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2013-05-28 09:27 | Report Abuse

real tiger xpaper tiger now kicks in ...hopefuly to sustain level...


2013-05-28 09:13 | Report Abuse

no rockets lah... but powered by lotus renault high bore to stroke ratio engine!


2013-05-28 08:57 | Report Abuse

costs in projects are always unkonwn factors that kill or live happily ; therfeore dayang relies on its strong project managment team to deliver their execution on time to avoid delays n subsequent penalties.


2013-05-28 08:47 | Report Abuse

How nice if investors be rewrded by dividend payout as new contracts lift its earnings.as always no matter how huge is its contract sum,profits or losses depnds how well dayang persecute their projects and keeping its variattion orders cost lower will dramitically improve their profits earnings.so things look good on paper and how this project ends is another thing!

Announcements & Events

2013-05-22 18:01 | Report Abuse

7 x >prof. X divdend dclared

News & Blogs

2013-05-22 17:44 | Report Abuse

It will move to 5.60 when in specie divdent of digi share swapped announced!

News & Blogs

2013-05-22 12:48 | Report Abuse

OPEC controlled about 42% of world oil production and as long as the price is above $70 to $80/barrel ,they still make money.IF demands continue to drop below that level or approaching ,OPEC would certainly need to regulate their output to bring down supply.


2013-05-22 12:23 | Report Abuse

timecom could esily made a hefty 8 to 10 million from digi dividend 3.80 .


2013-05-22 09:51 | Report Abuse

all goodies of this counter ..been priced in during uptrend ... think corrections n profittaking round corners...


2013-05-22 08:04 | Report Abuse

A word of caution :this counter has been in the over bought zone n i think red lights are flahing n yesterday drpped showed corrections are coming!


2013-05-21 07:10 | Report Abuse

Daud : u mean losing some money on tis counter?


2013-05-20 11:30 | Report Abuse

TP REVISED 6.87 ..its RSI NOW hovering at red zone ,yet people buy more...any chance ..it will not slip to correction mode; what is our take?
same thing for deleum too...

News & Blogs

2013-05-18 23:49 | Report Abuse

Counter fliying everday but....risks remain as the counter had reached overbought status.
Not sure if be some corrections due : any idea ?

News & Blogs

2013-05-17 14:29 | Report Abuse

Lots of goodies for petg and hopefully their shares could rise further .


2013-05-09 12:38 | Report Abuse

caven ...u should be happier by now... .up to 2.530 now ,after braking 2.50

News & Blogs

2013-05-09 06:51 | Report Abuse

Glove makers threats to H7N9:hygienic n minimize exposures to birds,ducks,chickens...

News & Blogs

2013-05-08 19:49 | Report Abuse

True as i have twice more for housing loan monthly costs to pay.from 1500 to about 3000 plus.i will never forget on how this graet econmic thinker did their job n to me it was just a man on the street running the economy.


2013-05-08 19:43 | Report Abuse

Let us talk a liittle on NIK aziz.few days prior election on 5 th,dr harun din pressed statement vehemenlybwanted to introduce HUDDUd laws if PAS wont.NIK aziz quickly supported his view.could HUDUD be implemented in Kelantan as PAS had ruled for 24 years.what actions had been taken so far as part of inpmenation strategy of HUDUD .So far ,not heard of anything that shows HUDUD laws are blueprinted,as a manual where actions,monitored ,to meet target objectives.In other words for the past of 24 years ago little or nothing at all was done on HUDUD.
Iammleft wondering where is the finnish line for HUDUD as PAS had envisaged.Not in their manifestos as shown now where to go forward n where is their planning council?

Announcements & Events

2013-05-08 19:22 | Report Abuse

Agreed:i kept looking away from these stocks ...stilll no dividend i sight.demand went up at snail pace n drops n up.: a roller coaster type volatilties -perhaps of their debts n no dividend polcies!


2013-05-08 18:59 | Report Abuse

The beauty in investments :willing to wait and wait..maybe good dividend round de corner as it has good dividend payout...i think.


2013-05-08 18:48 | Report Abuse

A bit kedekut by petgas :reason at 15 of ratio -it is considered very high ; with 4 months to go to catch mother share projection of $25.very high ratio carries big burden for investors .if you had bought the wrrnt at earlier lowreprice that will certainly help.

News & Blogs

2013-05-08 18:37 | Report Abuse

Another wrought slinging attacks from these ungrateful polically biased on malaysian leaders thinking toomuch of what they say is correct.They never understand good economics n private consumption that steers growth which are key to growth and economic stabilites.The pains and bains of EU countries had single-handedly via economic austerity measures kept their economic growth stalled.


2013-05-07 09:37 | Report Abuse

What a bullshit to discredit or threw accusations on SPRM again
.brother ,use proper channel to log whatever complain you might have .
And its best for many people here that grievances on PRU 13 be not discussed here .

