
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2021-11-29 19:51 | Report Abuse

Titanic is sinking fast and furious....

PW casting as Jack said to mabel casting as Rose "Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. "

PW: Promise me you'll survive this fiasco.

Mabel is so touched that she is holding on till now....she is doing this for PW will go on and so is SD....


2021-11-27 10:06 | Report Abuse


There is nothing wrong with the following @statement but if the irregularities are detected during the conduct of statutory auditors,its the onus of the auditors to disclose the material facts unless SD could prove otherwise.

Where such facts can not be disproved,SD should not then resort to authoritarianism to suit its agenda by hassling the auditors etc etc as if they did not want to leave any stone unturned.

The question of adequate time to be given to the auditors to perform their statutory obligations without interference and time constraints to ensure audit works can be conducted effectively and sufficiently is just a lame excuse.


In a filing to Bursa Malaysia today, SDHB said in the light of the approved standards on accounting and auditing, the company is of the opinion that the auditor should be given adequate time to perform their statutory obligations without interference and time constraints to ensure audit works can be conducted effectively and sufficiently.


2021-11-26 23:44 | Report Abuse

Titanic is sinking fast and furious....

PW said to mabel "Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. "

PW: Promise me you'll survive this fiasco.

Mabel is so touched that she is holding on till now....she is doing for PW only..


2021-11-26 08:31 | Report Abuse


1. Cooked materials are given to auditors for audit
2. Auditors are unable to verify transactions because they are cooked
3. Auditors are likely to qualify AR
4. SD wants clean AR.
5.under undue pressure, auditors to resign.
6. Search of successor auditors continues
7. Untouchable by all auditors
8.AR would probably never be published
9.Receivership is imminent
10.Winding up is unavoidable


2021-11-25 18:13 | Report Abuse


For those who have been vigorously heaping and promoting SD , it is time to stop being delusional and self- deceiving any more.....

With the sidelines of many investment banks ,SD is basically pronounced dead to be buried with no hope of revival to its flamboyant era....


2021-11-25 08:28 | Report Abuse


Trying hard to buy time with lawsuits etc etc in a desperate bid to search for "real" dummies( be it receivables or payables) to close the alleged transactions.

I bet all the dummies would turn out to be " real" " real " that they become "unreal"

The recent resignation of the directors concerned is just another tactic to put the blame openly on SC insinuating that SD is not at fault.


2021-11-24 21:19 | Report Abuse

Live or perish?

How to disapprove the findings concluded by KPMG and EY?

The findings are factual and conclusive beyond reasonable doubts.

The legal recourses taken by SD are futile.There is no wayout for SD at all but to gamble to hppe to win from technical perspectives.....

Basically, all in" do or die ". In poker game,its


2021-11-24 07:25 | Report Abuse

Bursa wish to lift the suspension for those who are desperate to exit

To lift the suspension ,the bursa must justify with the disclosure of FFU by SD. Court order to compel SD seems to be the only way...


2021-11-23 21:23 | Report Abuse


1.The longer the suspension, the more its share price is plummeting....

2.The longer the legal tussle ,the more devastating the effect on its capitalisation.

3.All the arrows are pointing at SD.....

4.All the above are seen as harbingers of the final count down of collapse of the giant to come....


2021-11-20 13:25 | Report Abuse

Break through?

1.No need SIR

2.AR will be due to be released on 30.11.2021.

3.AR is good enough to supersede SIR

4.The problem now is whether AR is a qualified report ( unclean report) or not.

5. If it is not, it means the current auditors,Nexia, have disproved the findings concluded by EY consulting and KPMG.

6.Now then its up to the investing parties like you and me as to which auditors you believe in

7.Where it can not be proven beyond reasonable doubts,SD 's position is expected to be cast with dark clouds again.

8. Back to square one..


2021-11-20 07:54 | Report Abuse

Break through?

1.No need SIR

2.AR will be due to be released on 30.11.2021.

3.AR is good enough to supersede SIR

4.The problem now is whether AR is a qualified report ( unclean report) or not.

5. If it is not, it means the current auditors have disproved
the findings concluded by EY consulting and KPMG.

6.Now then its up to the investing parties like you and me as to which auditors you believe in

7.Where it can not be proven beyond reasonable doubts,SD 's position is expected to be cast with dark clouds again.

8. Back to square one..


2021-11-19 07:23 | Report Abuse

Special Auditor.

