
ks55 | Joined since 2014-06-09

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News & Blogs

2018-07-09 09:35 | Report Abuse

TM must unbundle hypp TV package.
Hope Singh Kor is looking at why should TM forced upon unwilling subscribers?????

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 09:31 | Report Abuse

Why want to promote TM day in day out?
If you are so confident, just buy up all the sellers.
There are not many buyers to compete with you........

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 09:30 | Report Abuse

You one fella die is ok.
Don't entice people to follow you to holland.....

News & Blogs

2018-07-09 09:29 | Report Abuse

Want to commit suicide mah.......

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 22:47 | Report Abuse

US impose additional tariff on 550 billion USD import from China.
US impose more tariff on 350 billion USD import from EU.
China impose additional tariff on 130 billion USD import from US, PLUS qualitative measures to ensure US product is not saleable in China.

China has 1.4 billion with 380 million middle class to cushion the shortfall of export to US.
US middle class is fast disappearing and the poor has to survive on soup kitchen. Winter come in next six months, these hardcore poor will have to commit crime in order can have free stay and free food in US prison.

So, who will suffer more when Donald Duck declare full trade war with China ??????


2018-07-08 22:19 | Report Abuse

TM is dead next week......

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 22:18 | Report Abuse

Belgium will be knock out in semi final......


2018-07-08 12:15 | Report Abuse

Loss of revenue expected to be 900m to 1,1 billion ringgit pa.


2018-07-08 12:14 | Report Abuse

TM is heading south.
TP 2.50 next week after new rate is fixed by Singh Kor.......

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 11:17 | Report Abuse

You are right!
Practice management by walking like what Japanese does.
Seeing is believing.
Talk less walk more............

News & Blogs

2018-07-08 11:10 | Report Abuse

Go for headhunters for the talents.
There are many Malaysian high achievers under JPA scholarships since 2003, and they are now in early 30's holding respectable positions in corporate world. MaGIC Founding CEO Cheryl Yeoh is one example.
You may also do a search with JPA Scholarship Division to locate where are these talents. Pay them commensurate with their skill, knowledge and experience.
Always remember, pay peanut get monkeys........

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 18:58 | Report Abuse

You give me trouble, I give you problem.
I have money to throw around.
I can make you bankrupt just on legal fees alone.
Cash is king.
No cash no talk.

What can Amar Singh do now?
Record statement everyday.
Making arrest for every case on Friday evening.
Put him in lockup every time arrest being made.
Likewise Shukri MACC can do the same.

What about possible actions by TT?
Press charges for every offence.
Charge separately on different day.
Every charge grant bail 1 million with 2 sureties.

After being bail out for offence charged, Amar Singh can institute investigation on different occasion. Make arrest. TT press for charges. Grant bail for another million.

Repeat the investigation procedure and press for charges.
This is called chain-smoking.
Let the suspect choke to death...........

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 17:13 | Report Abuse

US will impose additional tax on 500 billion USD on top of 50 billion that took effect today. Meaning that every single item exported to US will attract additional tax.

Likewise, every single item imported from US will attract additional tax, PLUS qualitative measure including 100% check for health compliance, 100% clearance from foreign ministry in Beijing for mainlander to visit US, curtailment of US brands like Apple i-phone, GM and Ford cars, MBenz and BMW manufactured in US etc etc...

How is our economy affected?

Major export market for Malaysia:-
1. Singapore (14.5%) comprises mainly transshipment to China and US market
2. China (13.5%) mainly intermediate electronic components of MNCs, crude oil and palm oil.
3. US (9.5%)
4. Japan (8%)
5. Hong Kong (5.1%) gateway to China market
6. Indonesia (3.7%)
7. India (3.7%)
8. Australia (3.5%)
9. South Korea (3.1%)

So when gajah sama gajah berjuang, Malaysia mati tengah-tengah.

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 15:11 | Report Abuse

Khazanah Nasional Berhad is the strategic investment fund of the Government of Malaysia. We are entrusted to hold and manage the commercial assets of the Government, and to undertake strategic investments on behalf of the nation.

It is Malaysian version of Temasek.
Where on earth it stated to support Bumiputra Equity?


