
minahkarant | Joined since 2014-01-02

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2015-05-11 13:06 | Report Abuse

Song 123 the announcement is a proposal by the company only. That is the reason why the price is in the 65 / 7 range. Looking at their proposal to raise 30% of the share and the rights T .10 per existing shares, the proposal is not out of the ordinary or far fetch. There is also warrants involved . No date has been fixed yet, but once approve you think it will remain at .65 ? That is the reason I am suggesting that you look into this counter and make your decision. Speculators will not be interested in this counter.


2015-05-11 09:30 | Report Abuse

With the coming right issue of .10 on 1 rights to 1 netx shares this maybe a counter to watch out for in the comings weeks. Many are disappointed because this counter has been sleeping too long. Anyway if you have no confidence just wait a bit, I anticipate it will rise more. To those who are looking for a bargain, you may want to consider this. At current value of .07 I do not see how wrong can you go. Speculators are not interested in this counter . Happy trading !


2015-05-08 17:28 | Report Abuse

Yup you are absolutely right , Sersol is moving


2015-05-06 17:42 | Report Abuse

To be honest I do not make much , but as a market analyst for more than 20 years I have seen a few suicides, broken families and too many bankruptcy to even count. Yes you can say they went in with their eyes open. Go with market sentiments if you think that is the best way for you, but do not berate the value of empirical facts. It is true perception is a very powerful driving force but perception with no substance as the Malay saying goes " Masuk Angin Keluar Asap". The response is to your question if there are such thing as " trade wisely, trade carefully " . Of course you are at liberty to disagree and be cynical to such wishes, just as I see no sense in relying on perception only and , I hope you make lots of money trading on perception.


2015-05-06 09:33 | Report Abuse

Of course, one who trade wisely uses his discernment on the current market situation base on the various factors such as overall market situation, the potential performance of the counter eg future contracts or MOU entered into by the company, the personalities leading the company for eg if Bill Gates were to come in and buy a block of shares, the price of the shares you bought in relation to the current price. Warren Buffet did mention that if you can make 20% in a trade! that is good profit. Conversely to trade following sentiments with zero empirical facts is more speculating , is that wise or careful? This caution applies more so in Ace counters compared to Blue Chips where there is clearly a clear and stable track record. Sure speculators do make lots of money, many also lost their pants in this process.


2015-05-06 00:01 | Report Abuse

Those who got it at .65,.7 or under .10 , what are you waiting for ? Hitting .13 or .14 in the next few days I believe is achievable. Why the sudden surge ? The movement pattern of this counter is like Sersol . Sersol rested at .20 for a long time and then a surge appeared and it rested at .30 and today .35. This counter will rest at .15 and will rest for a few weeks and then the next push will be higher. Just watch in between each mark there will be a correction to buy out those who got it lower than .10. All said the killer move will not be now but in June or July. Friends Ace counter , as you know you can kill or be killed. Trade wisely .


2015-05-05 17:21 | Report Abuse

Please sell price is good, going to .14 is not an issue ,


2015-05-05 13:47 | Report Abuse

Something is definitely in the air . I think after the long hiatus someone is slowly buying up this counter . Why ?


2015-04-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

Lackluster, where are the big contract that cause the turbo charged performance last week. Lerts hope tomorrow is a good day.


2015-04-25 13:44 | Report Abuse

Well the Business Star uses terror terms to give Sersol a void rating , but he did not explain the fall to .31 on Friday. At least there are optimist rating , but after giving it a good review , it comes with a caveat, stating the review does not encourage you to buy this stock. Talk ayam jantan la.


2015-04-24 20:01 | Report Abuse

In Ace market nothing is impossible. I recall when new directors came in the bough a block of shares at .10 . Then came a series of announcements that never took off, fore example the non renewal of Custom & Excise in using their system and an investment with a Muslim group in China on tracing halal products. I agree that anything .10 and below is cheap. Look at the average price target, someone fix it at .28. If you are looking for short term investment , you may want to put some in this counter befo0re the mad rush begins.