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 10:28 | Report Abuse

Peace loving malaysians will not subsribed to dirty politics as done by PR :WE SHOULD ALL rejects violENCE AND MAKE THIS COUNTRY a safeer environment for business ,investments .INvestors were pumping money in Malaysia and never in history billions of dollars flowed into bursa malaysia.Dirtied minds and corrupted ideologies dont sscare away foreigners as their confidence grows each day beacuse of one thing:our govt. policies and fundamentally strong private consumption steers the wheels of economy faster ,creating growth,more jobs n income.
i find this column getting misled where facts were distorted by some squatters for thier political advantages n create chaos and nothing else!
till now ,all PR leaders kept mumbed on intrusions by terrorists, BOSTON STYLE BOMBING at BN session Nibong Tebal,and violenec seem to be the order of their syle ,PAS also has a mission to kill Mahadhir at one time.


2013-04-24 18:06 | Report Abuse

Chronism n nepotism all over in PR ...wow ...

News & Blogs

2013-04-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

Very strange :why sell when many anylsyts opted BUY (7) n 3 hold.impartiality
Exists from mainstream rationalities!

News & Blogs

2013-04-24 10:41 | Report Abuse

Ranger: you are right n theres no place for anyone in this country to resort to violence or very undemocratics principles to win votes. We need peace inthis country to get more economic n political stabilites and if rayaat rejects PR dont blame BN.Cans of worms are piling out from PR and everyday more pakatan and DAP n pas memberships leaving their institutions.citing deeprooted fundamental issues.Pas is desperate to gain control of this country under Mahathir rules n decided to plot to kill Mahadhir.Can we accept PAS principles or ideologies so unislamic to kill fellow political leader as iif,Taliban style of ideology.Who was likely to be behind the explosion at BN nibong tebal ceramah last night,there more questions than answers from PR camp.Peace loving citizens should reject all these sorts of tactics as we have built record of peace for so many many years.


2013-04-18 06:26 | Report Abuse

What a day for topglove n other glove manucfactures ,knew it coming .big bang 4 topglove With all hustle n bustle of potentially virus spreadingit appears gloves demands will stay n so is h7n9!as long as we humans eat chickens !
the likelyhood of virus to spread via birds to humans exists though denied, as WHO has not validated this fear.
ARe these fearful thoughts of flu virus spreading in China justified!China has a population of almost >1 billion n - todate, only score of deaths were reported n clearly shows diminishing pathogen abilities !with swift proper mitigation efforts by China ,the virus fears would soon be over as less n less persons will be infected.The logic stays:if the virus is deadly,by now it could have spread to thousands or million of chinese as we sneeze coughs,daily , emitting millions of viruses as we do.

News & Blogs

2013-04-17 18:42 | Report Abuse

RSI :reflected overbought for top glove n harta n their slow n fast stochastic too !

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 15:56 | Report Abuse

why the fuss ?...their micro earnings still intact for the right reason because planters costs is $1500 per tonnage. FGV Fundamentaland other planters remain strong on long runs as long as price is >1500.

News & Blogs

2013-03-11 06:25 | Report Abuse

Wondering how many malaysians were caught with their pants down after knowing these schemes were nothing else but a money cheating moguls!The best advise here is immediately to report to Bank Negara authorities as no one is permitted to cllect monies or deposits unless having approval license from BNM authorities.

News & Blogs

2013-03-09 14:00 | Report Abuse

Political evaluations:which party to win this election.
pakatan raayat: KDEB water discount ($11.00 /each month)
BN:BRIM1, fuel petrols subsidies,1 malaysia shops,sugar,rice,flour ,milk subsidies,PTPTN ffor students,,Economic transformation projects and jobs creation,health care for elderly dicounted prices, and many more...like housings for the poor
This is all about economics and personal consumption theory and which party i will vote : you will by now know the answers!

News & Blogs

2013-03-09 08:15 | Report Abuse

anwar predicted minimun 10seats majority...another Anwar 'classic 'formula theory ....back 3 or 4 years ago he predicted many BN parliament members would support and will switchover to his side.On that 'predicted' date provided by him Malaysians await and markets rattled,politically -if the allegations were true he would be then marching to pertuan agong to seek mandate as a new prime minister.
Fortunately the allegations and switching overof BN members to his side as he had predicted never came and malaysians were relieved.BN ruling members were totally disbeliefed on his allegations .A war hype strategy predictions by creating some confusions and panic of your enemy did not materialise.


2013-02-22 02:34 | Report Abuse

;The economist paper in UK, predicted ,BN will emerged as the clear winner in this forthcoming GE?As for Pakatan Raayat ,their costly promises was their big let down , as quoted by the paper. (refer to Malaysia The Edge this morning)
Our Bursa saham should rebound today ,perhaps on this piece of good news! Happy investing!


2013-02-19 18:12 | Report Abuse

Perhaps cement growth demand remains excessively competitive on top of higher sand prices and limestones.

