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11 hours ago | Report Abuse
Another 2000 shares just traded at 5 sen so I just QUE another 10K at 0.045 sen, just have to wait patiently we cannot BEAT the BANKER at their own game ,just follow and win some YUM CHAR tea money later.They can easily withdraw the million shares or throw all at it passing from left pocket to right pocket and small fry caught in between the throwing .HA
11 hours ago | Report Abuse
who would buy the 3000 plus 1000 VSOLAR shares this morning because after the shares reduction it will be slightly less than 2000 shares with some ODD lots hanging about HA
11 hours ago | Report Abuse
who would buy the 3000 plus 1000 VSOLAR shares this morning because after the shares reduction it will be slightly less than 2000 shares with some ODD lots hanging about HA
11 hours ago | Report Abuse
capital reduction is good for share provided after the exercise the overall stock market is good and in fact the price will appreciate more before the exercise because of the smaller capital base.Well have to wait for the exercise to be completed after the EGM on the 12th - most probably is a DONE DEAL meeting is just a formality.
1 day ago | Report Abuse
Fast Energy bought Vsolar RI for RM13 million CASH whereby gaining roughly a 28% shareholding and now Vsolar is returning RM3 million CASH with lightning speed FAST for buying some solar panels on the rooftop of a building. (Nowaday a common sight with solar panel on top of building rooftop after GOVT subsidise with a rebate ) Nothing GRAND about it so NO SHARE PRICE movement.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
so I got another 10K Vsolar for 0.055 sen Average about 0.0625 sen for 30K share ,hope to get another 10K for 0.045 ,30K for 0.035 and another 30K for 3 sen to make up 100K Vsolar shares holdings.Certain people hope for the price to go up but I hope for the price to go down so that I can collect this CHEAP CHEAP penny stock shares
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
QUEING 10K @ 5 sen and another 10K @ 0.055 sen if can get it and wait for it to go back to 0.07sen when the consolidation exercise was announced then will make about RM200 for RM1,100 outlay BUT have to wait for it to happen .TALAM Berhad also take years to go from 0.015 sen to 3 sen when the consolidation exercise was announced but I sold off ALL when it reached 3 sen
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Since FAST ENERGY pick up the RI tabs inspite of several quarters of losses ,the management of FAST ENERGY will have to answer the RI purchase during their next AGM. This type of transactions look very DOUBTFUL and should be reported to the WATCHDOG commission or the SC directly.This coming MARCH is the 1st anniversary of the RI purchase.Anyway small fly like us and watch from the side but still can make a report on fraudulent transaction by FAST after only raising the CASH for this type of transactions,Thanks God the money raise by VSOLAR is still in the kitty.Same style like 1mdb but not so beautifully executed.
2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Watching at the side to see how they PUSH the price down and since I bought at 0.065 and 7 sen I will wait for the sell order become 0.055 sen to average down,
1 month ago | Report Abuse
if you buy 10K Vsolar shares @ 0.06 sen prepare to loose RM100 in paper lost if market do CRASH and the BIG BOSS will be loosing RM millions since the big boss pick up the RI tab last MARCH . Just wait
1 month ago | Report Abuse
Nobody is willing to sell Vsolar at 6sen incurring a BIG LOSS and must be seriously MAD selling it at 5sen later if market do crash.I bet on the horse VSOLAR after considering a BIG BOSS pick up the 30% tab of the RI issue @ 10sen at the beginning of the year versus the shares price of 6sen and the free warrant WC at 0.015 sen NOW
1 month ago | Report Abuse
If the world market do CRASH it will not effect most PENNY stock which are hardly traded but of course we don't collect this kind of shit stocks and give up the opportunity to earn GOOD blue chip stock.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
if Vsolar shares price do come down to 5sen then the market cap will have fallen down to RM23 million vs the RI money of RM32 million still inside the KITTY.Falling to 5sen is almost a 30% limit down for listed company above RM1.00.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
Early early in the morning started to que and buy 20K Vsolar @5sen ,hopefully can buy it to increase my YUM CHAR money when the exercise is pass at the EGM and completed by the 2nd Quarter of 2025.Normally a share reduction exercise announcement will the shares price to tumble and whereas a share bonus issue will make the price to go up, LET SEE HOW ?
