
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2021-05-19 10:03 | Report Abuse

The buying queue is apparently an illusion like a mirage in the desert.....


2021-05-19 10:01 | Report Abuse

The noobs are readily lambs awaiting to be slaughtered into lambchops.....


2021-05-19 09:18 | Report Abuse

Basically, briefing last nite was nothing more than just a demonstration of shenanigans to you on whom they rely to provide them with the opportunity of their exit of ESOS ,PP and long shareholdings since inception in time to come.....


2021-05-18 18:32 | Report Abuse

There is no need for you to be so bloody meticulously concerned what to be covered by them. No matter what is covered,you are already delusional to it. Why? Because you just can't open up your mind to negativity


2021-05-18 18:21 | Report Abuse

Pl refer to all my previous postings where you can interrogate them the same .I am intrigued as much as you are but I doubt you will get the genuine answers.

A theif is a theif just like a cow is forever a cow......


2021-05-18 15:28 | Report Abuse

The briefing is nothing more than just a show of circus where the bunch of jokers just put up their shenanigans to entice you into purchase and more purchase......


2021-05-18 12:45 | Report Abuse

Another sacrifice of lamb


2021-05-18 08:12 | Report Abuse

Fscts are facts.

Seeing is speak for yourself only .you are ignorant and blind but others are not as blind as you are.......


2021-05-18 07:03 | Report Abuse

Since inception,pp of about 144 m shares have been issued ,diluting the shares base about 25%. EPS is so pathetic that it doesn't justify dividend payout.What next? Bonus issue is on the agenda? This will surely cause more dilution and pressure on the current share price.

What is the main source of income for the company? Royalty from Imedi App ? How can the revenue be enhanced in the forseeable future?. As a matter of fact ,the big churn of the revenue shown in the last audited report was derived from just one oversea customer ie Russia. WTH

The more it goes,the more fishy it sounds to be.........


2021-05-17 23:14 | Report Abuse

Bunch of crazy freaks....


2021-05-17 23:06 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow will be do or die situation for their exit of ESOS.many have been lured to buy fervently today and tomorrow in anticipation of the briefing on FB tomorrow's evening,which is of course nothing more than just an illusion,after which it is expected to plummet like crazy.....


2021-05-17 13:12 | Report Abuse

Don't count the cocks before they are hatched , ,probably no cocks in the end. Excited for nothing...


2021-05-17 13:08 | Report Abuse

Illusionary will show its true colour soon....


2021-05-17 08:08 | Report Abuse

No substance inside but just a form outside to turn green?


2021-05-15 08:18 | Report Abuse

ES0S is supposed to benefit the employees but too bad,this was not the case .directors benefit from 69.6.m shares option under ESOS which had been approved in 2018 and is valid for 3 years till 2021

So far, out of 69.6 m under ESOS , 23.2 m shares(1st round) have been Granted leaving 46.4 m (subsequent rounds) is yet to be granted. It is believed the remaining is to be granted soon as its expiry draws nearer and nearer

Of 23.2 m shares, 21.86 m were granted to the directors in April 2020 representing 94.2% while 5.8% was granted to the employees ,which was very pathetic to genuine employees.The exercise price predetermined at 0.0868 which was incredibly low on purpose to enrich the directors.

Very soon ,all these ESOS will be dumped to you and they stand to gain at the disposal of shareholders like you.

Who is the loser in the end ,you or them? Your persistent ignorance is larger than your loss...


2021-05-14 13:34 | Report Abuse

Whether ESOS is sold or not after exercising is not important.its a matter of time they will be disposed to you at your loss. The directors got nothing to lose as long as the Esos is sold at above rm0.08

Wake up....


2021-05-14 10:51 | Report Abuse

U miss the point.what uni said was the directors were cheating by issuing themselves with the Esos at a huge discount on purpose and later to dump to you at their mercy....actually at your guys are so pathetic....


2021-05-13 22:50 | Report Abuse

What they think will definitely be not the same as you do,otherwise how could they continue to do the opposite as you are doing?..they sell when you buy and vice versa.

Since you keep defending them,how could you think the same as them? They think they con u but u think they don't....


2021-05-13 12:41 | Report Abuse

I don't create story.the facts are out there for u to see but u have chosen to ignore them...thats your problems...


2021-05-13 12:29 | Report Abuse

Hell.ow..dont be so naive and ignorant.

Do you think the bunch of wolves would respond to your queries genuinely and objectively ? Wolf is wolf..better verify with the auditor for objective view.