News & Blogs

2013-02-19 18:08 | Report Abuse

Capitalising on the oil palm low inventory;expects more upside for palm oil prices 2nd quarter

News & Blogs

2013-02-19 16:05 | Report Abuse

Stocks analysts :palm oil counters TP review perhaps on the cards...

News & Blogs

2013-02-19 15:19 | Report Abuse

Agreeed: No need to Waste our time here ....writing long words when half of the crowd s gone to sleep ...boring ...when we should be focussing, sharing ideas on stocks agenda!
Political flavors , are welcomed , overdoing it made hard for one to swallow!


2013-02-17 11:09 | Report Abuse

Germany destroyed about 14000 ducks after confirming that the ducks had been infected with h5n1 -reported in german tabloid about 2 days ago.Mexican govt.too had to kill >500000 chickens after similar test confirmed cases of h5n1 in these chickens.In uk tests confirmed a person died ater being infected with h5n1.These are the virus that can caused SARs where infected patients suffered pneumonia ,leading to deaths.In normal circumstances these viruses spread from birds to birds or within chickens or ducks and spreading from birds to humans seem unlikely.But virologists in uk confirmed that these virus had spread to human from chickens or birds ,something we would fear.Even feared would be the mutation of these viruses which made catching them very difficult and that these viruses might spread to all over to many countries as we lack effective controls to control.

News & Blogs

2013-02-14 19:04 | Report Abuse

Planters profits marginalised because of the drop in demand as well prices ; as cpo price is very much above $1500/ton.(planters cost) -the planters still harvesting profit !


2013-02-08 08:23 | Report Abuse

Buying back shares :implied companies,has ampled cash , boosts market confidence,stabilzes their shares ,(not necessary increase) put the compnaies in profitable path as the shares bought were cheap.they could use these shares as angpow to reward their employees and boost employee performance.they also avoid paying more during payout dividend as lesser shares were now in the hands of investors.Extra cash from these owned shares valuations could be use to pay debts, financed expansion programs - benefitting investors and markets.
As long as their balance sheet valauation on their fundamentals are solid there is litttle to fear as the companies can keep growing better on the longer run.


2013-02-07 08:28 | Report Abuse

Klci dropped 40 pts +. Last mth. N rebounded ,next day...Will it rebound today....hopefully.

News & Blogs

2013-02-04 11:02 | Report Abuse

Cheers on palm oil related stocks....

News & Blogs

2013-02-03 21:30 | Report Abuse

This forum should be a platform to make some money; not hell bent towrds unrealistics rubbish speculations that doesnt make sense at all.Investors like me - you -thrusted this forum not being rubbished; imagine how much losses if bursa closes and i cant think of any other than idiotic claims that doesnt read the past story line.Pasts ppoliticians that wants to bring home their brands doesnt need to slaughter this democracatic process and to completely ruin BUrsa is again unimaginable!we want growth and growing econmy and not otherwise!

News & Blogs

2013-02-03 10:19 | Report Abuse

Dow jones closed 14000....++ friday ; this report perhaps.... way behind.

News & Blogs

2013-01-31 08:51 | Report Abuse

If you drive a volvo you are likely to survive in a car crash becasue of high standards of safety designed in volvos.just compare witha japanese designed cars which looks lighter to reduce weight e.g honda ,toyotas and up agaimst peugeot,citroen,audi ,mercedes,,volks,bmws.you would be impressed that their door panels are solid and thick,heavy to minimze of any side impacts during an accident.
In any accident scenario major hazrds are not only unsafe drivers but also unsafe conditins.very well established facts pointed that reasons of mortalities in car accidents in malaysia .were poor judgment during overtaking of another vehicle contributed largely to head on incidents . Facts that cannot be denied : japanese cars are made to suit to japanese drivers who are well known for road safety manners in japanese road environment.JIS (japanese industrial standards) set their top speed of their cars are at only 160kmh to cut down excessive speed. For these reasons you can see top speed range in top japanese models are regulated at 160kmh only because compliance to JIS.


2013-01-30 01:33 | Report Abuse

Watch your words:pack of vulgarities n obscenities are pollutants to this forum!
we solicit ideas ,strategies advises at this forum -to ensure we make some money n nothing else!

News & Blogs

2013-01-26 16:01 | Report Abuse

Us congress republicans had incresed debt ceilings to avoid us govt agencies shutdown until May 2013.obama will then signed off this short term measure after Senate approval. Currently ,Looming us debt concerns will notvtake place as quoted bry dr nazri only, only after May 2013.not too sure why, dr nazri mentioned this ,either he was slightly behind- material time!


2013-01-24 21:25 | Report Abuse

Be considerate n politics out !everyone also want to talk about politics like you..
Express your politicals views somewhere else n not here.please be sensitive to other persons feelings.
Stock views and suggestions are therfore welcomed.


2013-01-22 11:46 | Report Abuse

agreed :ANY RULING party needs to create economic stability n then political and social stability.