
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2023-05-03 09:14 | Report Abuse

Seems like rebounding ...... do not write it off yet ??


2023-05-03 09:14 | Report Abuse

so opportunity knocks ??? knock three times ??


2023-05-02 17:22 | Report Abuse

Why are you panicky running like chicken heads? New chap is helming now with promising prospects to come . No cause of concern.


2023-05-02 13:06 | Report Abuse

you guys talk as if you guys dictated the market. it is clear that there is no more support for this counter. Judging from the way it goes,it is in hibernation for a long long time.
So forget about it...


2023-04-30 22:06 | Report Abuse

Its a Circus where bunch of clowns and jokers mingle and jingle round to entertain the spectators like you and me....


2023-04-29 08:20 | Report Abuse

In order not to create havoc in the market,tony has already hinted his intention to depart in the media. I still believe the root to his departure is attributable to the regularisation plan.

Basically,what he is insinuating is that if you people don't trust his business model,he will quit.


2023-04-29 08:15 | Report Abuse

The most likely rationales for the recent event are no.5 and 6.


2023-04-29 08:12 | Report Abuse

There are several possible rationales for exercising warrants at an exercised price that is higher than the mother share price:

1. Potential for Higher Returns: If the exercised price is higher than the share price, it means the investor will purchase the shares at a discount, providing the potential for higher returns when the shares appreciate in value.

2. Capitalization of Gains: Exercising warrants also allows investors to capitalize on the gains they have already made, either through trading the warrants or by holding them for a period of time.

3. Lock-in gains: Some investors may exercise warrants to lock in gains, to avoid losing their profits before the warrant expires.

4. Speculation: Investors may also exercise warrants for speculative reasons, expecting the share price to rise even higher in the future and for the exercised price to be still cheap.

5. Increasing ownership: Exercise of warrants is a way to increase ownership stake in a company.

6. Boost the value of the mother shares: Exercise of warrants can increase the demand for the underlying company shares leading to a boost in the share price.

7. No loss in intrinsic value: If the market price of the underlying shares exceeds the strike price, the investor can exercise, trading the shares and the warrant or immediately selling the shares, at an increased price.

Therefore, investors exercise warrants at a higher price so that they may capitalize on potential gains, lock in profits, increase their ownership stake, and increase demand for the mother shares.


2023-04-29 07:50 | Report Abuse

I believe Tony is not keen to merge the two entities under the regularisation plan.

He is insinuating that he is leaving the Group if he is under pressure to go against his wish.He prefers to maintain the two separate entities to serve different segment as he has originally planned.


2023-04-28 20:36 | Report Abuse

Exercise of warrants is in progress.

A warrant is exercised once the holder tells the issuer they intend to purchase the underlying shares. When a warrant is exercised, the company issues new shares , so the overall number of outstanding shares will increase....

More shares in issue now...


2023-04-28 16:52 | Report Abuse

Tony is not smart but foxy


2023-04-28 15:22 | Report Abuse

swinging mood or what ? swinging from flying to bye bye. Kiss someone nice and say good bye or kiss your own arse and say good bye ?


2023-04-28 14:57 | Report Abuse

Apparently, no break through yet so it is difficult to thrust .


2023-04-28 12:08 | Report Abuse

why cut loss? I thought you are audacious enough to challenge against the odds ??


2023-04-28 11:58 | Report Abuse

No big deal for the chairman to deplete the immediate cash outflows of RM 210m followed by the net cash outflows of RM 95m ( as determined above ) in the following 5 years and so on.... However, whether the chairman can recover the total cash outflows of RM 305 m ( 210+95) in the next 5 years remains to be seen. You and me might forget about but the sharp investors across the globe have put on record and will not forget....


2023-04-28 11:07 | Report Abuse

If they replace with a Female Director in the BOD and they continue to behave like chauvinistic swines in the BOD meetings as they appear to be , they are going no way but to be ditched by investors.


2023-04-28 10:32 | Report Abuse

No support coupled with overwhelming sales, it is likely to face the risk of LD....


2023-04-28 10:26 | Report Abuse

Without any female sitting in the BOD now , the company is under the bad impression that the voice of any woman in the BOD is subject to be stifled and turned to deaf ear ( silenced) . The company is said to have compromised its ESG policy ( Environment , Social and Governance ) in the eyes of the investors.

Touching on the issue of capacities and capabilities, the seniority is subjective and should not be used as a stereotype. Though the chairman is a founder , he could be irrational and delusional in certain decision makings and could be out of his mind sometimes. It is always good to have some checks and balance with someone in the BOD who has the audacity to speak up instead of just acting as sycophants of the chairman. The overlapping roles of family members sitting in the BOD is out of the question here.


