
leno | Joined since 2013-04-25

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2022-03-09 11:57 | Report Abuse

They will order tons of good from u, wait for your shipment to arrive, then claim force labour. Nice right ?


2022-03-09 11:54 | Report Abuse

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has seized four shipments of Malaysian palm oil in Baltimore since Feb 11 due to information indicating that the commodity was manufactured by forced labour.

Easy way to steal other countries goods.
Try do the same to US, they will bomb in you in no time.


2022-03-09 11:51 | Report Abuse

Belt and Road Initiative including Silk Road
will connect every countries with each other with INFRASTRUCTURE.
From Europe to Asia and Africa.
3 Countries are excluded because of large oceans namely North America, South America and Australia, but would be connected thru ports, ships, air cargo and internet.


2022-03-09 11:18 | Report Abuse

While US is busy making war here and there, sanction this and that;
China is busy exploring space, education, trade and partnering with every countries of the world.


2022-03-09 11:11 | Report Abuse

China's incentive to build its own space station was amplified after NASA refused Chinese participation in the International Space Station in 2011 with China, Russia and Europe, intending to keep a cooperative and multilateral approach in space.

Cooperation in the field of crewed space flight between the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) was examined in 2011, participation in the development of China crewed space stations and cooperation with China in the fields such as visiting astronauts, and scientific research was discussed.

Tiangong is also expected to host experiments from Belgium, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, the Netherlands, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Spain.

Zhou Jianping, the chief designer of China Manned Space Program explained that multiple countries have expressed their wish in the participation. He told journalists that foreign astronauts' future participation "will be guaranteed".

Ji Qiming, an assistant director at CMSEO told reporters that he believes "in the near future, after the completion of the Chinese space station, we will see Chinese and foreign astronauts fly and work together."

News & Blogs

2022-03-08 22:47 | Report Abuse

A Very good link by GSoros.
A very Intellectual talk by Vladimir Pozner in 2018 (4 fakking years ago).


2022-03-08 13:57 | Report Abuse

So, Taiwanese people should aware of White man policy.
They believe Asian are lowest status,
Muslim are treated as terrorist
Arab refugees are treated as criminals
African is boo as monkeys
Black life in US does not matter
Chinese Taipei ?
Do not forget - dogs and Chinese not allowed inside.


2022-03-08 13:47 | Report Abuse

Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Abdullah today said that Malaysia does not believe in unilateral sanctions on nations involved in conflicts, citing the war between Russia and Ukraine.

How now, US going to sanction Malaysia for not sanctioning Russia or not ?
Ukraine sudah kena Macau-scam by US liaw.


2022-03-08 13:34 | Report Abuse

Do u know how many Vietnamese children and civilian BOMB by US ?
Go google up lor.
Not only bomb, they also poison, rape the woman, torture the man, in the name to free Vietnamese thinking, while stealing all the Vietnam treasure.


2022-03-08 13:32 | Report Abuse

Australia suggest US start war at Taiwan.
Don't know Taiwan people agree or not.
Maybe they can migrate to South Korea and Japan during war.


2022-03-08 13:30 | Report Abuse

in 100 days there will no Ukrainian people in Ukraine
all migrated to Germany and France.
England does not accept Ukrainian people.
US will need to find new place to start war.


2022-03-08 13:11 | Report Abuse

Only eat once, no need to eat anything anymore, US said.


2022-03-08 13:02 | Report Abuse

US ask Ukrainian to eat bomb.


2022-03-08 11:00 | Report Abuse

US sitting back from the other side of ocean - eating popcorn
hope this war will last longer,
otherwise US will start another war in another country again
making money selling their weapon


2022-03-08 10:03 | Report Abuse

Do u know President Ukraine family are all already in oversea staying in 6 stars condo - eating good food and watching The Batman movie right now.


2022-03-08 09:55 | Report Abuse

Germany and Netherland refuse to follow US instruction to ban Russia oil
Then how will sanction can succeed If Europe refuse to ban Russia oil ?
ALAMAK ! Ukraine kena Macau-scam by Europe and US lor ...
Taiwan must be very careful, u think all this white people can be trusted ?
U think all this white people is thinking about chinese people right in Taiwan ?
Think again lor ... they want chinese kill chinese like what happen in middle east, Muslim kill Muslim, Indian kill Indian, European kill European ...
Wake up ! Do not get SCAM by US lor.


2022-03-07 22:53 | Report Abuse

US plan to make him President in exile.
His job will be to distribute money to criminal in Ukraine to cause more trouble to Ukrainian people. Bombing, killing, stealing, and to make sure there will be no peace in Ukraine.