1.Though EY Consulting is not an auditor as defined by para 2.20 of MMLR,it is the duty of the BOD of SD to ensure that the appointment of special auditor was done in compliance to MMLR.

2. It is clear that the BOD of SD was negligent and failed to discharge their duties as directors by appointing EY consulting instead of EY as thelr special auditor ,which was contrary to the definition of MMLR. It was not the fault of anyone but SD themselves

3. Para 2.20 provides clearly that the special auditor can be any auditor other than the statutory auditor ie KPMG ( who were SD 's auditor then).

4.As such,SD was at liberty to engage any auditor including EY as their special auditor except KPMG but SD failed to do so as mentioned in 2 above.

5. Whether EY is the auditor of bursa or not is irrelevant to the question of lack of independence should SD decide to engage EY as their special auditor as per 3 above.


@solomolo .........................................


The circumstances leading to the filing of the OS by SDHB is based on, inter alia, SDHB’s
contention that the appointment of EY Consulting as a special auditor to conduct a “Special
Independent Review” made pursuant to paragraphs 2.23 and 2.24 of the Main Market Listing
Requirements was void ab initio:


2021-11-18 22:26 | Report Abuse

No use.

Whoever takes over as new auditors must leave no stone unturned otherwise facing the threat of being sued. Basically,the new auditors must disprove the findings concluded by KPMG and EY to enable SD to agree.

Do you think SD would compromise with the new auditors for anything less ? Not in your fantasy and the drama will continue .......

One man's poison is not necessarily another man's meat


2021-11-18 13:42 | Report Abuse

No use.

Whoever takes over as new auditors must leave no stone unturned otherwise facing the threat of being sued. Basically,the new auditors must disprove the findings concluded by KPMG and EY to enable SD to agree.

Do you think SD would compromise with the new auditors for anything less ? Not in your fantasy and the drama will continue .......

One man's poison is not necessarily another man's meat


2021-11-17 12:10 | Report Abuse

objective perspectives

SC will leave it to the professional audit firm to conclude if SD has been operating in an orderly manner or not. The submission of the Audited report is not due yet.

As said, the lifting of suspension is to do with disclosure of factual findings done by EY in the spirit of transparency to all parties concerned. No disclosure , no lifting by SC. It is as simple as that.

SD has yet to pass the grace period of settlement of bond so it is still premature to say if SD is in default.

Well , Time is ticking ........ the cat will be let out of the bag very soon ......


2021-11-17 11:44 | Report Abuse


1. Indiscriminate lifting of suspension implies two things

2. One , SD is not guilty of withholding publicly available information

3. Second , SC is inefficient and unfair

4. Lets keep it simple, suspension can be lifted by SC provided that the factual findings done by EY can be disclosed by SD

5 Thereafter, let the market force take its course to see how far SD could go .... to the MARS of ecstasy or the Hell of agony ,like the cat womsn quotes" one man's meat and another man poison "


2021-11-17 00:06 | Report Abuse

Sleeping like a baby as if every thing is going to be alright but in actual fact.........the nightmare has just begun...

When you wake up next morning,the reality is nothing is going to be alright .....


2021-11-15 15:49 | Report Abuse

@ PW

Your analysis is highly misleading

1. The seizure of such documents by SC is to pre-empt the possibility of such documents being tempered with or destroyed . Some of the documents could be highly confidential and never be accessible to anyone before except the higher level of authority .Therefore, it can be reasonably assumed that it would be difficult to identify transgressions committed by Senior Management and BOD if there was no seizure of such documents.

2. Documents that are not re-producible will not lead to inability to verify the correctness and authenticity of the transactions as these documents can be confirmed with CTC by the third parties at the original sources ( unless of course there has never been genuine original sources in place ).

3. Your mention of the seizure of such documents will impact SD’s ability to continue as a going concern is preposterous. Since you have mentioned that most of documents are re-producible from SD’s filling system, the question of going concern does not arise.

4. SC,as a market regulator ,has owed the duty of care to the investors in general to ensure MMLR is complied and upheld by all the Public Listed Companies (PLC) at all times


2021-11-15 10:52 | Report Abuse


1. Qualified audited Report i.e ( not cleaned audited report ) is expected
2. Further down grading /rating is expected
3. No New loan refinancing and New placement to settle loan on maturity
4. Default is imminent
5. Receivership is triggered
6. Liquidation is the final nail to the coffin before burial forever
7. Last hope is Miracle of Government bail out in your fantasy


2021-11-15 10:39 | Report Abuse


it is very likely that the current auditors of SD will be seriously thinking of resigning to get out of this mess before they ( the present auditors ) will be sued by other stakeholders and investing parties even by SD itself.

