
madiba | Joined since 2013-12-10

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2015-01-16 09:48 | Report Abuse

Exactly. Not what I had expected. I am taking some profit this morning on those positions I bought at 18.5 cent.


2015-01-13 10:22 | Report Abuse

Its a step by step movement guys. It should be around 24.5-25 cent before end January 2015. The worse is over for this stock unless Bursa crashes again or if the planned roll-out announcements takes a setback for which then a red flag will be raised and I will consider selling. Until then I am still holding my position average of 18.5 cent. No selling by Mr Chew or directors anticipated next 3 months. All systems go.


2015-01-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

Morning forum. Am back from my holidays this morning and so glad to see the price has moved up from my recommended buying zones below 20 cents in December. I am expecting a nice build up to a CNY run on the back of a series of positive announcements.

Do expect some explosive moves soon. Good luck everyone and for your information my average is 18.5 cent and I have not sold any yet.


2014-12-23 10:14 | Report Abuse

Happy holidays everyone. The longer the price stays around here 19-20 cent the better it is moving into year 2015. My average currently is 18.5 cent. Check in again after the new year. Take care and God's favour be upon you.


2014-12-19 15:10 | Report Abuse

@Tornado I do have some investments in GHL myself but nothing above 2% or significant to shout about. Simon Loh is doing an incredible job increasing TPA footprint regionally and the stock will continue to market perform in light of its stretched valuation.

Mpay will out perform as it transforms from low margin TPA businesses into an exciting new value added payment ecosystem which will revealed come January 2015. You don't have to wait long to understand what I mean soon.

Statistically if you look at the comparative market action in the recent downturn, GHL made a new low at 59.5 cent whilst Mpay did not make a new low with the 17.5 cent mark holding. Further last week GHL closed at 70 cent and looks like closing around 70 cent today too whilst Mpay closed at 19 cent last week and appears likely to close at 20 cent today so one is flat the other up 5% week on week. Food for thought in a volatile week.


2014-12-19 11:15 | Report Abuse

@bracoli I am sorry you obviously were not listening when I sold at 30 cent and advised everyone to do so on 29 August 2014. Selective hearing is not my problem even now you are free to buy or sell as you like. I cannot advise on something I did not ask you to do. We are all adults and take responsibility over our own action or inaction.


2014-12-19 10:36 | Report Abuse

@robert holding above its previous low of 17.5 cent is a good base because I remember there was this joker I can't remember his name earlier this week that said he was 99.99% sure Mpay was going to 10 cent when the market was reeling and I said the chance of that happening was only 0.01%.

Have faith and cheer up. This is not a contra stock. The longer it holds at these levels the bigger the leap once the announcements starts rolling out from January 2015 onwards and institutional investors see the value of the new eco system driving earnings forward.

Mpay started the year 2014 at 13 cent and assuming the price close at nothing lower than 20 cent by end December this imputes a whopping capital gain of 53% per annum. I can say that once all the roll out and new business joint venture initiates kicks off in 2015 one should expect a return of nothing less than 50% in 2015 assuming you bought at 20 cent end December 2014. I am accumulating because I am confident it will hit above 30 cent sometime in the second half of 2015.


2014-12-19 09:33 | Report Abuse

@robert Mr Chew is a major shareholder and director of company. As such any buying or selling by major shareholders and or directors of any public listed company, direct or indirect, will have to be made known to Bursa within the stipulated Bursa guidelines failing which non public disclosure can be a compoundable offence or investigated under insider trading if its just prior to a major announcement.


2014-12-19 08:08 | Report Abuse

Good morning boys. Here is a riddle. What was lost in August will be rediscovered. For those who stuck in there and bought on this downturn as advised I salute you. Incidentally Mr Chew bought 750k mother shares yesterday even as high as 20 cent.

The 20 cent mark will be breached. Good luck everyone.


2014-12-18 10:34 | Report Abuse

I have not sold anything. On the contrary I am not a trader but have been accumulating and still am. My average after monday to wednesday purchases is now 18.5 cent. There is some news coming out next week to start the salivation but be careful of one last market low tide coming next two weeks then we are good to go.

