Fardar Chye

iris | Joined since 2014-11-11

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2015-07-06 08:44 | Report Abuse

morning all! is this time for "raya shopping"?? hehe


2015-07-06 08:44 | Report Abuse

good morning cc kopitiam.. looks like everybody is very negative on CI ya? looks like this week is very good for "raya shopping"?


2015-07-03 17:37 | Report Abuse

wa so chi kek the work out... after 4min straight sweat like rain fall.. i also 1st time doing that nia... stop jogging for more than half year since then.. so must start do some exercise back.. if not fatty fatty nobody wans me lo...

i know the "work out" u do very good.. can burn a lot of calories... keep up ya... heheheh....


2015-07-03 17:24 | Report Abuse

owh.. tsy.. belom clear lagi... may be monday morning.. actually i plan to keep till next wednesday but seems like a bit scary scary... but cap tm is very convincing.. so i wanna look at monday morning...


2015-07-03 17:22 | Report Abuse

wakakaka... ok la i wanna go do some work out.. today we try this work out ok? exercise more for better health ya!



2015-07-03 17:18 | Report Abuse

hahaha.. ok ok connie.. let u spank my butt.. but u spank the left side ok.. i leave the right side for abang dk to spank... wakaka...


2015-07-03 17:09 | Report Abuse

hrm... actually i understand that concept connie.. its just forgetful enuf to become ignorant.. must spank my own head to get up...


2015-07-03 16:57 | Report Abuse

im watching closely connie.. still managable where i still got buffer away from sell q...


2015-07-03 16:53 | Report Abuse

ok noted with thanks!


2015-07-03 16:50 | Report Abuse

oh... u seduce my itchiness deh... hehehehhehe.. thanks cap.. i will monitor closely on monday morning again... many many thanks ya!


2015-07-03 16:47 | Report Abuse

who still holding HK? i think i wanna cut lose liao... sad die me...


2015-07-03 16:46 | Report Abuse

wa... looks like cannot go down ha? should i clear my HK now?


2015-07-03 16:38 | Report Abuse

wa... CI reversal... looks like it doesnt wanna close in red!


2015-07-03 12:53 | Report Abuse

my subs no laugh me hoo hoo hoo lo.. my subs they call me "soh*i" now... lol... so i ask them to belanja me makan canteen wakkaka


2015-07-03 12:17 | Report Abuse

haha jc... now the purple notes havent realised yet... still in my trading platform... happy lunching to all ya!


2015-07-03 12:12 | Report Abuse

erm... got gals also la... normally i call them boys and gals altho the youngest is already 42 years old... wakkaka..


2015-07-03 12:05 | Report Abuse

then my boy laugh at me say.. alo.. we come here lepak2 got OT claim leh.. u come here susah payah no OT claim wan leh... hahahha


2015-07-03 11:59 | Report Abuse

ok.. heres the story......

yesterday i worked till late and today i woke up late for work.. normally i woke up 7am and go to work 7:30.. office hours starts 8am ma... then i woke up i saw my clock is 8:15am... then i sibeh kanjiong faster send whatsapp to my boss telling her that i overslept and will be late.. so i storm everything and burst out from home 8:30am and reach office 9am..

then when i reach office its like very speedy pace i walked to my office and when my subs saw me they all looking at me 1 kind... when i gone up to office reaching there 9:05am and i see my boss havent reach the office yet.. so i was like "fuuhhhh.... no wonder she didnt reply me.. bcos she is later than me wakkakak"

then i took a routine walkabout to my subs and they all were asking me:

subs: farfar... why are u coming to work today?
farfar: why am i not coming to work today?
subs: do u know wat day is today?
farfar: today is friday la!
subs: then do u know wat day is tomoro?
farfar: u play me meh... tomoro is saturday la...
subs: u r right.. tomoro is saturday and also selangor public holiday
farfar: ......... F-*-C-K!

