
joyvest | Joined since 2019-12-11

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2021-05-21 21:14 | Report Abuse

Further findings will be revealed shortly


2021-05-21 21:02 | Report Abuse

Good news


2021-05-21 17:03 | Report Abuse

To bomb or to boom?

As a rule of thumb ,never count the cocks before they are hatched.the green could be just a mirage in the desert.....


2021-05-21 16:29 | Report Abuse

What the hell is going on?


2021-05-21 12:19 | Report Abuse

because of the licensing and regulations issue, Ucrest has taken the easy option .....


2021-05-21 12:17 | Report Abuse

There are many products such as Samsung, made by OEM (original equipment manufacturer), but stated as Samsung, no name of manufacturer stated.

but they must state the source of manufacture eg made in china , made in malaysia.

certainly , the vaccine is not made in malaysia unless of course it is physically made here


2021-05-21 12:14 | Report Abuse

as i have said it before, the deal is attached with a string ..... what is the string? well , you are required to trade with their Russian counterpart biz in return reciprocally. please enlighten me on who was engaged to develope the Imedic App ? Royalty is payable to which company ?


2021-05-21 12:04 | Report Abuse

strictly, the vaccine cannot be said to be produced by Ucrest. you are required to put down the source of where it is made eg. made in china even though the name of the manufacturer is not disclosed such as " Apple " or Samsung "

you can outsource in any part of the world but you must state the source of manufacture. If the USA sees the product is made in China, sanction or economic warfare will be conducted.


2021-05-21 11:46 | Report Abuse

(It is like Ucrest sell vaccines through manufacturers of China, not management fees.)

if they do that , they need license...


2021-05-21 11:44 | Report Abuse

they do nothing but earn mgt fee . How much is the mgt fee ? I have no idea cos it is not disclosed . what is disclosed is only the projected production of vaccines of millions over millions......

someone said RM 0.80 per quality of vaccine. that fellow didnt say where he got the pricing from ? presumably it is an insider


2021-05-21 11:43 | Report Abuse

well, a sticker will be glued on the bottle reading as " cow wee wee is filled inside by china manufacturer called XYZ managed by ucrest " .....


2021-05-21 11:29 | Report Abuse

you are talking now. Urest is just a middle agent


2021-05-21 11:23 | Report Abuse

thats why i am saying, from what was announced yesterday that they dont require license , they are insinuating that RDIF will buy directly from china manufacturers managed by ucrest.


2021-05-21 11:09 | Report Abuse

because the vaccines are produced in China, most likely RDIF will buy directly from china to bypass ucrest, thus ,there is no need for ucrest to possess any license.

ucrest is obliged to supervise and manage the manufacturers in china and earns their mgt fee in return .....just because they can communicate in mandarin to facilitate the Russia who cant speak mandarin..... do you believe this is the reason or just a shenanigan ?


2021-05-21 11:02 | Report Abuse

Imedic is just developed to justify the payment (outflows) out of the country to the Development company overseas...whether it is useful or workable , no body cares................


2021-05-21 10:16 | Report Abuse

until the formal agreement with RDIF is signed, no sure if RDIF will buy directly from china Manufacturers or Ucrest. No transparency is bad to the corporate and the investors

If buy from Ucrest, there would be tax implications and/or regulations and licensing issues.From what was announced yesterday, it is unlikely that it is purchased from the company .Until the picture is clearer , Ucrest still functions as a middleman.


2021-05-21 08:07 | Report Abuse

The show of circus is to start soon where you will see a lot of clowns dancing with the monkeys........its all about monkey business......


2021-05-21 08:00 | Report Abuse

The best fruit to cure constipation is to eat papaya......


2021-05-20 23:15 | Report Abuse

The more you keep the information away from the public,the more it arouses scepticism as shenanigan from the public...


2021-05-20 23:10 | Report Abuse

If this is not a PLC,it might be excusable not to disclose.ucrest is a public listed to earn the confidence of the public in general for lack of transparency?

They should have said announcement of the manufacturers will be made in due course....

Really fishy


2021-05-20 23:05 | Report Abuse

WTH .agreement has been signed .undercut what ? undercut the balls of the directors? Both parties upon signing should respect the agreement. Otherwise, what's the use of agreement?


2021-05-20 22:31 | Report Abuse

Its too real to be unreal.have you seen a street with no name? Even my dog has a name called " cock".