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Just bought 5000 Vsolar shares at 0.065sen and with the 10K bought @ 0.070 sen earlier , hopefully I will be rewarded with a NEW YEAR ANGPOW or THE CNY ANGPOW with the coming of the GREEN SNAKE 2025 year.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
The amount raised through RI at the beginning of year of around RM33 million is still unused and remain in the kitty and is almost the same amount as the market cap of RM32 plus as at today and if the price fall to 5sen or even 0.055 sen a piece can be consider a value buy with this 2 months VALIDITY.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
The PRIDE of this 2nd and 3rd tier KLSE listed co is the shares price of the company rather than it actual business and as long as it can survive and don't close shop will give investors the reason and opportunity to make YUM CHAR or tea money.REMEMBER CAN ONLY BUY a FEW HUNDRED RINGGIT and the owner can only EFFORT to give you tea money because this owners are also very POOR compare to institutional owners.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Major Shareholder holding 30% of the PRESENT market cap of RM35 million will bear a holding cost of 5.5% for the most favour client at CIMB bank at RM35M X 30% shareholding X 5.5% that is roughly RM580,000 per year and as for me RM700 X 6% EPF saving interest is only RM42 per year .Holders of Vsolar please wait and hold it out ,will come if market condition turn favourable to push up the price but NOT NOW -more than 90% of the KLSE traded shares has gone down from it HIGH except some bank shares like CIMB every month NEW HIGH
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Buy Vsolar for RM700 and then sell it for RM650 plus all the charges contra loss RM85 for a RM700 buy order .WHERE GOT MEANING ? that is a 12% loss for a 3days trading. Definitely I won't do it and will buy again for every drop of 1 sen only and after all only a miserable few thousand shares transaction happenj everyday only but what surprise me is the 100 shares trading during the last closing minute so have to patiently wait.
2024-11-08 09:00 | Report Abuse
Because of the NEGATIVE sentiments surrounding MBSB investor only can buy it at 74sen today or 70 sen after the coming QR result but if it can manage to improve A BIT of it bottom line then the shares price will move up to around RM1.I remember PNB sold MNRB until it hit 80 sen also because of negative sentiments and pls look at the price NOW @ RM2.20 MBSB shares are not like SD or Sapura where there is MISLEADING financial statements.
2024-11-07 12:07 | Report Abuse
VSOLAR 10M BUY to 1.100 @ 7sen selling quote now at 12 noon.Since I have already bought 10K shares at 7 sen I prefer to wait until it fall to 6 sen which I m QUEING for another 10K shares now.I m not greedy just earn a few hundred ringgits for YUM CHAR only.
2024-11-07 10:19 | Report Abuse
play shares in REVERSE pyramid form and make sure don't get poke by the sharp point .I don't recommend people to buy or sell the shares just do some homeworks on the shares and wait for it to settle down( DWINDLING trading ) only can buy .
2024-11-07 09:38 | Report Abuse
Those who wanted to sell Vsolar shares will most probably SOLD it OFF ,what is left is most probably chicken feed shareholders like me who buy it for fun, only buy with spare money and PLEASE DON'T DUMB all inside at once. I also make some money with TALAMT no doubt just a few hundred ringgits but less risk.PLAY BIG equal to BIG RISK and earn BIG but I doubt the controlling shareholders will let u WIN BIG with his counter.NO HORSE OWNER will let other WIN BIG with his horse if he want to try - MAKE SENSE ? just don't be greedy , I make a bit ,owner make more and somebody is going to loose to us all.
