
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2022-10-19 21:24 | Report Abuse

Voters give you nasihat PH. Listen. Kalau rasa you tak bersalah dan rasa ego.... go ahead. Jangan salahkan kami voters who going to be the judge during this GE if we continue to support BN.


2022-10-19 21:21 | Report Abuse

Oh habis your LGE is so not rasuah? Tak malu ke ? Satu jari tunjuk party lain rasuah 3 jari lain tunjuk party sendiri ? Yang 100 lebih penerima wang 1MDB tu apa cerita semua taukie cina . I demand next government open back a court cases yang PH gugurkan atau tutup.


2022-10-19 19:47 | Report Abuse

Only one thing can safe PH. Go out and apologies to all voters. You lie to them especially in last GE. You think voters happy from what did happen? You always blame Mahathir for everything but why on the first place you make a deal with devil? You done that and yet you blame others for your shortcoming. Voters not stupxd anymore. They are very angry toward PH especially the Malay. They cannot forgive you that easy. Admit it you made a mistake and made a blunder in 22 months you govern Malaysia and lets Rakyat become the judge. That is why you are being rejected nationwide. Sekali you tipu orang akan ingat dan bila you mau sell your product again people will think twice before believing in your product "PH". That is why you also want to change your logo at first because you know your product tak laku already. But making a new product in such a short time , promote it and sell it to voters will be difficult especially product that nobody know. So you cancel that plan. You see... you also don't trust your own brand and product.


2022-10-19 19:26 | Report Abuse

BN should go solo in Sabah. GRS is falling apart. Warisan is not in the same page with PH. Better BN go solo and later join hand with Warisan. BN made a good decision not become GRS component party. Kalau tak sama-sama karam. The power of BN from only 2 seat become 14 in last sate election should tell BN they can use their own strength. People dont want PH anymore. PH like product busuk. They lie to the people non-stop. Thanks god others already wake up. Only chinese now eat every day PH lie. Good for them. They go and sleep with PH lie. PH dah menipu tak mau mintak maaf pada pengundi. Tunggu la GE ni pengundi ajar PH supaya next time no other party will do that and they remember what happen to PH. Kisah Teladan Politik.


2022-10-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

Huraiii Warisan + BN. Habis la PN and Bersatu


2022-10-17 18:40 | Report Abuse

Ismail for PM. He said before he will maintain KJ for Ministry of Health


Really cannot wait to see country back on track after this GE.

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2022-10-17 02:29 | Report Abuse

I don't get anything from doing this comment. I just want my country back to the way it is before 2018 where we enjoy good return in bursa and so on. We destroy what we have when we decide to change because we thought it is for better, but the result is worst. We have 3 government in 3 years and the political stability is gone forever starting from that moment 2018. It is actually a nightmare which i hope we won't repeat the same mistake again. The country need stable government in order to move forward and get confident from foreign investor and business to move.

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2022-10-17 02:05 | Report Abuse

Those from PN their time will come after GE 15. All sure masuk dalam. Those Bistari Net scandal. play with other people wife scandal, all those 1mdb money recipient including those long list of businesses which also receive 1mdb money which MACC report already being made against them. Very interesting to see after this GE.



2022-10-17 01:49 | Report Abuse

GPS is exBN and they are still friend. That is why BN did not create any party in Sarawak as they know they got GPS there. They are BN friendly. Abg Jo got premiership from BN i.e UMNO lead Government and same goes to MA63 sign during Ismail leadership. PN is going against GPS in Sarawak this GE. PN even go against GPS during state election which make GPS furious. Do you really think GPS going to give Moo a chance ? and inside PN they have PAS who are not accepted in Sarawak due to their extrema approach which people in borneo cannot accept. Hhahaah The_JQestion please read carefully general knowledge so that you can learn about GPS and Sarawak politic.

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2022-10-16 23:04 | Report Abuse

You might get Suprise after GE 15 Tobby. Not only Non-Malay vote are going to BN direction now but also the new voters. Johor & Melaka state election shows how even with Muda support, BN still win almost 89% saluran Muda. PH know this and they already saw a very gloomy day ahead. PN just kacau daun and eating UMNO and PH Malay vote but that is not enough for them without non malay vote. That is why they know they going to be wipeout in the coming GE.

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2022-10-16 22:27 | Report Abuse

This is going to be the Government after GE :

BN + GPS (Sarawak and xBN party) + GRS kalau kesian boleh la tarik sekali PN atas alasan MN atau Perpaduan Ummah. Without PN also they can form strong 2/3 majority government .


