
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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2018-09-19 17:20 | Report Abuse

Najib put into MACC lockup tonight?
He will be brought to court in Orange MACC uniform tomorrow?


News & Blogs

2018-09-19 16:06 | Report Abuse

He is going to be charged again soon.
This type of "leader' should be charged in court every other week, to deter him from running away from Malaysia.


2018-09-19 12:21 | Report Abuse

I am not asking you to buy.
If you buy at 1.31 and below, surely you are unlikely to lose money.

I will not tell you to buy only after E&O already move up by 20%.
That is not noble, and not doing thing in good faith.
You should know whom I am referring to.........


2018-09-19 12:16 | Report Abuse

I like E&O
Start buying at 1.31
Will buy all the way down to 1.00

勇者 创造机会
智者 把握机会
愚者 找不到机会
死者 (絕望者) 永遠沒有机会

News & Blogs

2018-09-18 20:27 | Report Abuse

There are already too many impersonators.
They are all cheapskates trying to attract attention.

To name a few:
etc etc.......

News & Blogs

2018-09-18 20:19 | Report Abuse

Selling US bonds in USD, can convert to more RMB.
Like that also don't know.........


2018-09-17 23:53 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-09-17 18:54 | Report Abuse

What do you mean by nothing?
These are tariff in addition to those import taxes now in place.
If Product X already taxed at 20%, new tariff is 30%.
If Product Y was taxed at 5%, new tariff will be 15%.

Donald Duck playing trick, on one hand giving China false representation he will not proceed with new tariff, luring China to put in more energy in preparation of new trade talk at PM level, then he just turn around and tell China you are not doing what I told you to do. So even before new round of trade nego take place, he already tell you "I am cheating you, what can you do with me" mentality.

All in all, China should not give any weightage to what Donald Duck is selling.
Donald Duck was cheating when he first visited China last year, then on North Korea meeting in Singapore, then on first USD 50 billion tariff, and now on USD 200 billion.

Don't tell me President Xi doesn't know such a character like Donald Duck, in the first place, not be be taken as a credible POTUS?


2018-09-12 00:29 | Report Abuse

What has this nekosaan contributed to i3?
Talk cock number one, kindergarten standard, hardly know how to write ABC.
Assess yourself how good is this fella here:



2018-09-11 23:40 | Report Abuse

Whether you like it or not, Jaks touches 70 sen tomorrow.
By Friday, it should touch 60 sen.

If you have balls, sialang at 70 sen, then sailang at 60 sen.
Either you want to sialang or sailang, you will still be a bankrupt.....


2018-09-11 00:37 | Report Abuse

Should be super speculator, not super investor, somebody use wrong choice of word........


2018-09-11 00:34 | Report Abuse

By Friday, Jaks may touch 60 sen.

Sialang man will vanish in thin air.........


2018-09-11 00:32 | Report Abuse

I can foresee Jaks will touch 70 sen on Wednesday.
That is enough to kill the sialang man with MF......


2018-09-11 00:31 | Report Abuse

Sialang with bs.
Sailang with MF.

Wednesday you will see that fella cry without tear..........


2018-09-11 00:28 | Report Abuse

Sialang in Jaks, sialang in Sin-die, sialang in every stock his master has a hand in it.

You think he is a super speculator meh?


2018-09-11 00:26 | Report Abuse

Someone like the word bs (bullshit?), sailang and sialang.
Everyday sailang, everyday sialang, you think he has so much moneyto carry out that operation?
For what I know, 100k is simply to little to make one sialang.....


2018-09-11 00:23 | Report Abuse

Do you think he still has 100k for his old age?
I believe if you go to hawker centre in Singapore, very likely he will be one of the cleaner Ah Pek there.........


2018-09-11 00:20 | Report Abuse

I just can remember someone had been bs and sailang and sialang non stop. He must be bankrupt by now.........

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 12:08 | Report Abuse

Try to mislead as if Star interviews him lah.

Tumpang on others idea and make it look like he is having great idea.
One word fit him best === cheapskate

News & Blogs

2018-09-10 11:18 | Report Abuse

Downsizing civil service is a must.
1.6m for population of 30m, what is the ration?
Not to forget workers of TNB, TM, Pos, airports and seaports are no more classified as govt servants.
Private education especially universities and colleges have reduced demand for public school and universities.
Auxiliary police by airports, seaports, TNB, TM etc etc are not part of govt servants.

So why there was so many jobs created by JPA?
Is it not true that computerisation should greatly enhance efficiency and reduce man power requirement?
Something definitely went wrong with BN's administration.

I am the one will sokong with both hands to reduce number of public servant by 6% each year, from 1.6m to say 1.0m in next 10 years.
I will continue to vote for PH govt for at least 2 more GE.
What about you?


2018-09-08 23:25 | Report Abuse

MCA is a mosquito party.
It is no more relevant to Malaysian politics.

