
leno | Joined since 2013-04-25

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2022-04-18 10:22 | Report Abuse

For old cina who worry cannot find rice in Australia,
U can find rice everywhere.
They sell rice by 10 Kilo guni sack at Asia supermarket.
And Asia supermarket are everywhere nowadays.



2022-04-18 10:14 | Report Abuse

Australian is becoming multi-racial multi-cultural country of the world.
Last month Monash U celebrating Indian festival in their campus. All indians from Melbourne, Claytone, Waverly and elsewhere all come to Monash campus to celebrate. All cina, mat salleh, thailand, filipino, vietnam, arabs, muslim, vegetarian people join the celebration together.

Try celebrate this at our local pariah U - u know what will happen lor.

Last time, one school organize their pupil bawak tanglung inside their school got compounded RM 10 thousand for trying to proselytize the people outside the school and street that may happen to drive pass or glance into the school compound.
How pariah can this be ?



2022-04-16 11:23 | Report Abuse

last time indian open mouth, gov ask him to balik india
cina open mouth, gov ask us to balik cina
other open mouth, mentri ask them to live on the moon

i am going to migrate soon - nobody can stop me from telling the truth.
Only ONE "chow-kow" aka fake millionaire - hiding in Sabah trying to prevent others from exposing the true.

Chia yiu CHOW-KOW !!


2022-04-16 09:59 | Report Abuse

This is Pariah country.

Remember how one Pastor was kidnap in broad daylight
involving more than 15 kidnappers, at least 3 SUV, car and motorcycle.
So many CCTV - and yet police fail and refuse to investigate.
Pastor koh is gangster ? Drug seller ? Murderer ? How can anyone kidnap and kill him just because he is Christian ?

Remember altantuya case ?
Both murderer were found guilty.
Suddenly the result is over-turned to say not guilty
just to let Sirul escape to other country.
U still trust the pariah court.

Do u know one brother of selangor minister was caught with large amount of drug in his bag at Sabah airport. The judge said not guilty because he said his wife packed his bag for him. Ini maciam pun boleh kah ? The wife was not charge at all. He is free just like that. Few years later he shot someone at sabah and run to filipina.

Kedah case of one undergraduate been kidnap, rape, kill and dump at roadside by anak datuk. The datuk give false alibi. Anak datuk claim that girl is prostitute. And judge say not guilty.

The injustice is so GROSS !!
This is not some grey area, or something difficult to decide
but a clear case of INTENTIONAL misjudgement with bad motive.

Latest case ah moi try to avoid 16 mak lajak middle of highway, middle of night until her own car terbalik and patah tangan. Majistret say not guilty, but suddenly one bodoh say bersalah kerana cuai ?

Langgar lampu isyarat - cuai.
Lawan arus - cuai,
tak bagi signal - cuai,
langgar pendestrian crossing zebra cross - cuai,
potong kereta at double line - cuai,
but terlanggar mat lajak berlumba tengah malam ?

I really want see this "fake 60 million dolar" man one day kena as well lor.
then i can clap hand.


2022-04-16 09:35 | Report Abuse

not surprise coming from someone who cheat his family members and friends to gamble in share market lor.

When sslee kena con by xingquan - he curse the directors like no tomorrow, he criticize the SC and Bursa for slow and no action.

But the monopoly trader never say a bad word about Serba conman. Why ? A conman flock together with conman mar.

RM 60 million but no name in ANY annual report ?
U think we first time invest in bursa meh ?

Even Our famous Pundan investor aka 3i-investor also got name in his blue chip stock annual report lor - and yet he does not have RM 60 million in his portfolio.

U got RM 60 million u still want to stay in Pariah country ?
U got RM 60 million u still want to write long-long BODO analysis in this forum ?
U got RM 60 million u still want to post your portfolio and update it everyday ?

Come back to Pariah country.
Work Hard, Spend Less, Invest in Insas, then Migrate to Australia !!


2022-04-15 10:52 | Report Abuse

When invest, always invest in yourself.

