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2024-05-10 16:17 | Report Abuse

I only have a few hundred thousand Talam shares so I just KACAU KACAU only.I can effort to loose a few thousand ringgits but it must be accountable and look alright to call a share placement just before dumping almost 200 million shares to 1 sen . The share placement of 0.015 sen and can only raise a miserable RM6 million and cannot solve the RM20 million loan problem.


2024-05-10 16:03 | Report Abuse

Mr.Yaw is formerly from TA a very experience guy ever to join Talamt ,maybe his style of administration and operation is not suitable for TS Chan to digest so he has to leave.Maybe TS Chan prefer Insas style of ............ as know all this local stock broking firm can do a lot of wonderful maneuver with a company shares especially those company in need of money.


2024-05-09 17:29 | Report Abuse

Mr.Calvin and Mr.Whistlebower ,what do both of you think i should do with my few hundred thousand share now since the price has gone down to 1 sen and sometime even half a sen.I was just wondering why someone would sell 170 million shares at 1 sen within a 15 minutes window opening and just about 2 days before a 10% share placement @ 0.015 sen a share.Why would Talam borrowed RM20 million from Insas last year and need to pay within a short period or face a penalty.Sometime I wonder if it is a pre planned move by some interested party.Who would actually take up a 1 sen company share placement at 0.015sen a share if he is not confident Talam will NOT do BANKRUPT. How about the other RM15 million owing to Insas after paying Insas RM5 million.Sometime this CINA PEK company with wife and son at the top management is hard to fathom what they are going to do with the company even the CFO is giving a bad advice to the board knowing the financial health of the company. I believe the management should shed some light about this company direction. In order to show he has corporate governance TS Chan should remove his wife and son from the top management.I bought Talam when I read a news about TALAM in 2014 that TALAM has TRANFORM but after exactly 10 years it seem to be getting worst in the MANAGEMENT of the company.(Forget about the share price as for now)


2024-05-01 18:32 | Report Abuse

I must take this opportunity to congratulate the friendly party of TALAM able to purchase 170 million Talam shares within a short window opening from 11 am to 11.15am some 8 days ago.Luckily I am able to buy 150,000 shares at that window opening times and now waiting to see WHAT IS GOING ON ?Comparing my purchase price of 1 sen with TS Chan and also my brother in law who bought it at around 10 sen and also the top 10 shareholders 1 sen purchase price is really cheap to me. NO BACKING OUT for me NOW and need to play to the end of the story.


2024-05-01 18:15 | Report Abuse

Is share placement a better option to raise CASH than a right issue at this ridiculous low price between half a sen and 1 sen.Who will gain the most if the share price of 1 sen is place out to a friendly party even at 2 sen is consider CHEAP when NO proper revaluation of lands is carry out before placing out the share .A right issue price of half a sen is a better option to reward shareholders and if minority shareholders decided not to pick it up than the MAJOR shareholders can take up all the remaining share if NO EXTRA shares is apply by minority shareholders.Born again CHRISTIAN TS Chan must carry out this cash raising task carefully and not take minority shareholders for a ride after holding on to the shares for the past 20 years since TALAM on the brink of going BANKRUPT.


2024-04-24 11:15 | Report Abuse

so happy to buy 150,000 Talam shares at 1 sen and still QUEING at half a sen.Only those who have been following Talam shares dare take the RISK to buy after all I hope some bankers will liquidate Talam assets ,recover the debt owing and the balance distribute to FAITHFUL shareholders.Sorry to hear that Tan Sri Chan is having a 90% paper loss and maybe more considering the HOLDING COST minus the Salary and benefits he n his family enjoy.Good new if a banker going after them and force them to sell the prize assets.


2024-04-19 10:56 | Report Abuse

Even Explosion reported in IRAN no even a single transaction this morning and I think even if stock market collapse NOBODY is going to sell TALAM shares at half a sen or perhaps even 1 sen


2024-04-12 16:33 | Report Abuse

This morning someone sold 200,000 Talam shares for 1 sen and net RM2,000 CASH and I am 100% sure he sold it at a loss unless it got it free from THE LORD or inherited the share and quickly CASH out .