A Wolf in a sheep's clothing will never be genuine no matter how you react....


2021-05-13 00:47 | Report Abuse

Once bitten, twice shy

twice bitten,never try and

thrice bitten,surely die....

How many times have you been bitten so far?

Your persistent ignorance is larger than your loss...its still not too late to redeem yourself.....


2021-05-13 00:39 | Report Abuse

There is no need to confront them. They are bunch of wolves in sheep's clothing that pretend to be good and/or friendly but are actually trying to suxk your blood dry like vampires and tear you apart and devour you up like wolves.......


2021-05-12 21:23 | Report Abuse

Some one said this counter is not a value buy stock.what he means is that the price is too high and he implies to buy penny stocks

I can tell you he is delusional and wrong.if the stock is potential with sound fundamentals and steady growth ,it is worth investing in no matter at what price it stands now. We should not be prejudiced to the selection of investment based on the penny value of the share price.


2021-05-12 20:21 | Report Abuse

Being Conservative is to invest in only counters with sound fundamentals.on the other hand,being defensive is to refrain from investing in penny stocks where pledges are too good to be true...


2021-05-11 19:39 | Report Abuse

Basically ,all the heavy queues are illusionary as if the demand was so overwhelming that you thought it is a good bargain and fall into their plot.....


2021-05-11 18:33 | Report Abuse

The longer you hold this counter ,the more pathetic your investment becomes

Those who have been doing averaging after averaging ,you will be skinning yourselves second by second until you have completely dried up like skeletons........

Wake up guys.....


2021-05-11 16:44 | Report Abuse

It will be similar to the fate of magpie or AT..sounds grand to hold millions of share but in actual fact,it is worthless in hand......

Your persistent irrational ignorance is greater than your loss


2021-05-10 23:45 | Report Abuse

Majority of the sales was fictitious.

Half of the receivables has been impaired and will continue to be impaired.

Most of the granted ESOP has already been exercised with the exception of professor low,without any likelihood of price hike in the future though 43m shares have yet to be granted

The pp proceed has been channelled or siphoned to the offshore company involved in software development ,which is said to be impractical and exerggerting and the offshore company is just used to justify the payment.

The external auditor amid fishy, has resigned abruptly before the end of the term to the next AGM

Mou is another show of the circus where thd bunch of clowns continue to lure you into excitements with sensational news on and on......

The signs are obvious and your ignorance is larger than your loss


2021-05-07 21:46 | Report Abuse

Dont question my sense of judgement.please dont simply debunk.....


2021-05-07 21:35 | Report Abuse

Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd (BPMB) under the new chairman Datuk Seri Nazir Razak who is expected to clear up the redundant portfolio of shares in order to enhance the liquidity of the bank for better returns

Maybulk is the first and won't be the last ,thats for sure.there will be more awaiting to be disposed.

whichever ones to be dumped by BPMP are untouchable from now.....


2021-05-07 20:47 | Report Abuse

They wanted to dispose of it long ago and have been waiting for the right timing.....


2021-05-07 20:43 | Report Abuse

The one you and everyone know is not the real reason. ....


2021-05-07 19:57 | Report Abuse

BPMB is disposing of some of their portfolios which are considered to have tied up its cashflows.the off load into the market is timely given the current sentiment of logistic industries.

following the said off load ,the cash can now be used to re-invest in other promising counters under the new chairman.

The sign of this move is clear.the surge is expected to be short lived.whether the momentum can be maintained remains to be seen.


2021-05-07 00:09 | Report Abuse

What's the wrong with high trade receivables? As long as they are collectable and are not impaired, there is no cause of concern.. today its just a correction following will be resumed as usual tomorrow or big deal


2021-05-06 22:37 | Report Abuse

Could the unexpected surge be planned to facilitate the exit of BPMB ? What is the exact purpose of disposal? Cashflow issue ,conflict of interest, reshuffle of board or corporate exercise ??


2021-05-04 19:15 | Report Abuse

Wake up call......


2021-05-04 19:13 | Report Abuse

Fishy more fishy

ES0S is supposed to benefit the employees but too bad,this was not the case.69.6.m shares option under ESOS had been approved in 2018. The ES0S is valid for 3 years.

So far,23.2 m shares out of 69.6 m under ESOS have been issued.of 23.2 m shares,21.86 m were granted to the directors in April 2020 representing 94.2% while 5.8% was granted to the employees ...very pathetic as it appears to be .The exercise price was predetermined at 0.0868 incredibly low..

