KC Loh

lkc121 | Joined since 2012-04-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

retiree with nothing better to do and watch stock go up and down, with a bunch of lovely coconuts to sell :)





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2013-11-06 11:44 | Report Abuse

mandatory general offer...


2013-11-06 11:40 | Report Abuse

i notice suddenly in this thread got a lot of so-called investors talking to themselves! :)


2013-11-06 11:36 | Report Abuse

closing in....

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 09:01 | Report Abuse

Aii... this Bone writes very well. I like his line of thinking


2013-11-01 21:13 | Report Abuse

yup, no point wasting time!


2013-11-01 20:55 | Report Abuse

F-bull, your intrinsic value is RM3.20 only? i can see i may be wasting time! :)


2013-11-01 20:44 | Report Abuse

as for BsB always mentioning low seat yield, the strategy is already spelt out by TF why they are sacrificing seat yield.

"Tony also highlighted, “Ancillary is one of the main reasons why we are pushing loads up. The more people travel with AirAsia, the higher the take up rate of our ancillary products. I am pleased to see that ancillary income per passenger is up for all associates – up 6% for MAA, up 8% for TAA, up 29% for IAA and up 56% for PAA. "

this was highlighted by HJey before, but BsB is just short of memory. So we have to teach this would-be expert that small leak can be patched up sometimes! :)

F-bull, you know how to calculate intrinsic value? if you know, multiple chances offering is now! :)


2013-11-01 20:33 | Report Abuse

bullsh*tbear, you know that yours, as we have repeated time and again, is a flawed calculation, right?

AA has 66+ planes for Malaysia as at September. let's round it to 70 planes x 180 pax(80% load) works out to be only 12,600 pax per day assuming one point-to-point flight each plane. assuming AA takes a lion share (50%) from your number of the 3Q13 (low season) which works out 6m passengers, it will take 476 flights. 476 flight works out to about 7 or 8 flight per plane per day. Of course, TF will be happy if he has 8 flights per day for each plane which we know its not true. AA flight to Thailand is only one point-to-point per day for most planes. Again, so how is overcapacity

of course variables do count (like peak and low season), and using simple back envelope calculations doesn't tell the whole story right? instead you should use a proper basis of calculation and comparison. http://www.airasia.com/my/en/press-releases/2q13-results-announced.page
and if the continuous projection of about 10-15% growth of passenger each year, why would it be overcapacity for AA? pray tell!

you also like to report about Japan, but do note that i have said before if ANA is holding sway, then it will be expensive for AAJ. I was proven right. ANA was thinking like full carrier that they are. TF did the right thing by terminating the partnership as we have mentioned and analysts are approving that action.

i still believe you dunno what you are talking about, even though i need you to press the price down. Please do with facts and don't pluck numbers out of thin air and report like you are alexandre jorre, a real LCC specialist! LOL


2013-11-01 16:41 | Report Abuse

what does "underserved" means ar, BsB our cancellation expert? LOL


2013-11-01 16:39 | Report Abuse


.....Globally, LCC seat capacity increased 6.8% to 558.9m for the first six months of this year from 523.2m for the same period of 2012. Capacity in Asia grew by 28.7%, followed by the Middle East at 17.7% and Africa at 13.1%. North America's capacity grew by 1.5% and Europe's by 0.8%.

"We see a natural boom in LCC capacity across Asia, where point-to-point air travel is largely underserved. However, across the mature markets of Europe and North America capacity is constrained, which may explain why some LCCs are considering new approaches to secure future growth," said Alexandre Jorre, LCC specialist at Amadeus - Home business section, p.6


2013-11-01 16:34 | Report Abuse

from yesterday's Edge newspaper, "Asia leads global LCC capacity growth" was a good read no, BsB? hehehehe


2013-11-01 16:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by bullbear > Nov 1, 2013 03:43 PM | Report Abuse
Folks, list of possible dates for the QE for Malaysia listed companies.

huh? i mean HUH???


2013-11-01 15:33 | Report Abuse

and i agree, i think this quarter's earnings should be very good!


2013-11-01 15:32 | Report Abuse

lay-off and VSS is ongoing according to my friend since 2012


2013-11-01 15:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by bullbear > Nov 1, 2013 03:29 PM | Report Abuse
Folks, most investors interpret an RSI below 30 as indicating that a stock is oversold — possibly providing a timing signal for a purchase, IF THE OTHER FUNDAMENTAL JUSTIFY DOING SO.

hehe looks like he's gonna invite lmf_hau in again! LOL


2013-11-01 15:30 | Report Abuse

i am still trying to figure out why he always link TNB with AA. this is second time already he tried copying from TNB and impose upon AA!

i know he wants to say market gonna crash. but his way is tikam only. throw as many feeds as you can and hopefully one day one or two will stick! then he comes out looking like a hero! and all his insinuations will continue no end! LOL


