
madiba | Joined since 2013-12-10

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2014-04-03 12:56 | Report Abuse

Forgive me optimus7 I did not know you are such an excellent trader who
knows precisely when to enter and sell Mpay to earn your profits.
May I humbly ask you now since I am not superb trader like you and you have said
you have exited mpay-w two days ago at 19 sen and mpay at 30.5 sen ,
what is your expert trading opinion now? Buy or sell or wait at current prices today?
Thank you. My sincere apologies for touching your raw nerve.


2014-04-03 11:22 | Report Abuse

I understanding people like leslieroycarter, limayseng, optimus7 & optimusX8 (same person) who has been proven wrong all the time to call the top of Mpay too soon are very consistent in this reverse track record. What I do not understand is since they proclaim the death of Mpay countless times nor any position in Mpay nor are able to short the stock to make money why even bother to look at it since they can be making money elsewhere by buying other stocks that they analyse to be worthy of their investment.

My friend say its that they 'Mahu shiok sendiri dan geram tengok Mpay naik' , I think they will stay 'geram' for a while as Mpay goes up again...30 sen up 1.5 sen or 5% this morning. Btw I don't buy Mpay-W although it is a leverage instrument trading up 8% now at 19.5 sen. It just a matter of personal risk preference as I am not a trader. Thank you.


2014-04-03 09:46 | Report Abuse

Good observation gerry188. I am not a trader but I suppose if you want to trade those are excellent price periods to take a punt when the contra players have to exit though I have said many times this is not a contra stock to play. My own observation is that if Mpay still holds above 27.5-28 sen come Monday despite the anticipated heavy contra selling please expect it to make new highs in April. You may be very lucky to get it at 27.5 sen but chances are slim I think.


2014-04-03 08:09 | Report Abuse

Good morning yes flytothemoon good observation. If the selling by Mr Chan reveals over time that the buyer is actually Dato Dahlan or his related Bumiputera companies and the stock holds above 27.5 sen over the next few days then I will bet my bottom dollar that Mpay will make new highs again.


2014-04-02 23:57 | Report Abuse

Why worry if every time Mr Chan sells the stock it has proven
to move up? Then we should all hope he continues to sell and
that Dato Dahlan and his bumiputera partners are buying. That
would be perfect. I am certain the support line at 27.5-28 sen
should hold on this short term pullback which presents a great
buying opportunity for those who missed out.


2014-04-02 20:36 | Report Abuse

flytothemoon that is an excellent observation and question.

Firstly the sale of 2.3 m was made on the 1/4/2014 and the stock still ended up 11% on the day so the selling price effect was zero and a non event.

Secondly the share sale appears to be not in the open market and if so who did he sell it to? If Dato Dahlan over the course of next few days files additional buying through Form 29A then we know the answer to that equation.

In that case I would gladly increase my equity position in Mpay knowing that in fact we are witnessing a change of old passive major shareholders to the new more exciting powerful Bumiputera shareholders in town taking over control with the TRS contract just as start. Lets keep our fingers crossed and once confirm by filings by Dato Dahlan this stock will make new highs again very soon.


2014-04-02 19:09 | Report Abuse

Who bought that is the more critical question because even with Mr Chan selling yesterday the stock still moved up 3 sen or 11% to 30 sen. By right it should be down yesterday instead of up if his selling was so impactful to the market. Therefore the conclusion is the net effect is more sentiment based than actual curtailing of upward price movement. The liquidity and upward buying volume of real insiders has absorbed the selling.

I would like to see more evidence of current shareholders especially Mr Chew or Dato Dahlan bailing out to exit my position as I am not a short term player. The 27.5 sen - 28 sen resistance turned support level are excellent buying opportunities on this expected pull-back for those who missed out.

Just like many traders before this who had called the top of Mpay way too early like lesliecarter@17 sen, Dato ThengBok@20 sen , limayseng@26 sen, Tokomas@27 sen Mpay is still riding higher and higher each week. Of course there are many who claim to have sold at the top again this time and history will prove it was not. The top is no where near 30 sen I believe. Its way above for those who have holding power and understand time value investing instead of being swayed by sentiments. I am looking forward to some positive news very soon either from corporate Mpay announcements regarding the TRS or from the two biggest shareholders buying more shares indicating confidence moving forward. Those are more critical indicators as the rest are just minor 'noises' to force short term players out. Thank you.