Do not follow me.
I got no accounting degree.
I only got medical degree, that also i already retired more than 10 years already.
Some more I only make multiple millions from share market, and my name only appear in some annual reports.

Also, do not follow someone who buy Serba dinamik all the way down to 30 sen.

Do not follow some stranger in forum, even though he claimed he got RM 60 million. Your pig and dog also can claimed anything in forum, especially u cannot find his name in any annual report.

Finally but not lastly, do not follow some mental patient who stay up at tiga suku pagi to post here for hantu to read.



2022-04-15 10:21 | Report Abuse

I have been to Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne.
I have been to New Zealand.
But what caught my attention is the Western Australia.

Australia is divided into 6 BIG states + 1 ACT:
1. Western Australia - Perth
2. Norther Territories - Darwin
3. Queensland - Brisbane
4. NSW - Sydney
5. Victoria - Melbourne
6. Tasmania - Hobart
plus ACT (wilayah persekutuan) with Canberra as capital city.

From Perth, I have drove 900 km north to Monkey Mia, and also 300 km down south to Leeuwin and Margaret River town.
In total I have already spend 2 months in Western Australia.

1 word - WoW !!

Back to Pariah country,
I was born in KL, live in Ampang Selangor, secondary school at Taiping, Matriculation at Penang, Medical degree at Kelantan, GP at Sarawak.
Kota Kinabalu Sabah is my favorite town to visit - airport, city, island, mountain and jungle are all in one place.
But things is going south with this pariah country.

Start by PLANNING NOW !!

Work hard, Spend less, Invest more, then migrate.
Simple as ABC kacang puteh.



2022-04-14 09:35 | Report Abuse

U cannot save everyone
that is what i said to sslee when he said he want to save everyone in xingquan
u don't want to sell, he will buy from someone else.
Simple as that.

This is a PARIAH country.
I know i cannot save everyone.
but i will still say the same - Migrate if u can.
If cannot, that start PLAN for it.
Plan for your children and grandchildren.

When u live too long in Pariah country,
u will be scare to leave it, because u are worry about new place.
New place come with new challenge.
But new challenge come with new and better BENEFIT !!

Our ancestor can come all the way, why can't we ?
There are so many people have migrated.
Nobody coming back.

My in-laws brother and sisters migrated to Canada, England, Singapore, and Australia.

My younger brother migrated to Sydney 20 years ago, now with 4 kids, all Australian citizen.

My accountant friends migrated with 3 children 10 years ago. Her daughter going to graduate as Accountant this year.

5 years ago, My neighborhood GP age 60 years old, very reluctant to move to Perth even though His daughter and son (both doctors) in Australia ask him and their mother to move in with them. He said he is too old to live in new place.

I said just go live there for 1 month, treat it as cuti-cuti makan angin, if not happy, just fly back back here (5 hours journey niah). Since then he only come back ONCE, to sell off his house here. He kept smiling and laughing non-stop when he came visit me at my home.

My friend who sell car also have relatives migrated to Australia, and now his form 5 daughter also want to migrate there after SPM.

My son's friend sister move to Sydney 4 years ago. She can't speak fluent English (chinese educated) but less than 6 months, my son cannot tell she is angmo or cina from her voice anymore.

Age is just a number.
U got live once.
Better live in non-Pariah country


2022-04-13 22:07 | Report Abuse

u cina better buy insas and migrate later
i am not going to force u to buy
i am not going to scold u for not buying
maybe u got better stock than insas
go buy lor

I will continue rilek rilek cheering for my insas lor here

mind u - insas is non-halal stock
non-syariah compliant
because their main directors and shareholders suka makan babee.
Don't say i no remind u all okay.



2022-04-13 20:39 | Report Abuse

If u are a judge
will u dare to acquit someone who rape and killed a innocent girl, someone daughter, someone sister ?
U are the judge, looking at evidence, u know he is a PEMBUNUH dan PEROGOL
will u dare to say tidak bersalah ?
But this is a PARIAH country lor .... u all better be careful.
Jangan main main with PARIAH country.


