
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2022-02-13 15:59 | Report Abuse

Yer...JM is tantamount to receivership.

Basically,Dr.k knows very well the announcement of FFU could have a significant impact on SD whereby his head would be chopped. In order to pre-empt this possibility, he resorts to JM in the hope of miracle could happen to save his butt. Like i3lurker says" SD is just buying time"

JM is tantamount to receivership.

If the receivers believe that SD is not commercially viable to continue in the best interest of all stakeholders, winding up leading to liquidation is inevitable in the end.Thats why i say delisting is out of the question.


2022-02-12 19:42 | Report Abuse


Judicial Management is sought by SD is a clear demonstration of their mismanagement through the arrogance of Dr .K who runs the company as if it was sole proprietorship rather than a PLC....

As pointed out earlier,JM is not applicable to PLC where SD's application for JM would be dismissed by the Court as in the case of scomi berhad.


2022-02-12 00:17 | Report Abuse

Unlikely to succeed

You may recall that The High Court in the judicial management application of Re Scomi Group Bhd decided that public listed companies cannot apply for judicial management.

Hence, Scomi Group Bhd's judicial management application was dismissed.

Due to the above precedence, it is likely that SD would face the same fate....


2022-02-11 20:57 | Report Abuse

That is tantamount to daylight robbery ,depriving the secured creditors of their right to recover their legitimate debts should they not agree to the restructuring scheme..


2022-02-11 20:39 | Report Abuse

No way out for the desperato to exit...

Gathered from the latest developments ,lifting of suspension is infinite now. All the signs surrounding SD are seen as harbingers of heavy plummeting of share price to come...........

Basically,you can write off this investment as zero...too bad


2022-02-11 13:18 | Report Abuse

All the way to Federal Court.

You seek the truth but we ,SD hide the truth as if playing hide and seek and seek and hide. The truth is out there..... but SD doesn't let you get the truth so easily....

No matter how and what,the truth will be exposed and SD 's status will be compromised to the extent of self devastation of no return....delisting is out of the question but liquidation is on the agenda...


2022-02-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

No use. Too many shares in issue with 5.41b shares.

With the massive shares bases ,It would be an uphill daunting task to push further. Furthermore ,the development of industrial gloves is a wrong move with no growth.

A lot of investors or players went in at 0.30,thinking that it was the cheapest entry point for a company with great potentials and ending up like losers iwith the pathetic 3 cent..

The cheapest has yet to come.


2022-02-08 23:10 | Report Abuse

Another blow for those desperate to exit....

Following the appeal to stay put the decision made by high Court, its going to take sometimes for the Appeal court to hear the case as a result of which no lifting of suspension is expected to arise in the interim


2022-02-08 07:06 | Report Abuse

The recent disclaimer on AR by SD's current auditors,nexia has already been taken into account of the FFR ,which has a significant direct impact on SD's share price.

Compelling SD to disclose FFR by SC is just a formality before lifting of suspension.

Plummeting of share price is inevitable upon lifting. It is not necessarily a shortie game.......


2022-02-04 13:40 | Report Abuse

Simply Impairment

Impairment for receivables need to be justified with valid reason.If the impairment is provided due to false accounting , then it is not justifiable.

SD must prove that all the receivables have been entered into in good faith,which must be proven beyond reasonable doubts....

Its just too bad, the said receivables have been proven with reasonable doubts by KPMG and subsequently EY consulting and its current auditors,nexia for the recent disclaimer on AA.

Proven to be false...


2022-01-29 21:15 | Report Abuse

At last,peace of mind without meow here and there in 3i.

She is bloody stuck up and refuses to admit her mistakes but keeps twisting and distorting the facts for nothing so much so that she has become a paranoid here...

I bet she is not repenting but planning to counter attack after resuming on 9th Feb...


2022-01-28 00:16 | Report Abuse

She could be shemale with the balls dangling but I call her ladymeow rather than ladyboy....

Gender is not important here but sound of mindset is important here...


2022-01-27 08:08 | Report Abuse

Salty fish is salty fish

How the salty fish can be brought back to live requires kinda miracle and or divine intervention...

In the case of SD, Dr.k has been the mastermind for the creation and downfall in his own act. Now then how Dr.K could turn it around is nothing more than just a fantasy...

Its sunset for SD as a listed co.Privately ,it might survive but publicly its a final countdown....


2022-01-11 21:40 | Report Abuse

Flying to the moon In your fantasy...


2022-01-11 18:31 | Report Abuse

Many are hit by margin call since the value is basically zero on suspension.

Upon lifting of suspension, its value is also zero.

Double zeros and double blows


2022-01-11 18:29 | Report Abuse

Suspended until you become half past six...


2022-01-11 11:03 | Report Abuse

PW seems to be used by SD as its spokeman to spam everywhere on behalf .......

Of course , he is paid for his service fee, which he will use to compensate his heavy loss .


2022-01-11 10:20 | Report Abuse

fishy and more fishy .

