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2022-01-01 21:50 | Report Abuse

Risk averse vs risk taker

Despite the prominent negative signs and scandals one after another , LadyMeow and her gangs are still delusional to believe that SD is intact.

It clearly shows they are bunch of "high risk taking investors as opposed to most of sensible investors and traders who are risk averse, avoid high-risk stocks or investments and are prepared to forego higher rates of return.


2022-01-01 11:59 | Report Abuse

Someone says not to assume....

1. Cross Defaults have happened and have been confirmed by SD. - No assumption

2. PN 17 has been triggered and acknowledged by SD - No assumption

3. AR was assumed to be submitted yesterday but failed -no more assumption

4. SD has been charged by SC for false accounting . SD is assumed to be innocent until proven to be guilty - assumption is ongoing

5. 3 out of the above 4 assumptions have been quashed and the last one will be quashed soon ......

What to assume?


2021-12-31 16:43 | Report Abuse

As a matter of fact ,we dont want to talk about negative stuffs but there is no positive stuff for us to talk about .....

SD could be a good company but is just badly managed by a bunch of clowns and jokers in a circus ,which is the root to the problem. Perhaps , someone could propose in the upcoming AGM

1. to remove the entire bunch of clowns and jokers and replace them with a team of professionals of high integrity and professionalism.
2. to charge the bunch of clowns and jokers for the false accounting ( SC has already done for investors. Thanks to SC)
3. to change the name of SD to DS (or whatever )
4. to restructure the Company with all the genuine parties on a win win situation
5. to clean up the messy house keeping works once and for all.
6. to turnaround the Company with constructive plan
7. to re-appoint KPMG as its external Auditors to re-gain confidence of the investors


2021-12-31 16:00 | Report Abuse

A cow is forever a cow, a dumb is forever a dumb..... there is no need to assume , right ? right !


2021-12-31 15:57 | Report Abuse

What to assume ??

1. Cross Defaults have happened and have been confirmed by SD. - No assumption

2. PN 17 has been triggered and acknowledged by SD - No assumption

3. AR is due for submission today. AR is assumed to be submitted today - After midnight today , no more assumption

4. SD has been charged by SC for false accounting . SD is assumed to be innocent until proven to be guilty - assumption is ongoing

5. 3 out of the above 4 assumptions have been quashed and the last one will be quashed soon .....

6.lastly can I assume you are a nutcase???


2021-12-31 15:31 | Report Abuse

SD shares are no longer marketable and basically worthless . Even the toilet paper has better value than the shares of SD. just hold it until you become half of six ...


2021-12-31 15:24 | Report Abuse

No one is waiting for AR, which will never be issued in a million years

The call for AGM to buy back the shares is just a gimmick to cool the equity shareholders. Where do they find the money to buy back ? How about the payment to the bond holders in default?

The Bond holders are secured creditors who would rather petition to the Court to wind up SD to recover their legitimate debts


2021-12-31 15:15 | Report Abuse

what is to be optimistic about ?

Investors have been swindled through false accounting and their investments have gone down to the drain with no chance of recovery... you advise to have faith in the so called " big con company" .??

After all ,you are right in one thing, your investment and your decision....


2021-12-31 15:06 | Report Abuse

Return of conman ??

Reconstructing after swindling investors through false accounting..... you call it something is good for the investors and shareholders???

Are you a nutcase or what??


2021-12-31 14:38 | Report Abuse

SD is one of the main sponsors to the " Dubai Expo 2021" . WTH

Using swindled money to sponsor the show , the organizing authority of Expo should reject the sponsorship of SD outright to avoid controversy and association with them like Petronas..........

The appearance of SD as a sponsor to the Expo will compromise the image of Malaysia cos SD as a listed company is a disgrace to Malaysia


2021-12-31 13:18 | Report Abuse

That fella said not to argue and or provoke ...WTH

Are our statements and comments provocative here? Basically,none. No twist and or distortion of facts and truth is intended but merely emphasis of facts and truth and awareness of foul play by the gangs perpetrating financial shenanigans


2021-12-31 09:44 | Report Abuse

These people are bloody suxkers so much so that they will exhaust all the resources of SD to leave nothing for shareholders.....


2021-12-31 09:41 | Report Abuse

Lawyers who are engaged by SD are laughing all the ways to the bank,win or loss,still get paid at the expense of poor swindled shareholders.

Dr.k and his gangs already vow to defend vigorously for SD meaning all the legal costs are borne by SD at the expense of poor helpless shareholders....


2021-12-31 09:21 | Report Abuse

Value for nothing.

Since Value is zero,margin call is unavoidable hence more losses are expected.


2021-12-31 08:28 | Report Abuse

Creation of fictitious sales to boost income in manipulation of SD share price and yet the mastermind and his gangs vow to defend vigorously? What a joke!

What to defend ? You can lie any thing but the figure doesnt lie.The figures presented and approved by SD were false and fake with intent.


