
madiba | Joined since 2013-12-10

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2014-02-20 18:06 | Report Abuse

Good close. Should be a good day tomorrow!


2014-02-20 15:20 | Report Abuse

Am just waiting for confirmation who the placement shares went to. If its to the Albukhary boys or ETRS then either one is good news.
If neither one then I am out. If one of the two confirm then it should kick up to 28 sen. Anyway with the heavy
delivery yesterday and today I am actually very comfortable that it can hold at 23 sen. So far so good.


2014-02-19 08:41 | Report Abuse

Will be interesting to observe how well Mpay holds up today and tomorrow morning given last Friday (vol > 31m) huge volume. If the price can hold above 23 sen and especially not break below 21 sen then the next buying wave should push it up to 27.5/28 sen by late Feb/early March. I am expecting some corporate announcements either on private placement, changes in shareholding or new contracts to enable this next level of investing interest. Not a contra stock.


2014-02-18 16:05 | Report Abuse

Consolidation over boys. Am loading up again. Am expecting some announcement regarding who took the private placement shares. Either the Albukhary or the ETRS Bumiputera. Either way its good! Next stop 28 sen.


2014-02-18 10:20 | Report Abuse

Not buying the Mpay-WA. Stick with the mother. Not a contra stock so please be aware.


2014-02-18 09:53 | Report Abuse

Sold all my holdings in this stock@ 23.5 sen yesterday which I bought at 14 sen six weeks ago. Now standing by to re-enter @21 sen.


2014-02-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

Its looking tired. I think I will come out first and wait for confirmation.


2014-02-17 12:43 | Report Abuse

Hello boys. Sometimes its better to just sit back and enjoy the ride as I have been since 14 sen few weeks back. Its never a harm to take profit along the way but as far as this proven horse is concerned there is no reason so far to get off the horse.

With current shareholders and CEO buying at these levels coupled with new Bumiputera shareholder via private placement coming in, I am just waiting for confirmation announcement as to who are these Bumiputera's ie Albukhary or ETRS. It won't drop much unless global market crashes or if the private placement is not to either one of these group.

If confirm its to Albukhary or ETRS it should kick up again and continue to make new highs/break above 25 sen. So lets just wait for confirmation as to who the Bumiputera private placements are and meanwhile enjoy Mpay. Its been a wonderful horse. I will sell if the private placement is not to either of these two Bumiputera groups.


2014-02-14 08:50 | Report Abuse

Dear kk123 please find attached the last quarter financial results of Mpay stating it has RM 18.1 m in fixed deposit and cash balance as of September 2013.

As such I do not understand how kk123 derive the analysis that this company has cashflow problem? Further it was reported in the Edge that in order to do the TRS contract the company must have at least RM 30 million cashflow roll. Now that Mpay is undertaking a private placement to raise another up to RM 8 mil ie total cash of RM 26 mil in the bank don't you think Mpay is preparing to receive the TRS contract rather then as you say "for sharks to dispose their shares?"

Further please read the latest announcements on Bursa that the CEO and the other substantial shareholders are buying back their own shares at this level above 20 sen so how can the company be in trouble?. I am very puzzled by kk123 analysis which does not seem logical in the face of systematic analytical evidence.


2014-02-13 23:55 | Report Abuse

Substantial shareholder Mr Chan (not on the Board of Mpay) started buying back the shares again at above 20 sen after having sold it at lower levels around 17.5 sen last week. This change from selling to buying augers well for the company.

Further the CEO and substantial shareholder (on the Board of Mpay) just did his filing to reveal he is BUYING and not selling at this level above 20 sen. That is a double good fortune sign considering he should know what is going on in the company.

Further myEG just announced they bag the award for the Customs EMS contract (different from the TRS contract) so I believe the award from Customs on TRS to Mpay is coming too.


2014-02-13 08:37 | Report Abuse

The private placement shares listing has been submitted to Bursa. It would be interesting to find out who took up the placement ie whether its the TRS Bumiputera or the Albukhary related to the Proton project. Either way its positive.

Another news is that another substantial shareholder (not director on Board) has been reducing his stake. Another 1m sold yesterday apart from the 5m sold few days ago. Though the selling (totaling 6m so far) is less than 15% of his total holdings previously of 42m shares it does indicate to me a slow but important change to mark the exit of the old shareholders not on the Board of directors like Mr Bok previously and the new boys with projects/earnings coming into Mpay.

Now we just have to wait for the CEO action to confirm whether it is still a buy or a sell at this level other than to find out who took up the placement.