MCA and Gerakan are abang-adik, both are now joining hands to meet PPP in holland........


2018-09-08 23:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Aug 8, 2018 04:53 PM | Report Abuse X

Anybody knows about basic economics on Supply/Demand?
When Supply exceed Demand, the Graph shifts to the Right, so price moving to lower side.
Go for basic SPM economic paper to understand the KYY factor.

What is that to do with IPP in Vietnam?
What is that to do with Pacific Star?


2018-09-07 17:46 | Report Abuse

I have been here before this terminally ill patient.
Given ample warning but he is blind to read.........


2018-09-07 17:45 | Report Abuse

Truth always bitter to the sick people like nekosaan.......


2018-09-07 17:41 | Report Abuse

Sep 12, 2017 09:06 PM | Report Abuse

Like all red chips, I just want to bring home one point. i.e. I don't trust the owner. Regardless what other people want to say, I always remind myself if I don't trust the Director, I will stay away from that counter.

Remember what analysts told you about Linear Corp when it announced to the whole world it got Dinding District Cooling Tower project worth RM 1000 million (1 Billion)?

Remember Masterskill? What happened now?

There are many many similar example.
If Directors not credible, your hard-earned money will go down the drain.
To invest in any counter, first and foremost look at who are the owners/ Directors.
Certain characters you should by all means......AVOID.
There are thousand and one other counters to look at.........


2018-09-07 17:34 | Report Abuse

Believe Sslee burnt quite severely as he claimed he knows Sin-die business very well.

He should know not the business Sin-die is involved.
It is the cash flow, profit margin, integrity, credibility, honesty that count.

My golden rule, if I don't trust the BoD, I stay away regardless how beautiful people may portray. I believe creative accounting is the main consideration I should worry.............


2018-09-07 17:27 | Report Abuse

You are lucky if KYY is not the seller for past few days.

Your luck will run out next few days when force selling set in...........


2018-09-07 12:40 | Report Abuse

ks55 -- Cannot stand 5% loss? Try out with REITs.

Let suppose you have 1m cash asset (Share, FD, Bonds, Treasury bills, SA etc excluding EPF). How much risk you can take?

Some people can stand up to 50% loses (if they are still young <35 yr old)
Some people can only stand up to 20% loses. (may be for 40 -50 yr old)
Some may be 10%, or 5%. (Retired or near to retirement >50 yr old)
It is really depends on your degree of tolerance.

Some may be young, but they have low degree of tolerance. Their temper will fluctuate with market performance. Market good, they got excited. Market down, they will not be able to sleep. This will affect their job performance.

My advice is, if you invest up to 500k, you find that your temper already being jeopardized, reduce to 400k. If still find hard to sleep, reduce further to 300k, 200k,100k etc. There should come to a level whether market up or down doesn't affect performance of your main career anymore. That is your tolerance level.

Some may have 1m cash asset, but not able to stand a 5k loses. These people are not risk taker, share market is definitely not suitable for them. REITs may be most suitable for them as it is low risk with medium gain. Otherwise will be FD or MGS.

Again a word of caution. Don't commit 100% of your cash asset in share market. Always keep some for rainy days. Worse still if you try to buy on margin in this coming turbulence market.

Think safe, play safe, invest safe. If want to punt, punt safe.
18/03/2015 23:19


2018-09-07 12:36 | Report Abuse

And they are still selling now, and lick their wounds as days pass by....


2018-09-07 12:35 | Report Abuse

Not hard to figure out who are the sellers.


2018-09-07 12:33 | Report Abuse

Mar 7, 2018 10:29 AM | Report Abuse

Buying Jaks is easy.
Just keep on buying till 160m and you will jack up the price.

With average volume 3-4 million a day, you will need to be net seller for 40 market days at 4m each day.
Can you do it without depress its share price?

If you cannot run with F1 speed, can you beat Donald Duck tsunami 2018?
OPM really kill.
It kills all those greedy and daredevil, regardless you are big shark or small shrimp...........


2018-09-07 12:33 | Report Abuse


Mar 6, 2018 05:25 PM | Report Abuse

KYY and wife now own 31.745% of Jaks.
At most he can buy only 1.255% more.
If he stop buying, only logical that he will sell, sooner or later unless he is going for GO -- highly not probable.

So better sell now before he unload it............

News & Blogs

2018-09-04 14:34 | Report Abuse

Tun M fails to see revenue generated for the state and federal govt form Forest City project.
As far as I know, buyers from mainland China have to source their loan from China, not from Malaysian banks.

Tun M not in favour of MM2H program?
More residential units sold, more quit rent and assessment for the state and local govt. Maintenance of public utility and road can provide more jobs for the local.

Don't be so short sighted. That is against Wawasan 2020 long term vision.