2015-04-24 18:11 | Report Abuse

Within 5 days the counter went on overdrive from .22 to .365 so what's the news? Volume was phenomenal but really what is the cause of it ? Some say Prima1 gonna paint Malaysia, some say got some solid contract, some say some hotshot corporate figure joining the company , so what ? Are they referring to Bill Gates or Warren Buffet ? Big JV , contract MOU I think we have heard all before. Look at the Agenda of the coming AGM anything significant or unusual . Nope ! Look at company operation? Still losing money. Do you not agree that Ace counter are driven by perception and rumors ? Today is Friday it closes at .31 , you can console yourself that the contra players are cashing out la, but at .31? Where are the jockeys ? I would imagine that the support would be at .35 and come Monday , a fierce assault to push it to .40. I am not Mr. Negative , but if come Monday it falls below .30, I am sure all of you out there knows what to do or some body is going to be hurt real bad. This is exciting to see market reaction, so with this I hope Monday will be a good day for all of you.


2015-04-24 14:36 | Report Abuse

.24 just hold a while , this counter has not shown its potential. In the earlier mini run it went to .29 . This time there will be a super run and I expect it to exceed .30. Personally it is a safe buy.


2015-04-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

Kim 30+++ is definitely in my mind . I honestly though that the movement is a bit too soon. I expect action to be feverish in the middle of the year.


2015-04-24 09:41 | Report Abuse

The slumber is over , get ready for the Greatest Show on Earth !


2015-04-24 05:15 | Report Abuse

Yes from 1.07 to .37 , a classic pump and dump situation. Firstly as far as the speculators are concern they have no memories of that occasion. Secondly to speculators tomorrow it will be an even better days ahead. The rise is too meteoric and in Ace counter it is driven by perception and rumours. .46 impossible ? no the sky is the limit , point here is when will the bubble will burst and who will be caught with their pants down? Exciting ya? But someone is gonna get hurt real bad, if he blinks. All the same happy trading and stay safe..


2015-04-23 17:20 | Report Abuse

take a breather today and lets cool the radiator, tomorrow the turbo charger is on to hit .40.and above.


2015-04-23 16:27 | Report Abuse

This counter is heating up very fast. I think hitting .40 is not a problem at all. THe question in all speculators mind is , when will the Bubble burst?


2015-04-23 10:20 | Report Abuse

AGM on 15 May resolution nothing out of the ordinary .


2015-04-23 09:39 | Report Abuse

Today will it break .30 ? Looks like it !


2015-04-22 18:12 | Report Abuse

Highest it went is to .285 but fell back to.27. Maybe a correction? Any news out there ? Lets hope tomorrow is a happy day.


2015-04-22 11:29 | Report Abuse

There are no known announcement , but certainly for the counter to react in this manner the smoke must be really strong although no fire could be found. As I see it this is a classic case of a mob chasing after something and not knowing what is that something. As long as there are speculators this counter will spiral upwards , the question is at what point will the bubble burst ? More that .30 ? Perhaps ! Like what Russel Peters favorite line, by then " someone is going to get hurt real bad" . All the same Happy Trading !


2015-04-22 09:51 | Report Abuse

Anything cooking ? If there are any announcement can share ? Ace counter perception is everything , but Sersol holders happy days are here again, looking at the trend .30 by the end of the day ? Whatever the perception is I hope your dreams come true. Happy trading !


2015-04-21 10:06 | Report Abuse

waking up looks good ka? no volume may fall back to sleep


2015-04-20 19:09 | Report Abuse

Good luck SMTrack ,


2015-04-17 17:37 | Report Abuse

Looking at things, I think the Swedish company is not biting at the asking price. The owners are certainly not desperate to sell. So it is bye bye birdie.


2015-04-16 09:47 | Report Abuse

This counter have potential to hit RM 5 .


2015-04-07 07:52 | Report Abuse

Rm 3 for coco shares? I think the Swede came to this part of the world to look for a bargain to expand what they have. Nah! I don't think they will go for rm 3 . Admitted coco is a healthy company , but in this market everyone is looking for a bargain. Rm2 or within that region is about right . Let's see how it goes.