2023-04-28 10:04 | Report Abuse

Since the new aircraft is a depreciating business asset, it is subject to depreciation as well as capital allowance ( CA) . CA is a form of tax saving. For the period of 5 year, the company could save up to RM 50m in terms of Tax saving due to CA ( 24% @ 210m ) for the Aircraft alone and the total tax saving of about RM 30m( RM 24m/year x 5 years @ 24%) for the annual maintenance costs etc ( 24m a year is expected ). Hence the total tax saving for a period of 5 years would be RM 80M ( 50M+30M).

However, in terms of cashflows for 5 years on light to light basis ,the company has depleted the cash outflows of RM 175m ( RM35m per year ) . 35m is inclusive of the loss of value of RM 11 m from the use of the aircraft( depreciating asset ) . The net cash outflow depleted would be RM 95m ( 175m- 80m )having taken into account of the total tax saving of RM 80m.

It can be concluded that the the net cash outflow of about RM 95m would be depleted for a period of 5 years unless of course the company could generate a total cash inflows of RM 95m just to breakeven.


2023-04-28 09:22 | Report Abuse

Typically, the economic useful life of a private jet ranges from 15 to 25 years. On average , it is about 20 years. the new aircraft costs RM 210 millions and it is considered as a depreciating business asset. It is a risky biz asset as it is movable .Any thing moves is subject to high risk. Assuming that sale proceeds can be fetched for RM 50 M upon disposal after 15 years of usage , annual depreciation would be about RM 11 M plus annual maintenance costs, insurance , hangar cost , fuel,crews cost etc etc can easily come to RM 30-40 M a year .

If the annual cost including depreciation comes to about ,say RM 35 M and with the required net profit of 10% , that would come to RM 40 Million a year. Now the question is , can the Aircraft be able to generate the income of RM 40M a year? if it is unable to do so, then it is a liability to the company.


2023-04-28 07:04 | Report Abuse

No smart and big money coming in so it is hard to keep up with the momentum....


2023-04-27 14:57 | Report Abuse



2023-04-27 11:15 | Report Abuse

Do not collect and do not average . Your impulsive collection/average is larger than your loss. From the way it goes , it is going to be in hibernation for a long long time ......................


2023-04-27 11:07 | Report Abuse

honestly speaking, it is on the verge of downtrend if not another LD for lack of support from smart and big money ,which are believed to have departed for good......


2023-04-27 06:50 | Report Abuse

The smart and big money have gone with the wind,leaving behind the small money,which is hard to sustain....


2023-04-26 17:35 | Report Abuse

No more arguments of up or down , I bet both of you wish each other to be the door so that one party could bang the other party all day and night long..


2023-04-26 17:14 | Report Abuse

Having heard that,the teacher salutes Johnny.


2023-04-26 17:06 | Report Abuse

No more argument , I know both of you wish that the other party was a door so that one party could bang the other party all day


2023-04-26 16:55 | Report Abuse

A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Johnny isn't paying attention, so she asks him, "If there are three ducks sitting on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left?" Johnny says, "None." The teacher asks, "Why?" Johnny says, "Because the shot scared them all off." The teacher says, "No, there are two left, but I like how you're thinking."

Then Johnny asks the teacher, "You see three women walking out of an ice cream parlor. One is licking her ice cream, one is suxking her ice cream, and one is biting her ice cream. Which one is married?" And the teacher responds, "The one suxking her ice cream." Johnny says, "No, the one with the wedding ring, but I like how you're thinking"


2023-04-26 15:11 | Report Abuse

The company is expected to make loss in the upcoming QR , how on earth could we see 4.50 ? probably we might see 0.45 if not below as the most likely price.


2023-04-26 15:01 | Report Abuse

Pathetic support of only 9% out of 100% for RM1.00 and yet you call it a strong support ?


2023-04-26 11:45 | Report Abuse

Support has been fading hence it is likely to be LD again .....


2023-04-26 09:33 | Report Abuse

no more resilience level , it seems like plummeting....


2023-04-25 22:43 | Report Abuse

In view of the uncertainty of the direction of Tony, it is good to wait and see until he has made his position clear cut.


2023-04-25 18:45 | Report Abuse

Tony is said to be fed up with the regularisation plan.Inititally ,he designed with separate distinctive structures.Now he is advised to merge the two entities against his wish. Thats why he is not keen to continue his position....


2023-04-25 16:51 | Report Abuse

cash rich is due to the pandemic as a "blessing in disguise" after which it is no longer cash rich but cash stricken given the fact that their profits are reducing quarter by quarter, year in and year out.....