2021-05-20 21:55 | Report Abuse

If ucrest doesn't want to disclose who the contract manufacturers are,then I take them as tom ,dick and Harry.

They just simply find someone to sign the agreement. Since the final agreement with RDIF has yet to be signed,still at MOU stage, the co need not be accountable to RDIF.

It is very fishy to sign an agreement before a formal agreement with RDlF is signed

The more it goes, thd more fishy as it appears to be...


2021-05-20 21:07 | Report Abuse

If you want to be Frank,you are called frankie otherwise called conkie...


2021-05-20 20:51 | Report Abuse

You are free to be conned and I am free to leave no stone unturned


2021-05-20 20:12 | Report Abuse

It is very silly of ucrest to make public announcement of non-disclosure of the contract manufacturers as a PLC and no sense of responsibility as directors in PLC.

In view of the lack of transparency, the contract manufacturers are perceived to be fictitious and non-existent.....


2021-05-20 20:01 | Report Abuse

The name of the contract manufacturers cannot be disclosed as it is strictly business and political confidential.

The above is Bull shits ..this is a public listing co.where is the corporate governance? Where are thd fiduciary duties and responsibilities of the directors of listed co?

Have they got sth to hide? Or the contract manufacturers are fictitious?

Really get on my nerve...


2021-05-20 19:00 | Report Abuse

Don't spit the shits out of your mouth. You look and sound shitty


2021-05-20 18:58 | Report Abuse

No capital and investment outlay is required to be committed by UCrest Berhad as the company is responsible to outsource and manage production produced by 3rd party( contract manufacturer

No need to have the relevant regulatory approvals, permits and/or licenses required to be obtained by UCrest as RDIF is responsible to transfer technology and knowhow to the contract manufacturers for production.

The company is not involved in production snd marketing of vaccine.hence no relevant regulatory approvals, permits and/or licenses are required

Basically,ucrest is just a middleman ,not even considered as main con..


2021-05-20 18:45 | Report Abuse

Bull shits ..this is a public listing co.where is the corporate governance? Where are thd fiduciary duties and responsibilities of the directors of listed co?


2021-05-20 18:42 | Report Abuse

Bull shits


2021-05-20 14:13 | Report Abuse

i notice some insider finally came out to clarify ut as you can clearly see ,,,,,,what we want is transparency .....nothing more and noting less.

The gentleman or lady has mentioned RM 0.08 per quality of production, Now then , please enlighten us on the cost as per same .


2021-05-20 14:06 | Report Abuse

one thing that intrigues me is that why the agreement with contract manufacturers is signed before even the formal agreement with RDIF is signed ?? it doesnt make sense.

the company has yet to secure the agreement with RDIF ( still at MOU stage ) and yet they have entered into agreement with the contract manufacturers . Should it be more sensible to enter into MOU with the contract Manufacturers on back to back basis?

the more it goes , the more fishy as it seems to be..............


2021-05-20 13:32 | Report Abuse

According to the MOU,the co ( ucrest) is obliged to identify and source the contract manufacturers of the right calibre for RDlF. The signing of agreement with contract manufacturers is not considered to be complete in the whole process

Whether the contract manufacturers are capable or not remains mysterious,which could be rejected by RDIF. The MOU with RDlF is yet to be turned into final agreement.still MOU

Even though the agreement with RDIF is signed,that's not the end of it.the co is still obliged to manage and supervise the contract manufacturers for the production.if for any reasons ,the co is unable to manage the production or the contract manufacturers are incapable of producing ,the agreement is still subject to be revoked by RDlF.

Under the above circumstances, its premature to celebrate....


2021-05-20 11:51 | Report Abuse

who are the contract manufacturers ? how is the company( Ucrest ) paid by RDIF ? what is the basis of payment ? Basically , the Co is just a middleman to facilitate between RDIF and the Contract Manufacturers. As a facilitator , the co also gets a service fee or mgt fee in return for their service ? how is the basis of payment of mgt fee or service fee ?

all the above are not disclosed to us leaving a strand of fishy tails...........


2021-05-20 11:44 | Report Abuse

everyone knows its at your own risk , even my dog also knows...... crossing the road is at your own risk , eating too much is at your own risk, talking bad of others from behind is at your own risk,.....


2021-05-20 10:09 | Report Abuse

What parish ? You are ignorsnt ,blind and arrogant but we are not.....we are still lurking around.....


2021-05-20 08:33 | Report Abuse

The whole thing is nothing but just a shenanigan.

