
leno | Joined since 2013-04-25

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2024-01-18 13:12 | Report Abuse

invest insas at my own risk
invest wc at my own risk.

i will be a fool to take advise from someone who buy xinquan share mar.
doesnt it make more sense for u to take advise from someone like me ?
No ?



2024-01-18 13:07 | Report Abuse

So, at the end, if u buy insas, u must understand
u are buying into a share investment holding company
that use cash to invest, that will be holding other companies shares
receiving dividend from this shareholding activities,

It is easy for me to make money from insas because i understand all these.
I knew insas inside out, upside down, left side right.

I bought since insas was 40 sen.
My net worth has increased 10 folds.
without the need to write long long letter every year.



2024-01-18 12:57 | Report Abuse

I say this to ah thong, and since then Insas stop share buy back, and only give dividend. This save Insas a lot of time, unnecessary expenses, EGM, useless paperwork.
All this saving, ADD more VALUE and common sense to the company.

SO, BOD will be spending MORE time finding new investment instead of wasting time buy share and distribute share or applying for MGO waiver.


2024-01-18 12:52 | Report Abuse

why u want to spend 1 million to buy insas share, then cancel them ?
U just spend 1 million cash for nothing ?
Not only insas just pay money to someone who sell off insas share, and now cancel the share so that nobody can buy them, and insas end up less share and less cash ?

I dont want to tok anymore,
it is useless to tok to dumb people.


2024-01-18 12:47 | Report Abuse

how can u cancel the treasury shares without triggering MGO ?
U know how to calculate or not ?


2024-01-18 12:44 | Report Abuse

Company should not do share buy back.
I tok about this last time lor.
Insas use to do share buyback and distribute the share.
I end up with 90 odd lot insas share.

I screw ah thong, and threw my selipar at his face.
Why u spend insas money to buy insas share, paying commission to bank, paying stamp duty, paying tax, then distribute the share to share holder, making life so difficult to all the agencies. And once shareholder receive the share, he go sell, and pay another round of stamp duty, commission and tax. U no feel DUMB meh ?

Simple scenario,
insas got zero share but 1 million cash,
insas go buy 1 million insas share, and give the share to shareholder,
insas end up with zero insas share, and zero cash.

why cant insas simply distribute 1 million cash instead?


2024-01-18 12:31 | Report Abuse

why ah thong want to buy more insas share ?
he already has maximum amount of insas share.
buying more can do what for him ? Nothing.
He also got maximum amount of wc and preference shares.
If given waiver, how much insas share should he purchase ? another 10% ? 20%? 30%?
Doesn't this reduce amount of public share ? And who want to buy more insas share with have so little public spread ?
U are ah thong, will u buy more insas share or keep your money to buy other share? Inari ? M&A ? or others coming potential company ?
Everytime buy insas share has to fill in new form, call up new EGM, write and apply for waiver just to buy a few more insas share ?
Who want to do that ? NOBODY. Even dumb people will not do this.

Then who going to give waiver ?
What reason authority want to give waiver to ah thong?
why MGO is a regulation at the first place?
TO PROTECT MINORITY shareholders mar.
U asking ah thong to ask authority to waive regulation to protect minority share holder?
U first must all minorities approval lor.
U think one or 2 ikan bilis allowed to represent all minority shareholder ?
I say no. Raider say no. All our associates who owns insas also say no.
So how leh ?
U are greedy and dumb lor.
Only tok kok without thinking.
U better go buy more xinquan shares lor.



2024-01-17 15:35 | Report Abuse

so, do cheat own self okay.
u want dividend - go invest in dividend company
u dont want dividend - go invest in no dividend company
u want ciput dividend, and more free warrants - must collect insas lor.

imagine one fellow go invest in PUBLIC bank, then every year write long long letters asking to reduce dividend .... u no feel dumb meh ?



2024-01-17 15:32 | Report Abuse

the more cash an investment company hold - the more valuable their company become.
if oil company struck oil, gold company dig gold, they become rich.
Investment company with billions of FREE cash, will strike diamond when crisis come, and they whack everything at cheap price.
When opportunity come, like China tech gov initiative launch, u think who China will come ask for help ?
U think China will ask that dumb old fellow who invested in xinquan aaa?



2024-01-17 15:22 | Report Abuse

Shoes company keep shoes as inventory
Steel company keep steel as inventory
Investment company keep what as inventory ?
CASH mar .... if no cash how to invest in tech companies in China ?
Use cow shit meh ?



2024-01-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

there will be no increase in dividend
not this year
and not next year.

Dont cheat own self for every year.