(our company replaces saturday holiday to friday... my boss didnt reply me not bcos she is late.. is becos she thinks im dumb enuf dunno today is replacement holiday)



2015-07-03 11:53 | Report Abuse

HK! HK! HK! i wanna use vulgar word.. i didnt queued to exit... AGAIN!.. targetted .120 and didnt q!... but looks like the worse of CI is yet to come? can i degil degil keep for 1-2 days more? hehehe...


2015-07-03 11:52 | Report Abuse

wa how come i am assigned to do the tagline.. i tot i were only requesting.. since when CC house work like a corperate already.. in the meeting whoever put up the suggestion he/she sure kene the task wakkaka... so if were to suggest, may be we should suggest CC and COs..

reason: house of CC sure put CC as main title la.. COs means rakan2 sekalian ma.. and i see this forum macam consultation firm already.. ppl keep come in and ask "connie, can look at XXXX?".. normally those pro pro consultation firm always put like that right?? heheh


2015-07-03 11:49 | Report Abuse


sorry late clock in.. today happened very funny and stupid things on me..


2015-07-03 11:48 | Report Abuse

wa wat happen so chikek... sien liao miss the exit point... ^#$%^&**@#$% hahahaha...

eh ali don call me fortune teller... later ppl misunderstand tot i very geng come and attack me aim me i die 99x la... hehehe..

bro u still got long CI? trade care ya... i think the best part havent come yet... still got more downside to go.. discussions ya...


2015-07-02 17:35 | Report Abuse

haha.. ok ok.. tomoro we fight them kao kao.. looks like china side had released some news.. wan go home and read tonite.. great evening ahead to u guys ya!


2015-07-02 17:30 | Report Abuse

yeah connie tsy.. tonite i must mumble hk hk to sleep.. wakakaka...

jc tsy connie dk yy zz dd cap tm hawk rchi mslee duit (who had been MIA for so long).. great evening ahead to you guys too ya!

i think we need a simple tag line that can greet everybody.. hehe..


2015-07-02 17:20 | Report Abuse

HK! HK! HK!!!!!!!!! yes yes hehehehhe...


2015-07-02 17:20 | Report Abuse

sibeh panlai lo u... wakakaka... but can die bo.. if few of us together use goblin sure can kill.. we 2 go first.. let ali baba and region go lasst then they can get rampage! wakaka


2015-07-02 17:07 | Report Abuse

sei zai simon.. u don cheat me ah... goblin suicide can kill bkb eh meh? later i bom berkorban dengan gaya but they boh rasa i very malu leh...


2015-07-02 17:01 | Report Abuse

lu jin jia panlai... zai wa suka banana... wakakkaa.... mcd banana pie eh sai bo?

Posted by Dunknow > Jul 2, 2015 04:56 PM | Report Abuse

no light lar…I am just like mancis api only…connie,try,farfar,duit are the light…the SPOTLIGHT…like that lor….dun sad sad lar….nanti I belanja u my banana ya….creammy yummy….ai mai?


2015-07-02 17:00 | Report Abuse

hehehe.. really o not ali... don cheat me leh.. i already buy dagon 5 + etheral blade... if bursa buy bkb linken hood heart... i become useless already lo...


2015-07-02 16:53 | Report Abuse

abang dk.. that wan is giving compliment lei... u macam the light of cc house.. every1 see u also feel bright and sunny ma... macam tu u cakap me pull u in water... i sad lei..


2015-07-02 16:40 | Report Abuse

CONNIE! how can u worry to got lost at bursa.. just logon to i3 and look for DK la! adui....


2015-07-02 16:37 | Report Abuse

aiyo mai ang kan.. i know u sapu a lot of ifca and HK just now already.. mai keh keh ah... hehehe...

ali... don like that lei.. just now i got curi curi buy a bit HK leh.. if keep on green like that i no khang thao lo...


2015-07-02 16:29 | Report Abuse

ali bro... blast red or blast green... kekekkee...


2015-07-02 16:20 | Report Abuse

weih simon.. u still got pegang homeriz bo... so d*mn geng...