2018-09-03 10:35 | Report Abuse

@tksw == ks55, the so call super investor run first when the price down... then all die, they are not super-hero that stand in-front of retailers and take bullet, they take profit and run....

So, be smart.
Don't be a dead hero.........


2018-09-03 10:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by lanjiolang > Sep 3, 2018 10:04 AM | Report Abuse

long long time ago, i notice a sifu ask his followers cut loss at below 0.70. after lionind hit 0.95, he ask his followers to bought back again. and now i think this sifu still waiting for the chart signal. hahaha...

Candle sticks can be easily manipulated by market operator like KYY.
Easy to mislead chartist on TA.

Look at Jaks.
If not because KYY bought 160 million Jaks shares, do you think Jaks can ever moved upwards?
Now he is trapped because nobody to take over his block of shares.
Selling slowly means dying slowly.
Everyday drifting 2 or 3 sen downwards.
Potential buyers all went missing.

Similarly Sin Die, meow-meow industries will follow same trading pattern............


2018-09-03 09:09 | Report Abuse

Atrium also not bad.
SA3 handed VP to tenant last May.
You are seeing DPU increasing for next quarter........


2018-09-03 09:07 | Report Abuse

Play safe, buy ARReits.

Silverbird factory disposed.
Profit can just keep on improving since last quarter.........


2018-09-03 09:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Sep 2, 2018 12:54 PM | Report Abuse X

After I highlighted so much adverse publicity on LICB, LICB price still go up?
It falls back to a SPM Level Exam question on Supply/ Demand.

Just like Jaks, if KYY buys, Jaks moves north.
When KYY stop buying, Jaks tanks.
When KYY selling (forced sale or otherwise), Jaks goes holland.

Jaks has been drifting lower and lower as KYY selling slower and slower.

LionIndustries is no exception.
KYY buys, LICB soars.
KYY stop buying, LICB tanks.
KYY selling on Monday, LICB goes holland.

Nothing new.
Simple economics of SPM level.
All demand previously were artificially, meaning by market operator KYY with some machai following behind.
If you are one of the machai, be sensitive and sell when KYY stop buying.
Clear your position when KYY starts to sell, even with slightest shadow of doubt and you should have cleared all.

Investment in Parkson was not impaired in last QR.
380 million TNB bill (now should be more) owed by LionCorp still find no solution even moratorium after moratorium by WC.
TNB CEO must ask for cash advance before power to be supplier by LCB substitute, or it will again owed by hundreds of million with no intention to pay.

History repeated too many times under able leadership of WC, starting with Lion Flagship company Amsteel Corp Bhd, to Lion Corp, to Lion Diversified, along the way with Megasteel, Amsteel Securities, all Parade Shopping Malls. They are having meeting in holland, waiting to welcome Parkson Reatil Asia, Parkson Retail Group Ltd, and Parkson Holding Bhd......


2018-09-03 09:02 | Report Abuse

Even with a shadow of doubt, save your capital is the top priority for now.......


2018-09-03 09:01 | Report Abuse

When KYY selling, why wait?

News & Blogs

2018-09-02 13:10 | Report Abuse

I am referring to fake accountant.

News & Blogs

2018-09-02 13:06 | Report Abuse

Earn your professional degree in Accounting first.
Easier to do CIMA or ACCA. Otherwise CAT also can.

News & Blogs

2018-09-02 12:55 | Report Abuse

After I highlighted so much adverse publicity on LICB, LICB price still go up?
It falls back to a SPM Level Exam question on Supply/ Demand.

Just like Jaks, if KYY buys, Jaks moves north.
When KYY stop buying, Jaks tanks.
When KYY selling (forced sale or otherwise), Jaks goes holland.

Jaks has been drifting lower and lower as KYY selling slower and slower.

LionIndustries is no exception.
KYY buys, LICB soars.
KYY stop buying, LICB tanks.
KYY selling on Monday, LICB goes holland.

Nothing new.
Simple economics of SPM level.
All demand previously were artificially, meaning by market operator KYY with some machai following behind.
If you are one of the machai, be sensitive and sell when KYY stop buying.
Clear your position when KYY starts to sell, even with slightest shadow of doubt and you should have cleared all.

Investment in Parkson was not impaired in last QR.
380 million TNB bill (now should be more) owed by LionCorp still find no solution even moratorium after moratorium by WC.
TNB CEO must ask for cash advance before power to be supplier by LCB substitute, or it will again owed by hundreds of million with no intention to pay.

History repeated too many times under able leadership of WC, starting with Lion Flagship company Amsteel Corp Bhd, to Lion Corp, to Lion Diversified, along the way with Megasteel, Amsteel Securities, all Parade Shopping Malls. They are having meeting in holland, waiting to welcome Parkson Reatil Asia, Parkson Retail Group Ltd, and Parkson Holding Bhd......