1. First Auditors m, KPMG cast doubts on the material transactions

2. Second independent Consultants , EY consulting cast doubts on the same

3. Third Auditors , Nexia , also cast doubts on the same and issued a " disclaimer of opinion"

4. Even SD is seeking 4th opinions and so on , the results are expected to be the same.

5. No need to broadcast live in Court as the Court is already transparent enough to leave no stone unturned.......


2022-01-11 10:10 | Report Abuse

As long as the same jokers and clowns are still in the circus of SD, SD would remain doomed and hopeless and escalating the pace of sinking fast and furious like a Titanic.........


2022-01-10 20:14 | Report Abuse

Worst still,these diehards kept on averaging and averaging till it was suspended. Basically,no matter how it is averaged,the value is intrinsically zero....


2022-01-10 18:55 | Report Abuse

Too bad.Delusional of the highest order.

LadyMeow has been discerning until recently she is completely out of mind and has gone into bizarre behaviour,where she can not accept the fact that SD has perpetrated to swindle with false accounting ,keeps dennying and refuses to swallow her pride.

Given the chains of negative events, an intelligent investor can sense that the company is unsteady and will cut loss rather than loses it all in the end........


2022-01-10 16:22 | Report Abuse

SD has challenged the announcement of SIR i,which is subject to the legal jurisdiction now. How to release SIR Now ?

No SIR,no lifting of suspension. it is still a red light.......

Stricken investors keep waiting .....


2022-01-10 14:02 | Report Abuse

Double zeros and double blows

Upon suspension, SD's share value is already valued at Zero under margin financing . Restoration of Margin Account through disposal of other shares other than SD is unavoidable.

Upon PN 17, SD 's value is intrinsically Zero.............

Double zeros and double blows


2022-01-10 11:06 | Report Abuse

Titanic was sunk in 1912 ,still lying under the seabed undisturbed.....

Apparently , the captain of the Titanic ignored the " warning signal" of the danger of Iceberg from another ship passing by in the vicinity . The captain of Titanic even asked the samaritan ship to shut up . Blame was put to the Captain of the ship in the end.

For SD, the mastermind must be responsible for the collapse of SD. Hence the charge by SC to the CEO of SD is vindicated.......................


2022-01-09 13:47 | Report Abuse


Fake Receivables,payables and inventory are all to be written off as impairment and alll fake contracts are terminated during restructuring exercise.

Bondholders are requested to turn into equity shareholders.take it or leave it. More equity shareholders are expected to arise,diluting the existing shareholders interest

Swindled Funds parked at overseas would be disguised as foreign investors to take up the new bonds issued by SD .these foreign investors would be secured and guaranteed to be paid in the event of liquidation.

The circus of shenanigans continues....WTH


2022-01-09 13:28 | Report Abuse

Tons of money overseas

All the funds swindled is parked at overseas.

The funds might be disguised as foreign funds to be injected into SD during restructuring exercise.
The idea is to show to the world that SD could attract foreign funds .....the conjob continues with the same old jokers and clowns in the circus....


2022-01-08 21:48 | Report Abuse

Pathetic of the highest order...

Lady Meow has posted the following quote:-

"It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong."— George Soros

Do you think LadyMeow would admit how much she has lost when she is wrong ? .....Not in a million years.....

However,She always boasts how much she has made as a result of which she always claims she is right.


2022-01-08 12:10 | Report Abuse

no use

No matter how many times SD is restructured , if the same old bunch of jokers and clowns is still in the circus, the restructuring is a futile exercise.

As the reputation of SD has been compromised ,it is no longer the apple of the eyes of the sensible investors any more

SD is set to be doomed and bygone.....


2022-01-08 11:58 | Report Abuse

High risk high return

Many are still high risk takers and believing that this is going to be " once in life time opportunity" and still trying their luck by investing in PN17 companies indiscriminately and impulsively.

Very soon they will realize their lucks are running out and get stuck deeply in the manure to be buried with it ever .....


2022-01-07 21:52 | Report Abuse

Wrong example

The use of renaissance of Japan to be the economic power after defeat of worldwar ll as an example is a monomer to SD.

Japan tried to conquer Asia by military force and committed terrible crime whereas SD tried to swindle the investors both local and foreign by false accounting..

It takes a long time to build trust but it takes a second to destroy what has been built.

Once bitten twice shy...its a sunset to SD


2022-01-07 18:39 | Report Abuse


That's why I say LadyMeow and her gangs are high risk takers to dump money into PN17 companies as if dumping money into the sea....


2022-01-07 12:26 | Report Abuse

Once you are in PN 17 , it is a daunting task to return to the position as before.

The reputation of SD has been put in dispute and tarnished. The whole bunch of jokers and clowns must be totally eliminated.

Serba Dinamik should be changed to Super Dynamic.


2022-01-07 10:50 | Report Abuse

Consolation and not congratulation.

SD should be lucky that Nexia has issued a "disclaimer of opinion " instead of "adverse opinion" ,which is a consolation to SD

In fact,Nexia has been very kind to SD whereby SD still has the chance to prove the veracity of the purportedly fake transactions in court...