2024-04-12 16:06 | Report Abuse

It has been 2 days past with ZERO trading in Talam shares.I believe those who wanted to sell will have already sold off all by now and those who is still buying will only buy 20K or 50K Talam share @ 0.015sen for this HARMLESS investment.When it can drop to 1 sen SELL it will be another story ,for buying 100K Talam shares @1sen will only cost RM!K and if it go up to 2 sen it is a 100% Gain but still a 80% paper loss for TS Chan.I cannot understand why the company lend RM280,000 to a staff at interest rate 5% PA when the company incur a finance cost of RM14million plus and the individual lending at an interest rate even lower than a licenced AH LONG.source from Talam financial report.


2024-04-02 16:41 | Report Abuse

After consolidation for a 30 to 1 if the adjusted price is less than 30sen is a BUY for me because the market cap will fall below RM 45 million and that is somewhere between half a sen to 1 sen before the consolation BUT in order for the price to move up to 0.015 sen in tandem before the consolidation is 45 sen,Alot of calculation is involve to invest in TALAM in order to make a decent profit. NOBODY will be selling now when it comes to this stage of 1sen


2024-04-02 11:02 | Report Abuse

Possible 30:1 with closing price of 1 sen ,after buying 30,000 shares @1sen for RM300 with market cap.@ RM45million ,I think the price will adjust to 1,000 shares for 30sen to maintain the market cap. of RM 45 million.Basically the land bank remain the same and will still incur a few million loss from collecting rentals less operating expenses unless a BIG land deal disposal happen which is bigger than it market cap.


2024-03-20 16:30 | Report Abuse

TS CHAN should train his son how to fish instead of giving him fish at the end of EVERY MONTH and maybe more during bonus month.How can this small shark survive in the outside world other inside TALAM fish tank.I m not too concern about TALAM price movement ,expecting it to stall for sometime but really feel sorry for the old man cramping the whole adik beradik family inside TALAM , where is the PRIDE and DIGNITY if fellow church brothers and sisters ask ..........Like the old man knows people give him face and dare not question him but deep inside is another story ? TS CHAN should be more daring and make a BIG MOVE now because no one can act if he does not give a NOD and TALAM can only effort to employ a CHEAP CEO to run the company administration with NO BIG BUSINESS experience.The old man should consult his good friend TONY Tiah for FREE advice or hint.For me TALAM should venture into AI ware housing complex of course with BIG FOREIGN MNC and maybe can create a REITS and unlock the assets.Selling assets to a REITs can generate money for TALAM but it must be CONVINCING to investors


2024-03-20 09:05 | Report Abuse

GOOD deal , POSSIBLE yr RM300 buy will nett you 100% GAIN .Cannot buy a lot in such type of counter at least it is moving now instead stubbornly staying at 2 sen.NOW EVERBODY can participate and help our TS CHAN to regain his former glory day.Now is the time for TS CHAN to show his gratitude to his loyal faithful TALAM investor just like the old time he help those purchasers by completing ALL the housing project rather than walking away and file for BANKRUPT protection,well that is what he say some 20 yrs ago ,let see what he can do with TALAM serious loyal investor.Even MUI KHOO KAY PENG also a CHRISTIAN is beginning to do something with his MUI GROUP of COMPANY and his son KHOO junior has done a good job with PM CORP .I am also a old man and is very concern with all this old company which I have traded some 30 years ago but luckily NO SERIOUS BURN at all the UP and DOWN because I invested in a INVERTED V shape style.