2022-03-07 22:40 | Report Abuse

Pity the Ukrainian ... this is what happen when u have an actor comedian as president. His will always put his acting career before his citizen life. US probably offer him a role in the coming Marvel movies - as a super donkey.


2022-03-07 20:55 | Report Abuse

next monday lah BODO


2022-03-07 16:23 | Report Abuse

Latest news, UK refuse to accept Ukrainian refugees.


2022-03-07 15:17 | Report Abuse

So, to those who like to jilat pungkok USA - shame on your ancestor for not telling u the truth.


2022-03-07 15:15 | Report Abuse

US has been trying to accuse everyone else stealing the so-called "intellectual" property. Every country must pay or punish for using their "intellectual" invention.
We say Fak u lar.
China invented fire powder, for celebration, US stole it, use it to kill people. How come US no need to pay copyright every time selling weapons ? England and whole European STOLE the whole world resources, bring it all back to their countries .. when are they going to pay us back all the resources they stole ? African people being kidnap in broad daylight to become slaves in America. Arab and Indian people invented the number system, u no talk about stealing Arab and Indian intellectual properties ? The whole Europe and US are built using other people blood and sweat and suffering. They drop nuclear bomb on 2 CIVILIAN CITIES - not by mistake, but to kill as many civilian as possible. How many civilian died that day ? Forcing Chinese and Indian to smoke OPIUM - how moral can they be ?


2022-03-07 14:32 | Report Abuse

Yes ... Taiwan should watch this closely.
US promised to defend Taiwan if Taiwan start war with China.
US want to see Taiwan destroy, while watching The Batman 2.


2022-03-07 12:04 | Report Abuse

Still book gain - free warrants, bought very-very cheap plus sell high buy low.
All this common sense mar.
Meanwhile, US is watching The Batman munching popcorn at cinema.


2022-03-07 11:40 | Report Abuse

Once Hong Kong and Macau return to China, all the Hong Kong and Macao people rushing to grab China lands, buy China properties, opening new markets for their products, china tourist coming bringing more money to Hong Kong and Macao, HUAAAAAAAAATT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!


2022-03-07 11:31 | Report Abuse

Currently a lot of Taiwanese are discussing to join China.
By joining China, there will be no more Batu api from US.
Taiwan can spend their resources of education, infrastructure and economy, instead of wasting money buying useless US weapon.


2022-03-07 11:24 | Report Abuse

Next US victim would be Taiwan.
US now planning how to Macau-scam Taiwan into war with China.
US will promise to Bomb Beijing and after winning the war, US will handover China to Taiwan.


2022-03-07 09:49 | Report Abuse



2022-03-07 09:22 | Report Abuse

Taiwan already one feet with China.
Their official name is Taiwan ROC = Taiwan Republic of China.
Can see their passport, like Hong Kong ROC, Macao ROC.
It is just a matter of time Taiwanese kick out US from Taiwan.
How many Taiwanese can speak English ? KOSONG.
So all this talk about China invade Taiwan is propaganda by US
to sell military weapons to Taiwan, whereas Taiwan pretend to be US allies so that they can do business with US market. But now, China market is so much bigger than US, nearer some more, speak same language and same culture .... Sayonara US.


2022-03-07 09:12 | Report Abuse

US and European officials have been discussing how the West would support a government in exile helmed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky should he have to flee Kyiv, Western officials told CNN.

Alamak ! President mau cabut lari already. Rakyat Ukraine tunggu mati.


2022-03-07 09:10 | Report Abuse

Russia, Middle East, China, India, Africa, and South America (90% of the world)


2022-03-07 09:07 | Report Abuse

On one side we have barbaric US and England (just like Iraq war)
On the other is Russia, Middle East, China, India, Africa.
How to do Sanction ?


2022-03-07 09:04 | Report Abuse

Taiwan is watching Hong Kong and Macao
Both countries now TOP in World Education.
Their people getting more prosperous after entering China.
Taiwanese not BODO like Ukraine.
Their politician do all the fist-fighting inside the parliament.


2022-03-06 22:28 | Report Abuse

Ukraine should know by now, they are on their own.
Nato already say, they will not help Ukraine.
US is the only country who keep asking Ukraine to fight Russia.
Ukraine President has receive bribes from US, and if he ask Ukrainian to stop fighting, then US will take back all the money. US has promised Ukraine president a lot of money, condo, estate, big car for him.
This is how US make other country to fight for them - by bribing the minister.
If Ukrainian read this - u better gang up and detain your president and hang him for receiving bribe to kill his own people.


