
loveygramps | Joined since 2016-01-18

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2016-04-13 18:00 | Report Abuse

@moneySIFU, you're still giving empty talk, but cannot provide any factual analysis?


2016-04-13 17:55 | Report Abuse

@Kinglive @goreng_kaki, acting noble? If you truly have good intention, give a good reason & analysis on why it is a buy or sell. Not just silly one-line comments, this is not a pasar malam. All your 'facts' have been wrong so far, but you still acting like a know-it-all, very shameful.


2016-04-13 17:21 | Report Abuse

@Kinglive, @goreng_kaki, obviously both of you don't know what treasury shares are about. Please call Bursa and ask for a recommendation on what beginner's course you can take, before you start spreading wrong facts here everyday to mislead people. Very shameful.


2016-04-13 16:17 | Report Abuse

@BecomeImHappy because I don't want to be associated with your silly comments. Asking a proper question but getting an absurd answer from you.


2016-04-13 16:15 | Report Abuse

@spaghetti932, so tell us, how much is your losses in value and %? and did u get the free warrants?


2016-04-13 16:07 | Report Abuse

@leslieroycarter, can you kindly provide the calculations to your TP? Interested to see your views and how you value the business.


2016-04-13 15:57 | Report Abuse

@timbermad, what value do you get from the bonus issue?


2016-04-13 12:49 | Report Abuse

@bobbie, if you have a physical copy, please take a picture of that particular article


2016-04-13 11:48 | Report Abuse

@deadpool, seems like my comments are also mostly negative, criticizing other people, haha


2016-04-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

@smartly, you are right.


2016-04-13 11:44 | Report Abuse

@bobbie, please send a copy to me at loveygramps .. 'at' .. outlook .. 'dot' .. 'com'


2016-04-13 11:39 | Report Abuse

@sostupid, IBM or any other consumer company also need to determine best time to market, launch, and sell their new model. Model is already there, tested, ready to produce but just waiting the right quarter to launch. You have zero knowledge about VS business just admit it. By saying it is VS own brand, you are already proving your ignorance and zero knowledge, because they do not have own brand, it is a contract manufacturing business.

13/04/2016 11:32 sostupid: You talk siao siao, you are siao siao. IBM does not need to establish a new selling channel to sell new products. They already have a channal. Old companies where got need new selling channel. Sell to the moon is it? You talk siao siao, or you are siao lang. You should siao lang or siao siao. don't siao siao with me.


2016-04-13 11:33 | Report Abuse

@smartly, yes now I understand why. @sostupid has zero knowledge about the business model. And here I thought I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and try to understand his viewpoints. Turns out it is really a case of pea brain or empty nut case, all wrong information.


2016-04-13 11:28 | Report Abuse

@sostupid, you cannot understand English? Ok, I have edited above to make it more clear for you. Read again. I did not say own brand. You said it yourself in the past, proving yourself wrong.

13/04/2016 11:26 sostupid: You just said "own" brand, now you said the company didn't want to delay but the vendors want to delay, you talk siao is it. "own" brand and buyers want to delay so you delay your production, you talk siao is it.


2016-04-13 11:27 | Report Abuse

@sostupid, again you are wrong. Why cannot be right for at least once? Company did not say they want to delay till next year. It is the buyer (same customer) that is slower than expected in posting orders for this new model, but it is still coming soon. This is common in manufacturing industry, you don't know anything about the industry? It is a new model afterall, need time for your customer to get ready their distribution channel. Also, you are wrong that VS want to sell their own coffee machine. It is not their own brand, it is new model for same customer, as mentioned. Again, you are wrong, wrong, wrong, as usual. Getting boring.

13/04/2016 11:17
sostupid When I wrote those comments, the price was RM1.25, today, the price was RM1.22, everyday, you see a lot of trading and moving of shares, people buying and selling shares, today the price still stand still. Thanks for posting my comments, after I wrote those comments, the very latest news was the company said in the news report they want to change their mind, the company want to prolong the making of the new coffee maker to "next year", so you get to wait to next year. If you want to said that I am wrong, you get to wait till next year, this is not my fault, this is the company's decision, coffee maker only want to manufacture next year, in contradiction to the UOB's report. Next Year, they tell you something else, also, next year, also, they tell you something else, they will forget everything they told you in the past. You are one of them? You kept my comments because you are one of the company people, out to get everyone hook to your scam. Power of Ringgit, this is the new situation, this is something you can not alter. I know, you are the company people.


2016-04-13 11:17 | Report Abuse

@sostupid, trying to mislead people again by acting noble? Now deleted your comments again and run to find a hole to hid yourself?


2016-04-13 11:16 | Report Abuse

@Earth, funny how in March I predicted you coming back soon, with all your useless comments that you frequently deleted yourself. Where are all your comments? Proven to be brainless that's why you removed?

lovegramps Mar 31, 2016 09:01 AM @WiseEye, it is clear that 'Earth' has now deleted all his negative (or foolish) comments because they hold no substance under close scrutiny and simple questioning by investors like us as it makes him look stupid. I am sure he will be back with more such comments when there are other worried investors asking questions here.


