
Lotusf1 | Joined since 2012-10-25

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2013-10-08 23:52 | Report Abuse

Oversold stock n should b e good reason to buy...


2013-10-07 14:31 | Report Abuse

Could be reason as 2 why theu lost de bid on petronas gas field sk16 ,petronas needs assurnces on its EPCC abilities with completion target within 2 years...

News & Blogs

2013-10-05 19:55 | Report Abuse

My saliva flows at the mentioned of hershey chocolate......


2013-10-05 15:54 | Report Abuse

Totally agree ; credibilites of his news shall be verifiesd first,before released by SG...

News & Blogs

2013-10-04 19:12 | Report Abuse

Another unfounded theatre-game -like news from UOB box office this time around....


2013-10-03 18:17 | Report Abuse

What happen to thier so called kaghastan ...oil project ...when investrs sensing something was amissed dumped this stock becoz .of xsigns of megrs.or acquisitions...itvwas never to be and sumatec was now back to its old days..backtracked, earlier, sumatec was way up amost .7 cts..on the news of its venture in caspian oil project.....


2013-10-03 15:14 | Report Abuse

A deal that looks promising to both parties as inari needs to expands n would be expanding their Value chain brought about by its partner Avago..


2013-10-01 07:57 | Report Abuse

Thaliand govt .paid million od dollars to companies affected by fllods n by means easing fears these companies might leave thailand...


2013-10-01 07:50 | Report Abuse

Both replivcans n demcrats could start talking and brings shutdown timeline to ends...they have acouple of hrs. bury their indiffrenecs and star negotiaitong within last hours...


2013-09-29 15:30 | Report Abuse

Their fundmnetal and earnings still very solid with 100% increse in revenue ,last qrters,30/6 compre to mhb !thh profit jumped to about 40% .strong cash flow and well supprted by tabung haji....


2013-09-29 10:41 | Report Abuse

Frenzy and just unbeleivable ,while markets stood motionless as debt issues looms ,it all happened onfriday when markets in us reacted negatively ,even with good micro earnings datas ..
..US administration Carney provided clues as how many times republicans had tried to unseat obma health care laws ,around 40 times so far....and now ,they would probably resorted to unleash their biggest secret weapon..'no deal and go ahead to shutdown..'
The thoughts from these republicans mindsets ,scripted fro their own tea party hardcore republivcans who settled for nothing but to defund obama healthcare programs,completely...their actions would sureley unsettled the nerves of markets worldwide and financial decisions in disarray....
We and the world are being held hostage by thes some hardcore stone headed oppsotions republicans as they had acted against pillars of their own judiciary,us supreme court which had uphold ,approved obma health care laws in 2010.
Never healthcare policies via affordable healtcare considred bad as close to provide platform for healthier citizens to stay healthy ,other than some republicans lawmakers!,,

News & Blogs

2013-09-29 06:59 | Report Abuse

It will be ' disasterous' if they cant find suitable assets in 3 years....my advice is to invest marginally in SPAC and when they does strike oil,only then igo in 2 nd gear.use other portion of yr intended investment on other well proven assestsor services,manucfacturing players that are alraedy in exisience and making profits..

News & Blogs

2013-09-28 21:51 | Report Abuse

Global sentiment does not augurs well ,with US govt.on the verge of shtting down , n dow lost 70 points. Whethr investors willing to buy or stay sidelined ,remains to seen....abey downplayed on tax issues ,n yen goes up ,nikki drpped....


2013-09-28 21:35 | Report Abuse

Mhhb belongs n a subsidisry of petronas n why should petronas awrds to other compnies ,when their own fabrications yards be idled! I belive ,mcdermot tecniclly ,more capable to complete this sk316 pltfrm.less than 2 years,but logics tell otherwise....

News & Blogs

2013-09-28 21:03 | Report Abuse

I do know spac needs to show their worth n profitable within 3 years or,money returned back to investors...


2013-09-20 08:27 | Report Abuse

Quoted frm.dealers ,focal aims to pass 2.50 .....maybe today....


2013-09-13 06:30 | Report Abuse

Just a modest pullbacks after 3days of rally for us markets...

News & Blogs

2013-09-03 08:30 | Report Abuse

Its more relevant to talk on syria issues and its aftermath on the world market n economy.
I believe let all us put a brake on non stock related ,micro,macro issues.i find totaly absurds to hear people talkng about poltics in a football forums....
We are all here to make some money and we more or less depends on each one to provides advise,leads or clues..so as to benefit members here....


2013-08-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

May keep our ringgit value intact,if EPF keeps buying locl.equities n avert drops of ringgit value n restore confdence in our doemstics driven ecnmoy;.

News & Blogs

2013-08-25 13:41 | Report Abuse

Agrees with, hafiz and instunal funds might wan up the game n restore confdence in our equties mrkets ; epf ,pencen funds likewise n many mre might step up purchse monday...

News & Blogs

2013-08-24 22:58 | Report Abuse

Big titans fightings over h20 concessions rights must now close the deal fr rayaat sake...


2013-08-22 14:29 | Report Abuse

Techniclities are good when the global sentiments fuels the invstrs appetites to invset.at this momntapperas to me those appetites are not there anymore n we are left grimacing with 'pains'.the capatains n their crews have abndoned their ships.


2013-08-21 15:11 | Report Abuse

rated a BUY n Erning pr share by cimb analyst as in th reprt 1.90..n X .1.49 .think typo error...

News & Blogs

2013-08-21 12:15 | Report Abuse

growth is building up 4alam....