Bumiputra agenda spearheaded by Yayasan Bumiputra, PNB, Pernas, MARA, Tabung Haji, LTAT but not Khazanah.
At the very beginning, Khazanah recruited a lot of talents from Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley. I am not so sure now. Just like MaGIC original workhorses already replaced within 2 years.
Setting up a new business venture is hard.
To destroy established system is kacang putih........

News & Blogs

2018-07-06 14:53 | Report Abuse

Why PKR filed in a stage 4 cancer patient as MP candidate?
Very selfish mentality if he already know he is not going to survive to serve the nation.
He is wasting rakyat's money for by-election hardly 2 months after GE14.

Why PKR leadership didn't know before hand?
Or he deceive PKR leadership about his illness?


2018-07-06 11:12 | Report Abuse

Ooi Teik Bee ks55,

I remember well that when Ssteel comes out with fantastic result, you said that the price of Ssteel will shoot to > 3.00 easily.

There is another ks5S, I cannot remember whether it is you or ks5S.

What I try to relate here is everyone cannot predict future price, we just try our best to do our analysis.

Thank you.


Please show me that post to see how is the impersonator......


2018-07-06 11:07 | Report Abuse

I don't doubt about your sincerity and noble intention.
Many entrusted their money for a better tomorrow.

What I wanted from you is to give better (or improved version) recommendation after considering good and bad aspects (SWAT Analysis) PLUS something more than ordinary people may think of. Make a more exhaustive analysis and not merely superficially based on financial statements.

Nothing is done in good faith if it is not done with due care and attention on top of honesty and sincerity.

You may refer to some questions I raised in earlier post.

I do hope your recommendations will make more people benefit investing in the market.


2018-07-06 10:49 | Report Abuse

Given any due consideration to WC as major shareholders and director?


2018-07-06 10:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by ks55 > Jul 6, 2018 10:19 AM | Report Abuse X

Merely done with sincerity is not sufficient.
When entrusted with life savings, recommendation must be done in good faith.

What is good faith means?
Good Faith. Honesty; a sincere intention to deal fairly with others. Good faith is an abstract and comprehensive term that encompasses a sincere belief or motive without any malice or the desire to defraud others. It derives from the translation of the Latin term bona fide, and courts use the two terms interchangeably.

In addition, Malaysian Law further emphasize in Penal Code as follow:

52."Good faith".
Nothing is said to be done or believed in good faith which is done or believed without due care and attention.

Due care and attention take care of risk factors.
Problem with major shareholders?
Integrity and credibility of directors?
Adverse effect on pledged securities by major shareholders, not only LICB but the whole group?
Personal liabilities?
Business risk on steel industry local and world scenario?

Most important the effect of impending trade war on Malaysian economy.....


2018-07-06 10:47 | Report Abuse

Are you making recommendations in good faith?


2018-07-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by suntze > Jul 5, 2018 12:43 PM | Report Abuse

Hi Tehka, you also recorded huge losses on this share? I believed we from the same group.
I think Tehka and I share the same plight. We just wanted to grow our money so that can have a better retirement. But sadly, we are doing much worst now. If i buy the share from hearsay in I3, then i would say serve me right. But i'm currently buying shares with proper guidance and analysis but yet it still performed worst.


2018-07-06 10:19 | Report Abuse

Merely done with sincerity is not sufficient.
When entrusted with life savings, recommendation must be done in good faith.

What is good faith means?
Good Faith. Honesty; a sincere intention to deal fairly with others. Good faith is an abstract and comprehensive term that encompasses a sincere belief or motive without any malice or the desire to defraud others. It derives from the translation of the Latin term bona fide, and courts use the two terms interchangeably.

In addition, Malaysian Law further emphasize in Penal Code as follow:

52."Good faith".
Nothing is said to be done or believed in good faith which is done or believed without due care and attention.

Due care and attention take care of risk factors.
Problem with major shareholders?
Integrity and credibility of directors?
Adverse effect on pledged securities by major shareholders, not only LICB but the whole group?
Personal liabilities?
Business risk on steel industry local and world scenario?

Most important the effect of impending trade war on Malaysian economy.....

News & Blogs

2018-07-04 18:57 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah is AG?
If he is not, why should he question the wisdom of TT as AG of the day?

Or he expect former AG to press charges against Najib as PM before GE14?