2024-03-19 11:52 | Report Abuse

maybe IJM waiting to buy TALAM @ 1sen after all IJM sold the share to TS CHAN for around 10sen a discount of 90% GOOD DEAL for them to develop the land ,


2024-03-19 11:48 | Report Abuse

so happy to get 500,000 shares @ 0.015 sen ,Queing for 1 sen and let see out it work out,Better for TS Chan to let go TALAM at his advance age and if possible CAN liquidate TALAM ,after paying for the money owe to creditors ,distribute the proceed to shareholders ,very conservatively 4 sen NO PROBLEM


2024-03-18 08:41 | Report Abuse

NEW NTA will depend on how much TALAM going to sell the land in SERENDAH.Past transaction of lands around SERENDAH is pretty HIGH, only professional valuation at the time of transaction can tell us how the land worth.


2024-03-15 11:30 | Report Abuse

I am not sure if any of his friends or relative ask him why TALAM is not performing and doing nothing for the past few years and of course if the company perform better it will be reflected in TALAM shares price but we do not expect TALAM to go back to 10sen a piece suddenly with good results, even IJM which reported a good quarter on that day ( 2 weeks ago) the share price fell on that day after climbing abit in the morning session.As a reasonable investor we do not want to question TS CHAN the movement of TALAM share price but the company performance need to improve at least on PAPER GAIN . Selling a few acres of the prize assets to a friendly party to gain current valuation for TALAM land is also a recognized GAIN rather a guessing valuation .Look at Scientex recent land purchase at BATANG BERJUNTAI for RM335 million is consider CHEAP by investor so SERENDAH land should have a better valuation with the TRANSPORT HUB coming up.


2024-03-15 10:40 | Report Abuse

Most probably TALAM investor are FORCE to be long term investor like my cousin brother who bought at 10 sens and are still holding it. SUP SUP water for my millionaire cousin brother so do those small small investor who bought 100 or 200K TALAM shares @ 2 sen, honestly what can .0015 sen 200K shares can do after selling it.TS CHAN make a mistake to dump TALAM shares to 2 sens and hold the price far too long and let small investor to buy after using the GAIN from other shares to buy TALAM.


2024-03-15 10:30 | Report Abuse

Slowly sell 500K TALAM shares every 1 or 2 minutes where got meaning ? 0.015 sen share also want to play around only INSIDER do this kind of nonsense.One shot throw all the shares @ 0.015 sen to those 100 million shares queuing .TALAM is under my RADAR WATCH almost everyday so any hanky panky dealing on the board will be reported TRUTHFULLY unlike those who call themselves BORN AGAIN.Everybody has a HARD time now unlike TS CHAN yum char at his AIR COND cozy office all fully paid by TALAM all this years.


2024-03-14 17:52 | Report Abuse

The Lord detests untrustworthy people under Luke 16-10 whoever is dishonest with very LITTLE will also be dishonest with much.OLD TS CHAN faith might be waning and forget how he rises up with the help of God and also the FAITHFUL INVESTORS. TS CHAN and family have been drawing salary at TALAM for years and nothing to show or hint the direction of TALAM business moving forward, even a small successful move by TALAM is also consider GOOD other than planting MELON trees which a right minded boss will not do because of the labour issue and TS Chan is an engineer and not an AGRICULTURIST .Enough no sense TAN SRI


2024-03-14 11:51 | Report Abuse

Luke 12-15 TS CHAN has forgotten it and become GREEDY again holding on his prizes assets, what happens if there is a government change of plan in SERENDAH ? Hebrew 12 - 14 make peace with all the TALAM long term loyal investor by rewarding them with something.(Still holding TALAM share must be LONG TERM faithful investor) TS CHAN still have not learn fully from the bible ,CHAN , LET IT GO if you want to walk with the LORD a final reminder from a very serious investor who are very conscious of yr INACTION now (IT ALSO MEAN you and your family member are drawing GAJI BUTA ) indirectly IT IS a subtle form of cheating


2024-03-14 11:25 | Report Abuse

Friend,From 10 sen to 7 sen a loss of 3 sen is a loss of 30% of my capital .HOW CAN ? will not close shop so soon after netting some CASH from water fish.just have to wait if can buy @ 5sen