2022-04-13 19:35 | Report Abuse

dont forget the case
where one fellow go kidnap a chinese girl U undergraduate while she out jogging in daylight
got rape, kill and dump on side road
that murderer air mani found inside her
but hakim say not guilty because got other dna.
Buang tepi jalan of course lah got other dna
Hakim also accept reason from suspect claim that student is a prostitute.
The part all other witness, friends, family say is not accepted.
Ini lanciau punya hakim.
Suspect got away to other country.
At the end after so many year, come back because no money
baru dibicara semula.
My question is how much that lanciau hakim receive to acquit the suspect at the first trial ?

U all better MIGRATE before anything happen to your daughters, family or even yourself lor.


2022-04-13 19:17 | Report Abuse

when i bought analabs, ppl say same thing like when i buy insas now mar ....
but i born heart of steel, no problem one ... some more already a multiple millionaire mar ....

my son school u come and see yourself lor ...,it is a SMK and in 2nd division
so they give ciput fund to the SMK.
All fund go to sk agama, and mrsm nearby.
Nearest SMJK is 200 km away.

Lanciau people know cina and iban can only go to SMK, so they purposely give ciput fund to all the SMK here. Poor malay also go to SMK .. and suffer with us too.

yet they claim they are very religios lar, their religion is justice lah, simple lah
lanciau lu lah.

At the end, u all better wake up sooner
this country is PARIAH country.
cannot be save anymore.
Start planning now.
I will be out of this PARIAH country by 2025.


2022-04-13 12:57 | Report Abuse

i was also known as Analabs Queen
during recession 2008 i dump all into analabs
analabs selling at 80 sen, with net cash RM 1.20
analabs own a lot of Public bank shares.
Exactly like INSAS now lor.

2 year later ANALABS shoot up RM 1.80
Can go check analabs Top 30 shareholders.

Annual Report no lie one.



2022-04-13 10:12 | Report Abuse

I never tok nonsense one
i curse a lot ... but never nonsense one
everyone will say the same.

claim got RM 60 million but no name in any annual report
ini baru tok real nonsense.
no ?



2022-04-13 10:10 | Report Abuse

i dunno apa lanciau u are talking about

i have been in investment forum since 2004 when internet still using 1515 dial up system

i always cool and calm
my job here is to promote i3 forum
i will make u come here day and night everyday
that is my specialty.



2022-04-13 09:56 | Report Abuse

During recession, banyak bisnes not enough cash
meaning more BISNES for M&A credit company.
M&A 100% own by INSAS mar




2022-04-13 09:53 | Report Abuse

when shoes company got cash, they use cash to build more shoes
when plantation got cash, they use cash to plant more
when investment company got cash, u think they going to build factory aaa ?
Why fak want to build factory, just buy up their share, and the factory will become yours mar. U don't like the factory, then sell off their share and buy others lor.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... this is the BEAUTY of INVESTMENT company.
u no hear Warren Buffet Berkshire company meh ?



2022-04-13 09:48 | Report Abuse

Insas is investment company with RM 1 BILLION cash
recession is the WONDERFUL time for investment company with RM 1 BILLION cash
Lu tau boh ?

22 years in share market .... i've been thru more things than all of u all lor.


2022-04-13 09:08 | Report Abuse

CASH is KING KONG during recession


2022-04-12 09:23 | Report Abuse

what is a Pariah country.

U go indian school - all india only
U go agama, mrsm, science school - all melayu only
U go chinese school - all cina only (some exception is my town where 50% is non-cina)
U go SK or SMK - mixed race, but cina sit with cina, india with india, melayu with melayu, iban with iban.
U go see medical undergraduate year 1 (my batch 1990) - 100 melayu, 10 cina, 4 india, 0 iban, 0 kadazan, 0 orang asli. (what happen to MUST follow quota 50:30:10:10 ?

U go Australian school - all school facility SAME regardless u live in big city, small city, remote town, village, middle of desert, up north, west or south.

