
Lotusf1 | Joined since 2012-10-25

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2013-12-13 22:07 | Report Abuse

Mind telling what portion of iskandar project that TIONG nam logistics is involved aprt frm.hotel at ppuerto...n its GDV -gross domestic value..


2013-12-11 13:17 | Report Abuse

Thnk u,Siva;wrrnt -listing -price,may likely north ,based on fundmentals n tnl stronger growth..in 2 weeks time..


2013-12-11 11:51 | Report Abuse

Listing of wrrnts...any specific date to b announced?


2013-12-10 07:23 | Report Abuse

Agrees with Noraini and manmin : needs to clear sumatec out of its PN17 before it could fly..its first qurter profit 2014 would be a milestone - to shed its Pn17 image n brings around market confidence..until then not much we can see other than words frm noraini n disgruntled investrs n belief me - politicallcaly HS needs to refrain from Imelights of renong days n move frwrd.

News & Blogs

2013-12-04 07:13 | Report Abuse

Its snail-paced shares price should be lot higher based on frwrd erning capped ....

News & Blogs

2013-11-29 15:15 | Report Abuse

Us economic grwoth is likely to strengthend and would insulate against jitteries n fears frm fed tapering ..americans as i foresee starts to believe about their own soil growth n econmy which start to turn economic wheel faster as wind energy picks up pace rather than fed pushing the wheels...


2013-11-29 07:26 | Report Abuse

Losing lacklustre despite strong earnings n positive analyst feedbacks...wondering why it has not crossed 4.20....


2013-11-29 06:28 | Report Abuse

Needs to confirm by petronas,first ,officially...only market reacts...


2013-11-26 08:22 | Report Abuse

Yesterday some woods chipping by sellers ,angkat profit lah.,After 3 days of good run...
Its s a middle weight doji and can expect reverse today.....frm selling as the momentum is till intact....


2013-11-26 06:52 | Report Abuse

Sumatecs: gem of penny stocks...


2013-11-24 17:58 | Report Abuse

At present sumatec is trying to increase their oil production from 1k brrels to 2k barrels with caspi oil at rakuschenoye oil field.this 40 year oil field is still unexplored to their maximun as only 7.5 % of oil recovered. The remaining oil reserves is still unlocked and remember ,kazakstan has 30 billion of oil reserves and remains 10 in the world in terms of world oil reserves.that could bring about strong opprtunity for sumatec as it has been licensed to operate ,sourced oil on 25 years contract.


2013-11-20 20:00 | Report Abuse

Seems b/smudra smoother sailing all year round continues n its investors should be rewrded too!


2013-11-18 20:06 | Report Abuse

Dont understand ,why pay higher premium after shre split ? Should be cheaper as stock undergoes capital reduction e.g after bonus shre 1:1 tp asay 10.31 TA >price 5.12


2013-11-16 18:19 | Report Abuse

I thought tis stock was overbought 2weeks ago ,but dsonic kept inching up , even rsi above clouds..investors believed .its high valued fundamntl stock backed by strong futuristic receivables ,growth...


2013-11-14 12:58 | Report Abuse

under him petronas leapt into new paradigm -formula 1 involvment n syntium brand essence,built pipeleine in sudan greater nile ,upping petrnas revenue consideably...just to name a few..


2013-11-13 08:26 | Report Abuse

Many analysts bullish on alam ,yet it has not touched n closed 1.70 ytd..on yrdays dropped ,negatoves sensivities to global sentment caused it sell..n also klci corrections mode.


2013-11-12 17:35 | Report Abuse

If it is private plcmnt,conrstone invstrs to hold n cnnot sell .


2013-11-11 21:37 | Report Abuse

Its Somwhere 28 nov.of tis month ,when publics will know tgoff balnce sheet.


2013-11-11 17:49 | Report Abuse

Wow...mathemticlly ....44floor price .44 ;163 floor ,price=.44*4 $1.80
Meaning ,at 163 floor ,price coud be $1.80. ...???..only speculations lllla...and noraini assumption theory ... On sumtec potential ...just dont take her words ...only time will tell....


2013-11-11 17:33 | Report Abuse

Another good run by sumatec n hopefully sumatec.will continue to do so,tomrrow....


2013-11-11 17:09 | Report Abuse

Evryone scrambling fr.sumatec n noraini ,too.


2013-11-11 13:21 | Report Abuse

Analyst reprt ,oct,013:

Instacom could climb higher after making a turnaround yesterday. A trader may opt to initiate a position if it stays above MYR0.30 today, with a close below MYR0.295 as a stop-loss. The price target is MYR0.35, provided that the MYR0.33 resistance level is broken. If it is unable to stay above MYR0.30, however, the stock could trade sideways, while the downside risk will increase if the stop-loss is triggered.
Stayed ,0.33 :needs some kind of spring to lift it up...,3rd qurter rprt is due.


2013-11-10 16:56 | Report Abuse

Thanks ,noraini: any prdiction 4 morrow , just my thought:Seems risk likely selling pressures When very near to its listing .


2013-11-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

I am still struggling over decision to buy sumatc due to :
As dedline nears its listing of rights ,21,the shares likely to drop by 8 to 10 cents
Reovery after exdate could be long -see MAS righst after exdate i.e. 1 or more months to reach be4 exdate price. Altrnately,plan b ,4 me ,
;,wait after exdate price to increase yr buying quntities.
Any ,comment?


2013-11-09 15:43 | Report Abuse

Yeah and i just hope ,mnday another gain 4 smtec n contrary yestdays volume swelled after friday pryer and its price jumped; sort of 'jumper stock 'with cables from mangrment to lend supprt i think ..Thanks Noraini and i smell signs of encourgemnt.going frwrd.