2024-03-14 10:49 | Report Abuse

TS CHAN cannot perform HANKY PANKY miracles even if his son or wife wanted to because BIG BROTHER IJM and POS Malaysia is still holding substantial share in TALAM.All his action to TALAM must be justified and accounted for.Anyway do not hope the price can fly anytime soon unless something BIG is coming up.I guess TS CHAN might want to sapu TALAM share and let the price reach 5 sen and then make a GO @ 6sen if he feel the price is reasonable to him ,after all he did buy TALAM shares from 8 to 10 sen a piece back from IJM many years ago.


2024-03-14 10:39 | Report Abuse

Whistleblower by issuing new shares to raise fund ,the major shareholders TS CHAN will face controlling share holding dilution but selling its precious land at fire sale price also do not make sense unless selling it to his orang sendiri company and make some money after flipping over (Need to learn from Mr.Yu from YNH property) but I assume TS CHAN a strong CHRISTIAN will not don that so just leave it like that until the ripe time come .(You sell the land only when investor beg you to sell to them when the SERANDAH hub is completed then TS CHAN will get a GOOD price,) must wait because when TS CHAN bought the land some 20 yrs ago it is RUBBISH LAND at dirt cheap price.


2024-03-08 11:04 | Report Abuse

Buy 2000 FAST shares @10sen pay RM200 subscribe for 2 RIGHT 2000 share@ 9sen pay RM180 Total RM380 divided by 4000 shares is 0.095 sen .1000 shares now is 0.75sen X 4 is RM300 plus 1000 warrant @ RM30 still lost RM50 for 2000 shares EX misc charges.Must wait for it to go up to 10sen then only can make some money


2024-03-07 22:43 | Report Abuse

I am hoping TALAM execute the share capital consolidation so that the consolidated share price will go up.The only trouble holding TALAM shares is WHEN WILL TAN SRI Chan monetize its 20 years old prize assets, definitely when TAN SRI bought back TALAM shares @ around 8 sens from IJM he must have consider it for a longer term benefits with a controlling interest. In order to get the most out of TALAM I think TAN SRI is waiting for the right time to strike.Talam has not sold a piece of property for the past few years and if it decided to sell any NOW the valuation of the property will be at least 100% + the book value of the asset.


2024-03-07 16:02 | Report Abuse

Whistleblower ,TALAM is not like FAST energy with almost NIL assets and need to call up right issue to raise cash because you are WRONG at most of yr time posting at TALAM that make you Financial illiterate by giving a BAD CALL .


2024-03-01 19:50 | Report Abuse

Talam only need to sell a few acres of land in SERENDAH at the current price now and the LAND Talam holding in SERENDAH for the PAST 20 years will be revaluated ,of course 20 years ago Tan sri Chan bought those rubbish land and I can still remember my OLD BOSS bought some rubbish padi field land in PRAI @ around RM1 per kaki as they call it then, NOW pls google and look at price in BUKIT MINYAK .SURPRISE and SHOCK


2024-03-01 19:38 | Report Abuse

whistleblower99 do not understand financial statement ,pls look at the landbank and the rental income and others Talam receive and what make Talam to loose a few million ringgit.Talam can always raise cash anytime by selling it land to IJM and it is a good idea for share consolidation to increase it share price coming together with a land revaluation.The land price is getting better as the day go by and when the Transport HUB in SERENDAH is completed in 2 years time ,it will be another story. I will only sell down when the top shareholders sell it down or when BANKERS chase after TALAM for money or FACING LIQUIDATION by sundry debtors.Holding it now at 2sen and then when it get to 4 sens by 2 years time is a 100% GAIN and if it can go right back to 10 sen which Tan sri Chan bought is 500% GAIN.