2013-11-01 15:28 | Report Abuse

apa nak dikato, zamsaham? hehehe


2013-11-01 15:09 | Report Abuse

the very least you could do is put in the source. you really have short memory, BsB! LOL



2013-11-01 10:29 | Report Abuse

i am confused, as to why you are using TNB and compare with AA! same industry ka? LOL


2013-11-01 10:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by bullbear > Nov 1, 2013 10:24 AM | Report Abuse
TNB registered a significant drop in its net profit for the fourth quarter of its financial year ended Aug 31, 2013 (Q4) from higher operating expenses and a loss in foreign currency translation. The net profit stood at RM219.4mil, which represented a drop of 79.3% from the RM1.06bil recorded in the corresponding period last yea.....

go back to your TNB lah! LOL


2013-10-31 11:05 | Report Abuse

pressure them BsB, i wanna buy at 2.62 and below :)


2013-10-30 20:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by KClow > Oct 30, 2013 04:37 PM | Report Abuse
hilarious to read ur thots on the budget.. truly deeply funnie..

thanks for admitting you dont understand LOL


2013-10-30 20:33 | Report Abuse

here's another one i like. i thought it's kinda profound.

Bulls live above the 200 day, bears live below. Sellers eat up rallies below this key moving average line and buyers to come to the rescue above it.


2013-10-30 20:17 | Report Abuse

today didn't do promotion ar, dolly dave? :)


2013-10-30 19:25 | Report Abuse

good good, so long as he stays in this thread, wont disturb others. everyone here ignores him here! LOL


2013-10-30 19:21 | Report Abuse

oh, dolly dave is still here! :)

other, don't flag dolly please. he needs his therapeutic rants to keep himself alive. dont kill the innocent sheep! LOL


2013-10-30 15:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by lwalk > Oct 30, 2013 03:33 PM | Report Abuse
should tweet tony fernandes of all the rants. maybe TF will give him special VIP seats to get him on the AA side :)

i can support the idea, but let us get below fair value first hor! LOL


2013-10-30 15:30 | Report Abuse

shout more BsB. i need to stock up in November! LOL


2013-10-30 15:26 | Report Abuse

not yet 2.62 ar? LOL


2013-10-30 15:06 | Report Abuse

buyer volume coming back both scomi & scomies. high probable awarded an RSC contract after earlier fluff by Petronas last year on the two highly prized ones.


2013-10-30 14:51 | Report Abuse



2013-10-30 14:40 | Report Abuse

for trade, buy US dollars when oil sinks. sell when they pick a fight with arab nations again later!


2013-10-30 14:35 | Report Abuse

i dont want to go into a good thread, because i have a psychotic dolly following me around trying to defile good threads and rile up good contributors! with that said, will leave you guys alone whilst i lead him away. national service!

p.s. still wanna claim my uniform benefits! :)


2013-10-30 14:27 | Report Abuse

if your question is in the context of the population's hardship, yes its a bitter medicine! but we have to stop subsidies somehow. Its distorting the economy and to some extend also gives way to corruption and largesse to continue flourish if this is not eliminated. so how fast is fast to eliminate? inflation?

what is dismayed is PPP is still capped. unless there is a better distribution system, other than the Br1m, let's hear it!


2013-10-30 14:20 | Report Abuse

jayrc23, placating debt trouble no doubt! with so many mega projects in the offing, the govt has to placate the international debt agencies somehow to ensure credit worthiness! Nonetheless, i think this particular budget 2014 is mostly holding the fort until GST is implemented!

personally for me, i think its a good budget with a lot of restrain! of course, there will be the naysayers saying it could be better! no doubt, things all could be better! the process not only the result counts too in getting there! no quick fix when so many dynamics in play!


2013-10-30 14:16 | Report Abuse

yfchong, hehe. make hay whilst sun shines eh?


2013-10-30 13:54 | Report Abuse

not too sure the 932 gang (some good traders there :)), but i see a lot of what Ooi TB is saying prior to this is similar to what the above states.

inwest88, agree with you mate, but if you have seen the level of consummate traders there in US, you can understand they are all heart and soul for new or recycled fads!

for me, i just want to eventually dissect the psychology and see how it leads to boom & bust in stock market! working on my financial dissertation before enrollment. 60 credit hours :)


2013-10-30 13:02 | Report Abuse

1. Never, under any circumstance add to a losing position.... ever! Nothing more need be said; to do otherwise will eventually and absolutely lead to ruin!

2. Trade like a mercenary guerrilla. We must fight on the winning side and be willing to change sides readily when one side has gained the upper hand.

3. Capital comes in two varieties: Mental and that which is in your pocket or account. Of the two types of capital, the mental is the more important and expensive of the two. Holding to losing positions costs measurable sums of actual capital, but it costs immeasurable sums of mental capital.