2014-04-02 08:34 | Report Abuse

It is not a sin to take some profit if you are sitting on 30% gains in 1 month but don't forget the main trend is still up and you may lose out on the even bigger upward swing coming. Further I assume that optimus7 and optimusx8 (banned recently) are the same person and your last posting was on the 25 March.... " luckily I have dumped all my mpay-w 14.0c this morning. 25/03/2014 19:18 " so you must have taken the bulk of your profit way too early now that it is at 18 sen.

As I was saying talk and self glorification is cheap nowdays but yes Ghl did not bid the contract. Its between Mpay and Iris but as we all know looking at Iris performance last 1 month dropping from a high of 63 sen to 54 sen currently and barely above its private placement price of 51 sen compared to Mpay new highs every week and 100% gain from its own private placement at 15 sen, we can safely conclude the smart insider money has continued to be riding with Mpay. Lets get factual and not pompous. We are here to share good information to invest and make money based on our own risk template not abusing or going one up on each other. Thank you.


2014-04-02 07:47 | Report Abuse

Good morning.

As I recall clearly Mr Chan has sold three times this year; 5 m@ 17 sen (direct deal) in late January, 1 m@ 26 sen in the open market on the 26 March, 1 m@ 27 sen (direct deal) on 31 March. That did not stop Mpay from moving up from 13 sen since beginning of the year to 30 sen on good volume yesterday. Likewise Dato Theng Bok use to be a major shareholder until he sold his shares in early February@ 20 sen. Both passive shareholders' sale did not stop the price from marching upwards. What is wrong with profit taking? You mean only we are allowed to do so but other major shareholders cannot take some profit?

Mr Chan and Dato Theng Bok are neither on the Board of Mpay or in the operations so they are not insiders. If I have 36 m shares like Mr Chan I would take some off the table too why not. More importantly when it comes to shareholders filing is to watch what Mr Chew the major controlling shareholder on the Board is doing and what the new bumiputera shareholder Dato Dahlan is up to. So far they are holding their position which is a good confident sign of more to come.

Intra day correction is normal in any uptrend but I expect the 27.5-28 sen level to hold if there is any short term profit taking and great buying level opportunities before scaling new highs to the TP of 35-38 sen next few weeks. There are not many stock in the market that can give you the out performance return of 100% in 2 months like Mpay and it will continue its run to 50 sen medium term albeit short term profit taking here and there to be one of the darling stock of 2014.

The main GST theme is creating the next level of buying as more people realise this is not a one day short term play but a very different Mpay with a new profitable recurrent business model through the TRS contract that will value Mpay at 50 sen moving forward.


2014-04-01 21:34 | Report Abuse

Consolidation and intra day pull back is expected but the previous resistance turn support line at 27.5-28 sen should hold strong. We will see 35-38 sen next few weeks as more corporate news flow moves the price higher.

As I have said many times since I invested at 14 sens this is fundamentally a 50 sen stock with the TRS in hand 15 months out so for those with patience and faith will be well rewarded. I Madiba salute those who have been discipline in value investing last few weeks and you have been well rewarded thus far by staying long despite the 'noises' and distractions from the doji readers, bear chartists, crimea war mongers and self seeking glorifiers without the track record.

They unfortunately have not made a sen from being on the wrong side other than wasting their own time since they can't short the stock not withstanding the opportunity cost lost of just watching the Mpay horse move higher and higher. You can never buy at the lowest nor sell at the highest but most important is to stay invested with the main trend which is definitely still up!


2014-04-01 20:51 | Report Abuse

Old news. At 30 sens the market is anticipating more juicy stuff coming out next two weeks and I don't think it will disappoint. Am expecting the run to continue until mid April before consolidating. TP 35-38 sen. The previous resistance broken at 27.5 sen will turn into strong support line.


2014-04-01 18:41 | Report Abuse

Filing date 31 March direct deal sale not in the open market. Average price on 31 March yesterday was 27 sen. Today up 3 sen to 30 sen closing so looks like no problem absorbing.
Non issue .


2014-04-01 14:52 | Report Abuse

Hey what about me? To the faithful, I Madiba salute you!!!
RM 0.30 sen up 11% today.


2014-04-01 09:00 | Report Abuse

Morning. Last month consolidation over and April is a good month for Mpay to rally into mid May to new highs above 35 sen based on greater thematic investor interest in GST related counters as the GST Bill gets passed through Parliament, corporate development on the TRS front and increase buying from Dato Dahlan directly or indirectly.

The current resistance at 27-27.5 sen will be broken and turn into a support line I trust.


2014-03-28 16:29 | Report Abuse

Yes ShinRenNeo that is correct but I wanted to determine whether Dato Dahlan or ETRS also sold in the market after pp listing. Looking at the upward price action since the pp shares was listed and confirmation announcement that both Dato Dahaln and ETRS are still holding their pp shares is a very good confident indicator.