2023-04-25 15:13 | Report Abuse

The company is said to have compromised its ESG policy in the eyes of many investors.


2023-04-25 15:11 | Report Abuse

It is not necessary to buy a private jet if your product is 100% exported.

While a private jet can be a convenient form of transportation for frequent business travel, it is not the only option available. There are many other transportation options such as commercial flights, cargo shipping services, and local distributors who can help with the logistics of exporting your product. Buying a private jet can be a substantial expense as already highlighted previously, and it may not be worthwhile if your business can achieve its goals without it.

Cecile was right in pointing it out that The co had already got one that was obtained a year ago and there was no need to fork out the unnecessary money to replace it with a new one..wasting at the expense of the shareholders' reserve


2023-04-25 10:56 | Report Abuse

The smart money has long left ,leaving the big money in a final attempt to push. No matter how hard they push, Sky is a limit without the smart money in support from behind. thats why i say it is unsustainable and the sudden surge is short lived


2023-04-25 09:14 | Report Abuse

unstainable and the sudden surge is short lived .If not because of the BURSA regulation on two consecutive LD , it would have been nosedived to LD again.


2023-04-25 08:54 | Report Abuse

0.85 is illusionary and it unstainable..


2023-04-25 08:41 | Report Abuse

The smart money has left ,leaving the big money bleeding like hell...


2023-04-24 22:07 | Report Abuse

To ditch or to support? From the reaction and reflection of fwd PE ,this co is destined to be doomed


2023-04-24 11:30 | Report Abuse

Buying a private jet is just the beginning of the expenses, there are additional costs that come with owning a private jet, such as:

1. Maintenance costs: Regular maintenance is required for private jets to ensure they are safe to fly. This includes engine upgrades, inspections, and routine repairs. The cost of maintenance depends on the type and size of the private jet.

2. Insurance: Private jets require insurance coverage, which could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. The type of coverage and the value of the private jet can impact the cost of insurance.

3. Fuel costs: Fuel is one of the most significant costs associated with owning a private jet. The cost of fuel can vary depending on the location and the fluctuating prices in the aviation industry.

4. Hangar and parking fees: Private jets need to be kept in a secure location, preferably a hangar, during downtime. Renting or purchasing a hangar, as well as parking fees at airports, can be quite expensive.

5. Crew salaries and training: Pilots, flight attendants, and other staff members must receive salaries, training, and certifications, which can add up to significant costs.

6. Taxes: Owning a private jet means you are likely to incur various taxes, such as sales tax, use tax, and property tax, depending on the location and regulations.

7. Upgrades and modifications: Private jet owners may choose to upgrade their planes with modern technology, entertainment systems, or modifications, which come at an additional cost.

Overall, owning a private jet is an expensive undertaking, and it is crucial to consider and budget for these extra costs before purchasing one.

Can you make ten times or more profits of your extravagent purchase /replacement of the new private jet? The hidden costs above can cause you a bomb month in month out and at the expense of shareholders in terms of reduced and or squeezed dividend payout.


2023-04-23 11:22 | Report Abuse

The moment you have touched this counter,you are already in the killing field ,awaiting to be slaughtered as sacrifice of the lamb.

Even though you manage to escape,you are probably half dead if not gasping your last breath...


2023-04-21 13:37 | Report Abuse

We all know it was the BOD decision but whether they have acted in the best interest of shareholders remains to be challenged

You can buy anything at your whim and fancy but using" for business use" as a justification.

The unexpected fortune of the co is merely due to the "blessing in disguise " . Had it not been due to the pandemic, the company would not have been in this position.

Can you make 10 times profit of your spending on the lavish jet or not? If you can't,your shareholders would ditch you.


2023-04-21 12:52 | Report Abuse

Let's put it this way and ask yourselves with this simple question " has the director ,as a steward ,acted in the best interest of the shareholders?"

If yes, he or she has upheld his or her integrity and professionalism.

If not,he or she is good for nothing and just a clown in the BOD.


2023-04-21 12:43 | Report Abuse

Just because the company has tons of net cash ,it doesn't mean you can spend lavishly and extravagantly on something as you like as a chairman.

Why don't you reward your loyal shareholders with more dividend instead?


2023-04-21 12:32 | Report Abuse

One thing for sure,this co is not receptive to criticism no matter good or bad.

They have the nasty habit of deterring ,stifling people from telling the truth and fact. People from this forum are of no exception.

I bet my comment would be removed soon.It happened to me before and I am not surprised. Some of them in this forum are troopers for the company.


2023-04-21 09:49 | Report Abuse

Fly Robin fly....up up to the sky...meant to be a song.....nothing more than that