4. The objective is not to buy low and sell high, but to buy high and to sell higher. We can never know what price is "low." Nor can we know what price is "high." Always remember that sugar once fell from $1.25/lb to 2 cent/lb and seemed "cheap" many times along the way.

5. In bull markets we can only be long or neutral, and in bear markets we can only be short or neutral. That may seem self-evident; it is not, and it is a lesson learned too late by far too many.

6. "Markets can remain illogical longer than you or I can remain solvent," according to our good friend, Dr. A. Gary Shilling. Illogic often reigns and markets are enormously inefficient despite what the academics believe.

7. Sell markets that show the greatest weakness, and buy those that show the greatest strength. Metaphorically, when bearish, throw your rocks into the wettest paper sack, for they break most readily. In bull markets, we need to ride upon the strongest winds... they shall carry us higher than shall lesser ones.

8. Try to trade the first day of a gap, for gaps usually indicate violent new action. We have come to respect "gaps" in our nearly thirty years of watching markets; when they happen (especially in stocks) they are usually very important.

9. Trading runs in cycles: some good; most bad. Trade large and aggressively when trading well; trade small and modestly when trading poorly. In "good times," even errors are profitable; in "bad times" even the most well researched trades go awry. This is the nature of trading; accept it.

10. To trade successfully, think like a fundamentalist; trade like a technician. It is imperative that we understand the fundamentals driving a trade, but also that we understand the market's technicals. When we do, then, and only then, can we or should we, trade.

11. Respect "outside reversals" after extended bull or bear runs. Reversal days on the charts signal the final exhaustion of the bullish or bearish forces that drove the market previously. Respect them, and respect even more "weekly" and "monthly," reversals.

12. Keep your technical systems simple. Complicated systems breed confusion; simplicity breeds elegance.

13. Respect and embrace the very normal 50-62% retracements that take prices back to major trends. If a trade is missed, wait patiently for the market to retrace. Far more often than not, retracements happen... just as we are about to give up hope that they shall not.

14. An understanding of mass psychology is often more important than an understanding of economics. Markets are driven by human beings making human errors and also making super-human insights.

15. Establish initial positions on strength in bull markets and on weakness in bear markets. The first "addition" should also be added on strength as the market shows the trend to be working. Henceforth, subsequent additions are to be added on retracements.

16. Bear markets are more violent than are bull markets and so also are their retracements.

17. Be patient with winning trades; be enormously impatient with losing trades. Remember it is quite possible to make large sums trading/investing if we are "right" only 30% of the time, as long as our losses are small and our profits are large.

18. The market is the sum total of the wisdom ... and the ignorance...of all of those who deal in it; and we dare not argue with the market's wisdom. If we learn nothing more than this we've learned much indeed.

19. Do more of that which is working and less of that which is not: If a market is strong, buy more; if a market is weak, sell more. New highs are to be bought; new lows sold.

20. The hard trade is the right trade: If it is easy to sell, don't; and if it is easy to buy, don't. Do the trade that is hard to do and that which the crowd finds objectionable. Peter Steidelmeyer taught us this twenty five years ago and it holds truer now than then.

21. There is never one cockroach! This is the "winning" new rule submitted by our friend, Tom Powell.

22. All rules are meant to be broken: The trick is knowing when... and how infrequently this rule may be invoked!
Interesting line of thought here! zero sum game all the way!


2013-10-30 12:51 | Report Abuse

PE of about 5.2, i think it can go further in long term.

but watch out for november & december. traditionally weak months due to profit taking and window dressing for most fund management


2013-10-30 12:41 | Report Abuse

in future, don't start something and even go on baseless accusation of misleading if you don't start reading from the beginning. The admin saw fit not to delete nor do anything with our posts for the past 16 hours, and i don't see any reason, unless you are the admin, why you should be bringing it up thereafter!

sometimes you may learn something if people has disagreement! open your eyes wider! dont try to be a hero with your own useless and baseless comments!

as for providing comments, please start on your part!


2013-10-30 12:12 | Report Abuse

november is his month afterall! LOL


2013-10-30 11:58 | Report Abuse

be careful what you said about misleading.


2013-10-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

1.90 in sight! well done Weida management! :)


2013-10-30 10:24 | Report Abuse

down down please :)


2013-10-29 18:27 | Report Abuse

i see... you think a lot since losing a lot of money in MBSB, KFima and Narra eh? and also trading opportunity of GAB, Digi and what not! LOL

i understand the meaning when someone says he has free time and thinks a lot! hahahaha


2013-10-29 18:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by KClow > Oct 29, 2013 06:18 PM | Report Abuse
anyhow enough of talking to little twister people for now..

incidentally, twister people is plural. i thought you were only talking to me only, dolly? hearing voices eh? LOL


2013-10-29 18:19 | Report Abuse

awww... mama's little boy going for his bottle! LOL


2013-10-29 18:16 | Report Abuse

and i suppose you heard your mama's voice too! LOL