2024-01-17 15:15 | Report Abuse

why 80 sen ? why not 8 sen ?
no money to buy, just say so mar
i can lend some if u beg mar ...


2024-01-17 15:05 | Report Abuse

kekekekekek ....keep dreaming for higher dividend.
u will get nightmare instead.
i personally ask ah thong to give ZERO DIVIDEND,
better still if ask shareholder to folk out more money to insas.
I also tell ah thong if got one old fellow refuse, then ask him why he willing to folk out more money to conman counter xinquan last time but refuse to give more to good company like insas ?

This year i will represent MINORITY shareholder to ask ah thong to stop giving dividend. Just give more free warrants.



2024-01-16 12:28 | Report Abuse

now, imagine, end of this week wc touch 70 sen ...


2024-01-16 12:15 | Report Abuse

Insas is now fully investment company.
Whoever take over insas, no need worry to manage anything.
Inari, M&A are completely listed already.
U think time is ripe for something or not ?
No ?
Quickly sell to make money.
Quickly buy to make money.


2024-01-16 12:04 | Report Abuse

Ah Thong holding 60 % wc
leno 5 %
someone just bought 20%
only left 15% WC in ikan bilis hand.
Siapa lambat, nanti makan ikan bilis saja tau.


2024-01-16 12:00 | Report Abuse

Someone is wiping out more than 20% of all WC in 2 days.

U no wonder why meh ?



2024-01-16 11:46 | Report Abuse

if insas stagnant for 10 years, how come my net worth increase 10 fold leh ?
u no receive free WC aaa ?


2024-01-16 10:34 | Report Abuse

last time your kid 8 years old
this time your kid still 8 years old meh ?
Those who sold already - congratulation
Those who buy - CONGRATULATION !!

This is called WIN-WIN mar ....



2024-01-16 10:28 | Report Abuse

RM 1.30 meaning this year dividend will go up to match 2.8%
Dividend go up mean share price will go up again
share price go up mean dividend need to be readjusted upward again
and again and again.



2024-01-16 10:25 | Report Abuse

Insas own M&A shares
M&A own Insas shares.

Insas naik M&A untung
M&A naik Insas untung

Insas untung Insas naik lagi
M&A will untung banyak lagi
M&A untung banyak lagi meaning M&A price naik highest
and causing INSAS to UNTUNG more highest
causing insas price to go highest than highest.



2024-01-16 10:19 | Report Abuse



2022-04-28 17:03 | Report Abuse


yup this is year 2022 and yet pupil go to school using flying tong air.
When i criticize this pariah country, got one CHOW KOW engineer hiding in sabah say i am not grateful.



2022-04-27 14:53 | Report Abuse

next monday lar Bodo


2022-04-27 09:00 | Report Abuse

Insas net cash is RM 1.40
If Inari drop to zero
Insas net cash still remain at RM 1.40



2022-04-25 13:33 | Report Abuse

in the whole world
there is only ONE pariah country
that have different weekend days.

Some use Saturday and Sunday
Some use Friday and Saturday
and some use Friday-Saturday for public,
Saturday-Sunday for private.

Apa lanciau is this ?
U don't find these is BODO ?
when u live too long in Pariah country
either u accept this as norm,
or your brain have become numb

Because even if u say something about it
then what ?
Nothing will change right ?
Be grateful because it could be worst
who knows KL suddenly decide
Tuesday and Thursday are weekend instead.



2022-04-24 22:23 | Report Abuse

I already mention about unemployment of university graduate many times.
Today TMJ said about it in his facebook.
But he is not someone intellectual enough to see the whole scenario.

I tell u this Hard reality and bitter facts :
1. this has become an acute on chronic disease of local universities.

Chronic mean it is something happening for very long time.
Acute on chronic mean, it suddenly getting severely worst on top of already bad condition.

We spend millions of millions of our money in these UMP, UIIM, UITM, UMS, Unimas, UniKL, Unikelantan, Uniten, UniTunhussinOnn, UUM,...
All producing taik kucing. Wasted the students times, wasted the money, and energy. My kucing also can produce taik every day.

The things is this Taik kucing will become your problem. No job but can still kahwin beranak 5-6 anak, cerai, anak pi lajak basikal, hisap gam, hisap dadah and so on and so forth.

What is the solution ?
There is no solution for these.
It is a Chronic irreversible gone into parit depan rumah liaw.
Why ? Don't believe ?
What solution ?
Tell me lar.
Ada ?

