking part ya... stand by fire extinguisher... bee doo bee doo bee doooo....


2015-06-22 11:52 | Report Abuse

sure sure.. smuggling is my expertise.. (pure joke.. please don charge me)...

i think abang dk is good.. i will interview him then...

u take care for watever u doing ya.. .goodluck!