
minahkarant | Joined since 2014-01-02

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2014-07-09 18:04 | Report Abuse

Lack luster performance, not much directions today.


2014-07-09 01:37 | Report Abuse

From what I understand the big brokers are already coming in to show an interest. 1 million shares certainly does not make you an institution , but look at the total shares at the Annual Report, this counter can be considered small . When I say small, too small to play up or goreng the shares.


2014-07-08 16:42 | Report Abuse

Difficult to read with Mohd Nazifuddin coming into the picture, from the ground institutions are rushing in to pick and that is a good sign. Let s see these few days whether it can sustain .33-.35, I still say that touching .40 is not really a problem, but see if you get you green pau this Hari Raya Adil Fithri.


2014-07-08 16:31 | Report Abuse

It appears that the CEO was sacked Mohd Badaruddin Masodi because malas tak datang kerja. In his place is Mohd Nazifuddin Mohd Najib. Okay here is why the share took a dive, this Baharuddin chap reduced his interest in Extol from 9.62% to 7.4 % disposing his shares. Today looking at the volume the market appears to be buoyant. Maybe PM son also got something to do with it. Source: The Edge . Appears that institutional players are out in force to support this counter, so how far will it go? But what is good is the dead woods are all removed and let the show begins.


2014-06-30 09:39 | Report Abuse

Hopefully we do not wait too long and then we can see some action. Just be a bit patient , hey it is Ramadan time for Muslim to reflect !


2014-06-29 11:30 | Report Abuse

When swift icon got the green light from Bursa to sell in the open market , obviously the price fell . The question is why ? The amount is enough to rock the market but not significant enough to case a major panic. Have not seen the reason but I think Bursa may have a part to play. Understand this the new shareholders and directors are doing an audit on the company to see if there are any illegal or inappropriate acts like conflict of interest . You feel uncomfortable or jittery ? At .30 if you exit now you do not lose , but I am holding on to my horses to watch more. Why ? I do not see major movement from the other shareholders , at least that is what I see and look at the current price . If there is a panic this counter should fall to below the .23 to .25 mark. I have explained in my previous posting why I take .23/.25 as my bench mark.


2014-06-20 17:33 | Report Abuse

Steady Shacks, the price cannot move too fast, today is Friday and if it shoots up to quickly , the directors will be served with a notice of UMA ( Unsual Market activities) on this counter. It WILL hit .40 take a good week end break and lets watch next week. .


2014-06-20 10:52 | Report Abuse

Kt99 and Shacks thank you for taking this advice from a Blogger friend. I do not mean to patronize you as though I am some big time Guru investment. I would be very happy if you chaps make a heathy profit and join in the excitement . Happy Trading and like what Shacks says do not be greedy.


2014-06-19 20:09 | Report Abuse

Shacks, again this is an Ace counter , when you go into this it is all on perception . you know your costs, and if you think you are satisfied with the profit margin, take profit and walk away. It is the curiousity that kills the cat. Don't try to find out the high, for no one really know how high is high. When the market is driven by perception; empirical analysis have no place or answer. It is driven by greed and perception and like how it rises and it falls you will realise that it is empty in nature. Studying the market , I expect this counter to surge tomorrow to a higher level and kt99 wish of .40 is reachable this time.


2014-06-19 17:43 | Report Abuse

Looking back at what I wrote , it appears the prediction should come true. kt99 when it hits .40 you must be happy. If you can discipline yourself , then you are wise. Will you unhappy if having dispose at .40 it goes to .50 ? Everyone wants to sell it at the highest but no one knows how high it will go. .70 or .77 ? Why not in this Land of Limitless possibilities. All said now as it goes on an uptrend swing, learn to be satisfied and walk away. Plan your level, stick to it. Happy trading.


2014-06-19 15:09 | Report Abuse

Ayam here la. But I am got getting excited la not yet la.


2014-06-11 17:30 | Report Abuse

Kt99 not too long ago it shot up to more than .40 la. Shacks I am embarrassed no need thanks la. We are all in the same boat trying to make some money if we can. Going into Ace counter I feel information is important and we analyze before we open our mouth. Our reason mostly are from information available but our conclusion are based on those reasons. Here our interpretations can differ and to each his own. My wish in this blog is to give my reason , you can agree or choose to disagree , but the motivation is for everyone to make money . So happy trading friends, I was told that Monday the new board is meeting up probably to chart their new directions. Let me see what my spies have to say. I will share with you.