2022-10-16 22:05 | Report Abuse

PN know they going to be wipeout in the coming GE. Even with GTA joining them they cannot do it well why because they don't have the correct ingredient which is party representing 3 Major race in Malaysia which include Malay, Chinese and Indian. PH don`t have strong Malay base. PN don't have strong Non-Malay base. Only BN got all together. Hence they can show a superb performance. Malaysia politic and election are still draw based on this race line.

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2022-10-16 21:56 | Report Abuse

UMNO and BN in very good shape now. The force and mighty of all component party are put together and they now a very strong party. Very good for BN.


2022-10-16 21:53 | Report Abuse

Sayonara PH. Tu la lain kali jangan tipu voters. You win last time because of lie. Now you want to sell your product to people....you think people will still believe you. Oh Ya...only Chinese will believe you forever and ever even after you lie so many times,

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2022-10-16 21:50 | Report Abuse

Sayonara Mahathir. The end of day.


2022-10-05 21:26 | Report Abuse

Sapula Darling for next Government in waiting


2022-10-05 10:54 | Report Abuse

Habis la PH. All document from Saudi now public can see


2022-10-05 10:53 | Report Abuse

(AP, 15 April 2016) — Saudi Arabia has for the first time publicly confirmed Malaysia’s claim that $681 million in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s bank accounts was a donation from the Saudi royal family, countering accusations that the money was siphoned from heavily indebted state investment fund 1MDB.



2022-10-04 22:42 | Report Abuse

wow paid tax to sabah already. Capital reduction and share buy back 10%. Well done Hibiscus. Good job management. Now the ship can sail to north.


2022-09-25 21:22 | Report Abuse

Mahathir done GE during monsoon season before. Why you so worried ? Malaysia is the only country in the world where opposition afraid to have election while normally opposition is the one calling for early election so that they can be in power and change the government. Malaysia ni memang pelik. hahahahha.


2022-09-25 17:22 | Report Abuse

The reason the country at this current condition is because of PH and its inability to govern the country for 22 month. later continue with PH splinter party which is PN and they also failed miserably. The country only moving forward when UMNO man taking over. Still got mxrxn who thought PH the only one can save the country. PH is the reason why we are at this stage now. Rakyat tested PH, PN and BN. They know which one is better. That is why from Borneo to Melaka and Johor, they giving back the country to BN and GRS which before 2018 govern the country. PENDEK KATA SEMUA DAH KENA TIPU IN 2018. KONON IN KALI LAH. I NAK BAGI TAU. INI KALI....LAIN KAL.I LAH. HAHAHAH.


2022-09-05 19:45 | Report Abuse

i told you guys already 3 days ago. I told you ..this is another JADEM. You dont want to listen. Good luck.


2022-08-30 14:15 | Report Abuse

profit and earning are at record high.


2022-08-30 12:54 | Report Abuse

CJ must act on AG’s ‘contemptuous’ letter to judge, says Zaid


Get ready AG & PM to answer. Hahaha. Clear executive interference.


2022-08-30 12:54 | Report Abuse

CJ must act on AG’s ‘contemptuous’ letter to judge, says Zaid


Get ready AG & PM to answer. Hahaha. Clear executive interference.

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2022-08-28 17:26 | Report Abuse

dow going down so much

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2022-08-28 15:24 | Report Abuse

The best thing PH can do now is seek forgiveness from Rakyat that kencing in last election. They continuously lie to the people even after lost Putrajaya. Seek forgiveness from Rakyat and see la if Rakyat can still trust them and vote for them. The power abuse, corruption, lie to the people and incompetency of PH leaders last time really still in people mind. They need a few more years to clean that up and bring more competence leader on board.

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2022-08-28 15:18 | Report Abuse

Why should wait until next year? PH is the one who want the mandate to be return back to Rakyat as soon as They lost putrajaya. They even call the next govern after them with all sort of things and name i.e Kerajaan pintu belakxng...kerajaan tebuk atap ....and so on. So now is the opportunity to conduct election after we return to endemic, c19 case low and many state election done. Economy also moving very good, inflation under control and among the lowest in Southeast Asia and FDI in flow and Trade are in very good condition. Why you want to wait PH ? You are the want who want election previously and now you change your mind when you see your party being slaughtxred in Melaka, Johor and Sarawak.


2022-08-28 15:17 | Report Abuse

Why should wait until next year? PH is the one who want the mandate to be return back to Rakyat as soon as They lost putrajaya. They even call the next govern after them with all sort of things and name i.e Kerajaan pintu belakxng...kerajaan tebuk atap ....and so on. So now is the opportunity to conduct election after we return to endemic, c19 case low and many state election done. Economy also moving very good, inflation under control and among the lowest in Southeast Asia and FDI in flow and Trade are in very good condition. Why you want to wait PH ? You are the want who want election previously and now you change your mind when you see your party being slaughtxred in Melaka, Johor and Sarawak.