2014-02-12 14:31 | Report Abuse

As I have said many times this is NOT a contra stock so please do not buy on contra. However if you can buy and hold like me since 14 sen this stock will continue to give you superior returns because of its high beta performance, corporate changes to its fundamentals and change in substantial shareholders. Once it is confirm the CEO is buying or selling his controlling stake to the bumiputera partner related to the TRS project and NOT selling to the market then I may decide to increase my holding. Any dips to the price next few days especially if below 20 sen is an opportune time to buy and not sell if the CEO is buying. I will wait for the CEO confirmation through his filings to Bursa.


2014-02-12 10:17 | Report Abuse

Am still long since 14 sen. No plans to sell or add to my position until I see the CEO action.


2014-02-12 09:46 | Report Abuse

Lets see whether the price holds up above 20 sen this week and the CEO buy/sell action. If he sells to the Bumiputera related to the TRS project then its great news. If he sells to the market then its terrible news. If he buys then its wonderful news because that means the CEO who knows his company better than anyone else believes there is a great future for Mpay with his new partners involve in the TRS project. BY the way I notice he hardly buys or sells so his action will be a good indication.


2014-02-12 09:17 | Report Abuse

We will know next two days after the CEO files whether he bought or sold. With the new bumiputera shareholder coming in via the private placement, the CEO can either sells his whole block to the bumiputera indicating a takeover and very like MGO if change of board of directors also or he buys more because he thinks his shares are undervalued with new projects/new partners coming in. We just have to wait and see to form a conclusion to the CEO view.


2014-02-12 08:50 | Report Abuse

LATEST!. The CEO has indicated his intention to deal with his Mpay shares. This would be a strong indication of his view of his own company I think because the other substantial shareholders (who sold earlier) Chan and Bok are not on the board of directors and thus not part of day to day management. If the CEO sells also then something not right, if he buys then that is a confirmation of a good future especially with news of a new bumiputera major shareholder coming in.


2014-02-11 09:11 | Report Abuse

Apparently news out on The Edge about some Bumi company name etrs taking over. I believe they are the same party linked to the TRS project! If true then this is just the beginning.


2014-02-11 07:13 | Report Abuse

The disposal by Chan a current major shareholder (not director) is a another positive signal of impending change of substantial shareholders following on from the disposal of another old shareholder Theng Bok last week. As pointed out earlier these are clear signs that Mpay is undergoing major changes in shareholding ie takeover by a new bumiputera party linked to the TRS project.


2014-02-10 11:50 | Report Abuse

No idea what you guys talking about I am just a simple trader cum investor looking out for turnaround stocks, observing news, announcements, following trends and letting my profit run with the trend that is all. No idea about sharks or luring. All I know is that ever since I saw their interest in the TRS project as reported in The Edge mid Jan I am invested and still monitoring their progress so far so good from 13 sen to current 19 sen and I think its still a long way to go up. Most definitely Mpay is not a contra stock to play so the sharks must be really skinny haha.


2014-02-10 10:17 | Report Abuse

Leslie you are obviously long on Iris and short on Mpay. Good luck Leslie because since 24 feb Mpay has rebounded to 19.5 sen from 14 sen ie up 39% and making new high everyday while Iris has rebounded up from 41 sen to 46 sen ie 15% and still unable to break its previous high.. Its quite clear the inside money is riding on Mpay on the TRS project while Iris is about its housing project and no mention by Iris at all about the TRS in the Star over the weekend


2014-02-09 21:50 | Report Abuse

jcwm22 couple of possibilities I think: 1) the substantial shareholders Mr Kiang and Mr Bok are not on the board of directors so they may not be privy to the announcement and does not know what is going on. 2) the selling appears one off as there was no selling prior to this so it could be selling because they felt it hit their target price. They did not dump the stock. I saw the filing by Mr Bok sold at an average of RM 0.177 and the stock still close higher at RM 0.185 3) they were selling to cap the price at a certain level so that the placement could go to the powerful bumiputera party related to the TRS contract to come in and also to allow the bumiputera to start building up an equity position for a takeover.

These are mere possibilities which we will know next few days if there are more persistent selling from major shareholders reported and no new bumiputera party appearing in the top shareholders list then that will be a cause of concern. As for now I believe that the old shareholders may not be aware since they are not on the board and it could also be that they were assisting to cap the price for the new bumiputera party to come in and change of substantial shareholders ie takeover. Only time will tell but one thing for sure it did not stop the price from going up so now that they may be better informed/may withdraw further selling next week or stop capping the stock can only mean one thing; more people buying and lesser people selling = up!