Would they ( the present auditors ) dare to give a clean report despite of all these already '' proven irregularities " ( circumstantial evidence ) and the substantial evidences concluded by KPMG and EY Consulting ?

I bet the present auditors are under tremendous pressure to address the above current teething issues ? Basically , how to give a clean audit report on something that is not physically there at all while majorities are dummy and phantom .............


2021-11-13 09:45 | Report Abuse

Yer..I enjoyed reading the story posted by PSA too.

These people are so delusional that their visions are completely blinded and minds are totally blocked of the highest order.

One man's Meat is another Man Poison does not apply here. Basically, no reasonable sensible man would acknowledge this as meat but poison.

The only way you can redeem yourselves is to open up your eyes and minds....


2021-11-13 08:24 | Report Abuse

Dummy or dump?

1.No collection from dummy clients ,no payment of loan.
2. Suing the dummy clients for payment ,meaning the loan can never be repaid.
3. No new loan to cover old loan
4. No new placement to settle old loan
5. Default of loan is imminent.
6. Further downgrading is inevitable
7. All the above are seen as harbingers of receivership and liquidation to come around.
8. Kiss and say goodbye


2021-11-12 21:58 | Report Abuse


1.Serious probe is conducted by SC following the findings confirmed by EY.
2. Criminal proceedings shall be followed when fraudulent activities are affirmative.
3.Delisting is inevitable
4.Default of loan is prominent
5.Receivership is imminent
6.Liquidation is the final nail to the coffin
7.One man weeps and make another man sing....


2021-11-12 10:43 | Report Abuse

you know I know

1. From the latest developments , it can be expected that findings done by EY in the SIR are consistent to those of KPMG
2. SIR need not be prepared by Auditors and it can be prepared by any consulting firm such as EY consulting
3. The question of AOB does not arise
4. KPMG has pointed out the irregularities to SD but SD is not happy
5. KPMG has no alternative but to report to SC
6. To preempt any mischief , SC raided SD to save documentation
7. SC has been kind enough to direct SD to engage a consulting firm to verify the veracity of the irregularities detected by KPMG during the conduct of audit
8. EY consulting was engaged by SD themselves ( SC did not interfere the engagement of which consulting firm)
9. Too bad , SD is not happy with the findings done by EY and resorted to legal actions , the main purpose of which is to prevent the release of SIR by EY and SC
10. EY is firm on its findings in discharge of its professionalism
11. SC is firm in the name of fair trading in discharge of its supervisory role as a market regulator
11. who has the agenda to hide the truth ?


2021-11-11 20:42 | Report Abuse


If I were k,i would re-engage KPMG to continue to conduct the audit in full force and grant full mandate to KPMG to manage the treasury & financial management for the company to an orderly manner. Any wrong doings are rectified .good corporate governance is practised and upheld. Transparency is improved.

That's the only way to regain the confidence from investors


2021-11-11 19:56 | Report Abuse

Basically ,the majority of sales is fictitious from head to toe like the Shemale fooling all the guys from head over heel.

But sooner or later the cat will be let out of the bag and the truth is unfolded with the hardcore dick exposing to the whole wide world....What a joke!


2021-11-11 16:21 | Report Abuse

No PN17, but straightaway to be delisted like MAS


2021-11-11 15:09 | Report Abuse

SCIB tried to delay the Audit Report to buy time to clean up the mess such as sudden termination of non-existent contracts and so on. Since no verification is required from receivables and payables, clean audited reports are expected . SCIB Is used to test the water and then ....

....same technique is to be used to delay the release of SIR with legal suits to challenge Bursa on technical grounds , the purpose is to buy time to clean up the the mess like SCIB.


2021-11-11 14:14 | Report Abuse

Fxxk up

1.No SIR,no lifting of suspension
2.yes SIR,no lifting of suspension
3.No lifting of suspension,no trading ,kind of protection to investors
4.delisting like MAS
5.All shares are not marketable. suits or not are irrelevant.


2021-11-11 11:51 | Report Abuse

Even my dogs can smell fishy but you are sill doubtful . Why are these people so blinded and self deceiving as if " every thing is going to be alright " ?