TMJ suggest wujudkan persatuan anak johor in every universities.
Huh ? TMJ cadangkan this persatuan anjurkan pertandingan bola sepak.
APA ? Bola sepak ? Kenapa bukan bola tampar atau tennis ?
Pelajar boleh berkongsi pendapat.
Tiap hari bersembang dalam dan luar kuliah tak cukup lagi kah ?
Tak mau berkongsi pendapat dengan anak pahang atau anak KL kah ?
Pendapat apa pelajar boleh kongsi ? Cara main video game kah ?
Cara merawat kanser paru paru ? Ya kah ? Hebat. Tapi keluar jual nasi lemak, kenapa tak jual ubat kanser nya ?

TMJ mau inculcate 21st century skills in education.
Ello ... 20 century skill pun tak ada, macam mana boleh tetiba 21st century nya?
19 century matematik skill pun tergolek,
everyday religion, religion, religion
but i mention religion become angry.
I say something wrong kah ?

21st century language skill - English and Mandarin
aikk ... marah lagi.
I say something wrong again kah ?

Highest demand for engineering job are US, and China.
Highest demand for management are US and China.
Highest business and trading countries are US and China.
But here people want to close down SJKC and open more arabic school.
See ... some one marah lagi.

So, still can see solution kah ?
If u can see solution, i tell u straight to your face,
the solution u see is just an illusion.

This country cannot be saved anymore.
We already know the problem, and we know the problem is too late to be solved.
U know what to do.
Plan now, share this or at least discuss this with your adult children.



2022-04-24 13:19 | Report Abuse

3 suku now got makan ubat
cannot open eye at 3 suku pagi anymore
hantu will miss him a lot



2022-04-24 13:08 | Report Abuse

saying city doctor is better than rural doctor
or rural doctor is better than city doctor
is obviously not right.

Based on personal experience that u encounter, fair enough.

But what he try to do is, to attack me, with whatever he want.
If i say i am city doctor, then he will say city doctor is incompetent
if i praise the corrupt gov, he will say i am a traitor to rakyat.
If i buy serba, than he say i am not intelligent.
If i buy insas, i am not intelligent as well.
Insas give free warrant - no mention at all.
Serba crash all the way down to 30 sen, no mention at all.

If fail in his personal attack,
he will spam until 3 suku pagi.
I am proud to have someone spam here until 3 suku pagi.

u trust a 60 million fake dolar man with no name in annual report ?


2022-04-24 12:43 | Report Abuse

oh ... self-claim engineer now hiding inside sabah jungle is consider very competent in share market lah ?
The part he admit cheating his famili and friend money to gamble in share market how leh ?
The part he ask people to use margin account to gamble how leh ?
So, sabah jungle is consider city or not ? I heard student need to climb tree to get internet worr ....


2022-04-24 12:29 | Report Abuse

any one who critisize the corrupt goverment is non patriotic.
BODO lah lu.
10 year in rural sarawak is incompetent.
wow - there are 4 chinese GP + at least 5 in goverment hospital in my area
they are all must be incompetent doctors.
Only those in city are competent doctors.
So does this tell us about u ?
From our analysis - u are bias, bodo dan tak pandai berfikir.


2022-04-24 11:55 | Report Abuse

okay got to go.
Kuku holder malulah
nanti i change my profile to become your mother
okay or not ?


2022-04-24 11:54 | Report Abuse

tak ada malu eh.
name in multiple annual report
kuku-holder ada nama kah ?


2022-04-24 11:53 | Report Abuse

wah ! 3 suku pagi the onli one know graham number
even graham also dunno.
no wonder he is top 30 kuku-holder.


2022-04-24 11:52 | Report Abuse

another fellow put he own rm 60 million portfolio
3 suku pagi sure believe one.



2022-04-24 11:50 | Report Abuse

if someone put profile saying he is your mother
u also believe aaaa ?
I sure believe one.



2022-04-24 11:49 | Report Abuse

sslee top 30 insas shareholder
3 suku pagi top ape holder ?
top kuku holder ke ?



2022-04-24 11:46 | Report Abuse

but we a bit worri,
this few months,
he no more post at 3 suku pagi.
what happen lar?
ada makan ubat ker ?



2022-04-24 11:44 | Report Abuse

Do not worri about people spamming anywhere.
The time he spend to spam, is a time loss for him mar.
He enjoy wasting time, and we enjoy wasting his time.
Win-Win mar.



2022-04-24 11:42 | Report Abuse

hundreds of us here trading or investing.
Anyone ever use so-call Graham number ?
The answer is Ada ..... ada SATU orang use.
The one who stay up to 3 suku pagi to post here for hantu to read.



2022-04-24 11:30 | Report Abuse

if u are me, who do u trust ?

U trust someone who bought serba all the way down to 30 sen ?
Oh no no ... we are not allowed to talk about wrong call on serba.