2014-03-28 08:57 | Report Abuse

ShinRenNeo the red flag warning was raised because I was worried that the pp shares were being sold in the market by the Bumiputeras. I wanted proof to determine whether ETRS or Dato Dahlan has been selling in the market to lock in their 70% book profit from the pp @ 15.6 sen.

After analysing further the upward price action since pp listing coupled with the series of announcements and confirmation that none was sold in the market and that Dato Dahlan has now emerged as a direct substantial shareholder, the red flag warning was a false call. It is good that we recognise the clear warning signs/discipline involved to continue investing in the stock.


2014-03-27 21:01 | Report Abuse

Chelseazola my target is 35-38 sen end May as more corporate development reveals itself as what has been happening last 3 months. So far so good. No contra. Only for discerning value investors and not for doji analyst, shark watchers, crimea war predictors or those who are just out to irritate with their irrational observation.

Sorry just poking fun at the various types of contributors we have here. No harm intended. If you are right you are right if you are wrong then just admit it and learn. That my policy.

But value investing is serious business so I am very analytical and precise about my own investments. Thank you.


2014-03-27 19:27 | Report Abuse

Remember the red flag warning I was telling you about? It just turn back super green with this announcement.
All we need now is to see Dato Dahlan increasing his position as further confirmation. Mpay will not drop any more.
Sorry bears!


2014-03-27 10:10 | Report Abuse

Sam please read my earlier comments, its his trading position profit taking and he is not selling his long term investment position in Mpay. Secondly he is neither on the board of directors of Mpay nor in operating management thus he will not be fully aware of what is progressing in the company. Its a non event. More crucial is to watch out for what Dato Dahlan is doing ie buying or selling but looking at the past 1 week price action going up from 22.5 sen to current 26 sen since the pp shares got listed I believe its been net buying by the bumiputera boys behind the scene.


2014-03-26 22:49 | Report Abuse

Lets keep our comments respectful and analytical here. Over time we should know who is sharing value added and who just don't talk sense. The on going track record and consistency will speak for itself though we all make mistakes. Lets keep it decent, sharing good quality information and learn from one another. Thank you.


2014-03-26 22:19 | Report Abuse

Chill bros its Mr Chan's trading block of 1m shares which he bought earlier on the 13 Feb
@ 20.5 sen and now taking profit at around 26 sen.

If we are entitled to trade and take profit why can't Mr Chan be allowed to do likewise especially on a good return of 27% in 6 weeks? He is neither on the Board of Directors or management of Mpay nor has he sold his original investment block of 36 m shares or 9% so give him a break. Everybody deserves to take some trading profit along the way so don't read too much into this.

More important is what Dato Dahlan and corporate Mpay is doing moving forward. Any downside would be limited. Thank you.


2014-03-26 12:02 | Report Abuse

ran777 so if we all conclude that neither ETRS nor Dato Dahlan has been selling in the market as proven by today's market action despite the announcement last night coupled with the fact that since the pp shares got listed on 18 March Mpay shares has in fact moved up instead of down then the disposal between the two related parties may just be housekeeping to layer further buying transactions below the 5% radar in preparation of further corporate announcements.

Today's price action is crucial as the red flag announcement last night will normally be followed by heavy selling by insiders and substantial shareholders but thus far the selling volume has been very very light and its holding up well above the 22-23 sen support level trading at 0.255 sen currently. In light of this I won't be surprised if it turns up later.


2014-03-26 10:31 | Report Abuse

And what have you been predicting leslie has been proven consistently 100% wrong the last 3 months. Mpay is still holding at 0.255 sen (down 0.005 sen only) so I think you will be proven wrong again.

I have scan through the Bursa announcement and observing the price action this morning I can say with a greater degree of confidence that ETRS and Dato Dahlan are not selling in the market and may be even buying below the 5% reporting radar to avoid their strategic buy moves being noticed. This is because since their pp shares got listed last week from a subscription price of 15.6 sen the stock has moved UP from listing date to a high of 27.5 sen and not down which would be the case if they were selling into the market.

According to RHB the pp shares were fully subscribed before listing by ETRS so the possibility of ETRS not having money to pick up the pp shares before listing and having to contra sell as mentioned by OptimusX8 is also not possible.

We will know over the next few days f the stock holds well and goes up instead of down but at the moment it seems very unlikely that the stock will go down to the 22-23 sen support level and the red flag will turn green go again if Dato Dahlan or ETRS reports further buying activity which will then re-confirm the TP of 38 sen in May. Thank you.