2014-02-09 14:37 | Report Abuse

chelseazola I read in The Edge article dated 13th January that the TRS company can make about RM 60 mil rising to about RM 120 mil revenue by 2020. So to me a back of the envelope calculation means the TRS contract can easily make RM 30 mil net profit per year no problem. If you impute that to Mpay who holds 50% in the consortium that means 50% X 30 mil X 5 years contract = RM 75 mil additional to NTA. Current Mpay NTA is 12 sen and additional RM 75 mil net profit will add another 20 sen to its NTA so proforma NTA backing is 32 sen after you include the earnings of the TRS project. Since technology stocks do not trade on NTA but on earnings growth an additional 50%(30 mil) ie RM 15 mil net profit per year to Mpay means its base EPS will be 0.04 sen with an earnings growth of at least 15-20 % per annum. So applying a benchmark PE of 13X like that applied for MyEG will give me a fair value of (13X0.04) = 52 sen per share. That is how I derive an indicative NTA backing and fair value of Mpay after you put in the TRS contract. Hope it helps.

Further as the Star reported over the weekend there was NO indication at all by IRIS about the TRS contract and it was all about its Sentuhan Kasih housing project means Iris is not confident about getting the TRS project at all. What this means is that more and more Iris players will switch over to buy Mpay instead knowing who is likely to win the contract. That will create increasing buying pressure on Mpay thus Mpay will continue to outperform Iris as what has been happening the past two weeks.


2014-02-08 08:34 | Report Abuse

Looks like its ON! New bumiputera shareholder coming in,a strong indication of winning the TRS contract award.

" On behalf of the Board of Directors of ManagePay, RHB Investment Bank Berhad is pleased to announce that the Company proposes to undertake a private placement of up to ten percent (10%) of the issued and paid-up share capital of ManagePay to third party Bumiputera investor(s) to be identified later. "

And previous major shareholder have exited meaning signs of an impending takeover..WOW!!!

By the time the new major bumiputera shareholder is known and the TRS contract is awarded it will no longer be below 25 sen I believe!


2014-02-07 12:28 | Report Abuse

The resistance use to be at 16.5 sen then 17.5 sen now 18.5 sen. All broken and 18.5 will be broken too. Next stop above 20 sen. Let the profit horse ride for me!!


2014-02-07 12:20 | Report Abuse

well so far so good since I monitor the counter from 12 sen buying and selling using that technique. Better than holding stock that got very good fundamentals but no upside trading opportunity. Anyway this stock has made me money all this while so no reason to change. Stick with a winning horse is the best policy while others are just bird watching.


2014-02-07 11:26 | Report Abuse

Holding up very very well. Outperforming even Iris. Resistance at 17.5 sen has now become a support level. This stock trading history is quite predictable. Once it breaches 20 sen next week then it will become a support level at 20 sen!


2014-02-07 07:39 | Report Abuse

Any corporate announcement of new bumiputera shareholders or directors will be a strong indication of winning the TRS contract.


2014-02-06 10:10 | Report Abuse

We can talk fundamentals all day but the prove is in the stock performance since beginning of the year Mpay is up 42% from 13 sen to current 18.5 sen and today making new highs while Iris is still trading below its recent high of 47 sen. No doubt the TRS contract is nothing to IRIS and crucial for Mpay. That is why the earnings moving forward will be explosive for Mpay and not for Iris in this TRS contract. By the time news comes out that Mpay won the contract it will be 30 sen already. Buy on rumor sell on fact always. The smart money is in that is why its moving up! Also this is not a contra stock so strong players only can play!


2014-02-05 09:56 | Report Abuse

Engine started again, trading at high...tomorrow should be another strong day. Target 20 sen short term.


2014-02-04 15:02 | Report Abuse

Holding very very well at 16 sen despite the market sell off. Tomorrow last day for weak contra selling and thereafter should shoot up to 20 sen next stop in February


2014-01-30 13:10 | Report Abuse

rich that IRIS director who has knowledge of what goes on selling is not a good sign.


2014-01-30 10:30 | Report Abuse

Holding well above 16 sen for past 3 days despite weak global market condition and weak contra players selling . Mpay is at the highest closing level since July 2012...good omen going into the Horse year! If it continues to hold above 16 sen next wednesday I think it will run again to 20 sen next stop.


2014-01-28 21:45 | Report Abuse

ran777 here is the published details on NST last October read on Teksi1M involving SPAD and Proton to which Mpay got the credit card payment system contract announced today:


2014-01-28 19:16 | Report Abuse

Justy out!!! Teksi1M contract from Proton...7500 teksi estimated to be installed by year 2015 with Mpay credit card payment terminals...I believe this is the beginning of a series of announcements uplifting Mpay earnings and change of shareholders. Don't forget who the contract awarder Proton belongs to ultimately ie Albuklhary!!!


2014-01-28 10:15 | Report Abuse

okok sorry people. My apologies.


2014-01-28 09:25 | Report Abuse

Sorry vinvin am in Mpay since 14 sen and out Iris since 43 sen..switch. Thanks for advise..


2014-01-28 09:03 | Report Abuse

Agreed I put that in bcos some other people were comparing Iris and Mpay about the TRS contract so I just wanted to highlight IRIS is about foreign ID cards and not TRS. Apologies.