For those interested in statistics last week Friday Mpay closed at 19 cent. If Mpay closes at current levels of 20 cent or higher tomorrow it will mark a reversal week for the stock.

The KLCI index and GHL has still a long way to go for a reversal week as last week closing was at 1732 points and 70 cent respectively.


2014-12-16 23:01 | Report Abuse

All right boys and girls lets do some serious analysis. Mr Chew has bought another 1 million mother shares today average 18 cent.

In total he has bought a total of 7 million mother shares since beginning December in despite of the market downturn and zero buying on the warrants. Lets just deduce that he intends to buy everyday so how many shares can he buy to offset the selling pressure??

The analysis is really quite simple. He sold a total of 2 million mother shares @ 30 cent and 10 million mother shares @ 26 cent way back in August netting him RM 3.2 million. In addition he has completely sold off all his warrants ie 17.5 million warrants @ 16 cent netting him an additional RM 2.8 million. Total RM 6 million cash fund for buy back which he is undertaking now.

He has to date bought 7 million shares@ average 18 cent costing him RM 1.26 million.
Therefore he still has the capacity to buy another (RM 6 million - RM 1.26 million) = RM 4.74 million worth of shares.

Assuming an average entry price of 18 cent that means Mr Chew can still buy an additional
26 million mother shares. I think his buying alone will absorb all the panic selling because 26 million shares is a lot of potential buying pool.

All these buying points to something major. Something to highlight in addition to that is if he buys another 14.48 million shares he will come very close to triggering the MGO level of 33% under Bursa rules. Food for thought.

Low tide grounds all ships but only a few can sail into deeper waters. I am confident this Mpay boat can sail into deeper safer waters even though at times on certain days it may hit ground for a while due to the market low tide but eventually it will rise and sail through. Good luck everyone.!


2014-12-15 20:24 | Report Abuse

@optimuss having deep pockets at these times helps. Thank God my pockets are really deep with a stronger pound hedge. History has proven who was right in selling back in late August and history will again show who was right in buying in mid December. You can never sell at the highest nor buy at the lowest. Good luck to all.


2014-12-15 19:52 | Report Abuse

@bullbear777 your trading timing is better than mine.

I will continue to buy on this slide. When the tide is going down all boats will go the same regardless but am comforted that at least the major shareholder Mr Chew is still buying today instead of selling.

Another 1 million mother shares bought today by Mr Chew at prices ranging from 17.5 cent - 18.5 cent. None on the warrants.

The across the board panic selling has set in and those selling today obviously have lost money at these prices. As for me my cumulative average after buying another round today is now 19 cent.


2014-12-12 22:54 | Report Abuse

@kelvinfixx unfortunately the factual filing to Bursa shows Mr Chew completely sold off all his warrants way back on 29 August @ 16 cent and has not bought back since.

Mr Chew will need to file in his direct and indirect purchases and currently has zero holding in the warrants. Please see below:


2014-12-12 19:00 | Report Abuse

Wow a whopping 2.5 million purchase filing by Mr Chew. That is a good sign....

And increasing his buying activity too:

Cumulative 4 million mother shares bought this week compared to only 1 million the previous week. This is a green flag that the accumulation process has not stopped but increasing. However zero buying on the warrants which we all know why.


2014-12-12 17:37 | Report Abuse

Interesting week. Here are the statistics for week on week close:

Week on week: Mpay down marginally to 19 cent from last friday close of 19.5 cent whilst GHL down 1.5 cent to 70 cent from last friday close of 71.5 cent. Interestingly there were 3.3 million shares buying at 19 cent at the close, quite a sum considering this market is not for the faint hearted.

The bears having a field day with most O&G counters getting ripped including all leverage instruments like warrants . Mpay-W is no exception down a whopping -18% or -1 sen to close at 4.5 cent. As I have said earlier when it was still trading at 7 cent, looks like it will get to my fair value of 2.5-3 cent fairly quickly assuming the mother shares remaining at this level.