2014-03-25 22:44 | Report Abuse

Lets deal with this factually,

The placement shares were listed on the 18 March and on the same day ETRS sold half its block to its director Dato Dahlan (price undisclosed). What we do know is that the low on 18 March was 22.5 sen (close 23.5 sen) and subsequently it has shot up (not down) to a high of 27,5 sen (closing 27 sen) yesterday up 17% from ETRS disposal day. Does that indicate net buying or net selling by somebody in the market?

If ETRS has been selling in the market the past 1 week I doubt the share price would have risen given the amount of stock they can dispose. No stock can buck the trend if a major shareholder has been selling in the market given the short term supply imbalance.

However the disposal does raise a red flag for me since it may also indicate something not right somewhere which I am not able to pin point at the moment. So although I have been bullish on this stock I would like to highlight that this disposal is a concern and would prefer to withhold any further buying until two things are cleared:

1) Prove of further buying by Dato Dahlan indicating growing confidence and credibility in getting the TRS contract;

(2) Additional corporate development announcement relating to securing the TRS contract.

Until these two are satisfied to negate the red flag warning I won't be surprised Mpay drops back to its support level of around 22-23 sen. As I said last week I expected this week to be a consolidation week but did not expect this red flag corporate announcement.

Downgrade from bullish to neutral until proven otherwise.


2014-03-24 17:16 | Report Abuse

Consolidation week as expected trading band upper 27.5 sen - 23 sen lower range.


2014-03-24 14:39 | Report Abuse

RECAP (Historical posting track record performance)

.... last night announcement is the confirmation I have been waiting for. Bought at 14 sen 6 weeks ago then took profit@ 23.5 sen.
Reinvested last two days at 23 sen and this continuing series of announcements points to a clear picture of the TRS award which
will revalue Mpay NTA to 30 sen and fair value at the 50 sen level 12/18 months from now. Immediate target is 28-30 sen level short term.

Will be interesting to observe how well Mpay holds up today and tomorrow morning given last Friday (vol > 31m) huge volume. If the price can hold above 23 sen and especially not break below 21 sen then the next buying wave should push it up to 27.5/28 sen by late Feb/early March. I am expecting some corporate announcements either on private placement, changes in shareholding or new contracts to enable this next level of investing interest. Not a contra stock.

19/02/2014 08:41 "

CURRENT. The above analysis posted on 19 Feb has proven to be accurate and still holds though I am expecting this week to be a consolidation week. Earnings wise its a 50 sen stock based on fair value of 15X fwd PE and proforma NTA of 30 sen for FY 2015-16.

Insearch your analysis is skewed by assuming Mpay had 100% of TRS whereas in fact their equity is currently 50% of consortium though it is able to consolidate the whole revenue and earnings stream but at the net level the MI needs to be knocked off.

Am expecting a consolidation week with minimal downside at around 23-24 sen and upside of 35-38 sen running into May. Thank you.


2014-03-20 17:34 | Report Abuse

chelseazola I do not own Iris or EAH therefore I do not have a worthwhile analytical view of these stocks. As for re-enter now or later its really a personal view and the timeline you are looking at. Good buying zones are at around 22 sen while upside TP is around 35-38 sen next 3 months. So you decide your own risk investment profile. Contra not advised as consolidation is expected until end of the month although I expect April and May to be good months for Mpay moving forward as the GST Bill gets passed though Parliament and more corporate development expected. Thank you


2014-03-20 13:27 | Report Abuse

Llimayseng I have no idea what ETRS will do with their block save to say from my observation they know what they are doing since day 1 and I don't think they are punting short term on the stock either despite the large capital gain. Profit taking is normal but I am quite certain that with a longer term view of the TRS contract in hand and the earnings clocking in at RM 20-30 mil a year it will be foolish to just take a small 64% gain and not hold out to the fundamental value of around 50 sen (+220% from their placement price) 12-18 months from now. Value investing takes time and I am already 100% up in the first 3 months. The stock I believe will remain well supported as I said earlier around 22-23 sen with a potential upside of 35-38 sen next 3 months. Do the maths and see whether it fits your risk investment profile otherwise I suggest you look for something more to your risk profile as this is not a contra high risk stock. Thank you.


2014-03-20 10:21 | Report Abuse

limayseng Correction!. Lets deal with factual info correctly.

4 bidders only two are listed ie Mpay & Iris, the other two are very small private entities with no prior track record expertise in managed secure payments or systems which is essential in this business, so the private entities are improbable. Tax refund business requires huge upfront cash-flow; only Mpay is net cash free amongst the four with a ready RM 25 mil cash in the bank to implement and roll out the system; Iris being in a negative cash-flow/debt.