2014-06-11 15:54 | Report Abuse

Shacks my analysis of the fall is because this counter are just taken over by the new directors. The Company has been running at a loss. The increase this morning is too artificial perhaps more a gut reaction. I think we need to look at the company, from what understand there is a lot of potential in this company, that is the reason why, these investors cherry pick to take over. They have pump a lot of money and they must have confidence.Like they say no one is going to throw good money after bad investment . As I have done my earlier analysis , I noticed that at .24 or .25 the market went a bit crazy. It would be helpful to know how much or the cost the new shareholder came in. My guess is at this figure. I was hoping that it will fall to .24 or .25 but it did not. Will there be a push & dump situation on this counter? In my view the total shareholding in this company is too small to manipulate the market in this manner, But I think look at .48 to .50 is more realistic than anything higher. No average price target at this juncture but be cautious and Happy Trading friends. Hope you chaps makes lots of money and dont get burn.


2014-06-11 09:43 | Report Abuse

Wrong analysis , market did not drop on opening. Sorry. But lets see how the new directors will chart the future of the company , they will meet soon . Let's see the action


2014-06-10 17:55 | Report Abuse

Finally Bursa just publish the announcement of the old directors and the new directors are now named. I see no other reasons trading should commence tomorrow. Happy Trading folks.


2014-06-10 11:25 | Report Abuse

No problems Shack , although Malaysian reserve as posted by 128Huat reported the outcome Bursa I think needs confirmation by way of viewing the sealed court order.


2014-06-10 10:10 | Report Abuse

Yes bursa needs the sealed order of court . Normally 48 hours and I understand they are working on it . If not by today should be by tomorrow .


2014-06-10 07:30 | Report Abuse

Water to Fiber Optics ? You cannot be serious.


2014-06-09 16:29 | Report Abuse

jfr3333 I am in agreement with you. But before that I understand that Bursa will make the announcement and allow trading after the sealed copy of the court judgment is handed to them. I do not know about the PM part, but from the grape vines, the old directors were barking at the wrong tree, more of that to come when I view the notes of submission. I agree that the price may fall , generally confidence is the issue and institutional clients do not like such in fighting and they may off load their shares. The stakes are too high for the new directors to take this matter sitting down and allow the share to do a free dive. They will take counter measures and for them to come in like that , you can be rest assured they have big guns backing them. To the speculators, the suspension must be painful , but then it has happened, you move out and fight another day. To the investors like jfr3333 says and I agree with him, exciting times is coming your way. Happy trading tomorrow and lets not get too optimistic but be cautious on this counter.


2014-06-09 14:55 | Report Abuse

Thanks Shack. Okay good news coming your way on the legal proceedings. Let me get more details and I will post the same soon. Trading should commence soon.


2014-06-09 11:57 | Report Abuse

Will try and dig up some more information , I understand from company secretary that there is litigation but what stage I have yet to find out because an e=search on the Court files reveal nothing . This arv18 does not understand prediction and advice. This is an open market you buy at your own risk, I suppose if tomorrow there is a coup in Malaysia like Thailand or there is a crash in the Stock Market, he will put the blame on me. This Blog is a discussion Blog and I still stand on my views if everything is equal. But then an idiot by any other name is still an ass hole. Do I have a personal stake in Extol? Certainly I do, don't you ? Those following this page do you not have an interest? The only person on this page that those not have an interest on this counter must be this chap. Am I a director with the new boys or under their payroll, I am sorry to disappoint many of you , I am not. Look at his advice, how is he helpful by advising you going to other counters ? Why is he hogging on this page ? The only empirical conclusion is that he must be a plant from those directors who refuses to give up their position. All said I will report when I get more information. Not that you can do anything in the current situation , but accurate information is what you need now.


2014-06-03 19:27 | Report Abuse

I don't when or where this arse hole got the impression that I encourage people like him to invest in this counter , pardon the language but I think that is what he or she really is. It is most unfortunate that the directors are not conceding when they are in the minority , and the latest I discovered was litigation is imminent. I do not know where he came to the conclusion that I have advised people on some Murasaki system or his mothers private hole system , he have to substantiate that. But then folks assholes are born every minute in this world and this arv18 is a classic. But why is he interested in this page ? Is he helpful , does he keep us informed of the situation? No.! I suspect from the trend of his writing he must have a vested interest in this counter. Probably if I an not mistaken a plant from the losing side to avoid this counter. He will reply and I am sure nothing positive will come out of it or will his suggestion be informative.


2014-06-03 13:07 | Report Abuse

What an ass hole the counter is suspended and he give his unwanted advice. He should just keep his advice and f---off from this page. Podah


2014-06-02 21:46 | Report Abuse

Are you on the right page with us ka? If not can you please go to the other counter and follow your own advice.


