Fardar Chye

iris | Joined since 2014-11-11

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2015-06-30 17:02 | Report Abuse

u notty gal... cannot actsy actsy wan ok... tak baik tao...

nvm... now u had earned from HK and duit will be forgiving u for watever aksyen u displayed to him... hehehe


2015-06-30 16:45 | Report Abuse

suddenly cc house all into put warrant liao... the environment sounded a bit diff... i can feel abang duit see this he may be will pengsan...


2015-06-30 16:40 | Report Abuse

hrm.. unexpectedly today asia index all green green lei..


2015-06-30 16:32 | Report Abuse

adoi.. wat happen to HK... CI so geng... looks like today not much khang thao lo...


2015-06-30 11:40 | Report Abuse

genting and ambank is driving the CI so geng!


2015-06-30 11:37 | Report Abuse

look at genm!


2015-06-30 11:34 | Report Abuse

ambank, cimb gone frenzy mode!


2015-06-30 10:53 | Report Abuse

jom jc! lets chant together

"KING HK!!! KING HK!!! KING HK!!!!!"


2015-06-30 10:52 | Report Abuse

fun facts:

1. i noticed that the minions can speak a lot of language, i heard "sawadeekap", "terima kasih", "ti amo" etc etc....

2. i noticed that the minions are all males. "kevin, stuart, bob, jerry, etc etc..."


2015-06-30 10:45 | Report Abuse

abang DK!!! u already watch the minions? so funny la the movie.. altho i only understand <10% of wat they communicating.. but its still very funny... KING BOB!!!!!! KING BOB!!!!!!!!!


2015-06-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

ozzie... so envy ur "bomb" generation speed.. i everyday eat oats also doesnt seems worked for me....

region.. okie dokie! roger that.. *ping ping map*.. this morning belom got time to make coffee lagi..whole morning stuck with my laptop screen doing work and peeping at bursa... lol

manowar.. looks like the dressing already "undressing"... i guess soon enough it will turn into "n*ked".. (actually i dunno whether those words are consider reportable o not.. can some1 tell me ah)


2015-06-30 10:31 | Report Abuse

*chant in heart: HK! HK! UP UP UP! HK! HK! UP UP UP!*

shhh... hehehe


2015-06-30 10:27 | Report Abuse

wew.. thats sthg new.. i only have the shallow understanding of "green = bull, red = bear"...

Posted by manowar > Jun 30, 2015 10:16 AM | Report Abuse

Some mid-year Window Dressing activities only. Not much consistencies coming days ahead. It'll be unwise to feel bullish just becoz the index defied many doomsday toothsayer. The DJI last night went below the 200MA ...... Hv u not heard before? The bulls live above the 200 .... below it, the bears?

abang region, this is the 1 996 round i wanna enjoy 3.5 days coffee with u guys... wakakakaka.. if continue to attack rmb jio me!

Posted by region > Jun 30, 2015 10:18 AM | Report Abuse

Dont worried fardar....tomoro continue drop klci we just enjoy the show ba, either ppl stay side line or we attack the


2015-06-30 10:25 | Report Abuse

welcome to the gank connie! HK! HK! we wan HK!!! HK! HK! we want HK!

*i feel so bad as if i am chanting for CI red score...*


2015-06-30 10:23 | Report Abuse

wa abang dk! toyota manufacturing standards sia!

Posted by Dunknow > Jun 30, 2015 10:12 AM | Report Abuse

hahahha,u know why?cos u only ask 3 why...now everyone is looking for 5 why mah....after 5 why u have the answer...kikiki


2015-06-30 09:33 | Report Abuse

is the TR coming? so soon? or wayang only?


2015-06-30 09:18 | Report Abuse

abang region, but i thought this round of comning dued payment is about 1.9bil USD? i feel so sad that nobody can really helps despite of the president ngeh ngeh dowan give way to IMF.. and all other EU members seems like sit and watch...

on our end.. u see 260bil in compare to 740bil 1MXB... and our country can manage it like snapping fingers... betul2 malaysia boleh.. .=.=


2015-06-30 08:57 | Report Abuse

thansk tsy... huat ah huat ah...

look at the hk queue its like crazy sh*t....