Iris has govt linked shareholders but Iris in the last 2 months has not made any reference at all to this TRS contract despite singing loudly about their Sentuhan Kasih housing project and property investment overseas nor made any projections to analysts from this contract in their interviews with stock broking research houses. Therefore I believe their own internal estimate in obtaining the TRS contract is low.

As for Mpay the emergence of Dato Dahlan (airport duty free operator) and ETRS as bumiputera shareholders directly shows they are laying the necessary groundwork to receive the award. An added spice and is not a coincidence also is that Dato Dahlan is known to be a close friend of Dato Nazri; the current Tourism Minister ie Tourist Refund Scheme in the bag as this is the way it rolls in Malaysia.

The TRS contract comes in at the right time for Mpay as it sees a resurgence in earnings from current operations as proven in its last quarterly results. There is a huge difference in earnings performance from earning RM 1 mil a year to over RM 20-30 mil a year for the company moving forward once the contract is rolled out and this probability is reflected in its current shares performance.

Despite having been up 100% from 12.5 sen to 25 sen average in 3 months, making tons of money for value investors who spotted it early like me , I have always said that the compelling evidence is in their corporate changes and announcements, not doji reading, shark watching or trying to second guess events in Crimea. So far Mpay has not proven me wrong and I sincerely believe that Mpay is a Datasonic and MyEG in the making thus still a long way to go up for the faithful.

Only for value investors and not contra players. Thank you.


2014-03-19 17:18 | Report Abuse

Mpay up 13% or +3 sen to 26.5 sen today after touching a high of 27 sen on good volume of over 13.8 mil.

For those who had continue to invest in this stock on its recent pullback to 23 sen I salute you for your confidence and discipline in value investing! You are sitting on fat profits I believe.

For those doomsday predictors like leslieroy, limayseng, tokemas who has nothing better else to say than run the stock down with your irrational analysis without basis please look elsewhere as this stock is obviously not right for you and is not going down any time soon proving your analysis wrong time and time again. Please reserve your bearish comments with prove of performance analysis. Thank you.


2014-03-18 19:22 | Report Abuse

New bumiputera shareholder related to the TRS contract as expected surfaced!

They are definitely laying the groundwork for contract award. ETRS GTF System is led by Dato Dahlan the duty free operator at all the international airports and not coincidentally where all the tourist tax refund counters are suppose to be located as well. This a a very good signal!


2014-03-18 09:30 | Report Abuse

Zmgoh, buying zones on any further retracement below 22.5 sen hereon. This consolidation is good for Mpay longer run to build strong support levels moving forward in light that the new bumiputera shareholder involved in the TRS project has surfaced.


2014-03-17 18:20 | Report Abuse

If my research is correct the entire PP was taken up by the new Bumiputera shareholder led by Dato Dahlan in ETRS , their joint venture partner for the TRS contract. Once confirm by way of another announcement next few days, that would be an affirmation of the impending TRS contract to be awarded and a new shareholder of confidence!


2014-03-10 19:15 | Report Abuse

Bursa just approved the proposed private placement and emergence of Dato Dahlan and ETRS as new substantial Bumiputera shareholders of Mpay. The beginning of a renew Mpay with sustainable contracts. This plus the picture posted recently on the Malaysian Retailers Association FB wall suggest something very tangible and positive happening on the real corporate front, not rumors or sentiment.


2014-03-10 00:19 | Report Abuse

Tragedy like that the MH370 incident really brings forth that one should really cherish your love ones and appreciate relationships. This face-book page provides good up to date info:

Coming back to Mpay , my research for more info on Mpay and the TRS contract has turn up this photo posted on the Malaysian Retailer Chain Association FB page showing the Managepay and Global Tax Free directors with the MRCA last friday 7th Marc. Looks like they have strong retailers support going forward. It is always good to know what is happening on the ground in the real economy rather than looking at charts all day or be swayed by market sentiment.


2014-03-04 10:43 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the head up Bull13. Status check 10.30 am 04/03/14. Hang Seng up 86 points, Straits Times up 9 points after being down earlier. Mpay no major sell down and finding strong support at 24.5 sen now rebounded 1.5 sen from intra day low to 26 sen currently. Unless the situation in Ukraine deteriorates significantly and our index breaks below 1800 level I don't see a reason to exit this stock. I do not play contra nor believe it will go to 20 sen either and any sharp sell down is an opportunity to buy not sell.