I wonder what happened to all those boisterous talk about buying up the warrants earlier on by a few contributors here? As I said many times before stay out of the warrants, it will literally make you broke in a secular bear market.

Have a great weekend and expect more filings by the major shareholder. I doubt he has stopped buying as this downturn is a great opportunity for him to accumulate back. As for me I am ready to take a hit all the way down to 16 cent to improve my average.


2014-12-12 11:27 | Report Abuse

@bracoli what an illogical and over-simplified analysis of Mpay or the shareholder Mr Chew . Neither will bankrupt if the price drop below 19.5 cent.

Mpay full year earnings coming out in February 2015 will be strong coupled with cash balance in excess of RM 18 million whilst Mr Chew is currently buying in the market at 19.5 cent and likely to continue higher without any appearance that he is buying on margin or being force sold on the other side. So your analogy that it will go bankrupt below 19.5 cent does not make any sense.


2014-12-11 22:21 | Report Abuse

This is a good forum where you can basically distinct over time the clueless boys from the real insightful men and separate the wheat from the chaff by their substantive contribution or the distinct lack of it though loud.


2014-12-11 17:48 | Report Abuse

@jackychanbv its not just 100% wayang but 110% solid support at 19-19.5 cent despite the extremely poor market condition and sentiment. I rather be investing in a stock that preserves my capital in a depreciating market whilst the rest are tanking. For example Iris collapsed another 5% or -1.5 cent to just 26.5 cent closing today.

The question is why is the major shareholder Mr Chew and the rest of the insiders mopping up all the sellers below 20 cent. Try figuring that but stay out of the warrants.


2014-12-10 11:56 | Report Abuse

@MC88 my reasonable projection for the mother shares TP is not as high as 30 cent by 1st quarter 2015 though I am bullish on the stock. All I can say is you will not lose money buying the mother below 20 cent and holding on for the exciting corporate news to come out Jan-Feb 2015 period.

Needless to say 30 cent will be reached sometime in year 2015 though I expect the warrants to start trading at a discount after the 1st quarter of 2015. I have zero interest in the warrants currently at this price of 5 cent.


2014-12-10 10:58 | Report Abuse

@Jackychanbv please read my comments earlier dated 5 Dec when the warrants were trading at 6 cent about the fair value of the warrants:

Dec 5, 2014 07:54 AM | Report Abuse

@L2 good morning. Applying your subsets into the NYU model below.

Valuing Warrants when there is dilution.

This program is designed to value cash converting warrants, the exercise of which can create more shares and thus affect the stock price. As a general rule, using an unadjusted
option pricing model like the BS Model to value these warrants will overstate their value.

Enter the current stock price = 19 cent
Enter the strike price on the option = 20 cent
Enter the expiration of the option = 0.67
Enter the standard deviation in stock prices = 25.41% (volatility)
Enter the annualized dividend yield on stock = 0.00%
Enter the treasury bond rate = 3.44%
Enter the number of warrants (options) outstanding = 183031190
Enter the number of shares outstanding = 402668580

Stock Price= 19 # Warrants issued= 183031190
Strike Price= 20 # Shares outstanding= 402,668,580
Adjusted S = 13.07298345 T.Bond rate= 3.44%
Adjusted K= 20 Variance= 0.0646
Expiration (in years) = 0.67 Annualized dividend yield= 0.00%
Div. Adj. interest rate= 3.44%

d1 = -1.82944836
N (d1) = 0.033666234

d2 = -2.037438174
N (d2) = 0.020803076

Fair Value of the warrant = $0.03


With the mother shares hovering at 19-20 cent the warrant price will continue to deteriorate over time to its fair value of 3 cent sooner or later.


2014-12-09 23:15 | Report Abuse

@bracoli there is really no need to think too deep. Every listed company owner has the right to take profit when they feel their stock is over priced with lofty valuation or buy when they feel it is under priced with some measure of certainty what is coming in terms of earnings and corporate prospects.