2024-03-01 19:11 | Report Abuse

The worst GLC company having a RUNAWAY OPERATING COST and I think the Management staff GAJI are all above normal average and is too HIGH for this kind of performance when TURNOVER is increasing.Not surprise the share price will drop below 90 sens this coming week and maybe on Monday .VERY BAD call by some BIG broker firm


2024-02-16 16:17 | Report Abuse

Naza will buy around 40 sen to bring and average DOWN their holding cost since they bought at 70sen a piece.Naza boss cannot be so bodoh MA, right since they have deep pocket


2024-01-31 15:31 | Report Abuse

As you know Talam Boss Tan sri Chan is now a VERY VERY patience man unlike the time when he was severely BURNED so need to learn from him BUY and HOLD, TALAM will not close shop and most probably will not call for right issue at this miserable price which cause the controlling shareholders share dilution and if really need CASH ,just sell a few hundred acres of land will be enough to last another 5 years with such low operating cost .


2024-01-06 06:58 | Report Abuse

Talam should venture into AI WAREHOUSING business in Serendah and should take the 1st mover advantage before Tiong Nam Logistic set in.The best business is to set up a warehousing HUB in SERENDAH for the supply chain warehousing business.Nowaday alot of MNC have to built up their own supply chain warehouse to prevent inventory disruption in their production like what it happen during and after the MCO period


2023-12-05 08:48 | Report Abuse

Talam share price will NOT MOVE UP until there is a big land sale realising a double digit MILLIONs RINGGIT gain like YLI or UMW land sales in Serendah recently this year.Will just STUCK at 2 sen where buying the shares at 0.015 sen is like winnning a lottery and selling it at 0.025 sen is also difficult for the PAST ! YEAR but don't worry it will not close shop for the next 2 year even if MARKET CRASH next year.


2023-11-27 14:49 | Report Abuse

A few million LOSS can be considered ASSETS/LAND holding cost, just like buying a house for investment we need to pay the bank interest for our housing loan and since the bank interest charges already included inside the P & L statements of TALAM so just considered it a HOLDING COST and if there is no HANKY PANKY it is consider CHEAP


2023-11-03 11:36 | Report Abuse

Electronic firms in Penang is ramping up it supply chain system especially INTEL supported by DHL ROBOTIC supply chain system so if EONMETTALL(EON) does not make money during this 2 years then you can forget EM no chance to make BIG BUCK again.It was reported EON sold off it glove making business because it loose money (LATE COMER) but metal racking systems is EON rice bowl if it still cannot make BIG BUCK ,AH forget it la.


2023-11-03 08:09 | Report Abuse

Supply chain business is growing by leap and bound amounting to over a BILLION ringgit in Malaysia alone but whether EONMETALL is able to reap the benefits is left to be seen.Most big MNC is stocking up to prevent another supply chain issue that happen during the COVID 19 PANDAMIC and now INDUSTRIAL METAL RACKING system is BOOMING but just how much can EONMETALL benefit ?


2023-10-05 06:07 | Report Abuse

Handal is a GOOD RTO target with accumulated losses to offset future profit of the RTO company and a main board listed company in MALAYSIA is worth a bundle if the assets of the company can offset the liabilities.The new RTO company can always sell back it business to the owner like HABIB jewel ,Rhythm publishing ......


2023-10-05 05:53 | Report Abuse

Today the edge news say YLI Holdings sold a piece of land in Hulu Serendah for RM97.84 million to MRL and make a gain of RM62 MILLION so just imagine how much TALAM will gain with the disposal of it DIRT CHEAP LAND with land valuation some 20 years ago, of course can buy it CHEAP @ 2sen because Tan Sri is very reluctant to let go of it PRIZE ASSETS. hence NO GAIN YET and if the share can fall to 0.015sen it definely a BUY -- DON.T worry of share consolidation or CASH CALL because TALAM can alway sell it land to raise CASH.UMW also sell some land in SERENDAH to LONGHI recently and realise a handsome profit. This may not serve as a BUY CALL but at least hold on to it if have ALREADY BOUGHT because selling now sure loose money at this lower end.