2021-12-30 17:48 | Report Abuse

she is still cherishing the romantic crush with Dr....... to her life with SD wil go on .....


2021-12-30 17:42 | Report Abuse

High risk high return doesn't always work

SD shares are no longer marketable and worthless now .

All equity shareholders are not secured as opposed to bondholders. Those equity shareholders who chose to stay even after the scandal were exposed , are considered as high risk takers.

High risk high return doesnt always work as in the case of SD. They stand to lose all ....


2021-12-30 16:11 | Report Abuse

All related companies under the direction of Dr.K are feeling the pinch of impact of downfalls.................


2021-12-30 13:39 | Report Abuse

A long legal battle

Dr.K won't give in and will fight till last breath......

Now then SC has sued him in his capacity as a CEO,does it mean that SD would foot the legal bills or to be borne by Dr.K himself?

Anyone to answer the above?


2021-12-30 09:11 | Report Abuse


Don't judge the book by its cover.

Don't count the chickens before they are hatched

Dont jump the gun that Dr.k is guilty. Some diehards are still delusional to believe Dr.K is innocent. They believe with their let them perish with their own judgements.


2021-12-30 08:33 | Report Abuse

The figures of 6b++ or 4.45m is secondary.

What matters most is that SC has the reasonable belief that SD has the intention to swindle through false accounting irrespective of how much....


2021-12-30 08:28 | Report Abuse

Dr .k is in town.

He has just turned up to the session court to attend to the charges to avoid being arrested.

Innocence until proven guilty in the spirit of law in Malaysia. Morally,I am not too sure...


2021-12-30 08:05 | Report Abuse

A laughing stock

Ignorance is not an exemption and certainly is not an excuse.He has been the CEO for donkey years ,chairing the meetings of high levels. He has claimed to be a Dr with high level of integrity and vast knowledge.

What a joke to claim ignorance


2021-12-30 07:49 | Report Abuse

Risk taker loses it all....

Those who bought or kept averging SD ,thought that they got it at the hugest bargain of this century,have made the greatest mistake of their lives now....All have been wiped out to zero.....back to square one.....

However ,some diehards are still delusional with the belief that SD would be restored to RM 2 in 2-3 years time in their fantasy....


2021-12-29 21:22 | Report Abuse

Why this why that? Why are you still ignorant?why do you keep asking why SC has charged SD?why why why and tell me why....

Simple for simpleton....

Irregularities were unfolded by KPMG during the course of audit and then concluded by EW Cons again.Both refered the findings to SC.

It is the absolute perogative of SC to charge the SD. It's the right of SD to prove its innocence.

The figures of 6b++ or what is secondary.What matters most is that SC has the reasonable belief that SD has the intention to swindle through false accounting....


2021-12-29 08:37 | Report Abuse

The Lawyers can argue until the cow comes home and twist around the case until the judges fall asleep but one thing is certain in that the figures don't lie...1+1 is still 2 no matter how......


2021-12-29 08:16 | Report Abuse

Nexia has been prewarned by SC.

You certify AR with clean opinion,you will be investigated and charged with certification of false AR as the previous Qtr reports submitted to SC were false ,which have the direct impact on the upcoming AR..

No AR, suspension continues...

Yes AR with qualified audit opinion , More negative impacts and devastating effects on SD

Either way,SD has been pronounced to be perished forever....


2021-12-29 00:04 | Report Abuse

Yes,all the related companies under the direction of Dr.k are fishy now and subject to be scrutinised to great extent bearing in mind that a number of projects have been mysteriously terminated out of the sudden......monkey business is very much felt now.


2021-12-28 23:47 | Report Abuse

The previous Qtr report submitted was purportedly alleged to be false,which would affect the upcoming reports to be false too.....

No need to submit AR in the end..


2021-12-28 23:20 | Report Abuse

All the profits boasted to be made by LsdyMeow has been more than wiped out by the loss of averaging till negative value now.

What was made earlier on was totally fruitless now....


2021-12-28 22:29 | Report Abuse

averaging, averaging and averaging

Averaging is a dangerous investment strategy. Averaging can turn out to be avalanche in the end if it doesnt come your way.........

Imagine you keep averaging every 10 cent from 80 cents to 30 cents with a total of 5 times of averaging which could end up to be disastrous and devastating as in the case of SD.

I bet some may even be thinking of averaging when it comes to penny or even penniless upon lifting of suspension

From the way it goes now, trading will never be resumed. yyour investment through averaging has basically zoroised ,I am afraid...


2021-12-28 17:58 | Report Abuse

No use

Alll the articles issued by SD are subject to be scrutinised and verified extensively by independent auditors ,which will be taken as evidence in the open court


2021-12-28 17:45 | Report Abuse

SD need to prove to the world that they have not presented with the false information.

It is a daunting desk to prove.all the pack of lies will be unfolded and the truth will be revealed openly in the court. Its unstoppable now to leave no stones unturned.

Diehards really die hard this time..