Corporate governance wise at least Mr Chew does not transfer shares out to nominees through direct deals to sell like what I have seen in some other counters or utilize the RM 18 million cash in the company account to buy back his own shares through fraud schemes.This does not appear so in Mpay.

The corporate governance in Mpay is intact.


2014-12-09 22:49 | Report Abuse

The substantial shareholder and CEO of Mpay Mr Chew bought another 1 million mother shares in the open market today.

That is double of his past 500k shares single series transaction. The buy back everyday is not only consistent but intensifying despite the weak overall market. Mr Chew seems very keen to mop up his own shares and that takes confidence and guts when the market is volatile and tumbling. This clearly points the way forward how the stock will behave once the market recovers.

No buying on the warrants which confirms that even the owner feels the warrants are overpriced which answers my contention with a certain person named L2 previously.

More positive news to come. Don't get caught short.


2014-12-09 13:07 | Report Abuse

@Grace Cheong

" Seems like ghlsys is better than mpay. The price goes up steadily but not to mpay. Sad"

05/12/2014 16:17


This is in reply to your comments on the 5 Dec above :

A performance comparison for this morning session between the two listed epayment play:

GHL currently down -4 cent or -5.6% to 66.5 cent;
Mpay up slightly or +2.5% to 20 cent.

GHL closing on 5 Dec was 71.5 cent thus down 7% from that date;
Mpay closing on 5 Dec was 19.5 cent thus up 2.5% from that date.

The former obviously is still undergoing distribution phase whilst the other accumulation.
Simple statistics that shows clearly which counter outperforms in a cyclical bear market.


2014-12-09 09:25 | Report Abuse

@bracoli you know as well as I do the rule of thumb on this stock

1) No contra;
2) When the owner buy you follow; likewise when the owner sells you follow.
3) You can't go wrong buying below 20 cent if you can hold to CNY you will be well rewarded.

The rest of the exciting corporate news I cannot tell you yet as I am still accumulating. Why do I want to screw up my own average below 20 cent.


2014-12-09 09:13 | Report Abuse

@MC88 no worries but I am no one's caddy. I am known as one of the superheroes.


2014-12-09 08:39 | Report Abuse

Good morning. I love it when the bears are out otherwise how do you accumulate good average prices. In any case if you are selling at these levels obviously you are way behind the curve, losing money and missed the great selling zones way back in August 2014 to which I have sold completely earlier.

The Malaysian KLCI index has another 20-40 points more to go on the downside. Its a secular bear concentrated on the O&G counters earnings contraction so I doubt Mpay a technology counter will get to 10 cent during this period. Did you know that at the macro level the overall budget spending by the public and private sector on technology and systems related to epayment migration is one of the few growth stories in Malaysia.

To me the worse case scenario on Mpay is 16 cent, to which I will be buying all the way down if that happens whilst the upside is a secret. All I can say is I know I am going to have a wonderful CNY ang pow bonus from this stock when the hot news and earnings are out. Good luck everyone, buy or sell at your own risk.


2014-12-08 21:16 | Report Abuse

I feel good and confident that when you have the major shareholder reverting back to an accumulation mode almost daily, it signals a bottoming process as stated earlier and when the market turns higher it will definitely follow suit.

It also signals what I have learn from this stock from previous experience ie when the owner sells you sell and when the owner buys you just follow the same stance with stamina and deep pocket. Its clear as daylight that with the market spinning downwards the insiders are not selling but accumulating this stock. Something big is brewing I know!

Total stock bought by Mr Chew in the last 4 days of trading amounted to 1.5 million shares on the mother and zero accumulation on the warrants. More to come. Perfect.


2014-12-08 08:57 | Report Abuse

Good morning. Last Friday late Bursa filing of another 500k shares bought back by the major shareholder Mr Chew confirms my earlier posting on Dec 2:

Dec 2, 2014 10:53 PM | Report Abuse

@pzul avoid buying the warrants at any price unless it drops to 2-3 cents assuming the mother share is at 20 cents. As it moves into year 2015 the current premium of 35% will quickly diminish as the time value evaporates.