Go inside u see - 5 cina sit with 5 white student -
but when u go ask - the 5 cina is actually 1 korea, 1 japanese, 1 vietnamese, 1 cina malaysia, and 1 cina china.
and the 5 white is 2 australia, 1 european, 1 Egypt, 1 afghanistan.

Ini baru betul MULTICULTURAL
- bukan maciam pariah country with FAKE multicultural.

And we cannot change it anymore.
Nasi sudah jadi bubur,
dan bubur sudah jadi TAIK.



2022-04-11 14:57 | Report Abuse

My son was 1 of the top 10 spm scorer in sarawak 2019

Do u know out of these 10, not even 1 come from mrsm or science school or religious school.

2 of them from small town - my son is one of them, from the school with poor lab, open air hall, toilet no water.

Gov throw so much money, yet produce taik onli.
Do u know how much country spend for these school ?
big classroom, air-conditioning hall (yes - these school hall are AIR-CONDITION !!)
some got bridge connecting first floor to a a flower garden,
some got horses for their student to learn memanah sambil menunggang kuda,
many got zoo and big kolam ikan koi in the middle of school
got olympic standard volleyball court
got olympic standard hockey, football field with astaka (mini stadium)
yet every time compete dapat nombor last.

All these external things are useless
It is all about internal culture
nothing complicated
common sense

belajar memanah sambil menunggang kuda ?
apa lanciau are they thinking lah ?


2022-04-11 14:20 | Report Abuse

this country cannot be save anymore lor.
dont cheat yourself.
u wan to cheat self, can,
but please dont cheat your children or grandchildren lor.

U compare 1970 with 1980
then 1980 with 1990
1990 with 2000, 2010 and 2020

look at japan, taiwan and singapore in1970 with now
look at china 2000 with now
hongkong, macau and south korea
and latest is vietnam.

We going into pariah level year by year, decade by decade lor.
actually we already reach pariah level.



2022-04-11 09:56 | Report Abuse

PARIAH country no hope liaw
u go read STPM textbook Pengajian Perdagangan.
Why chapter 1 already got cara-cara berniaga cara Islam ?
Melayu tak ada ambil STPM, only cina and india,
then why cina and india kena belajar dan menjawab soalan agama islam dalam subjek PERDAGANGAN pulak ?

Then singaporean student, japan student, american student no belajar cara berniaga dan berdagang cara islam at their school - all fail is it ? All dunno how to do bisnes is it ?

That is why i say this country no hope liaw.
How come no teacher object or raise concern ?
These are about children future.
Answer is WE ALL GIVE UP already lor.



2022-04-11 09:46 | Report Abuse




2022-04-10 09:37 | Report Abuse

this is one pariah country ... no hope lor
everyone know .. only pariah dunno or pretend to dunno lor.

Form 1 i study at Seri Ampang boy school.
Famous for cina gangster, and melayu gangster.
Anyone still know this school ?
Opposite Hock Choon supermarket.
Form 1 got 12 classes - 1 class got 60 students.
ENAM PULUH pelajar !!
I was class monitor maintaining harmony between cina and melayu.

Morning come into class, we tear off 1 page of exercise book and wipe our own floor area. Student sit from back wall all the way to blackboard leaving some space for teacher to walk in at the front.

Later i found out science school class has BIGGER class but with 21 student per BIGGER class. Then another later, i found out MRSM school lagi GILA.

Half of Seri ampang school are melayu students.
Why are they being treated different ?
Not to mention cina, india, iban, kadazan and the true native of this country the senoi, negrito, jakun etc.

40 years later now into year 2000
u come see school in Sarawak and Sabah.
U no heard Rosmah curi duit to build solar panel at sarawak school ?
Why sarawak school need solar panel ?
No electric lar BODO.

My son school lab no equipment
Hall is like open air market
Toilets no water for 50 fakking YEARS.

What type of country which has these kind of segregation ?
A PARIAH type.