2024-11-07 09:27 | Report Abuse
Burn also BURN RM700 compare to major shareholders are going to burn RM MILLIONS , nobody asking you to pawn yr shirt to buy. BUY shares and prepare to loose after some careful calculation so far the company is CASH FLOW positive and just make some money calling a right issue so MONEY IS STILL INSIDE THE KITTY will only close shop maybe in 1 or 2 years time ,HA
2024-11-07 08:53 | Report Abuse
Just bought 5000 + 5000 Vsolar shares for play play for RM700.00 comparing it 20 sen 2 yrs ago and around RM1.60 in the yr 2020 but I only expect it to go to 12 sen and make RM500 to YUM CHAR.I won't discount buying more if the price fall to 5 sen but need to have more patience than the controlloing shareholders holding MILLIONs of Vsolar shares.People don't list a company to make a loss after having to pay EXTRA audit ,secretarial fee and KLSE listing charges.
2024-10-17 10:03 | Report Abuse
3RD tier stock like KHB public investor not interested better go for KLCI index link stock especially banking stocks for market recovery and momentum.
2024-10-17 09:33 | Report Abuse
NO VOLUMN but when BIG VOLUMN come either go down by another 30% or up by another 30 sen to 58 sen if got good news coming out .Going down by 30% - JUST SAY DON'T KNOW LA simple answer
2024-10-08 22:20 | Report Abuse
You can ask people working in factory exporting their products is working OVERTIME now or not and you will understand what I mean .The logistic is not bursting with forward booking confirming a bad expectation of the YEAR END SALE and by the time people realize it,it will be very very bad for the market
2024-10-08 22:08 | Report Abuse
Big institutional fund don't buy this kind of stock now,they only buy KLCI index link stocks moving the market up and down .This kind of stock is for gambling syndicate to play only.China theme party almost over and feeling exhausted so it is resting time maybe until Santa Claus party coming in to help but HEAVY forward buying is not happening with 2 months to go so I m not so optimistic the stock markets will keep going up.
2024-10-07 19:28 | Report Abuse
A lot of vultures is circling around MBSB ,now DUDOK DIAM DIAM waiting for the kill, if I am not mistaken the highly regarded striker CHUA MA YU accumulate this stock before .
2024-10-07 19:21 | Report Abuse
Crazy investor will buy again if the stock drop to a very irresistible price of 0.055 sen or maybe 5 sen the better but only can buy again another 20K shares because the BOSS might be more crazy than us and push FAST all the way to 3 sen FOR FUN with low volumn when nobody want to trade this stocks.
2024-10-07 19:15 | Report Abuse
Nothing can say about this stock - LOUSY and William Cheng the rusted steel KING is still dreaming NO MORE STRENGTH and ENERGY to do anything about it, leaving the small fry to play among ourselves .Just look at the volumn and the transacted price you know William is not playing .
2024-10-04 13:02 | Report Abuse
HKSE is up about 300 points this morning session after falling about 300 in the 1st half of the morning so the GAME IS STILL ON in the China and Hong Kong stock market rise but unfortunately PARKSON (HK) fall 1 sen so BETTER BECAREFUL with PARKSON or PAI SERN in China
2024-10-04 11:53 | Report Abuse
Already CASH IN for those who have bought at 17 to 18 sen , what the point holding this type of share other than the CHINA connection euphoria .Can't sell at 21 sen QUE but manage to cash out at 20.5 sen and now QUEING at 17 sen - the price at the beginning of the week. NO BIG PLAYER coming in to play this CHINA THEME.
2024-10-04 11:41 | Report Abuse
SANE people will not buy this share at 7 sen, knowing you need to hold maybe 1 or 2 years for the share to move up and only crazy investor like us having some spare cash buy ONLY 20K shares @ 0.065 for RM1,300 for FUN
2024-10-03 07:59 | Report Abuse
Don't worry if you are holding 20 or 30K FAST.share which cost less than RM2K ,the BIG BOSS holding the RM 15million worth of FAST share is more FRUSTRATING than us .He need to pay interest if it is charge to a broker and also not able to clear the extra GORENG SHARES away if the shares remain stagnant for a long long time.
2024-10-02 19:23 | Report Abuse
PARKSON is known as PAI SERN in China with a population of 1.5 BILLION people equivalent to 15% of the world population so China consuming power is pretty strong when the overall market begin to look good maybe except the property market (Also recovering abit) Parkson (M) share price will move up if China market can hold up BUT the big question is by HOW MUCH ? since Parkson (M) is coming from the low end of 16sen and Parkson (HK) from 11 sen and the share price really look VERY MISERABLE for both of them.