2015-06-30 08:56 | Report Abuse

abang simon abang region, wanna ask is the "crowd funding" in greece means that who got money donate to clear the debts?


2015-06-30 08:50 | Report Abuse

are u guys looking at HK's queue? i guess open market would go up to .160 already..


2015-06-30 08:48 | Report Abuse

good morning tsy, jc, dunknow, connie, swee2, cap tm and all!

wish u all can get all green green in ur portfolio despite of the red red of the KLCI ya...

not forgetting today is 15th of lunar month today.. wish u all an endless happiness and healthy life ya!


2015-06-30 07:52 | Report Abuse

Huat ah huat ahhhh


2015-06-29 18:14 | Report Abuse

wa betul2 close .150... cantek sekali.. huat huat huat all ya!


2015-06-29 16:15 | Report Abuse

wa.. ada orang set roadblock balik at .145...


2015-06-29 14:32 | Report Abuse

waliu... got ppl put rasta ulti refresher orb + scepter!!

double ulti!


2015-06-29 14:31 | Report Abuse

.140 wanna sold out liao.... mao kasi push tak... ehhehehe


2015-06-29 11:49 | Report Abuse

ok i wanna close my screen and go to work.. after 5pm i hope to see .150 on HK... nyek3....


2015-06-29 11:45 | Report Abuse

*minion tone* TELIMA KASIH!

hehehe.. actually didnt spend much time on market recently.. so would probably just do very prelim 6c6c.. wont be entering much of stocks in this moment la.. really busy like h*ll but trying to snake some time to cc house and simon house... wkakaka


2015-06-29 11:38 | Report Abuse

high 5 abang region! i guess now u must be complaining to icefrog already.. bcos u wan buy 10 divine rapier but only got 6 slots.. wakkakaa..


2015-06-29 11:35 | Report Abuse

connie... curi2 tell u.. farfar got hk last friday... very last minute decision bcos im not looking at the market also... but i deem that greece issue may impact and MYR also about 3.7XX already...

erm.. not very good but i did it in some "gamble mode"... is that violating CC house rules also? *oops*


2015-06-29 11:26 | Report Abuse

hi all... doing good o not my fren in CC house... i hope u all fine..

greece is in extreme critical condition as in the news ppl are lining up at the ATM and some banks are not opening... looks very dramatic right now..


2015-06-29 11:25 | Report Abuse

sentiments is very very poor now... everybody in greece is lining up at ATM to withdraw all their money from the bank.. some bank is not opening.. search up the news.. i guess greece is like extremely critical right now.


2015-06-29 11:06 | Report Abuse

i wanna share ur joy with u all by the statement below:


wakakaka.. we all can buy 1 divine rapier each already... wakkakaa


2015-06-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

dear manowar, thanks for ur advise but currently portfolio is "quite" empty... i have 1 in hand for short trade but my approximation is by T4 it should be break even / sthg... if it touches my cut lose then i will cut without mercy... hahahaa....

region, simon... regret lo.. didnt pick up HK at 0.085 - 0.090 zone... but i tumpang gembira with ur cups of variety hehehe...


2015-06-26 00:53 | Report Abuse

Yeah its interesting.... we will see how ci break below the lower band in very near future hehe...


2015-06-26 00:17 | Report Abuse

ohh... BB is short form for bollinger bands.. ok.. now i understand wat u said... thanks for the great sharings ya! am currently using MAs MACD, slow stochs and RSI... currently also learning some zigzag patterns... ur mid BB is referring to 20,2,2 right?

thanks for the great enlightments.. im a newbie in this TA and FA things..


2015-06-25 23:43 | Report Abuse

hi manowar.. yes.. your 5 days is referring to next wednesday right... so keep our finger cross or we ikan ikan bilis have to save ourselves first lo... hahaha

understand the DJI, but don understand mid BB, do u mind explain what is "Mid BB"?