Since the announcement for exercise of share option has recently been declared,basically,it has been exercised i.e disposed ...too bad now

Following the exercise assuming at an average of 42c,the directors/owners/SH /promoters already pocketed gain of rm7.2m++ in total..The question is why they exercised at this time round ? Why didnt they push it higher and higher to achieve their agenda? It is clear that the game is over and down trend is imminent.......

Note the remaining ES0S of 46.3 m shares have yet to be granted at an exercise price of 0.0868. Even the remaining ES0S is granted, the directors have nothing to lose, worse of the worst,they will let it lapse if the current price is below rm 0.0868....

Who is the loser in the end ,you or them?


2021-05-04 12:21 | Report Abuse

Our country is poorer now otherwise the Government would not utilise the country reserve fund to fund the vaccination operation so desperately.

Our country can't afford to keep buying expensive vaccines like Singapore etc . In the end,you and me may have to succumb to the jab of sputnik v , for which the Government can only afford to buy from now.......


2021-05-04 11:33 | Report Abuse

You are so bloody cute cute that you claim you can read my mind like a are incorrect and you speak for yourself only


2021-05-04 11:11 | Report Abuse

Malaysia just entertains Russia for diplomatic reason...


2021-05-04 11:08 | Report Abuse

EMA is not going to approve for the reasons already mentioned .stop fantasising.


2021-05-04 11:06 | Report Abuse

Duo Already signed the agreement in jan 2021.
No chance for ucrest.


2021-05-04 11:03 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 26): Duopharma Biotech Bhd has signed a deal with the Malaysian government to supply 6.4 million doses of the Russian-developed "Sputnik V" Covid-19 vaccine.

In a filing today, the group confirmed that it will procure and supply to the Ministry of Health (MoH) the vaccine developed by the Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology.

Duopharma said its subsidiary, Duopharma (M) Sdn Bhd (DMSB), has signed a term sheet agreement with MoH and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) to secure the 6.4 million doses of Sputnik V.


2021-05-04 09:19 | Report Abuse

Fishy more fishy

ES0S is supposed to benefit the employees but too bad,this was not the case.69.6.m shares option under ESOS had been approved in 2018. The ES0S is valid for 3 years.

So far,23.2 m shares out of 69.6 m under ESOS have been issued.of 23.2 m shares,21.86 m were granted to the directors in April 2020 representing 94.2% while 5.8% was granted to the employees ...very pathetic as it appears to be .The exercise price was predetermined at 0.0868 incredibly low..

Since the announcement for exercise of share option has been declared,basically,it has been exercised meaning already disposed ...too bad

The remaining ES0S ungranted as at to date stands at 46.3 m shares. Another tranche of ESOS is expected to be granted to Directors very soon. Sounds like another blow to you?


2021-05-03 17:15 | Report Abuse

Fishy more fishy.

The auditor was reappointed at the last AGM of the co held on 17.11.2020 till the next AGM .However ,the auditor had resigned on 10.02.2021 before the end of the term.

Usually,the resigning auditors must provide the company with the statement surrounding the circumstances of their resignation to be brought to the attention of the co shareholders and creditors.

Surprisingly, in the Co's statement for change of audiors,it says the resignation was on voluntary basis and the reason was due to disagreement on the audit fees.

I thought the audited fee had been duly determined and agreed upon well before the reappointment taken place on 17.11.2020 for another term.l doubt the reason for resignation was due to the audit fee. The auditors could have resigned at the AGM and did not seek for re-appointment if the audit fee was not pre-agreed then.

Furthermore,the board in their "change of auditors statement" says they are not aware of any matters that need to be brought to the attention of the SH of the co. There must be statements surronding the circumstances of the resignation of the auditors as the auditors had resigned before the end of their term

The more it goes ,the more doubts are cast,the more fishy it is....


2021-05-02 12:45 | Report Abuse

alf,feeling so sorry for you. A tiger already appears in your very eyes with the claws ready to devour you up alive but you still can't see and take it as a pussy cat...

Why are you so blind and stuck- up?


2021-05-02 00:46 | Report Abuse

Alf,don't be a diehard like them.its not worth fighting for it.they are so obsessed with it that they are drowning with it to the abyssal depth


2021-05-01 23:54 | Report Abuse

Your ignorance is larger than your loss....


2021-05-01 23:53 | Report Abuse

The unaudited audit report reveals too much irregularities and malpractices which are subject to be probed by the relevant authorities sooner or later.

As said before, these are the signs which can not be ignored .do you still deny by turning blind eyes to them?