Applying the Black-Scholes model the imputed fair value of the warrant is only 2.5 cent ceteris paribus. Even the major shareholder Mr Chew has sold off all his warrants back in August around 16 cents and have not bought back any warrants at all.

I will not be surprised if Mr Chew starts buying back his own mother share next few weeks. That will be a confidence signal that the major shareholders have stopped selling and the accumulation is a signal of better firmer stock prices moving forward.


In total Mr Chew has bought back 1 million shares from the open market last week. Expect this buy back to continue this week moving forward. Its accumulation mode not selling mode. My stance remains the same at this level...accumulate.


2014-12-05 07:54 | Report Abuse

@L2 good morning. Applying your subsets into the NYU model below.

Valuing Warrants when there is dilution.

This program is designed to value cash converting warrants, the exercise of which can create more shares and thus affect the stock price. As a general rule, using an unadjusted
option pricing model like the BS Model to value these warrants will overstate their value.

Enter the current stock price = 19 cent
Enter the strike price on the option = 20 cent
Enter the expiration of the option = 0.67
Enter the standard deviation in stock prices = 25.41% (volatility)
Enter the annualized dividend yield on stock = 0.00%
Enter the treasury bond rate = 3.44%
Enter the number of warrants (options) outstanding = 183031190
Enter the number of shares outstanding = 402668580

Stock Price= 19 # Warrants issued= 183031190
Strike Price= 20 # Shares outstanding= 402,668,580
Adjusted S = 13.07298345 T.Bond rate= 3.44%
Adjusted K= 20 Variance= 0.0646
Expiration (in years) = 0.67 Annualized dividend yield= 0.00%
Div. Adj. interest rate= 3.44%

d1 = -1.82944836
N (d1) = 0.033666234

d2 = -2.037438174
N (d2) = 0.020803076

Fair Value of the warrant = $0.03


I will definitely not buy the warrant and just continue to accumulate the mother share slowly next few weeks given this bear market phase.


2014-12-05 00:33 | Report Abuse

@eastland I fully agree with you. Its accumulation time not ramping stock time.
@L2 you obviously key in the wrong data sets. The correct data sets indicates 3 cent. The warrant is overpriced full stop and the mother share is in accumulation phase not bull phase.


2014-12-04 14:47 | Report Abuse

@L2 each counter has different implied volatility and parameters which is based on their previous historical performance. To be absolutely precise other than the normal BS Model you can use the modelling done by stern.nyu at

The historical implied volatility of Mpay is 25% and the Malaysian free interest rate is 3.85% with a time remaining balance of 0.58 on the warrant. This model is precise as it takes into account of the number of outstanding units for both the warrants and mother share ie dilutive factor and the zero dividend policy from Mpay. The fair value of the warrant is 3 cent based on the closing price of Mpay at 19.5 cent.


2014-12-04 12:26 | Report Abuse

@pzul on the contrary the warrants are not cheap trading at a premium of over 30% to the mother share. The correct value of the warrant is only 2.5 cent assuming the mother share bottoms out at current levels of 19-20 cents in the current market down trend.


2014-12-04 09:12 | Report Abuse

Good morning. Mr Chew's accumulation of 500k shares yesterday confirms my earlier posting that the major shareholders have stopped selling and are buying back their own shares. This buying back will likely continue into the weeks ahead signalling that the worse is over for Mpay not withstanding a bearish overall market.

However this buying back by the major shareholders does not extend to the warrants unfortunately as the warrants are way over priced. Volumes are likely to dwindle as the mother share forms a base at these levels whilst the warrants are likely to deteriorate in price as the balance time value evaporates. Accumulate the mother share and stay out of the warrants.


2014-12-02 22:53 | Report Abuse

@pzul avoid buying the warrants at any price unless it drops to 2-3 cents assuming the mother share is at 20 cents. As it moves into year 2015 the current premium of 35% will quickly diminish as the time value evaporates.