2018-09-02 12:54 | Report Abuse

After I highlighted so much adverse publicity on LICB, LICB price still go up?
It falls back to a SPM Level Exam question on Supply/ Demand.

Just like Jaks, if KYY buys, Jaks moves north.
When KYY stop buying, Jaks tanks.
When KYY selling (forced sale or otherwise), Jaks goes holland.

Jaks has been drifting lower and lower as KYY selling slower and slower.

LionIndustries is no exception.
KYY buys, LICB soars.
KYY stop buying, LICB tanks.
KYY selling on Monday, LICB goes holland.

Nothing new.
Simple economics of SPM level.
All demand previously were artificially, meaning by market operator KYY with some machai following behind.
If you are one of the machai, be sensitive and sell when KYY stop buying.
Clear your position when KYY starts to sell, even with slightest shadow of doubt and you should have cleared all.

Investment in Parkson was not impaired in last QR.
380 million TNB bill (now should be more) owed by LionCorp still find no solution even moratorium after moratorium by WC.
TNB CEO must ask for cash advance before power to be supplier by LCB substitute, or it will again owed by hundreds of million with no intention to pay.

History repeated too many times under able leadership of WC, starting with Lion Flagship company Amsteel Corp Bhd, to Lion Corp, to Lion Diversified, along the way with Megasteel, Amsteel Securities, all Parade Shopping Malls. They are having meeting in holland, waiting to welcome Parkson Reatil Asia, Parkson Retail Group Ltd, and Parkson Holding Bhd......

News & Blogs

2018-09-02 12:47 | Report Abuse

You know creative accounting?

Major shareholders can choose to write off bad debt/ soured investment/ obsolete stock/ goodwill/ vss etc at their convenient and comfortable time.

They can also choose to incorporate Parkson P/L as subsidiary because WC exercises controlling and management decision, or simply just as an associate company, to their advantage.
Clear cut example was Lion Corp when it turned nobody's child, together with Megasteel nightmare P/L account.

Clearly impairment in Parkson investment must be made sooner or later.
If it was done at last QR, writing off 650 million from P&L account, surely Monday will have two limit down..............


2018-09-01 16:18 | Report Abuse

Just like Jaks, if KYY buys, Jaks moves north.
When KYY stop buying, Jaks tanks.
When KYY selling (forced sale or otherwise), Jaks goes holland.

Jaks has been drifting lower and lower as KYY selling slower and slower.

LionIndustries is no exception.
KYY buys, LICB soars.
KYY stop buying, LICB tanks.
KYY selling on Monday, LICB goes holland.

Nothing new.
Simple economics of SPM level.
All demand previously were artificially, meaning by market operator KYY with some machai following behind.
If you are one of the machai, be sensitive and sell when KYY stop buying.
Clear your position when KYY starts to sell, even with slightest shadow of doubt and you should have cleared all.

Investment in Parkson was not impaired in last QR.
380 million TNB bill (now should be more) owed by LionCorp still find no solution even moratorium after moratorium by WC.
TNB CEO must ask for cash advance before power to be supplier by LCB substitute, or it will again owed by hundreds of million with no intention to pay.

History repeated too many times under able leadership of WC, starting with Lion Flagship company Amsteel Corp Bhd, to Lion Corp, to Lion Diversified, along the way with Megasteel, Amsteel Securities, all Parade Shopping Malls. They are having meeting in holland, waiting to welcome Parkson Reatil Asia, Parkson Retail Group Ltd, and Parkson Holding Bhd......


2018-08-31 16:58 | Report Abuse

Nothing mention about impairment pertaining to Parkson investment.

Prbably has to write off 650m as Parkson now closing nearer to 40 sen, and could be even lower.

Look at PRGL share price now.
Very pitiful scene to see PRA trading at 3.6 Cents in Singapore Stock Exchange..........

News & Blogs

2018-08-31 16:54 | Report Abuse

Yes. Good to appoint "Fit and Proper Person" to be Public Prosecutor or Deputy Public Prosecutor under Sec 376 CPC.
Only "Good and Proper Person" sitting as present AG, then we can expect "Good and Proper Person" being appointed as DPP, prosecuting on his behalf.
Former AG did not earn my confidence to be acting on Good Faith as regards to cases involving 1 MDB.


2018-08-28 11:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Aug 28, 2018 09:55 AM | Report Abuse X

Will QR out tonight?
Will impairment made over the Parkson investment this QR?
How much should be the one-off impairment?
What is the effect on Megasteel's deal for this QR? Next QR? And next-next QR?
KYY will never want to tell you, but I will.
No good. Pretty bad on LICB for next few quarters.
May be the last straw to kill meow-meow king...........

Who has spoken on the above subjects?
Who has told you about the financial problem of major shareholders?
Who has high-lighted problem on pledged securities?

Do a bit of research to satisfy yourself.........