2021-12-28 17:29 | Report Abuse


So kiss and say goodbye to SD

RIP like the gigantic titanic in the deep blue ocean ,once claimed to be unsinkable but still sinkable in the end........


2021-12-28 13:59 | Report Abuse

Titanic is sinking fast and furious....

PW casting as Jack said to ladyMeow casting as Rose "Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. "

PW: Promise me you'll survive this fiasco.

LadyMeow is so touched that she is holding on till now....she is doing this for PW will go on and so is SD....


2021-12-27 19:57 | Report Abuse

Sharks,bilis,squids etc all can not be shared but perished in the seabed...

SD has no intention to submit AR anyway. Just like the bonds, they will let it lapse....


2021-12-27 18:45 | Report Abuse

Monkey see monkey do

Who did monkey business? Who invested in monkey business?

Who is the monkey? DR.K or you?


2021-12-27 07:32 | Report Abuse

No one ...all have claimed to be innocent until proven guilty. DR.K is laughing all the way to the Mars with his space programme.....


2021-12-26 16:45 | Report Abuse

The answer is simple.

Have you ever seen a conman to repay swindled fund to the victim?


2021-12-25 17:55 | Report Abuse

Very simple to resolve...

*Just to withdraw the lawsuits and admit wrongdoings.

* to confirm findings of SIR

* to issue AR

* to repay bonds from the " missing " funds..


2021-12-25 13:36 | Report Abuse

Nothing is genuine

The funds swindled will not be used to pay off debts/bonds.Hence, cross Default or otherwise will never be settled.......not in a million years....


2021-12-24 23:04 | Report Abuse

AR supersedes SIR

*SIR is challenged under legal jurisdiction,until it is concluded by the Court , it is a waiting game.

*AR is the centre of attention now.....7 more days to go....

*NO AR on 31st Dec 2021 , NO lifting of suspension....

*SD is prepared to be delisted anyway .No big deal to them .


2021-12-24 14:36 | Report Abuse

Risk averse vs risk taker

Whether you are an Investor or a Trader,they have one thing in common ,maximisation of returns and minimisation of risks.

In general,most sensible investors and traders are risk averse which means they avoid high-risk stocks or investments and are prepared to forego higher rates of return.

LadyMeow has claimed that she and her gangs are truly "investors" contrary to " traders"

However, given the fact that SD is now perceived as the high risk investment following series of negative events,their persistent denial and defence of SD is clearly demonstration of their high risk taking attitudes and irrational.

They are a bunch of "high risk taking investors " not " investors" .


2021-12-23 18:38 | Report Abuse

3i is I see,I listen and I simple as that.

Many of them just look but don't see

Many of them just hear but don't listen

Many of them just ignore but don't discern.

Who do you call these people? I leave it to you..


2021-12-22 16:47 | Report Abuse

AR supersedes SIR

*SIR is challenged under legal jurisdiction,until it is concluded by Court , it is a waiting game.
*AR is the centre of attention now....
*NO AR , NO lifting of suspension....
*SD is prepared to be delisted anyway , No big deal to them ,
*Upon delisting, SD will continue to blame SC for removing them from PLC as if SD has been victimized by SC
* A delisting is a blessing in disguise for SD where bondholders are forced to extend their tenure of repayment and equity shareholders are forced to sell back their shares at lower price.


2021-12-22 16:11 | Report Abuse

Inventory on site

Your mention of the difficulty in verifying the inventory on site due to work in progress and the fact some of the inventory has been converted into value of work done is just an excuse.

If there is proper housekeeping right from the purchase of materials, issuance of materials as work in progress to the final certified value of work done, it is in fact not difficult to identify the inventory unutilized on site.

Had SD maintained proper books and records , such difficulty would not have been arisen

Another possibility to this difficulty is that the materials never existed in the first place. Hence , verification is impossible.


2021-12-21 23:32 | Report Abuse

A cow is a cow ,a Conman is a conman

A conman hoodwinks everyone irrespective of nationality ,race ,class of investors be it institutions or otherwise .....

You have been conned but you deny you have not been conned. Sorry to say that all u can do now is to prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

How best can you hope for? U just hope your shares could be redeemed upon delisting .But to be redeemed at what price.?........I would say at their mercy.....


2021-12-21 16:06 | Report Abuse

Private Limited

The way it goes, the most likely outcome now is for the company to be delisted like MAS to be put out of the limelight of Bursa and will undergo restructuring exercises.

if the existing shareholders are lucky, their share might be bought back by the company at certain price on the basis of " take it or leave it burned " It sounds like extortion , well thats the way it should be .


2021-12-21 15:31 | Report Abuse

yer,No ID sees eye to eye to Dr.K rather no ID wishes to live under the shadow of Dr.K ...........


2021-12-21 15:26 | Report Abuse

How independent is the independent directors (ID)?

Majority of them(ID) are independent "by name" only but in actual fact , ID are sitting under the shadow of Dr.K . Those who are not , have already resigned to distance themselves from Dr.K and the mess ........