Applying the Black-Scholes model the imputed fair value of the warrant is only 2.5 cent ceteris paribus. Even the major shareholder Mr Chew has sold off all his warrants back in August around 16 cents and have not bought back any warrants at all.

I will not be surprised if Mr Chew starts buying back his own mother share next few weeks. That will be a confidence signal that the major shareholders have stopped selling and the accumulation is a signal of better firmer stock prices moving forward.


2014-12-02 16:57 | Report Abuse

Its a good day to accumulate below 20 cents. Selling pressure diminishing, volume is decreasing and the down trend is slowly exhausting itself. Mpay up 1 sen and GHL down 1 sen @close in perspective of a volatile intra day market.


2014-12-01 13:03 | Report Abuse

No worries. Having deep pockets helps especially when in accumulation mode. The buying averages gets better when prices are suppressed on the way down. I like it. Similarly when Fusionex was trading down to 260 pence I just kept on buying. Last Friday it closed @
390 pence. My strategy has not failed me thus far, all good.


2014-11-28 19:06 | Report Abuse

@Grace the worst is over, look forward to a consolidation period and then an up trend in the first 6 months of 2015 as the various initiatives rolls out under the Bank Negara push towards e-payment. Your 23 cents mark mentioned will be revisited and broken on the upside as the thematic swing sustains.

In 2013, Malaysia’s cash-in-circulation over gross domestic product (GDP) is 6% compared to only 2% and 4% in advanced countries. Meanwhile, Malaysia’s payment card transaction per capita is at only 13 transactions per capita in 2013 compared to an average of more than 200 transactions per capita in advanced countries.

So there is plenty of upside in terms of variety and volume of transactions for Mpay's product offerings. The kicker is not this but something else which is cooking in the background to be revealed later. That excites me which is the reason why I am accumulating at these levels of 19-22 cents having sold completely in late August around 30 cents.

Having exited Mpay my partners and I invested in a company called Fusionex listed in London. The investment has borne immense gains currently trading at 370 pence from my entry price of 260 pence over the last 6 weeks. Exciting times ahead for both companies.


2014-11-28 17:12 | Report Abuse

For the week Ghl has dropped from 81 cents to 72 cents (-11%) last close whilst Mpay closed almost unchanged from 21 cents to 20.5 cents today. The relative performance between the two listed e-payment counters speaks for itself. Moving forward the latter will see an earnings upgrade as it starts from a lower base with its successful collaboration with TM under Surepay and the former an earnings downgrade as it tooters on lack of roll-out traction in Thailand and the Philippines on the back of stretched valuation on GHL.


2014-11-28 16:59 | Report Abuse

Excellent buying average this week. Absolutely love the steady prices which are great for accumulation. By the way here is a good read in one of the payment ecosystem that Mpay is gaining traction. This is just a small tip of the earnings kick up. More surprises to come.
Have a great weekend boys!


2014-11-27 10:52 | Report Abuse

Just completed my tranche of investment in a London listed company name Fusionex.
Entry price : 260 now 325 pence.

Am back in Asia this week. Am accumulating Mpay now. The major shareholders are not selling anymore. On the contrary look forward to a new major shareholder emerging.


2014-11-25 22:09 | Report Abuse

Bottoming out. The worst is over. Accumulation stage,

Hint: New licences and alliances plus new strategic shareholders. Positioned perfectly in the right core payment eco system in the migration to e payment endorsed by the MOF! There is a big rollout surprise too. These will provide earnings surprise on the upside moving into 2015.

Having stayed out since late August in this stock I am back accumulating again. I am excited!


2014-11-25 12:44 | Report Abuse

@rise I am sorry that is not my style of value investing. Furthermore I have just started accumulating again at 21-22 cent after disposing in late Aug around 30 cent. Accumulation for good averages takes time...


2014-11-25 11:47 | Report Abuse

Hi am back. Something big is brewing behind the scene. Accumulation stage. Once I get more details will let you guys know soonest. Take care.


2014-08-29 15:02 | Report Abuse

Sorry boys I have been conned by my inside sources.