I am still long at 23 sen for the second round up leg to 32 sen. For bearish players like leslie, Bull13 and tokemas it is good that you exited because it is a good lesson learn never to second guess overseas markets, rely too much on dragonfly doji or market rumors. There is no short cut to timely corporate research to invest confidently and not be swayed just by charts, sentiments or wild unfounded rumors.

So far Mpay up 4% to 26 sens on the day that was suppose to be weak according to Leslie, Bull13 and Tokemas. Its good to rely on my own research.


2014-03-03 11:17 | Report Abuse

No worries Bull13 thanks for the advice. Since I have no control over the Ukraine other than just pray for a peaceful outcome and hopefully no deaths in the crisis there, all I can do here since I am a value investor is to continue to buy on the way down if it drops to 18 sens like you imagine. To me any selling spike from this tension is a buying opportunity unless the market crashes below the 1800 level due to the escalation in the Crimea region. Index now 1822 level, down 13 points intra day.


2014-03-03 10:11 | Report Abuse

Talk is cheap and as far as I can recall you leslie have been talking about your bear harami since Mpay was at 17 sen and now still short trading @ 25 sen. The shock and ramifications of war anywhere is never a good thing to the stock market thus the market has capitulated intra day but recovering slowly. Unless the situation escalates I would like to hold my position thank you very much unless are you telling me leslie and bull13 you guys have a hotline to Putin?

Lets all pray that the tensions in the Ukraine will be resolved peacefully over the next few days for more importantly precious lives are at stake not just the stock market. The shocks of war has always been buying opportunities for good stocks for those who can buy deep confidently over time.Leslie and bull13 do you have the guts to do that on any stock or just talk all day bros??

Touched a low of 24 sen at 9.43 am now rebounded to 25.5 sen 10.10 am 03/03/14 because of the tensions in Ukraine.


2014-03-02 18:38 | Report Abuse

Forgive me but I am not a chart reader nor a % movement analyst but I can tell you a couple of chart observation without going into dragonfly doji, sashimi and stuff like that.(just kidding). I am purely a keen value added investor trying to spot changes in corporate business prospects and increase in shareholders' value before the professional institutional funds recommends them.

In the first leg Mpay surged from 16 sen to 25 sen before consolidating to a low of 23 sen and embarking on its second leg now breaking above the 25 sen resistance. That means it went up 9 sen in its first leg or 56% (from 16 sen) and retraced approximately 23.6% (2 sen) from the 25 sen resistance to 23 sen before rebounding. This shallow correction augers well for the stock momentum going forward.

I shall assume the second leg should be about the same given that all expectations in terms of corporate business changes/prospects, shareholding and results have come in spot on to remain bullish ie 9 sens upside range from 23 sens consolidation low projecting a second leg target of (23+9) = 32 sens. At the end of the second leg it should consolidate for approximately 23.6% or not more than 38.2% of the 9 sen range or 2-3.5 sen. Therefore I expect this leg to run to 32 sens and consolidating at support around 28.5 -30 sen after touching 32 sens.

I am never a chart trader but since everyone here seems to swear by % change and doji and dragonfly I might as well add my sashimi opinion. I do not believe March to be a deep consolidation month in fact I think the momentum and interest can only grow thus any consolidation will be well supported.

% change are always big and scary if you start from a low base like 14-16 sens but % consolidation from that upsurge is equally important and also a good indication of the 'potential weakness' of the counter which in this case is only 23.6% of the whole 9 sens run or 2 sens only. So no bearish dragonfly doji for me but just plain good 'chi' to 32 sens immediate term with support at 28.5- 30 sens when consolidation sets in. I don't swear by this but lets observe whether this gels in with my corporate research observation. Not perfect but the empirical evidence seems supportive.


2014-02-28 19:53 | Report Abuse

As expected strong set of results indicating an upturn in net earnings kicking in. Key highlights: Cash & clean receivables of RM 24.8 million, 92% increase in quarterly revenue growth, huge jump in gross quarterly profit to RM 600,000 compared to only RM 25,000 previously, no bad debt and zero borrowings.

All these indicates strong earnings upturn of current businesses plus a solid balance sheet to undertake the TRS contract which is a pre-requirement of the tender by Customs (as indicated in The Edge report).

The above has not even taken into account of another RM 5.7 mil raised through the recent private placement and the exciting new shareholder in Dato Dahlan linked to the Tourism Minister, a core essential in doing business in Malaysia especially with regards to the TRS contract.

All green light no red flags to date. Holding my position. Good to go!