2013-11-09 07:51 | Report Abuse

looking at the chart on yesterdays strong gain;,MAcd out smoothly from its centerline and may justifies another strong buying next week before rights issues listing on 21/ nov./013. sudden surged of price indicates of 'remote control ' behavior to lift its price be4 listing and it means adjusting in proportions to reflect its intrinsic values.could their manegmentbehind tis scne and to regain some values of their brand?
noraini and others : please comment if any.


2013-11-08 07:55 | Report Abuse

I would not put my money on this stock without knowing its growth- driven -potential.its huge arrays of future projects:telcos towers,fibre optics,rental of its towers,and their links to some major telcos in the land of srawak make everybody open their eyes!
The next to come is proper management planning and efficient roll over executions of their projects.


2013-11-07 02:18 | Report Abuse

Agrees with Noraini And always think about others who own the shares as they will suffer if the their prices dropsn: and let market forces be the judges and not by someone or us or even analysts!


2013-11-06 12:53 | Report Abuse

Seem all come to play into sumatec hands,any strong news ,noeraini?


2013-11-04 14:28 | Report Abuse

Good job by maybank in iniating the roadshows in us .with billion dollars of infrastrutures yprojecst on the cards,should attract strong support from us investors .


2013-11-04 12:45 | Report Abuse

Myeg would likely to be good as dsonics ; invstrs cant be wrong by investing in more myeg shres.


2013-11-03 08:48 | Report Abuse

Myeg : moving stronly in gvt.it business prvder
Dsonic: a gem in it business in private sectr.


2013-11-02 15:10 | Report Abuse

Kazakstan oil reserves stood at 30 billion barrels and is currently at the eleventh spot in the world .it would be a mistake to ignore the prospects of not doing oil business in kazakstan and as soon oil flows ,so does ,money.


2013-11-02 12:30 | Report Abuse

Maukaya: any good news on the cards -tis novebr?


2013-11-02 11:34 | Report Abuse

What drives tp,its in the puddingn when people eat it,they like itinstntly n continue to so...
You cnnnot derived tp without arriving to its bread n butter element ,which is how much profit make n attribtable to s/hlders,its growth both shrter n longer terms ,all come into play bfre analysts gives its merit.
Even if you ignores its tps your planning cycles starts with :what is this company business,its histrory of profits n non profits,producst nature n its market shares and the least,how much it borrows in order to grow its business, so debt is not actually a bad thing...If its a contracting business ,how much contarcts itt has now,and fture. contarcts that are .receivables .
The main idea , is we cannot be sillier to hold on products longer than we could because of its nature of negativeness valuations. However some stocks have exceptions:.datasonic is a good exmple: xtps to this date its skyrckting stocks dictates its It businessses is hovering above clouds...


2013-10-31 12:49 | Report Abuse

who are these contr.plyers : indivdulas ,institutions,retailers etc?


2013-10-31 05:33 | Report Abuse

Frb owns 22% assets of hohup n would likely to pay a hefty $2.00 value per current share ,shares not owned by frb..frb boards could buy more shares to increase its majority stakes in hohup which means hohup shares rises higher n datuk Thong has to reached his deeper pockets to pay for more...


2013-10-30 12:29 | Report Abuse

Bsed on news ,demand riding high for soyabean which pushesit prices higher and tis bodes well for oil pam as it is cheaper than soya oil..


2013-10-30 08:31 | Report Abuse

Let us see what will trnspire from tis board meeting n roadmap of sumtc res.


2013-10-25 15:25 | Report Abuse

Budget ma......


2013-10-25 10:54 | Report Abuse

Dropped 12 pts,erased yestrday gain....tenagas owned mishap dam incident in cameron highland could be the factr...


2013-10-23 13:39 | Report Abuse

Be courteous n respect to those who own sumatec shares....just let ah chong or,ah kow or en,saad do thie r jobs...is a mtter off public intrerst :we need to avoid ,throwing spanner at somone....


2013-10-23 08:55 | Report Abuse

2.6?????? Cannnot be la.....


2013-10-23 07:02 | Report Abuse

Bounces back coz of strong ever confidence ;TP by affin was 1.70 , at 1.21 lows >>invstrs just could xresist!


2013-10-21 23:03 | Report Abuse

Seems to me ,you are on the road ,longbterm strategy-Noraini.to get the rights u need to acquire mother share and its all about holding power as we need to wait fr. mother shares to grow and thickened! sumatec needs to make public announcemnt on their propsed regularisation plan,its oversea oil targets etc. as they had promised to do so by october tis year.
To this day,unfortuntely,no news are bad news for investors..Noraini,you hear any news of sumatec milestones n roadmap...?


2013-10-21 18:10 | Report Abuse

Tis stock has break all highs n hovering inside overbought zone..invstrs keep buying and greng tis stock but whres the end ?


2013-10-21 18:03 | Report Abuse

Noraaini: whatabout Dsonic -all indictors pointed to iits ' overbought ' and invstirs keep buying tis stock n greng n greng ,....technical or not ,its about company fundamental s and grwth ..buy on its strength n good company value
Sumatec needs to show its value....n demonstrates. That it has oil n thereafter , jumpstart in confidence...among invstrs...


2013-10-20 15:34 | Report Abuse

Is tis signs of bearish reversal n price to go up ...soon...?


2013-10-14 07:41 | Report Abuse

Breached 1.20 already, next resistnce >1.35 frm chrts ;charts show overbought ,wondring ,whther,price up ,tis mondy,rmains to be seen....


2013-10-09 12:57 | Report Abuse

>15 cts gain ystrday represents a 30% up ; intesting to see tis aftrnoon a comeback of buying vlume again on de back on its cheaper margin...