2015-06-25 23:13 | Report Abuse

hi simon... looks like tsunami really wanna come liao...

hi region.. u think greece wont gonna make it? i got some sort of feeling its like wayang wayang then may be later kasi lepas again eh... just a feeling la.. no supported de....


2015-06-25 23:10 | Report Abuse

hi guys! is every1 doing fine here?sentiments are weak, fitch says no good, greece says still no good.. i hope krono is not badly hit by these poor sentiments...


2015-06-25 23:09 | Report Abuse

hello boys and girls! hope u all are doing fine.. i can see u all are attacking knm? hope u all get the max out of it ya!

hi connie, hows ur *ehem ehem*.. getting better? i tot they asked u to rest more and let others jaga cc house.. how come u are still appearing so often?

wishes u all the best health and best wealth ya!


2015-06-25 08:08 | Report Abuse

yes.. i think good to invest for med term la.. can easily give 10-15% with closed eyes IF entered the correct price... hahaha..

ok.. if u using any stock trading software u sure will know how to do it.. im not using any trading software but i am using the trading platform to view the graph.. mine is "aff*n"... so if i want to look at their chart i normally just right click and look at analysis chart.. .from there u can select a lot of features u want to see including bollinger bands, RSI, EMA (moving average exponential), MA, WMA (moving average weighted).. then mine can click onto that features i select to turned on to different MA interval...

wat trading platform u are using? if not i think there is a freeware call chartnexus that my fren said quite user frenly also.. may be u can try la but i never tried before.. but i bliv most of the trading platform provide u the analysis chart thing....

let me know wat kinda info u need.. wat ever i know i try to help lo.. u know la.. we both also newbie ma hahahaha


2015-06-25 07:58 | Report Abuse

good morning simon... dji so khek last nite...


2015-06-24 18:45 | Report Abuse

by astro ka that last minute?

sad for greece.. dunno they will wayang wayang and extend for another round of proposal bo...


2015-06-24 18:36 | Report Abuse

wa... today buy rate quite high oh... very strong fighting spirit by this girl!


2015-06-24 08:53 | Report Abuse

and i think our good teacher ifca now is purely moved by the momentum of the retail buyers than the sharks.. so geng the sharks.. they can build the momentum at the starting point and just sit back and sit how great the momentum can go.. its like pushing a skateboard.. u hit hit hit with power with start.. once it moves to the direction... u just once a while hit a bit hit a bit... very unique... i do learn a lot from ifca these 2 weeks..


2015-06-24 08:51 | Report Abuse

erm rockman, i got 1 observation on westport, dunno valid o not...

if u look at the daily chart, then u turn on the bollinger band, u will see that everytime the chart hits the upper band, it will come down... but then when it hits the 50EMA, it will go up again.. quite fun ya... may be that can help u to determine its trend and what kinda TP u like to have.. FA side i do not have info...


2015-06-24 08:41 | Report Abuse

good morning abang dk... aiya.. then nvm... i now ur heart sayang me can d la.. no need toy liu.. i see u offer me ur banana then i already feel u r sayang ma... hehehe


2015-06-24 07:55 | Report Abuse

hehehe... 230 i buy ok?

if 230 i buy liao we hold our fist tight tight and blow water non stop lol..

if no 230 and keep go up up up.. i will congratulate u, alan, and weihan for ur stock value increasing... like that ok ma?


2015-06-24 07:53 | Report Abuse

good morning boys and girls! wish u all have a great and super fantastic day ahead ya!


2015-06-24 07:52 | Report Abuse

Good morning to all!

region, i noted your message on the over all direction... overall we have been keep on saying sylla bear for so long d ma... heheheh

ImCK bro, this should be the place that we all love, that is no wrong.. thats why we must always influence our surrounding ppl with positive attitude and positive thinking to treat ppl around us with equality as much as possible (i know very hard la...) so that it can be our lovely homeground...

Ny036 bro, i think whether we like it o not.. there is a lot of ppl likes to korek here and there whether its ethical o not...may be certain position shouldnt do it in a too obvious way la....