2014-02-27 22:54 | Report Abuse


Yes chelseazola last night announcement is the confirmation I have been waiting for. Bought at 14 sen 6 weeks ago then took profit@ 23.5 sen.
Reinvested last two days at 23 sen and this continuing series of announcements points to a clear picture of the TRS award which
will revalue Mpay NTA to 30 sen and fair value at the 50 sen level 12/18 months from now. Immediate target is 28-30 sen level short term.

Will be interesting to observe how well Mpay holds up today and tomorrow morning given last Friday (vol > 31m) huge volume. If the price can hold above 23 sen and especially not break below 21 sen then the next buying wave should push it up to 27.5/28 sen by late Feb/early March. I am expecting some corporate announcements either on private placement, changes in shareholding or new contracts to enable this next level of investing interest. Not a contra stock.

19/02/2014 08:41 "

All I can say is thank God I am in Mpay and not Iris at these levels. Iris close down a volatile 7% or 4.5 sen down today while Mpay close strong at 24 sen, flat after dropping to 23 sen at 10 am. Looks like excellent support at the 22-23 sen levels. Am confident the FY results due out this week will show a solid balance sheet and good prospects going forward. The insider boys are not selling, holding and adding on to their position that is for sure.

I just pray that leslieroycarter is not caught in the Iris volatility since his strategy has been long Iris short Mpay last heard. Wrong strategy.
My sincere sympathy to him.

25/02/2014 17:10

I am expecting a good set of financial accounts reporting this Friday evening to further indicate this galloping horse has the financial stamina to undertake the TRS contract although I DO NOT expect any MOU announcement or TRS award confirmation before the GST Bill is passed through Parliament in March. I do expect however to see the GST theme getting hot and Mpay being the focus GST darling stock in the making. As I said many times before this is the next Datasonic and MyEG in the making and its still got a long way to go if you are patient.

So I think it will continue to gallop to the 30-32 sen zone next 10 days albeit taking a breather from time to time. No contra , no dragonfly just happy riding the Mpay investment horse!


2014-02-27 20:30 | Report Abuse

For those who took up position between 23-24 sen last one week I salute you for your investment patience.You will not see those levels again for a long time. This next up swing lasting probably 10-12 days should bring it up to the 30-32 sen level with brief consolidation expected Tuesday-Wednesday next week so let your profit ride boys.

For the bearish dragonfly doji reader and impatient contra player (you know who you are) I fully understand how you feel, its frustrating being on the wrong side all the time, continue talking nonsense all day and not making money at all being short.

I am expecting a good set of financial accounts reporting this Friday evening to further indicate this galloping horse has the financial stamina to undertake the TRS contract although I DO NOT expect any MOU announcement or TRS award confirmation before the GST Bill is passed through Parliament in March. I do expect however to see the GST theme getting hot and Mpay being the focus GST darling stock in the making. As I said many times before this is the next Datasonic and MyEG in the making and its still got a long way to go if you are patient.

So I think it will continue to gallop to the 30-32 sen zone next 10 days albeit taking a breather from time to time. No contra , no dragonfly just happy riding the Mpay investment horse!


2014-02-27 12:27 | Report Abuse

Bro Bull13 those are EMS (Electronic Monitoring System) nodes Customs contract awarded to MyEG for application at the retailers/entertainment outlets etc that can be applied even if there is no GST implementation in order to capture and track more effectively the sales revenues of these 'cash' sectors (hidden economy). It is meant to capture the current sales tax now and can easily be reconfigured to GST next year once approved. Thus the EMS contract does not need to wait for the GST Bill. I hope this clarifies. Thank you.


2014-02-27 11:00 | Report Abuse

Those who are bored, playing contra or bearish with dragonfly doji please sell and exit the stock because Mpay is for investors with holding power, understand the change in business model, appreciate its clean balance sheet, excited by its new Bumiputera shareholder in Dato Dahlan who has the right connection to the right people in the Ministry of Tourism ie related to the TRS contract and realise this is a potential MyEG or Datasonic in the making.

For your information the early years of MyEG and Datasonic were the same and it made over 500% in return in 15 months for those who invested in the beginning. Mpay thus far have made 100% return for patient investors like me in 3 months and I believe more to come. The fact that the stock is holding steady at 24 sen after climbing 100% from 12 sen is a good sign rather than being volatile with big sell down swings like IRIS.

Next to watch out for is Mpay financial results due out any time not dragonfly doji. Am looking out for a strong set of results indicating a cash hoard of over RM 20 mil including clean receivables and upturn in net earnings. This will provide further indication that it has all the right partners and balance sheet requirement to be awarded the TRS contract.

By the way I notice that the GST Bill is only going through Parliament in March so there may be a procedural delay in the TRS award until the GST law is approved and enacted in Parliament. Customs can't award a GST TRS contract if the GST law has not been enacted in Parliament yet.