2015-07-02 15:48 | Report Abuse

i pening la abang dk.. so i mao minta sifu kasi explain a bit wat is this symptom indicating ma... ada fengshui tak betul ke... ada small ppl kacau ke...


2015-07-02 15:42 | Report Abuse

i dunno ms connie and abang dk.. my compass pusing pusing up down up down non stop.. wakkaka...


2015-07-02 15:31 | Report Abuse

i sense simon and region 2 fella farming kao kao now... hehehehe


2015-07-02 15:30 | Report Abuse

connie.. i sense strong wind is coming...


2015-07-02 10:26 | Report Abuse

thanks sifu rchi.. that explains why the agris are doing good right now as well..


2015-07-02 10:25 | Report Abuse

i scare if any of our fren forgotten the great zeus ulti / spec ulti / invoker sunstrike / furion teleport straight come and kill us lo...

i am very very confuse and curious wat is the story behind hahaha..


2015-07-02 10:24 | Report Abuse

may be some "raya angpao" kua.. any idea ah?


2015-07-02 10:18 | Report Abuse


hehe.. sifu sifu sekalian, abang abang sekalian, kakak kakak sekalian.. i would like to ask 1 question:

is it if MYR having "sign of strength" will influence bank stocks? been seeing yesterday banks are performing so good (basically most of the Ci stocks are good).. today non banks are starts to see blockage but bank still go go go -ing.. .


2015-07-02 10:13 | Report Abuse

banks and agri in ci stocks is doing so good.. others like telco, energy and o&g seems like stuck stuck... is this a good indicator that it can be pushing the CI good enough ah?


2015-07-02 09:35 | Report Abuse

hi hi morning simon morning region morning alibaba morning IMCK (eh bro imck.. come often la.. don huat liao tiok forget us liao.. hehehe)... morning all my frens, my buddies, and my dota fighter!

simon bro.. i got a question.. im still quite doubt on CI will go up to 1750 as yesterday is such a long candle.. and for quite sometimes we don see so long green candle liu.. tiba2 the CI cross the MA and mao kasi break itu MA line like so easy... my opinion is (for discussion ya..).. yesterday white candle will influece today 1st session to be green.. second session may still stagnant or slide down a bit due to too short timing to be overbought yesterday...
yesterday i guess if somebody at 8:59am chin chai tok 1 stock from that 30 CI related... sure already huat huat..

greece "macam sudah lepas sementara".. fitch "macam sudah good".. but hidden issues like 1mdb still not resolved.. gomen continue to identify "good company" to makan the dead cat.. dunno which "good company" will kene....

1 more ques i would like to clarify.. if MYR sudd turn strong.. will it give good effect to all the bank shares in malaysia?


2015-07-01 16:49 | Report Abuse

aiyo... cannot achieve my prediction...

Jul 1, 2015 10:41 AM | Report Abuse

region, i agree with u... call me buying big-small (which is not the spirit of this forum).. i am buying increment of bursa will cut down below 20pts, 1723-1724 is my target...


2015-07-01 16:18 | Report Abuse

if he creates ID name maikaopay, i will create ID maikaobu.. so together we mai kao peh kao bu la... aiyo.. so difficult to induce proper attitude mindset to forumers nowadays...

simon, gua BKB and TP liao.. hehehehe


2015-07-01 16:12 | Report Abuse

ok ok.... sorry ya.. a bit overexcited already ma... wakkakaa

omm... .ommm.....

Posted by simon84 > Jul 1, 2015 04:10 PM | Report Abuse

Stay calm and peace guys . later ong lari..:)


2015-07-01 16:11 | Report Abuse

kamsiah lu abang dk... wakaka...

eh.. maldives tamao jalan lagi ka...


2015-07-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

woi region.. u summon wolf or summon anjing? why got anjing come out wan?


2015-07-01 15:59 | Report Abuse

kejam u simon 2x.. bo jio me popcorn.. i also smuggle in ifca this morning ma.. hahahaha