Had KPMG continued with the audit ,KPMG would have issued an "adverse opinion" ,
which is worse than " disclaimer of opinion " .

There is a huge difference between " adverse opinion " and " disclaimer of opinion "


2022-01-07 08:24 | Report Abuse

Risk averse vs risk taker

As I have said earlier on,some risk takers out there love to invest in PN 17 companies in the hope of huge windfall gains in the event that the PN17 dropouts could succeed in reconstructing.

However, to my observation ,most of PN 17 companies have either been delisted or been outcast by the rational and sensible investors.


2022-01-07 00:20 | Report Abuse

Consolation and not congratulation.

The only consolation to SD now is that it is not an " adverse opinion " but "disclaimer of opinion."

Had KPMG continued with the audit ,KPMG would have given an "adverse opinion" which is worse than " disclaimer of opinion ".

In fact,Nexia has been very kind to SD whereby SD still has the chance to prove the veracity of the purportedly fake transactions in court...


2022-01-06 23:57 | Report Abuse

Basically,the uncertainties surrounding the company are so great that Nexia is unable to express an audit opinion,which could be interpreted as the purported transactions remain fishy and unverifiable even though there is no time constraint for them....


2022-01-06 23:38 | Report Abuse

Yer,the disclaimer of opinion has triggered PN17 whether the diehards still deny or not. That's the fact...

Restructuring is imminent and unavoidable now. shareholders can no longer sleep like a baby now...


2022-01-06 22:43 | Report Abuse


No audited report(AR), no lifting of suspension by SC. Its as simple as that....

Conclusion is suspension continues. Ladylike and gangs are disappointed and shorties are cursing like hell......too bad....


2022-01-06 22:09 | Report Abuse


Nexia dare not issue Audited report with audit opinion. They don't want to be implicated in the tussle but issue an unaudited financial stafdments which include directors reports where BOD is solely responsible for the true and fair view of the FS


2022-01-06 21:49 | Report Abuse

No use.

This is not an Audited Report but Annual Report where no audit opinion is given.

It spells out very clearly that directors are responsible for the preparation of annual report..


2022-01-06 16:57 | Report Abuse

No need to get excited.

No excitement. SD's share price is not expected to escalate but will be depressed further upon lifting of suspension due to uncertainty surrounding the company

Qualified audit opinion with material uncertainty qualification is largely expected in AR. The issues of uncertainty will be highlighted in the AR.It is the onus of SD to prove otherwise..


2022-01-05 19:47 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow is the moment of truth....

Qualified audit opinion with material uncertainty qualification is hugely expected in AR.

Though Dr.K of SD has been charged by SC for false accounting, he is innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.However, the market will not easily spare him with the benefit of doubt. Dr.K is purportedly the mastermind behind the fake accounting in the view of the market ......

Hence ,there is no good reason for SD's share price to escalate upon lifting of suspension 2moro......


2022-01-04 10:32 | Report Abuse


How is the progress of of sputnik V development ?

No need to continue with the said development with the new variant virus.

Sputnik V is not efficacious to it..


2022-01-04 10:24 | Report Abuse

what the hell is going on?


2022-01-04 08:21 | Report Abuse

Havoc and more havoc

Qualified audit opinion with material uncertainty qualification is hugely expected in the upcoming AR.

Though Dr.K of SD has been charged by SC for false accounting,he is innocent until proven to be guilty.However,the market will not spare him with the benefit of doubt.

In view of the above,there is no good reason for SD's share price to appreciate upon lifting of suspension.

Its basically shorties game now.....


2022-01-03 22:52 | Report Abuse

SC has been fair to SD from day 1....

No AR (be it qualified or not), no lifting of suspension. Its as simple as that....

Suspension is expected to be lifted next Monday in line with the resumed IDSS. Shorties can't wait.....


2022-01-03 17:39 | Report Abuse

Qualified audit opinion with material uncertainty qualification is expected to cause havoc and negative impact on the share price upon lifting of suspension..


2022-01-02 14:20 | Report Abuse

Investors take a long-term approach to the markets. Well, they are delusional to believe that what is happening in SD is just shortlived and SD share price would be restored in the long run. Well ,how long is long? Are you sure of its restoration in the long run?

Investors are more likely to ride out short-term losses through long term gains.Overall,there would be still gain in the long run. Well,how long is long? Are you sure there would be gain in the long run?

There's no right or wrong approach. It all depends on how deep is your pocket. Well, what it implies is that the current investors are all prepared to bear the losses and no big deal,That's why they can sleep like a baby.....


2022-01-02 11:57 | Report Abuse

Tempted to buy....

You will be slaughtered as sacrifice of the lambs just like those who kept averaging before the suspension.

The cheapest has yet to come


2022-01-02 11:35 | Report Abuse

Fishy ,fishy and more fishy. More stones are not left unturned...

Those who have been averaging and kept averaging before suspension ,are expected to face the avalanches in the end....

All the related companies under the direction of Dr.k can not be spared and are untouchable without light in the tunnel.....