2022-04-10 09:04 | Report Abuse

sslee said he number 30 ... we check ... really number 30
calvin tan said he own a lot of palm oil ... we go check.... betullah he own a lot
raider and oo7 gang ... i check also tell the truth
KYY also got name inside annual report
Me ? Everyone check ... even my sworn enemies also admit i tell the truth mar
now ... left one fellow who CLAIM own 60 MILLION worth of shares, who self admit he cheat his family members and friends money to gamble in share market ... I repeat he himself say one okay ... not me, why no name inside any annual report ?
Sifat long mike also FAIL to google his name for us.



2022-04-10 08:56 | Report Abuse

ya kah ? U no follow my instagram/fb/youtube
i even have tiktok worr ....
ops ! lupa inside sabah jungle tak ada kut.
Now australia what time ? Still 8 am aaa ... ?



2022-04-09 11:13 | Report Abuse

u invest for life mar
me ?
I retired from medical profession after 15 years of working
long term ?
i plan to retire from investing in 5 years time lor
i got other new things to explore mar
like going to space and places


2022-04-09 10:32 | Report Abuse

if cannot make money in your backyard how to make money in other people yard.
U want to end up in grave yard faster aaa ?
If can make money in my back yard, why fak i want to dig up other ppl yard,
i just harvest my backyard mangoes and rambutan mar.
Australian market free tax or not ?
Malaysia market free tax mar ... i pay zero income tax since 2011 lor.
want to read Australian annual report also need to pay fee.
1 report 1 fee.
Raider like to read 50 report - must pay 50 fees.



2022-04-09 10:21 | Report Abuse

Recently I happen to know 2 unit trust salesmans.
U know what is their degree ?

Mechanical Engineering IIUM and Aerospace Engineering IIUM.
Why u even offer engineering degree in your U if u cannot produce employable graduate ? U are wasting RESOURCES !! U are wasting our money. U waste money while destroying the students futures. Wasted 4 years studying non-usable degree !!

That is why i go check their syllabus.
Why students must take religions subjects not 1 but so many, while doing aerospace engineering ?
Those who take aerospace in UM or UKM or other U, do no take religions study how leh ? Are they become less muslim ?

U buang your own duit okay lah ... but u BUANG DUIT RAKYAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT !!


2022-04-09 10:08 | Report Abuse

Congratulation to sslee lor.
My brother-in-law migrated from Hong kong,
is a ass. professor in oxford U.
His son graduated as pharmacist and want to apply to work in singapore because his fiancee is a malaysian - a UK graduated pharmacy
I objected - ask him to not come near a pariah country.
Now both of them working and living happily in England.


2022-04-09 09:49 | Report Abuse

My son got higher than 99% Atar
and being given Monash International Chancellor Scholarship.
No need to apply,
they automatic give u without checking u are cina or india or christian or yahudi or believe in tuhan matahari.
Only top 10 pre-U result given this scholarship.
His lecturers, tutor and professor all from different background.
Islam, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu semua ada.
From Egypt, UK, Malaysian, China, Australia.

Keep this option in mind - discuss these with your spouse and children.
Share these with your friends.

Once upon a time - our ancestor are force to migrate because of colonization by European - and yet survive. Taking boats months at sea to reach Singapore. Now, got airplane - few hours journey - apa lanciau u want to think so much like sslee ? JUST DO IT !!



2022-04-09 09:35 | Report Abuse

To those who are same ship with leno
having kids in secondary school
u should consider Ausmat (Australian matriculation) for your kids.
Only 10 months duration - usually 50% course work 50% exam exactly like University.
Cheap, fast and quality.
U can do WACE ausmat in Sunway college or MCKL
or SACE ausmat in Taylor college.

Ausmat exam result is RANK based.
There will be about 150,000 students wholeworld (95% australian students).
Your result will be ranked together with all the Australian students.
If they give u 99.0% ATAR mean u are Top 1%
If u get 80.5% ATAR mean u are Top 19.5%
Entering U will be based on MERIT not race or religion.
99% ATAR mean AUTO qualified for Imperial college, all Canada U, US U, and all AUSTRALIAN U.

Australia is just a stone throw away from pariah country.
Cheaper flight, anytime can fly back during holiday.
Beautiful country - Nice People - Merit and Quality base.