Nevertheless this will stir the institutional investors on the lookout for prime beneficiaries of the GST implementation. Mpay is definitely one of them so buy/hold on if you are excited by the GST theme before the institutional crowd comes in. However if you swear by the bearish dragonfly doji like leslie or just want some excitement playing contra please stay out. Happy weekend.


2014-02-25 17:22 | Report Abuse

I have no idea what signals you are looking at leslie, my apologies. I am a value investor looking at various information sources and research that does not include dragonfly I am afraid. Thank you.


2014-02-25 17:10 | Report Abuse

All I can say is thank God I am in Mpay and not Iris at these levels. Iris close down a volatile 7% or 4.5 sen down today while Mpay close strong at 24 sen, flat after dropping to 23 sen at 10 am. Looks like excellent support at the 22-23 sen levels. Am confident the FY results due out this week will show a solid balance sheet and good prospects going forward. The insider boys are not selling, holding and adding on to their position that is for sure.

I just pray that leslieroycarter is not caught in the Iris volatility since his strategy has been long Iris short Mpay last heard. Wrong strategy.
My sincere sympathy to him.


2014-02-25 09:24 | Report Abuse

Mpay is not a contra stock so lets not get carried away by assuming it will go up every other day. However its value has increased by 100% since December 2013 (3 months) and will continue to give shareholders increasing value over time if you are patient.

I am expecting a good set of FY results to be reported soon to confirm its clean balance sheet ie cash over RM 20 mil, good solid net profit growth and excellent prospects of securing the explosive earnings from the TRS project.

For short term traders I think 20-22 sen is very safe and I expect the 25 sen resistance to be broken sometime in March. Buy on rumor sell on fact for all stocks and I believe that by the time the TRS news is confirmed it will be nearer to the 30 sen price level than the 20 sen level before undergoing a longer consolidation.

Happy trading & investing boys!


2014-02-24 23:08 | Report Abuse

Ministry of Tourism Malaysia Special Award just awarded to Dato Dahlan of ETRS the Bumiputera partner in Mpay. From the way YB Dato Seri Nazri hugged him and this being the only one Special Award given just to him from the Tourism Ministry, the rapport and working relation with the Tourism Ministry seems to be very credible and solid. A crucial uncertainty removed and bridge established. These Bumiputera guys in ETRS got the support of the YB and the tourism authorities which is crucial to win the Tourist Refund Scheme contract.

Ministry of Tourism Malaysia

Dato’ Dahlan Rashid


2014-02-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

leslieroycarter you have been short on Mpay since 17 sens and has continued to be bearish up to today whilst the stock has moved up +30% in the last two weeks. I have no idea how you derive your previous scant comments like 'sharks??' or that Mpay has 'cashflow problems??' or like now "Mpay will have to pay back all when the sad news out??"

Nevertheless I admire your consistency in being proven WRONG all the time whilst Mpay is going up but am sure you will be right one day but not yet.
I have invested in this counter from 14 sen in December 2013 and took my profit last week@23.5 sen. With the triple confirmation of the shareholders buying back at these levels coupled with the confirmation of ETRS being their Bumiputera partner and the fact that the stock is holding well above 22 sen I am investing again at these levels.

To me this is a MyEG or Datasonic in the making and its still early days yet. However I am sure when the stock goes above 27 sen soon you will still be bearish which is quite understandable since you want to be consistent in your view. This is not a contra stock so best you stay out of this as it cannot move fast enough for you and is only for discerning value investors who needs to analyse in depth to make our hard earned money. May I suggest that if you change your bearish mind you can buy the stock tomorrow Tuesday after 10 am with a stop loss at 22 sen since you are obviously a very short term player .
Thank you.


2014-02-21 08:19 | Report Abuse

Yes chelseazola last night announcement is the confirmation I have been waiting for. Bought at 14 sen 6 weeks ago then took profit@ 23.5 sen.
Reinvested last two days at 23 sen and this continuing series of announcements points to a clear picture of the TRS award which
will revalue Mpay NTA to 30 sen and fair value at the 50 sen level 12/18 months from now. Immediate target is 28-30 sen level short term.

" Will be interesting to observe how well Mpay holds up today and tomorrow morning given last Friday (vol > 31m) huge volume. If the price can hold above 23 sen and especially not break below 21 sen then the next buying wave should push it up to 27.5/28 sen by late Feb/early March. I am expecting some corporate announcements either on private placement, changes in shareholding or new contracts to enable this next level of investing interest. Not a contra stock.

19/02/2014 08:41 "