2014-01-28 09:02 | Report Abuse

Securing new contracts I heard start of a new upswing in earnings and new bumiputera shareholders. Something related to payment system on Taxi1M awarded by SPAD or DRB numbering 7500 taxis in 2015. TRS contract revenue of RM50m chances very high in securing. Thats what I heard.


2014-01-28 08:22 | Report Abuse

Looking@ the TA Sec report after they have interviewed Dato Tan shows couple of assumptions and facts clearly: 1) Confident and high reliance of securing digital contract in FY 14 ie foreign ID cards cards. 2) No mention about securing payment system contract ie no TRS revenue for FY 15. 3) Negative cashflow in FY14&FY15 ie unlikely to be able to withstand cash-flow requirement of the TRS contract. Therefore its all about the foreign ID cards and not so much about the TRS contract for IRIS unlike Mpay which is riding the horse into the new year banking on the TRS contract. Different animal all together so the price upswing theme not comparable.


2014-01-27 21:34 | Report Abuse

Cannot compare lah like that bro we are talking about Mpay chances and Iris chances of getting the TRS contract. Nothing to do with Marco/Picopr that did not even bid, Like that I also can say invest in Westport or PB bank for dividend haha! Anyway we are just sharing information. One man's juice is another man's poison. All I know is Mpay is up and Iris is down these last three days during the market downturn thats all! Iris high is 47 sen now trading at 39 sen while Mpay high is 16.5 sen now trading at 16 sen clearly shows which one the market is riding horse into the horse year yeehar!


2014-01-27 21:12 | Report Abuse

Buy on rumor sell on fact always!!


2014-01-27 21:08 | Report Abuse

Haha facebook likes have no indicator on system usage lah...heard they are the biggest in Korea beating Globalblue and also just won license to operate in Singapore so can't be that bad lar. Anyway like I said the stock price today is indicating something strong up one move down so my guess is somebody is betting Mpay to win lor otherwise you dare to buy a small fry like mpay although they got Rm 20mil cash in the bank and NTA back up is only 12 sen stock trading at 16 sen while Iris NTA is 28 sen stock trading at 39 sen.


2014-01-27 20:53 | Report Abuse

No idea what goes on inside...all I see is Mpay up 1 sen or 7% today on a very weak market and Iris down 2 sen or 5%...meaning Mpay is bucking the downtrend. The award is nothing to Iris only 10% of its revenue but huge for Mpay ie 1000% of its current revenue. The proof is always in the stock price movement where the insider boys are buying up or selling down.


2014-01-27 20:15 | Report Abuse

Very strong closing at the high bucking the weak market. Mpay up 6% today whilst Iris down 5%. Something definetely on...on the lookout for new bumiputera director or new shareholder as an indication of the TRS award that would boost their revenue by 1000% from 5m to 50m..


2014-01-27 20:12 | Report Abuse

Anyone notice how Iris dropped today and close at the low while Mpay went against the downtrend and close at the high with volume... Just an observation because normally Mpay cannot buck the weak market trend so definitely something on. Anybody heard the latest? Am watching out for new bumiputera directors or shareholders to come on board as a positive signal to the TRS contract award.


2014-01-27 11:38 | Report Abuse

Ya lor Mpay only making RM 1 mil a year with RM 20 mil cash in the bank only whilst Iris makes tons of money hehe . Sumatec Halim Saad also left pocket right pocket how to lose money....


2014-01-27 11:05 | Report Abuse

Anyone notice how Iris is dropping with weak support whilst Mpay is not dropping at all? Just an observation because normally Mpay cannot buck the weak market trend so definitely something on. Anybody heard the latest? Am watching out for new bumiputera directors or shareholders to come on board as a positive signal to the TRS contract award.


2014-01-27 11:02 | Report Abuse

Very true PerfectWin and flytothemoon. Iris started from 30 sen beginning year to high of 47 sen now trading at 40.5 sen whilst Mpay started at 12.5 sen to a high of 16.5 sen now trading at 15 sen. TRS project award revenue only 10% of Iris current revenue while if awarded to Mpay the new revenue is 1000% of Mpay current revenue. The impact of the TRS contract on Iris is small whilst for Mpay will be explosive!


2014-01-27 10:24 | Report Abuse

Anyone notice how Iris is dropping with weak support whilst Mpay is not dropping at all? Just an observation because normally Mpay cannot buck the weak market trend so definitely something on.


2014-01-24 15:57 | Report Abuse

Just an observation Iris is still 12% off its high but Mpay just off 6% from high of 16.5 sen and up 10% today or 1.5 sen o 15.5 sen with heavy volume...anybody heard anything?? looks like the horse is on Mpay going in CNY.