News & Blogs

2013-08-19 10:43 | Report Abuse

Buying suprima s a steal n value 4money; offers gret rides,good hndling n with all safety goodies ,esc,ebd abs airbags6...driven miles on my preve sedn.it truly amazes me....proton drb could well be heading for great future with their 7 speed cvt technlgy....at the price of 70k

News & Blogs

2013-08-17 08:21 | Report Abuse

Joint vnture Agrment with arab saudi based on memorandum of understnding or,letter of intent - failed and announced in Bursa?


2013-08-16 11:40 | Report Abuse

Becareful .....Not to jump to conclusion ,kuah...


2013-08-16 08:55 | Report Abuse

Earlier stament on QE reduction had spooked invstors all over th world n jones drpped 6% .
.Some anaylysts when intrviewed, this time around ,QE fears had eased n 225 points dj drped.last night contributed to poor micro earnings by walmart n cisco...
The steps to better bullish futures begins today ,Xtomorrow n as EU economic recovery gainings momentum ,we should be confident to start another new episode .China too had shown signsin manufcturing recovery n wch.bodes welll with asia and the world.


2013-08-15 09:36 | Report Abuse

Ya...lah. ;shre good news ,if any....

News & Blogs

2013-08-13 22:05 | Report Abuse

A good article Which desereves all merits n our supprts to cushion blows , from an unjustified anti oil plm cmpigns .


2013-08-11 08:11 | Report Abuse

Djones ,sp500 n nasdaG Shaken by terrible news ahead of qe reductions in septmbr . n what we do to react.?
China's econmy .seems to stabilze n could tis stimulate investors to buy equities?
US economy has an upward momentum too, as their latest datas shows but why investrs remains cold hearted n continue to sell .Many econmists in us beliefs that the recent stock prices rally enters price corrections zone n being overbought , it has to come down .

News & Blogs

2013-08-11 06:47 | Report Abuse

Dato must beat lin dan n create history .lin dan is a tough nut to crack and dato has to apply pressure ,instantly to crack his defense .we malysians ,are proud of dato lee s achivmnt for t contry n if he wins today will make all of us more prouder!


2013-08-06 12:22 | Report Abuse

Faber ,given by end of august to accept n price just rocketting!!!!!!!!!!


2013-08-06 07:31 | Report Abuse

Based on tecnhical chart ,today expects some selling to tke plce.as its now overprice .if price corrections do occrs . (by 20 cnts ) i would put bimb into my radar .but again buying momentum could persist becoz of speculation n x fundmntal.


2013-08-05 10:55 | Report Abuse

Little or stagnant movement observed ...as most investors on holidy n raya mood.


2013-07-31 18:11 | Report Abuse

Agrees with zking n tis reminded mny us when dato Najib ,dec 012,made a hint that Ge in erly .jnary 013.Then markets reacted on its very wrong foot busrsa dropped >3%.Bursa then recoved ,a few days after when a formal denial done by prime minister office..
Similarly ,when S&P dgrded us debt to negative ,DJones,sp,nasdag s dropped like a falling rock but market quickly recovers as us earnings pictures anf microearnings improves at respected growth...
Malaysia econmy is strong its ,GDP growth stronge than ever n we are capable to pay our debts ( nil debt defaults pyment )welll on time n Our domestics driven econmy is if not excellent keeps our domestics driven econmy wheel moving if not faster....n our healthier banks with low interes liquidities nmoving our smes n other businesses! Rrating agncies are nothing else but likaa hunter who walks in near bushes n starts to shoot he sees a slight movement or,noises from the bushes !
With fed,n ECB in focus perhaps there was a sense of insecurities among investors n foreign investors as what would be the outcme ,compunded by us adp,employment datas due tonight.

News & Blogs

2013-07-31 17:26 | Report Abuse

The best we can say is to congratulate REDtone ' management on its best record performance achieved for their shareholders.

Announcements & Events

2013-07-31 13:32 | Report Abuse

1.5 cts ,pending its financial results.....


2013-07-31 08:30 | Report Abuse

.88 ,possible with +dividend n strong profit today.


2013-07-26 12:49 | Report Abuse

Crwler,what special deserts u refer too,?plse share...


2013-07-24 18:45 | Report Abuse

Why in the world ranhill license withdrwn during IPO time?its a nightmre and potential loss fr.everone.they (ptronas ) may has found something ver awful dring due dillignec assesment ,periodic reviews are normlly conducted on all pronas licnses holders t....


2013-07-23 15:05 | Report Abuse

redtone 3 qtr fince. 013 due tomrrw.../.


2013-07-23 13:11 | Report Abuse

alam today breched .56,.58 ,volume builds up ; think next reisitance is 1.60 (previous friday)high ...


2013-07-23 12:25 | Report Abuse

so,kpsb potentially will be $220 million richer n its assets shres value goes up too...any comment...


2013-07-23 10:08 | Report Abuse

agrees with Alex n way frwrd.in stock investmnt.is to consider n weighs its fundmentl n growth...


2013-07-21 08:35 | Report Abuse

Details likely to be asked : how many shares allowed n how many days allowed to hold bfore selling thse shares?


2013-07-20 11:10 | Report Abuse

If thes ever be corrections klci by how much...as long DJ &SP jumps ,world shines...bcz FED qe remains...crdit cycles n liquidities bullish la...?why in de world we wish to dwell on this matter...as stocks are like that in nature.its a remainder that everyone ,u, and me knows and fully awre of .


2013-07-20 10:00 | Report Abuse

Some stocks are overbought n there4 due for corrections ;bullish cycle-bcz of inspiring dividends n jumps in profit to buyers..the TPs of these compnies revised to give fair value that they deserves(compnies) ....its just perception thing....when u sell a little tontake profit ,its corrections.