2022-03-06 20:38 | Report Abuse

u go look back at history,
Arab trade with India
trade with Melaka
trade with China
All trading peacefully.
Got Arab come invade China or China invade India or Africa ?
Then the Barbaric European come invade Africa, India, Melaka and China.
They kill all the aboriginal in Australia and New Zealand,
they kill the Peruvian, Bolivian, south America, Red Indians,
they plunder and bring back all the treasure to Europe- free of charge, pay with natives blood and life. They even forcefully took African people to become slaves.

But here still got people support US and Nato blindly.
Even anti-China, just because he believe China not same religion with him.
Ellooo ...there are millions of Muslim in China lah.
How many Muslim US bomb and killed ?


2022-03-06 20:21 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong under British before 1997 was like sheet country.
All the gangster, poor people, criminal, flats, etc.
Go look back at Hong Kong old movie or drama.
Do you know Hong Kong was taken over by England, because of Opium war.
U know what Opium war or not ?
They force China to accept opium as payment for silk, gold, tea and everything.
They force people to smoke opium to get into addiction.
When china gov burnt the opium, England come and bomb china and force china to sign 156 years free lease of hongkong to england.
They did the same to India and everywhere.
New hong kong generation only know Marvel heroes, never suffer anything at all.
But at least Hong Kong students are among the TOP in the world - this happen after Hong Kong is given back to China, otherwise hongkong will still be a pariah colonise island.


2022-03-06 20:08 | Report Abuse

US and UK keep bribing the Ukraine Politicians to provoke Russia.
So, how now ? Nice or not ? Millions of refugees flooding into Europe.
Oil price shoot up, inflation, crimes, covid virus and many more.
Nato bring this on themselves.
US, Canada and Australia are laughing non-stop at the BODO European.


2022-03-06 19:55 | Report Abuse

Ukraine can choose to be neutral, without siding with any one, and keep focusing on education and economy, but they are not very bright. Their politician choose to be corrupt, accepting money from US to provoke Russia.


2022-03-06 16:35 | Report Abuse

President Ukraine now threatened Nato, that he is going to order his army to blow up the nuclear plant to contaminate the whole Europe if Nato refuse to pay more money to him. Let's see what Nato going to do to him now.


2022-03-06 16:14 | Report Abuse

It is just a matter of time, for Ukrainian civilians to realize they have been macao-scam by US, Nato and their own president.
They will rise and attack these 3 traitors of people.


2022-03-06 09:07 | Report Abuse

Al-Qaeda is created by US
ISIS is created by UK
Terrorists are bread and butter business for Western weapon company.


2022-03-05 21:45 | Report Abuse

it was the Ukraine army trying to prevent the civilian from evacuate. Without the civilian shielding them, they will become a sitting duck unless they surrender. So, they willing to kill their own people to protect their politician greed for money and power.


2022-03-05 19:59 | Report Abuse

Yup ... got one BODO say it is UK and US right to do whatever they want. I think this BODO watch to many holywood movies.


2022-03-05 19:29 | Report Abuse

President Ukraine order his army to prevent their civilians from evacuating the city. They want more of their civilian people die once Russia moving in. Yup .. this is nature of Politician. People life is nothing, money and power is everything.


2022-03-05 19:24 | Report Abuse

Yup .. when US destroy Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, ... no see BODO come out say US got nothing to do.
Russia want to put nuclear missile at Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba also got nothing to with US mar, Can ? Taiwan got nothing to do with US, but US can come and provoke. But whole world know - middle east know, Africa know, china know, Asia know, south America know. When England going to return Falkland Island back to Argentina ?


2022-03-05 17:54 | Report Abuse

Currently all big trade partner of Russia, no apply any sanction.
Russia can buy palm oil from malaysia and indonesia,
can sell oil to India, pakistan, and China.
Can trade with South America and Africa.
Even half Europe also can trade with Russia including Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Austria ....
KAKAKAKAKAKAK ... ini sanction apa lanciau ?


2022-03-05 17:50 | Report Abuse

How much American pay zelensky to start this war ?
Everything come down to money.


2022-03-05 16:33 | Report Abuse

Already more than 24 hours no news about people shooting people in Ukraine.
US is very very NOT happy with these news.


2022-03-05 16:16 | Report Abuse

The tiny city-state of Singapore has imposed controls on exports or trans shipments of military-related or dual-use items considered ?strategic goods.?

It said the sanctions were aimed at constraining Russia?s ability to wage war and engage in ?cyber aggression?.


2022-03-05 16:13 | Report Abuse

Singapore order sanction on things that Singapore never import or use from Russia.
Things that Singapore use or can use or will use, are not in the sanction list.