U trust someone who write long long report on projected revenue and profit of hartalega ?
Oh no no ... we are not allowed to talk about that too.

Insas give free warrants.
Oh no no ... free warrants are not dividend, we must pretend there were no free warrant at all when calculate insas .... unless he buy insas, then only we can calculate the free warrants received.

How bias could u be ?
If u want to discuss fairly, then discuss fairly.

Any stock u buy go down, nothing wrong with u, must be someone else fault.
When my stock go up, it must be luck.

How can u explain i make multiple millions with my name in multiple annual report.
Oh no no ... we should not consider this because his name is not in annual report, so cannot use this to say anything.

We must check the website cantik or not before we buy.
If cantik must be good, apa lanciau u talking lar ?
Ini maciam no need read annual report, just check website cantik or not.
Serba dinamik website sangat cantik, go buy more lar BODO.




2022-04-20 11:59 | Report Abuse

correct lor
everyone know what is the next report
the real question is what is the report after the next report will be.
Do u ?
I only know Insas ... other i never comment.
Cannot speak portugese, i say i dunno how to speak portugese mar.
No pretend pretend like some 60 million fake dolar man
any stock he no buy must be bad stock.



2022-04-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

correct lor .... 5 X cheers to plantation stock mar
hopefully can cover back all the loses in 1 xingquan.


2022-04-20 11:15 | Report Abuse

So, if u do not know anything about 5 stocks.
And someone put a gun on your head,
and say
rule 1 u must invest all your money, and
rule 2 u must not lose all your money
rule 3 u cannot sell as u wish
than u may choose to diversify into the 5 UNKNOWN stocks.

By choosing to buy into 5 reduce chances u lose ALL in 1 go.

The 3 elements here are "UNKNOWN" , "LOSE ALL" and "cannot sell"

But in real life these 3 can be manipulated.
Unknown can be change to known.
Lose all can be compensated with monthly salary earning from your job
cannot sell - to who say cannot sell ?

Take Serba, in June KPMG give big hint about Fraud, but why instead of sell, someone go and buy more ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!

If u are young guy, with RM 10 k to invest, how fak are u going to diversify into 10 stocks ? RM 1000 per stock ? Why not put RM 10k in 1 stock, then with next few months salary, u can put in another "known" stocks. Even u loss all RM 10 k, your next salary will cover or let u restart again.

Even if a company take a bad turn, u can sell them
or u can sell them just to buy a better one
or if u need cash, u can sell them
agaain who say cannot sell ?

If u got RM 1 million cash like sslee.
And after invest, u are going meditate inside some cave for 1 whole month, then u may choose NOT to put everything into Xingquan or any ONE stock,
U worry later come out from jungle, u found xingquan has disappear from Bursa ... forever.

But diversify into 5 companies like serba, kpower, scib, sapura, etc .... doesn't make u any better.

So, If u REALLY need to meditate 30 days inside some cave, just keep your cash in bank for 30 days, and re-invest after u come out from the cave mar. No ?



2022-04-20 10:43 | Report Abuse

If i to put up something like
sometimes we must diversify
sometime we must not diversify
sometime we must only hold cash
doesn't this sound a bit more reasonable ?

I can give u many many funny analogy that does not make sense
something like

If 5 of u and friends going to Australia makan angin
will 5 of u take 5 different flight or 1 single flight ?
If u take 1 single flight, and the flight got delayed or cancelled,
all your 5 persons hotel booking and other things will be burnt.
What happen if that flight crash into indian ocean ?
Doesn't taking 5 different flight make more sense ?


If u have 5 children,
would u send each of them to 5 different schools ?
U never know which school suddenly perform better than the other
and u also can avoid sending all 5 into 1 worst performing school.
Sound familiar ?

On top of using so much petrol and time to drive to 5 different school, .. oh ... i can use 5 different school buses to send my kids to 5 different school ... HAHAHAH.

Isn't it obvious just to check the 5 different schools and choose the best school to send all your 5 kids to ? No ?
What if suddenly the school principal change to a useless principal.
Just take out ALL 5 of your kids and send them to other school lor.
WHY ? U plan to take 4 out and leave 1 there is it ?

this is just some funny anology.
don't angri okay.