2015-03-27 02:43 | Report Abuse

Hello! We are going into a new phase now. To those who say that this counter is going to die better sell and cash out .Ask yourself how many of you are waiting for it to fall below ,20 to pick up . Or ask yourself this question who is supporting it at .20 and why ?: Id this the sign of a dead counter? Round 2 will be fierce, question is do you hav4e the heart to ride this roller coaster. Sell of you do not hold if you dare


2015-02-18 10:23 | Report Abuse

With the good report and having spend quite substantially on Advertising and Promotions , it is payback time . Getting back to the real value of 2.3 is only a matter of time. You cannot put a good counter down, even in this sluggish market and the gloomy economic forecast for 2015. Hold! Happy Trading and a Happy Lunar New Year to the Chinese community.


2015-02-17 09:53 | Report Abuse

Okay some of you may appear gloomy because you did not get your target price and saw the price tumbling . Don't feel down, because the last 3 week play , it is correct to take profit for the CNY holidays. Whatever or however you look at things looking at the volume transacted and the trend , the story does not end here. What I am suggesting to those who has taken profit to pick it up when the price is low. The question is how low will it go ? No one in his right frame of mind can answer that, so you need to look at your budget. To those who have not thrown , you have no choice but to wait. I say wait after the implementation of the GST and we see how the market feels. Yes feel! Ace counter depend on feel rather than fundamentals.


2015-02-11 04:36 | Report Abuse

Okay here is my reading of the situation. Chinese New Year is next week , Anwar is jailed for 5 years and the market is generally sluggish. The feel good factor is no longer there. I believe most of those who purchased before the rights issue and free warrants may gave already cashed out. Even at the current price they still do not lose. So the question is how low can it go and at what price can you go into the market again on this counter? There is not much volume already .25 was the support level but it still burst to .245. Those who expect this counter to move up, not likely. You may have to wait after Chinese New Year. The difficult part is even if it breaks .20 do you dare to buy with 1st April just around the corner ? Yes GST and its implimentation according to experts are going to cause havoc to the market. My view is this, hold on to your cash and observe the trend after Chinese New Year. To those who thinks it is a bargain , good luck. To those who want to wait and see how GST afffects the market , you may be surprised/ Remember cash is king, there are always other counter to look at . Happy Trading !


2015-02-07 11:14 | Report Abuse

So the closing was .275. Anwar decision is on 10 February and thereafter will be CNY. I do not think that it can reach .30 before CNY. Maybe it will pick up momentum after CNY . Wrong reading, sorry people .


2015-02-06 12:12 | Report Abuse

Komathi80 do not say that please . Be grateful that you can fight another day. Honestly it could have been worse . Hold on to your cash till April. Why April? That is when GST will be implemented and all market researchers predict that it will impact the economy. In April with your cash you can go bargain hunting . No regrets komathi80, once decision is made just move on it will make you happier. In my earlier posting I did mention don't look back. Think okay, Anwar's decision is on 10 February, a few days left. Should he be found guilty , do you think it will impact market confidence? My .30 prediction does not take into account such intervening factors. If it is going to hit .30 it is like the song by Elvis , It's Now or Never" . Komathi80 no regrets la and have a nice day.


2015-02-06 00:03 | Report Abuse

Today's result is expected according to trend , now please take note I use the word trend meaning based on past behavior . Humans as I believe are creatures of habits , if they behave in a particular way often, one can read into that behavior and made a prediction. Take Anwar's case that is coming this 10th February , can you read the trend of the Judges thinking ? Speak to any lawyer and they will tell you he will be acquitted , the lawyers goes on evidence and by evidence Anwar should be freed. Speak to a Perkasa man he will say he will definitely go in. The point here is trend are guesstimates. Tomorrow is Friday , will it go up and remain at .29 and .30? What if Anwar is convicted will it affect the market ? These are all feel good or feel bad factors. Listen to your heart and instinct after all it us your investment your money. My prediction? I say it will touch .30 but let's see. Happy Trading and be safe.