2024-10-02 12:36 | Report Abuse
Parkson retail share price HONGKONG up 16% this morning and last Friday up 10% but Parkson (M) Berhad only up a miserable 6% to close at 19sen for the morning trade but buying above 20 sen will need a strong appetite .China is quite insulated from world market woes because of it HUGH POPULATION of a BILLIONS people ,own consumption will help CHINA to grow slowly
2024-10-02 10:22 | Report Abuse
Robert Kouk is the SUGAR KING and the government is now BEGGING him to buy a stake in MSM and is still growing STRONG.William Cheng as that time is known as the STEEL KING with AMSTEEL and the LION GROUP ,maybe he get FULLY RUSTED and not able to get the rust off
2024-10-02 09:55 | Report Abuse
If PARKSON Malaysia share price do not go up ,at least there is NO GOOD REASON for it to fall sharply . 16 sen is the lowest price since WILLIAM CHENG own it ,maybe he is getting too OLD and need to rest at home RECOVERING from the SHOCK of all his listed shares
2024-10-02 09:45 | Report Abuse
Don't worry, Play the CHINA BOOM EXPOSURE factor, this morning the HKSE opening is UP just imagine the population in CHINA, MSM selling sugar to CHINA is already UP and running
2024-10-01 19:27 | Report Abuse
If you have bought TALAM above 5 sen then whatever plan propose you still lost.Just calculate the market cap.of TALAM and see if the price justify..For Talam to go back to 10sen a piece now the market about RM500.00 million,I don't think it is worth that.
2024-10-01 19:19 | Report Abuse
Share consolidation is GOOD but timing is very important and if every proposals by TALAM is executed nicely and completed when the market is GOOD, Talam share price will go up BEYOND the MARKET CAP. before the proposal is executed .
2024-10-01 16:37 | Report Abuse
Sooner or later Parkson Malaysia will catch up with the CHINA FACTOR and in fact China Retail HONGKONG LTD has gone up by 10% last Friday.Let see tomorrow how it trade in the HKSE since today is the start of the golden week in China - HAPPY BIG SPENDING in China
2024-09-17 18:41 | Report Abuse
Actually Talam is digging a bigger hole to fill up a smaller hole with HIGH INTEREST RATE and this is certainly a very BAD BUSINESS PRACTICE not favourable to minority shareholders,that is why I have already liquidated 90% of my shareholding in TALAM.
2024-09-17 18:37 | Report Abuse
TALAM with a enlarge share capital base of about 4.8 BILLION shares and a market cap of RM140 million, is the company worth RM230 million if the share price move up to 5sen with not much activities and launching of new development project going foward ,if it is really that good IJM or POS Malaysia the top 20 shareholders of Talam will have taken up the 10% placement share , please remind that TALAM still owe INSAS a substantial sum of money payable soon .
2024-09-16 19:36 | Report Abuse
Either PNB is correct with MBSB share price at 96 sen or the private sector investment bankers like KENAGA, PUBLIC valuation less than 90 sen apiece
2024-09-16 19:30 | Report Abuse
MIDF was taken private by PNB in 2007 @ RM1.97 and now PNB is selling MIDF to MBSB for MBSB share value @ 96sen and together with CASH consideration and now the value of MBSB share is only traded at 80 sen. Can the government own PNB buy share at HIGH price and sell LOW at a loss , well we have to do some guess work to buy MBSB share for long term investmen,certainly the PAC committee and AUDIT GENERAL will look into it if the price do not go up by the next auditing.
2024-09-13 11:39 | Report Abuse
I like MIDF parking under MBSB because it is a very good investment banking outfit to compliment MBSB commercial banking.
11 hours ago | Report Abuse
I will average down until the BANKER give up knocking the price down because there is NO POINT for them catching small fry.That's the beauty of playing the game without MINIMUM LIMIT even GENTING set a minimum bet limit.