2022-04-09 09:21 | Report Abuse

my indian friend from secondary school who migrate to australia 7 years ago now promoted to become Head of Jabatan Air Australia lor.
He got good excellent grade in SPM (top 5 in his science school), good grade in STPM but denied a place in medic or engineering in all the public U because of this pariah country.
He was only given place to do Chemistry in UM.
A very good guy - vegetarian - highly principle.
Now whole family are Australian citizen lor.


2022-04-09 09:14 | Report Abuse

This is pariah country
u know i know everyone know
most keep quiet and stay
some keep quiet and migrate away
i will continue to say it as what it is


2022-04-09 09:12 | Report Abuse

Oii ! tiga-suku - bila mau google give me page number or monopoly man name to me ?
u can give me - i will call u sifooo for 1 year
if not i call u sifat long
deal ?


2022-04-09 09:10 | Report Abuse

60 million but no name in any annual report ?


2022-04-09 09:09 | Report Abuse

hahahahah .... monopoly man
u think australia is like malaysia got 1 time zone meh ?
we say 8 am in perth or 10 am in melbourne or 9 at adelaide
mana ada 8 am in australia .... this is what happen when u hide inside jungle too long.



2022-04-07 13:19 | Report Abuse

this morning sifat long ada makan pagi kah before post ?


2022-04-07 11:08 | Report Abuse

6 malaysian accepted to Harvard U
not a single MRSM, science school, sekolah agama students accepted.
apa lanciau u all teach there ?
Use so much funds and money but produce rotten eggs.
I check Sunway Ausmats result, where they have a "special ELITE" class cater for these MRSM sponsor high achiever .... not a single one make it into TOP 10 ausmats.

Last month met a pharmacy Monash malaysia graduate, he told me in 2014 gov cancel his scholarship to study in Australia because no money, but all these MRSM elite class score SO FAR LOWER grade .... very very LOOOOW grade still can be sponsored to study in Australia, UK, and US ....

U go check IIUM aerospace engineering Year 1 course
They have to take 7 subject per semester - 3 of them are religions course - usrah 1 usrah 2 tilawah, religion management etc
These are COMPULSORY syllabus ... not elective, not club or association.

U think they come out can still find job in aerospace or not ?

I tell u again and again lor .... this is one PARIAH country.


2022-04-07 10:28 | Report Abuse

3 suku guy now post at 6 pagi
6 PAGI sudah datang sini post
belum gosok gigi, belum makan pagi .. sudah datang sini post

SERONOK tengok orang GILA buat kerja GILA pukul 6 PAGI tiap tiap hari
Post 3 suku pagi bagus lagi ... hantu boleh baca
pukul 6 pagi Hantu sudah balik tidur ... macam mana mau baca ?

Manusia memang tak ada baca .... saya cuma check pukul berapa dia post sahaja
isi saya tak baca ... lu orang ada baca kah ?


2022-04-06 15:23 | Report Abuse

elllllloooooo ..... sifoo or sifat long ?


2022-04-06 15:18 | Report Abuse

if u can give me the name of that 60 million dolar monopoly man ... i will call u sifooo
if u cannot, i call u sifat long ... deal ?


2022-04-06 15:15 | Report Abuse

still waiting for the page number of which book ....


2022-04-06 15:03 | Report Abuse

where got mad .... multiple millionaire worr ... HAHAHAHAHAHAH !!


2022-04-06 14:57 | Report Abuse

not balia lah BODO ... i say PARIAH ... PARIAH country.


2022-04-06 14:55 | Report Abuse

if u cannot give me the page number
maybe u can google and tell us the name of that RM 60 million dolar monopoly old man
see can or not ?
Sure cannot one mar.
Where got company list up name of Top 30 monopoly players in their annual report.
right ?


2022-04-06 14:51 | Report Abuse

that is why people cannot say anything about insas
only siam here and there ... change topic when cannot argue
come out with fake number ...
U terror u go google up the page number of which book and tell me now lor
can or not ?
TIGA SUKU !! Ptui !!