Just keep quiet and prepare your case.
You are making millions out of Najib's legal fees.
Without TT as AG, you won't have the chance to represent Najib and therefore no chance to make that money from a single client........

News & Blogs

2018-07-04 18:48 | Report Abuse

No more turning back.
Wang Qishan is not going to US as China consider Donald Duck is not a trustworthy party to negotiate.

Just prepare for the countdown.
Friday morning will see how market respond to first salvo aimed at US Duck.........


2018-07-04 15:58 | Report Abuse

I just bought 50k at 1.50 after 2.5 times limit down and after 85m share transacted.

I don't really like GKent for water-meter manufacturer turned Rail Expert. Just try to prove my hypothesis.


May 17, 2018 04:35 PM | Report Abuse

Beary ks55 why so reckless this time?

I always thought you are the more rational and 'safety first' investor out there.

You seem to throw good money after bad this time.

Good luck to you.

Meant for trading purpose.
Just testing my hypothesis.
My entry price is lower than most if not all who buy into GKent.


2018-07-04 15:49 | Report Abuse



2018-07-04 15:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Jul 4, 2018 03:37 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by khatulistiwa1234 > Jul 4, 2018 01:22 PM | Report Abuse

STUPID only believe the plunged down , china steel bar price increased 25% , china stop the production , to fight the US tariff system , not mean iron market is down , but china alone , make a tremendous demand in market , iron price will shoot back according to right source , all because one factor , margin factor , once enough , china will declare the shoot in price , double or triple depend the market sentiment , the volcano is on build

Ans :
You are also using facts and figures to trade.
No wonder you are so successful.


News & Blogs

2018-07-03 22:03 | Report Abuse

Dead man asking for favour?
Just RIP.
Don't come out from grave to demand for handout.

MCA is a mosquito party.
Even if it use loud speaker also can't hear you.

News & Blogs

2018-07-03 20:23 | Report Abuse

This is just the beginning.
After that, he will be granted bail.
How much bail is sufficient to procure his attendance in next court hearing and there after?
Take into consideration Tan Koon Swan was granted 20 million bail more than 30 years ago, in today's money at 5% rate means 20m x 4.32 = 86.4 million for a much lesser charge under commercial offence.

Never mind even if it is 100 million bail, not a problem for he can afford xxx million to engage most elite criminal lawyers from US to represent him.
Just from cash, school bags, stones and rocks, and clocks already worth about 1 billion.
We have no idea how much were in his secret bank accounts in Swiss Bank, Virgin Island, Solomon Island, Cayman Island etc, etc.

After he has been given bail, now IGP can arrest him for one case after another.
You know how a chronic smoker smoke? One after another. It is called chain-smoking.
IGP can use the same tactic to investigate slowly one by one. Investigation process can take years to complete. It is enough to cost sufficient hardship to make him plead guilty for all the sin he did to the Rakyat......

News & Blogs

2018-07-03 19:42 | Report Abuse

Ignorance is not an excuse to commit CBT.
Made good what was already done wrong can just form small mitigation.
If UMNO still in power, "no offence" may have been committed if "not discovered" by his machai.

News & Blogs

2018-07-03 19:08 | Report Abuse

All blind idiots want to defend Najib.
Najib will be charged tomorrow under S409 PC CBT by Public Servant or Agent liable for 20 years imprisonment.

Criminal breach of trust by public servant or agent
409. Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or any dominion over property, in his capacity of a public servant or an agent, commits criminal breach of trust in respect of that property, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two years and not more than twenty years and with whipping, and shall also be liable to fine.

This is only the first salvo facing Najib, his wife, his step son, his lieutenants, and of course those facing 1MDB investigation and the school bags, stones, clocks, banana currencies 'discovered' from Pavilion and the abandoned houses........

Lembu case, Felda case, Mara case, Bank Negara Land case, DBKL Land case etc etc will bring in more corrupted people to court.
AG of the day may have to work doubly hard so that all the culprits to be charged within his two years tenure.........

News & Blogs

2018-07-03 10:04 | Report Abuse


Dec 31, 2017 09:29 PM | Report Abuse

Why I am here?

I hate to see idiots promoting Hengyuan day and night non-stop.

Already gone overboard.

Just syiok-syiok sendiri.

Always think of the positive side.

Never want to pay attention and consider the negative aspects.