Cutting my loss now on Mpay bought this morning. Taking a huge hit but overall am still all-right. Am liquidating completely my position in Mpay. Mpay got snookered last 24 hours by Iris and the Ministry of Finance Malaysia has now changed their mind to award it to Iris instead. The announcement apparently will be out this weekend. Welcome to corporate Malaysia.

Totally disgusted and staying off Malaysia stocks. No malice intended. I lost money today because of that wrong information provided by my malaysian sources overnight. Bruised and out.

8 am London 29 Aug 2014.


2014-08-28 21:18 | Report Abuse

Good afternoon boys.

Bullbear is only my messenger to this forum as I am absolutely petrified to post directly given past abuses. Nevertheless I would like to clarify that I do not wish to enter into a tit for tat with any forum contributors now nor do I wish to see my friend going through the same on my behalf.

My track record on Mpay since late last year @13 cents speaks for itself and there is no necessity to boast about my overall trading gains on this stock which are immense. I have no interest to say anything more other than to say bullbear has passed on my information to the best of his ability and not deserving of the abuses heaped on him too.

One needs to be agile to trade the different information and sources coming through in the last 9 months, some of which are at a very short notice. For example the scam news released by Focus Malaysia prematurely to benefit certain insiders. That news was subsequently corrected and retracted by Focus Malaysia 1 week later. My information both good and sometimes not so good are done and shared without malice but purely to ensure that we as an investing community has the same level of critical timely information as the big funds and traders both on the upside, downside and sometimes just staying out.

As such that is why the latest information with regards to the TRS contract to be announced next week and secured by Mpay according to my sources is important enough for me to broadcast it myself today although I am aware I will be open to abuses again. Those who follow my postings knows my real time track record so far speaks for itself. I can be wrong too but so far so good. The next TP is 45 cents.

I have nothing more to add other than to say Bullbear777 has correctly passed on my information on Mpay to date and you should stop abusing him too. Trade at your own risks, best of luck to all of you and God bless each one of you!.

Please do not forget to donate some monies to charities and the multitudes of people worst off than us if you have been making money from Mpay. Have a grateful thankful heart for it is more blessed to give than to receive! Thank you.

London 2.18 pm Thursday 28 Aug 2014


2014-08-09 20:21 | Report Abuse

Hello boys.

Focus Malaysia is working in cahoots with certain staff in RHB and certain fund managers to mis-lead the investing public so that they can off-load and profit from this speculative buying. Mpay and major shareholders are taking firm action against focus malaysia and also selling down their shares next week. Please do not be trap into it by buying at this moment. I am taking my profit. The TRS contract has not been secured. Take care all.

Note: Bullbear is correct.

London 1.20 pm Saturday


2014-05-27 16:11 | Report Abuse

Good morning mpayians. What a beautiful morning in London today. Have you guys done your donations to the poor & needy yet? Please do so for it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Freely you give freely you shall receive. For those waiting for it to drop below 27 sen or 20 sen I have some bad news for you. Baring any unforeseen circumstance or drastic change in market condition in light of the low volumes it would be almost impossible for Mpay to drop drastically.

This is in light of the impending AGM on the 18 June which I believe Mpay would have positive news to share with its loyal shareholders and also in expectation of the TRS award end June.

Further the light volumes are normally a preclude to higher prices later as selling pressure dwindles. I won't be surprised that the shareholders and directors would be slowly collecting hereon. Take care everyone. No anxiety no fear for Madiba is still here!

Cheerio from London (9.08 am)


2014-05-22 16:42 | Report Abuse

Good morning boys from Sloan Square. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I have been inform there is an announcement coming. Announcements have been upward catalyst to the stock so I have decided to re-enter again today at 30.5 sen after having taken my profit earlier this week at 32 sen. The short term TP is 34 sen.

The bad news is that the award of TRS has been delayed until end June 2014. However Mpay is still the front runner. Iris is out. No other listed company is directly involved.

Better watch out for an amazing June!! Bye boys.
Happy weekend from London. (9.40 am)