2023-10-04 08:49 | Report Abuse

Maybe I can buy Handal @ 0.08sen together with BIG BOSS when someone sell the price down in order to collect it CHEAP during this DEPRESSED world stock markets but will certainly need time to recover and can only use SPARE MONEY and not interest bearing money like BIG BOSS


2023-10-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

I was just wondering if I lost ALL RM950 investing handal shares ,just how much the BIG BOSS is going to loose considering it is already at the LOWER END with such low volumes.


2023-10-03 16:27 | Report Abuse

KNM a PN17 company with mountain of debts is still above 10sen .For me loosing that RM950 in grave will be less than the BIG BOSS cum operator.If i win SMALL the operator will win BIG but if I loose small the operator will loose even BIGGER consider it is rather at the low end .I just QUE another 10K Handle shares at 0.08 sen, just wait and see the reaction tomorrow when money is due to pay and force selling on Thursday.


2023-10-02 18:39 | Report Abuse

You cannot bet too much on this type of company because the operator will only allow you to have a SMALL GAIN.For me after spending RM950 and the price still go down 1 will collect it after i am PREPARE to loose RM3K buying this counter Robert Walters say this is a very BAD COMPANY that carry very HIGH RISKS but he fail to mention HIGH GAIN for taking HIGH caculated RISK remember can only buy SMALL investment for this company .DON.T listen to people say can buy BIG in this lousy company.


2023-10-02 16:21 | Report Abuse

Whether the CHINESE CHINA national XUtiantian can weave his CHINESE magical wand need to be seen but something is brewing in this company whether is it a GOOD or BAD execution


2023-10-02 15:54 | Report Abuse

That is a 25% move for half a sen,even MRCB a EPF and GLC company can only rise slightly 20% and BILLIONAIRE L.C Quek Guoco only rise 5%,HAVE patience


2023-10-02 15:02 | Report Abuse

NOT ALL PN17 company fall below 10sen a piece except SD who owe CREDITORs too much money and not enough assets to offset the liabilities. I just bought 10K HANDAL shares today for 0.095 sen that cost me only RM950 and hope to make RM500 if i can sell it for 0.145sen.


2023-09-25 09:21 | Report Abuse

AT best STAR will only give BONUS SHARE where cash distribution is not involve because STAR need the CASH to keep the company running and paying all the director fee as you know there is MCA member appointed to the board and also other working there and so if STAR close shop it also mean the end of MCA


2023-09-23 06:56 | Report Abuse

STAR MEDIA does not belong to MCA in paper only ,in fact it only benefits those who control MCA if you look at the DEALs executed so far including the MATANG deal.Tun SSTan formed TAR and UTAR was form during Tun LS Ling time and both are running from grants by the governments and CHARITY DONATION by BIG BOSS so nothing to do with MCA now except some MCA members drawing director fees and managements fee for running both higher learning institutions so NO POINT linking STAR media with MCA now because ALL the good things are done by MCA past presidents and now the present MCA team is just reaping the harvest.


2023-09-23 06:20 | Report Abuse

Star Media have alot of CASH but what kind of benefit does it goes to small shareholders,it is just like having a BILLIONAIRE parents but staying in a terrace house .(The father have many wives maybe not the favourite wive siblings) MCA huaren bought STAR shares CHEAP so it benefits MCA indirectly those who control MCA but if the company execute a SHARE BUY BACK it will also benefit the small shareholders and by cancelling the share buy back share ,it is like returning money to all the shareholders including the minority. Well minority shareholders just think about it for your ownself.


2023-09-15 14:41 | Report Abuse

Energy ,O & G stocking moving UP but HANDAL still at 11sen and maybe HANDAL waiting for OIL to move up above USD100 only can move up.Must have more patience than the operator because they are holding MILLION of handal shares and the holding cost is quite HIGH compare to those holding a few thousand ringgit worth of shares.DON'T FRED BIG HANDAL FISH is going out for a swim soon .