The deal between RDIF and the company is simple whereby the company manages and supervises the manufacturer for RDlF who will pay the co with mgt fee.

However,this is not as simple as u thought. In return, the co is required to trade with Russian companies( some of which are believed to be controlled by RDIF).That explains why the majority of the revenue ( 94%) was derived from Russian sources in the last audited account. This arrangement will continue to be operated in this manner.

With the above deal ,the co makes profit on paper but there is no excess of cashflows as some receivables are never collectible on purpose to benefit russian counterpart.That explains why 1/3 of its receivables was impaired in the last audited acc.

What matters to the company is not the growth or profitability but the creation of the sensational news to push up the share price at which the bunch are more than happy to exit their ESOS,PP, and long overdue shareholdings. When their agenda is done, share price will be depressed and repurchased and the circle is on and on....

Signing Agreement is one thing and physical execution of what is agreed is another thing.

Perhaps the manufacturers never exist and production and trading with Russia never take place but payment of mgt fee to the company ( inflows) and outflows are still executed for the obvious "reason


2021-05-19 23:56 | Report Abuse

The whole thing is just a shenanigan.

The deal between RDIF and the company is simple whereby the company manages and supervises the manufacturer for RDlF who will pay the co with mgt fee.

However,this is not as simple as u thought. In return, the co is required to trade with Russian companies( some of which are believed to be controlled by RDIF).That explains why the majority of the revenue ( 94%) was derived from Russian sources in the last audited account. This arrangement will continue to be operated in this manner.

With the above deal ,the co makes profit on paper but there is no excess of cashflows as some receivables are never collectible on purpose to benefit russian counterpart.That explains why 1/3 of its receivables was impaired in the last audited acc.

What matters to the company is not the growth or profitability but the creation of the sensational news to push up the share price at which the bunch are more than happy to exit their ESOS,PP, and long overdue shareholdings. When their agenda is done, share price will be depressed and repurchased and the circle is on and on....

Signing Agreement is one thing and physical execution of what is agreed is another thing.perhaps the manufacturers ,production and trading with Russia never take place but payment of mgt fee to the company ( inflows) and "outflows" are still executed for the obvious "reason ".


2021-05-19 21:11 | Report Abuse

The whole thing has been well planned where all happenings are conducted overseas without the risk of detection and scrutiny....


2021-05-19 20:57 | Report Abuse

Many of u thought that the company is involved in production and marketing of the vaccine at a huge profit which is obviously not the case.

The company is only managing the manufacturers and is entitled to mgt fee. The contract manufacturers could be dummy and the production never takes place after all.

Since the mgt fee is directly payable by RDIF,the compah need not disclose who the contract manufacturers are and the production volume which could be fictitious.

Sounds more and more fishy....


2021-05-19 20:12 | Report Abuse


According to the MOU, the company is responsible for identifying ,arranging and supervising the contract manufacturer in Asia for the production.

Note the company is only managing the contract manufacturer at a mgt fee which has yet to be disclosed to us. The mgt fee is payable by RDIF but the basis of payment is unknown to us with uncertainty. It could be peanut or otherwise depending on the final production. The final production is yet to be materialised

Secondly ,who the hell is the contact manufacturers? Where are their credentials ? Why are they not disclosed?

The company is using which co to sign ? Offshore company is expected to be involved where transparency is in question.

The more it goes ,the more fishy it sounds to be...


2021-05-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

The show is titled " Malaysian warewolf"


2021-05-19 13:02 | Report Abuse

Basically , they are telling the world there is No substance in the bottle but it is just an illusion where bottle is filled with cow wee wee.....


2021-05-19 12:19 | Report Abuse

It is universally acknowledged that it is a monkey biz whereby monkey see monkey do....

Even the greatest legendary detective on earth has acknowledged to this shenanigan.....


2021-05-19 12:00 | Report Abuse

Cut every thing that sticks out......including dick....


2021-05-19 11:46 | Report Abuse

Noobs ,You call it cheap now?

You have yet to taste the cheapest......


2021-05-19 11:30 | Report Abuse

You mean you are a saint? The longer you hold ,the larger and deeper the hole.

You are digging your own hole deeper and deeper day by day....soon you will be buried by your ownself.......without return.......


2021-05-19 10:28 | Report Abuse

Someone says action speaks louder than words

Very true....the actions are apparently Shenanigans so they speak louder than words ......