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2022-08-28 15:00 | Report Abuse

come on ismail tabur lagi. tabur lagi. kasi rakyat syok and enjoy.

Ismail Sabri umum beberapa berita baik kepada KEMAS

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2022-08-28 14:59 | Report Abuse

come on ismail tabur lagi. tabur lagi. kasi rakyat syok and enjoy.

Ismail Sabri umum beberapa berita baik kepada KEMAS


2022-08-28 14:58 | Report Abuse

come on ismail tabur lagi. tabur lagi. kasi rakyat syok and enjoy.

Ismail Sabri umum beberapa berita baik kepada KEMAS

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2022-08-28 13:31 | Report Abuse

Than why you take TDM become you PM? Dont tell me PH stupxd enough dont know who is TDM? And of course you famous Finance Minister Nobita aka LGE who after being appointed tell every people around the world that the country going to bankrupt. Hahhaha. Finance minister paling bodoh pernah ada dalam muka bumi. Did he even know who want to come and invest in bankrupt country. Even PM is TDM, the one doing his job is PH MP including that Finance minister which cause all of us in bursa sakit.

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2022-08-28 13:29 | Report Abuse

Than why you take TDM become you PM? Dont tell me PH stupxd enough dont know who is TDM? And of course you famous Finance Minister Nobita aka LGE who after being appointed tell every people around the world that the country going to bankrupt. Hahhaha. Finance minister paling bodoh pernah ada dalam muka bumi. Did he even know who want to come and invest in bankrupt country. Even PM is TDM, the one doing his job is PH MP including that Finance minister which cause all of us in bursa sakit.

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2022-08-28 13:28 | Report Abuse

Than why you take TDM become you PM? Dont tell me PH stupxd enough dont know who is TDM? And of course you famous Finance Minister Nobita aka LGE who after being appointed tell every people around the world that the country going to bankrupt. Hahhaha. Finance minister paling bodoh pernah ada dalam muka bumi. Did he even know who want to come and invest in bankrupt country. Even PM is TDM, the one doing his job is PH MP including that Finance minister which cause all of us in bursa sakit.

News & Blogs

2022-08-28 13:16 | Report Abuse

Sorry bro. PH given a chance to govern but they failed . Even their 100 days manifesto they also cannot achieve. They are the one prepare it and they cannot meet their own KPI. What more to say. We in bursa lagi sakit because of out flow of FDI and the worst bursa in the world. Its a record you know. PH can become opposition. But if you put them in driving seat i.e give them the country they cannot perform and they are the worst because they cannot full fill anything except gst which later cause huge vaccume in country revenue and cause us to sell our assest and take money from petronas and other gorn investment arm. PH lucky BN left them with a lot of money in petronas and so on.

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2022-08-28 13:14 | Report Abuse

Sorry bro. PH give a chance to govern but they failed . Even their 100 days manifesto they also cannot achieve. They are the one prepare it and they cannot meet their own KPI. What more to say. We in bursa lagi sakit because of out flow of FDI and the worst bursa in the world. Its a record you know. PH can become opposition. But if you put them in driving seat i.e give them the country they cannot perform and they are the worst because they cannot full fill anything except gst which later cause huge vaccume in country revenue and cause us to sell our assest and take money from petronas and other gorn investment arm. PH lucky BN left them with a lot of money in petronas and so on.

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2022-08-28 13:10 | Report Abuse

Sorry bro. PH give a chance to govern but they failed . Even their 100 days manifesto they also cannot achieve. They are the one prepare it and they cannot meet their own KPI. What more to say. We in bursa lagi sakit because of out flow of FDI and the worst bursa in the world. Its a record you know. PH can become opposition. But if you put them in driving seat i.e give them the country they cannot perform and they are the worst because they cannot full fill anything except gst which later cause huge vaccume in country revenue and cause us to sell our assest and take money from petronas and other gorn investment arm. PH lucky BN left them with a lot of money in petronas and so on.


2022-08-28 13:00 | Report Abuse

Down going down very bad last friday. Get ready on monday.

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2022-08-28 12:46 | Report Abuse

Dont give corrupt PH another chance loh. They will put down LGE case again. Now the PH leader LGE corruption case open for everyone to see. Satu terowong pun tak nampak dah 6 tahun.

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2022-08-28 12:45 | Report Abuse

Dont give corrupt PH another chance loh. They will put down LGE case again. Now the PH leader LGE corruption case open for everyone to see. Satu terowong pun tak nampak dah 6 tahun.

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2022-08-28 12:45 | Report Abuse

Dont give corrupt PH another chance loh. They will put down LGE case again. Now the PH leader LGE corruption case open for everyone to see. Satu terowong pun tak nampak dah 6 tahun.