2021-11-11 10:43 | Report Abuse

In fact, Bursa can rely on the report from KPMG to enforce immediate suspension .However, Bursa has been kind to Serba to engage a consulting firm to double confirm the veracity of the transactions. Of course, Bursa will ensure that a reputable consulting firm is engaged to conduct such investigation otherwise SD would engage Tom, Dick and Harry consulting firm at its disposal and control. Bursa could sense to preempt that situation and set a condition that EY be engaged to conduct such investigation . There is nothing wrong for Bursa to take this measure as a market regulator and enforcer


2021-11-11 10:36 | Report Abuse

SIR is not audited report which need not be done by Auditors. the SIR can be prepared by any consulting firm. Bursa need to double confirm if it is justifiable to proceed with the suspension by ordering the SD to engage a consulting firm to conduct the special investigation.there is nothing wrong for Bursa as a market regulator to ensure fair trading to all parties


2021-11-11 10:22 | Report Abuse

Now then SD has sued EY. EY shall be very very careful with the conclusion of SIR which will be used by many as a basis for their next move of actions be it hostile or appreciative. KPMG has vindicated their move to get out this mess. EY shall be thankful to SD for the legal suit to enable EY to get out this mess too . EY can now freely report without compromising its position.


2021-11-11 08:30 | Report Abuse

Correction...worse scenario lifting of suspension never resumes


2021-11-11 07:51 | Report Abuse

Basically, you can write off all your investments in these two companies,the biggest scam of this century.

all the negative signs now are seen as harbingers of heavy plummet of their shares price to happen after suspension is lifted ( worse scenario suspension never resumes).

Hopeless and pathetic


2021-11-10 22:54 | Report Abuse

These two companies are the biggest jokes of this century, a laughing stock to the world....WTH


2021-11-10 22:12 | Report Abuse

All the fraudulent representations will be exposed in the Court.

Suing against all the parties by Scib and serba is akin to sealing the coffin with the last nail...ready to be buried forever...


2021-11-10 22:07 | Report Abuse

Psa has summed it all in the name of law...


2021-11-10 21:24 | Report Abuse

Pathetic and hopeless

After suspension is lifted ,share price is likely to continue to be LD till negative value.......gone with the wind....


2021-11-10 17:11 | Report Abuse

no need to investigate any more as contracts have been terminated .. end of the story.


2021-11-10 17:09 | Report Abuse

KPMG has vindicated their concern with resignation, not to put their reputation in disrepute but other auditors are still blinded to it ..WTH


2021-11-10 16:54 | Report Abuse

All the auditors , past and current have been fooled


2021-11-10 16:54 | Report Abuse

1. all non existent contracts terminated and or Cancelled.
2. non existence of receivables and payables ( but still paid out for the obvious reason)
3. Receivables written off as bad debts
4. Payables are financed by borrowing
5. Payables are still chargeable to Income statement as legitimate expenses
6. Full contract value ( up to termination ) is still taken as sales
7. Reporting loss is expected to be l shown in AR
8. Gearing is up due to irrecoverability of receivables
9. Loss is compounded
10. Inability of Company to repay debts/Loan in the end
11. kiss and say goodbye
10/11/2021 4:51 PM


2021-11-10 13:31 | Report Abuse

Now then due to sudden termination of contracts( I have the feeling that such contracts were either non-existent or awarded by dodgy com)

1.Are the debts recoverable?
2.are the dues payable?
3.contra or write off of the two above?
4 ending up with fictitious profit after 3 above?
5.very fishy


2021-11-10 12:33 | Report Abuse

Focusing on the core business is good. However risk reduction through well balanced diversification of the segment is also as important. The expected life of the oil palms has come to an end. No point to resort to re-plantation programme. Get out while the pricing has been recovered to be good now and move on by seeking for other potential segment.


2021-11-10 12:15 | Report Abuse

1. keep your capital,
2. Refrain from being impulsive
3. look around for bargain hunting,
4. seek counters with value for money,
5. happy ending .....


2021-11-10 07:26 | Report Abuse

Frankie T who was once my critic has gone to Hollywood to acting now....


2021-11-10 07:26 | Report Abuse

What the hell is going on?

I have not been here for a while. Why dropped so much? Where the hell is the production of sputnik V? From day 1,I had said it was illusionary but many loggerheads disapproved me.

Time will tell and time has told now


2021-11-10 07:15 | Report Abuse

It has gone to Holland with no return. Suing bursa will get matter worse. Bursa does not back off and is not afraid of "legal" gangsterism.