2016-04-13 11:13 | Report Abuse

@sostupid, trying to mislead people again by acting noble? Here I outline all my previous replies to your wrong statements that prove that you are just trying to mislead people:

Apr 12, 2016 11:46 AM @sostupid, please don't glorify the meaning of your name again. Explain how can VS call warrants dilute investor holdings. Basically, they don't. Again, your comment is factually wrong.

Apr 1, 2016 02:04 PM @sostupid, you like to quote sources, so where is your source for negative interest rate in the US? Or is it all 'sostupid' talk again?

Mar 17, 2016 01:14 PM @sostupid, predicted price is based on number of units to be sold, usually guided by management after receiving forecasted orders from a vendor. This is the usual case for manufacturing companies. You have already proven yourself wrong by saying they are venturing into the sales of coffee machines, which they are not. It is just a new machine version. To verify the projected number of units and where this info came from, why don't you just call the analyst who wrote the report? I am quite sure you will fall in love with the meaning of your own username.

Mar 17, 2016 12:40 PM @sostupid, your post on the new coffee machine and how it won't sell well is reflective of your own lack of understanding on VS's business. Hint: it is not their own brand. Even while plagued with such ignorance, you are still commenting like an 'expert' on their business, the banks' scheming, the castles in the skies, etc. it really brings the meaning behind your username to a whole new level.


2016-04-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

@sostupid, I have been transparent with the pricing, just check my comments above, including those that completely destroy your reputation proving that you have zero knowledge about the business but want to act like a smart guy. Still acting, and trying to mislead people. Ask you for a simple valuation and factual analysis, you can't provide, just like many other commenters here.


2016-04-13 09:26 | Report Abuse

@supermix2, trading between 0.285 - 0.30, can make some money here if you know your stuff, but it's not liquid. Suggest to hold for 1 year period to see gains.


2016-04-13 09:10 | Report Abuse

@cwingz, don't be suckered to write stuff that plays into these sore commenters desires. They wish to see more people echo comments of sell, just like your statement. If you can see my comments, it's always about calling them out for their bullshit.


2016-04-12 22:03 | Report Abuse

@Kinglive, @goreng_kaki, obviously both of you don't know what treasury shares are about. Please call Bursa and ask for a recommendation on what beginner's course you can take, before you start spreading wrong facts here everyday. Very shameful.


2016-04-12 21:48 | Report Abuse

@supermx, seems like you have some insider info that we all do not know of. Well, if you are right and it goes down, that would be nice. Waiting to collect even more at RM1.00.

However, if it only drops RM1.15, that's the same as my last top up price and will have to just stay put and not be itchy. Thank you for informing. A good buying session is coming if it's true.

But truth be told, we've all seen RM1.15 happen so many times over the past two months with good rebounds, those that spotted this trend would have made profits multiple times by now.

In other words, your predictions are as good as bullshit because people like you only come out during periods of correction and try to make yourself look smart. Of course tomorrow there's a good chance for it to continue declining due to sentiment and momentum.


2016-04-12 19:37 | Report Abuse

@NoPainNoGain, thanks for sharing, but that note says nothing at all. Someone above mentioned The Edge Weekly article, hope someone posts that up for us to read soon.


2016-04-12 19:27 | Report Abuse

@qsentral @hotmama, I do not know your strategies but sounds like you might be short term traders. Our approach are very different. I cannot to vouch that my analysis works for your strategies, but wish you all the best.


2016-04-12 18:43 | Report Abuse

@Kinglive, that is good news. When they sell, someone must buy. Tell us, who can buy so much in only three days?


2016-04-12 18:42 | Report Abuse

@moneySIFU, you can just ignore the revaluation, and value the core profits. What is your valuation and FV?


2016-04-12 17:41 | Report Abuse

@gimeng, no announcement made to Bursa as of today. Last announcement was on 8 March, company submitted proposal to Bursa for approval. Targeted completion in Q3, 2016.


2016-04-12 16:39 | Report Abuse

It did reach intra-day lows of 12+ over the past few weeks, though closing price is usually higher. I do not attribute this to poor management, just a function of the low liquidity and high price per unit. Such inefficiencies provide us opportunities to top up when desired, if you queue daily.


2016-04-12 16:27 | Report Abuse

@Explorer2, good that you've done some homework. I am taking the lazy way out. Taking analysts earlier consensus of RM52m for FY16 (current consensus is much higher, but to be safe I am taking old projections so that it factors in surprises such as those you have highlighted). And give a PE (15x) that is slightly below Ikhmas (15.7x) and Pintaras (17x), due to the lower dividend yield. This gives me a TP of RM1.46, very near to your RM1.50.

Also, despite the reduction in directors holdings, I view it positively because it is a sale to institutional buyers, and not open market disposal. It gives me two levels of comfort, firstly, that the directors are knowledgeable in managing perception, are professional and not doing open market sell off, and secondly, my investment is liked by some of the best fund managers in town.