2015-02-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

Hello this is a case of xglobal versus extol ventures Sdn.bhd . Company was asked to pay costs of Rm 3,000 and lawyer says no point appealing . Hear that Sdn . Bhd . If this case can impact this counter like what kt99 ask, Y still go up? Anyone panic or not ? Panic sell because there are buyers. You fellas sometimes make a fart sound like a thunder. To the rest watch closely if today it can break .30. Happy Trading !


2015-02-05 00:02 | Report Abuse

All the same rman1 , watch closely the market trend. We are very much influenced by Dow Jones, and if I read the trend correctly, tomorrow may be the same as today and perhaps may take a small dip to flush those to sell. .30 is the psychological barrier today highest is .285. Depending on many circumstances lets see what happen this Friday! Break thirty and it will say the path to .40. Impossible ! in Malaysia anything is possible. All the same tread carefully and watch the market carefully. Good Luck and may the Good lady luck favors you tomorrow rman1.


2015-02-04 10:57 | Report Abuse

It is indeed true that people listen to rumors and act on it. This is a fact! The market sentiments live and breath on it. Can't stand the tension off load and walk away happy . Do not look back! How many of you can do that ? How many off load at .23 , .24 or even .25 now is kicking yourself ? You kick yourself not because you did not make money, in your mind you could make more. Sell now if you think the directors are unloading ! My take is if they unload now at this price, there is no real purpose to take over this counter because they are not any richer.


2015-01-30 21:33 | Report Abuse

RmAn1 only discussion if you have been following this counter and read the trend today .25 was the barrier to breach . Whoever is investing in this counter ( notice I did not use the word playing) did a classic move on bringing the price as low as .23 making many to let go at .24 . Look at the timing , things get hot at around 3.45pm , the bait laid at .25, .255, .26 and.265 was snapped up. Highest was.27 but some ones bait was taken not mine. Look there is going to be a long break and market open on Wednesday. We are looking at the trend , we see how US market perform the night before. If it is bullish , I predicted that hitting .30 is not difficult and .40 is not impossible. I believe speculators love playing, yes playing this counter. He who dares will win big , because I know all of you are already winner , the question us how big. This may sound contradictory but heroes also die early, so the destiny is in your hands . Happy Trading and I hope all of you leave happy with the coming new year season.


2015-01-30 16:42 | Report Abuse

Dear friends, what you are facing today is a small storm, now get ready for the coming typhoon. Someone up there can stand any longer, they have flushed out many .24 and .25 . Watch closely as it hits .30


2015-01-28 10:22 | Report Abuse

This looks like the calm before the storm. Here is a staring game of who blink first. The price is hovering at .245 but cannot get .25. Those who cannot stand the Game , will let go at .245 and thinking that it may go lower. Take profit and go. However those who dare just mark you price and do some thing else.


2015-01-23 01:02 | Report Abuse

Okay whoever can predict what is the tops is a genius. First let me remind you that this is an ACE Counter . Between fundamentals and perceptions , feel good always take the cake. Look at the trend of the RI and the free warrants and the amount the company is raising? It is not really much , but the moving trend and optimistic market , hitting .30 is not a problem at all looking at the history of this counter from the early days before the RI, a chunk was purchased at .35 to.45 or higher. My guess and please this is a guesstimate .40 is a reality , anything moving above that , the GODS must be crazy. Please note this is a discussion blog and there are no empirical data to support my views. Happy Trading !


2015-01-22 11:26 | Report Abuse

Good for you komathi80, but you do make some money too dah !


2015-01-21 16:02 | Report Abuse

Happy Trading everyone.


2015-01-20 01:17 | Report Abuse

Fundamentally appears to be quite sound . If the current trend remains breaking the 1.55 mark is not a problem. Good luck and happy trading


2015-01-02 16:57 | Report Abuse

Bursa says 5th Jan but now traded already. Good luck to all and happy trading


2014-12-29 15:55 | Report Abuse

5th January 2015, will be the listing date of the Rights Issues. Good luck and Happy Trading!


2014-12-19 02:39 | Report Abuse

Okay those who have taken the RI and got your free warrant congratulation. Those who sold and made some money before the RI also congratulations for playing smart in this difficult market. I suppose now till Chinese New Year , look closely and monitor this counter.