Try to lure ignorant newbies without giving due caution to the potential risk.

Promoters are not promoting a decent stock with decent price with good faith.........ALL IN ALL, THEY ARE HERE TO CON YOU..............


2018-07-02 21:44 | Report Abuse


Dec 31, 2017 09:29 PM | Report Abuse

Why I am here?

I hate to see idiots promoting Hengyuan day and night non-stop.

Already gone overboard.

Just syiok-syiok sendiri.

Always think of the positive side.

Never want to pay attention and consider the negative aspects.

Try to lure ignorant newbies without giving due caution to the potential risk.

Promoters are not promoting a decent stock with decent price with good faith.........ALL IN ALL, THEY ARE HERE TO CON YOU..................


2018-07-02 21:33 | Report Abuse

北京宣佈拒絕貿易戰談判!川普時間不多了! 初嘗貿易戰惡果,美國第一大巨頭警告白宮!


News & Blogs

2018-07-02 10:05 | Report Abuse

Trying to cheat non-stop

News & Blogs

2018-07-02 10:04 | Report Abuse

Look like this fella is misleading newbies like Public Anal-list

News & Blogs

2018-07-01 10:16 | Report Abuse

MCA and MIC bank accounts to be frozen like SUPP's?


2018-06-30 23:23 | Report Abuse

Money politics persist.
With Zahid as UMNO President, no future BN can wrest Putrajaya from PH.
Safe for PH to run for at least 2 terms.
It is better for UMNO to learn how to be an effective opposition for next 10 years.

Bye-bye BN.
Bye-bye UMNO.
You have just elected someone to shield from Putrajaya main stream politics......


2018-06-29 21:19 | Report Abuse

Get EGM, remove all those political appointees that came with golden share.
Govt can appoint BOD, Govt can also revoke the appointment.
Just issue show cause letter why FGV under perform under useless Chairman.
By doing so, nothing is against natural justice if he has been given sufficient time to make representation.........


2018-06-29 21:09 | Report Abuse

Pengerusi FGV cakap dia tak mahu letak jawatan sebab bukan Najib melantik nya.
PM dulu yang lantiknya.
So, PM of the day can revoke his appointment as PM, not Najib or Tun M.


2018-06-29 10:44 | Report Abuse

Sell before market close for half year window dressing.
You are witnessing Index Stocks up strongly today, so many companies can make their books look good.
Those who shorted KLCI (mainly FF) are covering their positions.
Monday new 2nd half year trading begins.
What is your take?


2018-06-29 10:29 | Report Abuse

For what I know, FF selling Malaysian equity like tomorrow never exist.

Public Anal-list is always like to con people when they hold big stake.

Controlling shareholders are for long term, they won't sell like EPF.
Bearing in mind EPF engage Fund Managers whose earning depend on their performance. If under-perform, next year they will be given less fund to manage, or may be straight away fired.


2018-06-29 10:22 | Report Abuse

Wait to see how EPF react after TM issue that statement.

Right now response from EPF is not encouraging.
Its Fund Managers are selling non-stop.


2018-06-29 10:13 | Report Abuse

Safer bet is wait for dust to settle by next week.
Better still TM can issue a statement pertaining to the financial implication after Singh Kor gives his verdict.......


2018-06-29 10:09 | Report Abuse

Singh Kor yet to give his verdict.
TM yet to finalize new rate.

Now someone claim Unifi has 1.2m subscribers.
Say Unifi follow Time to charge 129 ringgit for 50mbps package.
And Singh kor make hypp TV to be unbundled from Unifi package.
Loss of revenue for new rate is 40 ringgit.
Loss of revenue for unbundled hypp TV another 40 ringgit.
Therefore lost of ARPU is 80 ringgit per month.

Total loss of revenue per year is 80 x 12 x 1.2m = 1.152 billion ringgit

OpEx remain the same, interest charges may slightly increase due to lesser cashflow.

So profit before tax will be definitely less by at least 1.152 billion

What is the fair market valuation for TM?

News & Blogs

2018-06-27 23:06 | Report Abuse

All national revenue go to consolidated fund.
All national expenditure taken out from consolidated fund.
Tak akan you tak tahu?

News & Blogs

2018-06-27 16:56 | Report Abuse

Unclaimed property.
Go to consolidated fund.