2022-04-20 09:36 | Report Abuse

diversify or not has neutral effect.
to diversify - not wrong
not to diversify - not wrong
telling others must diversify - wrong
telling other must not diversify - wrong

Me ? I am the most intelligent investor.
I don't hold on to useless belief.
Both beliefs contribute nothing so ever
like i said - NEUTRAL effect.
Do what u like - again Neutral effect.
Believing your belief is better than other ?
This one is BONGOK

Your belief is better than other
is when your Total result is better than other people.
Total result is better than other is reflected by
how much money u make in percentage and in real number.
Making 1,000% but in real number is only RM 100 ringgit doesn't count.
Making 10% but equal to RM 1 million give us a lot more information.
Claiming got RM 60 million but not a single name in annual report is cow sheet.


I have held 11 companies at one time, 1 company at another time,
and sometime Zero company with 100% cash on hand.
And my result and effect on me is a total AWESOME !!



2022-04-19 11:23 | Report Abuse

A country become PARIAH when
PM and cabinets are so corrupted.
MACC are corrupted
Judge and court are corrupted
Many head of department are corrupted
Education for majority is of low quality and bad syllabus

When rotten people got power, they will breed more rotten people
When majority is feed with low quality education.
will produce more low educated or no quality people
Crime rate will increase
corruption could not be avoid anymore

When u live among cacing,
either u become cacing or got eaten by cacing

U may not feel it now because it's like cancer
no pain, no sign, and no symptom
until late stage, suddenly explode or implode.

We can detect it if we screen for it,
If u willing to CT scan the Pariah country
u will detect all these cancer tissue has spread everywhere.

Actually, we are at stage where we already feel the consequences
We can see what is wrong, where is wrong,
and unfortunately we also know we cannot right the wrong no more.

Stage 4 - no cure,
but fortunately we can get away
by removing ourselves from this rotten place.

Times will be running out for those who live in denial.
Plan now, invest in Insas, Migrate tomorrow.


2022-04-18 12:50 | Report Abuse

Ingat !
This country cannot be saved anymore.
Anyone here disagree ?

U know, i know, everyone know.
Most keep silent - because already know cannot be save mar
shout also no use - why shout leh.

Some diam diam migrate.
Some diam diam plan to migrate.
Some diam diam because cannot migrate.

To those who think u cannot migrate because old age - BODO lah lu.

Those who cannot migrate because no money - like i say - plan now, by work hard, spend less, invest more (especially in Insas), then migrate.

Mau seribu Daya.
This one pariah counrty, sejuta daya also mo tak kau liaw.



2022-04-18 11:38 | Report Abuse

Compare Crime rate between Taipei and KL

Compare Crime rate between Taipei and Singapore

Taipei and Singapore are 2 of the safest countries in the world.
But as we can see, Taipei is much SAFER than Singapore.
The reason is because Singapore is located beside a Pariah country.


2022-04-18 10:50 | Report Abuse

Another good country to retire to is TAIWAN.

Taiwan is like Singapore.
Singapore is clean, Taiwan is cleaner.
U can find many rubbish bin in Singapore, but u can find almost ZERO rubbish bin in Taiwan especially at street. People bring just back their thrash home, simple as that.

Singaporean are well manner and polite, But Taiwan people are the most KINDEST people i have ever met. First day in taiwan i already shock of their response and behaviour.

I ordered a wrong potion of dim sum in street coffee shop, and the lady boss took back telling me it is okay, don't worry, just a mistake, even though they have gone all the trouble to heat it up.

A lot of salesman at front door of shop, politely ask me to try their product. I am very reluctant because i may not buy, but they say please try, no obligation to buy at all, she even ask me just go try other shops, and come back ONLY if i found out hers is the best.

Early morning, Me with my kids standing at street looking at phone trying to find some location, from FAR a teenager girl quickly walk over to us and ask us whether we need any help. And walk back after helping us !!
And many many more.

And i found out later, this are not coincident events, where i happen to meet kind people by luck. Everyone say the same things and share the same experience. It is their culture, and i suspect these been taught at school and at home. And no, they do not teach arabic culture or syllabus in their school at all.

At Taiwan airport, they prepare 4 types of room for prayer to the passenger waiting for flight. Room for Muslim, Buddhist, Christian and Jews !! These are how much considerate they ARE !!
U go KLCC see got this room or not.

Not only they are kind to people, but to the animals as well. My tour guide stop his van in middle of road, full of cars, to remove a small bird lying on the road to the side bush, give some prayer and told us so sad that the bird is dead.

There are some con about Taiwan. The road is small, a lot of motobike, small accident happen easily, some knock here and there, but they just move on - because they know it is just a simple accident, not intentional.

Some more cars are CHEAPER - One CAMRY in taiwan cost around RM 90 k - not like in Pariah country cost almost RM 200 k !! Ptui !

Night time is very safe, I walk empty street with not a single worry at all.
Now, Try this at your PARIAH neighborhood, count how many nights u can walk before u never come back home again.