2016-04-12 14:21 | Report Abuse

I have been maintaining the same stance for months. It has been trading in 1.15 - 1.28 region for one to two months now. I topped up at 1.16 during last sell down. Next top up only if it reaches 1.00, due to personal strategy. Despite multiple rebounds to 1.20+ till 1.28 recently, had so many opportunities to sell to lock in profit but did not. Why? Hold for fundamentals. I will be happily earning dividends and watch all the short term traders get flushed out slowly with their losses. Those who read my comments here can verify themselves and backtest if what I said was true.


2016-04-12 11:46 | Report Abuse

@sostupid, please don't glorify the meaning of your name again. Explain how can VS call warrants dilute investor holdings. Basically, they don't. Again, your comment is factually wrong.


2016-04-12 11:37 | Report Abuse

@Earth, please practice what you preach. Provide some USEFUL analysis here other than your farts with zero substance, negative one-line comments with funny chinese words.


2016-04-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

Looks like a good uptrend since I last checked back in January. Management has delivered. Good company to hold. Undervalued.


2016-04-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

@cwingz, many furniture stocks are undervalued. But I am personally not in them. You can check my comments to get a rough idea where I'm in. Property, consumer, construction, manufacturing, technology.


2016-04-12 11:33 | Report Abuse

Oh wow, @sostupid is back. Here, let me copy and paste my old reply weeks ago.

loveygramps Apr 1, 2016 12:10 PM @sostupid has proven that he has no credibility. Just look back at my replies to him proving that he doesn't know squat about the company's business. Until today he has no answer, and probably has deleted his posts that are giving wrong facts. All he can do is just talk and talk about the collusion between the banks, the syndicates, the operators, the whatever.


2016-04-12 11:24 | Report Abuse

@cwingz, I just try to copy paste my comments nowadays. Also there are some very good analysis around providing a fresh perspective.


2016-04-12 11:18 | Report Abuse

@cwingz, you are wrong about @Earth. Just look at my past replies to him and his senseless comments.


2016-04-12 11:17 | Report Abuse

@Earth, funny how in March I predicted you coming back soon, with all your useless comments.

lovegramps Mar 31, 2016 09:01 AM @WiseEye, it is clear that 'Earth' has now deleted all his negative (or foolish) comments because they hold no substance under close scrutiny and simple questioning by investors like us as it makes him look stupid. I am sure he will be back with more such comments when there are other worried investors asking questions here.


2016-04-12 11:11 | Report Abuse

Again, @Earth is posting the same old comments trying to affect sentiment. @Earth's famous line is: "Are you genuine investor?". I have replied the same thing last month, and have got no response from him, only he deleted comments that were obviously stupid.

loveygramps Mar 31, 2016 08:54 AM - @Earth "Are you genuine investor?" --- You have no answer to my questions on the statements you have raised? How does the current development on USD impact the business of VS, and please provide your sensitivity analysis. If you can't, it just means that you have no idea about their business and are here posting negative points just for fun.


2016-04-12 11:04 | Report Abuse

loveygramps Mar 31, 2016 01:24 AM - I am still holding after topping up at 1.16, and despite MULTIPLE rebound and opportunities to sell at a profit at 1.20+ to 1.28, I am still holding, because, the principle of value always come first. If profits start to weaken, then start reconsidering. Right now? No valid reason to sell other than sentiment. Selling on sentiment is going against the advice of the time tested gurus like buffett and klarman who have seen it all over the past decades.


2016-04-12 10:07 | Report Abuse

@NoPainNoGain, wait a few quarters, profit will dictate price.


2016-04-12 09:54 | Report Abuse

@leslieroycarter, due to lack of liquidity, it may even go down to 12+ in the short run, which is quite common. But that is not necessarily a bad thing, it offers opportunities to collect.


2016-04-12 09:49 | Report Abuse

@tns has also disappeared, after I wrote about how he had no brains, always posting comments with zero facts and justifications, all hot air with not the slightest bit of substance.


2016-04-12 09:43 | Report Abuse

Wow. @Earth is still here? Even that @Banglala and @hng33 already disappeared. When is your turn?

loveygrams 08/04/2016 13:17 @goreng_kaki, people like @Earth's agenda is just to TRY to create fear and HOPE to buy more at lower price that they DREAM of, but it just doesn't work. I have already proven all his posts are wrong earlier, and he has already deleted many of his posts, but you can still read my replies. Very shameless, @Earth is still posting the same stuff even after deleting all his earlier silly posts.


2016-04-12 09:33 | Report Abuse

@Explorer2, great to know we have similar TP.


2016-04-12 09:29 | Report Abuse

@Kinglive, don't need to say who is right or wrong at last, that is future, might change, who knows. I am talking about NOW. All the information or facts that you provided NOW are wrong.


2016-04-12 09:22 | Report Abuse

@Kinglive, you are so wrong. That's why I said you should stop commenting with such absolute statements if you don't have the knowledge. (1) Company buying and selling treasury share is normal. You should ask, who is the buyer? Who bought 2.38 million shares? Is this good news? (2) The company did not sell 497 million as you incorrectly claimed. The value is RM4.98 million.


2016-04-12 09:15 | Report Abuse

Up to your personal risk appetite. Keep waiting and you might not get any.


2016-04-12 09:11 | Report Abuse

@moneySIFU, you can just ignore the revaluation, and value the core profits.