2014-06-02 11:00 | Report Abuse

Let's be frank about this counter . The old useless directors tried to frustrate the meeting on 2 grounds. He claim that shareholders are not given notification of the meeting , this is rubbish because Tricor has put an advertisement in the papers. The second reason is that he said he used his powers to call off the meeting because the shareholders were unruly. I was there the shareholders were loud yes but there were no throwing of chair or threats of a fight. That fella just walk out with no respect for shareholders. Meeting by the remaining shareholders were convened in the absence of the chairman and all motions were carried out. Bursa hold the view that shareholders dispute must go to court. Last I heard they tried to take over the office books of accounts were removed and company secretary knows nothing. I think the new shareholders will take an injunction to demand they return the books and get them out. Checking the records I think the old directors have only 7.2 % shareholding and they think this company is their own. I read the affidavit , seems they try and nullify the earlier meeting on grounds that they have to go Friday prayers. The old directors behavior must be strongly condemn and does not deserve any respect. I think you need to see through the due process and Bursa should allow trading to commence. My views , I am not concerned because this matter will be resolved eventually hopefully by the end of this month or earlier.


2014-05-29 11:24 | Report Abuse

Get a copy of the Malaysian Reserve today , it is all there. How can the chairman who is the subject matter of the resolution to remove him just abandon his seat walk out or adjourn the meeting without shareholders approval ? This BODOH chairman just walked out. The secretary convened the meeting with the rest of the shareholders and motion carried . Anyway let's see what Bursa have to say , if all goes well you may be trading later part of the day or latest tomorrow. Sikit maruah pun takde. Shame la.


2014-05-29 09:23 | Report Abuse

Those stupid old directors tried to declare yesterday meeting illegal so now complain to SC. Those idiots tried injunction they failed, now EGM , they complain to SC , SC like any regulatory body have to give face to these tak guna directors. As far as the company secretary is concerned and the majority shareholders are concerned the meeting are in order and can proceed. Hopefully by afternoon , the suspension will be lifted. Will this counter fly, you wait and see la when the suspension is lifted .


2014-05-28 12:25 | Report Abuse

Wah ! the old Malay directors all damm fierce la today. He walk out of the meeting room declaring the meeting illegal. A lot of shouting cannot hear his reason, but all the same the rest of the shareholders and the company secretary declared that all compliance within the company act has been complied with and the meeting should carry on. Lets wait for the official announcement by Bursa, but I believe all of the useless people are removed and new directors are replaced. There were many people outside I think brought in to cause trouble but at the end common sense prevail. Let's see some action. Apa la, co9mpany meeting got food and drinks, this meeting apa pun tak ada.


2014-05-19 13:23 | Report Abuse

I do not know who is behind but I agree absolutely that no one will throw good money after bad ones. Any behavioral science student will tell you this is basic in what we learn in University,


2014-05-19 09:49 | Report Abuse

Yes if you acquire a block of shares at .10 sen will you sell it at .12 to make .2 sen? I think not la, before this Muslim Ningxia contract counter was .9 to .10 , when contact announced it went up to .11 to .12 . How high it will go no one can say for no directions yet , but my guess it should easily touch .20 is realistic. From directors point of view if they sell half at .20 the rest of the shares are free so to speak. My study predicts the reaction should be along this line, but let's see how it moves , in the 52 week range this counter has reached .20 , the champions predict the average price target is .28. Is that realistic ? To answer that we need to observe the overall management of the company especially I ally the projects they have in hand. Happy trading , just hold on to your shares abit more. By that you should see some indications before year end.


2014-05-14 17:35 | Report Abuse

Bring your IC, your CDS number and the number of shares you own.


2014-05-14 15:06 | Report Abuse

I thought so too but looks like it is coming back alive. Now name change, directors added they have shares . There is only one direction for this counter to go and that is UP. No indication so far but be patient , I expect there should be a rally before the end of this year.


2014-05-14 12:10 | Report Abuse

Okay now let's hope nothing happens on the 28th May the scheduled EGM . Can we see some activities by then, I hope so. If human behavior can be predicted I am sure this counter will be very exciting to watch.


2014-05-12 13:10 | Report Abuse

Shares are all in placed let's wait for the push I am sure it will go much higher soon


2014-05-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

Not at all under the code of merger and take over , under the enabling act Capital Market and services act , to trigger a mandatory offer the threshold is 33 % . Who ever is advising swift icon must be careless if they had screwed up. In any event the Securities Commission will intervene if the threshold is met. Looking at the hostile scenario I will be very surprised if SC is not watching this counter closely. The fact that the failed to stop the EGM , I think it is a done deal. Let's not be coy about this the new shareholders want to come in and I think they should if the old directors are not doing anything. Let's see.


2014-05-09 22:01 | Report Abuse

Sometimes in a discussion blog like this readers tends to ask stupid question. When I make a statement you can choose to believe or not to believe. But when you refuse to do your home work , you have no right to ask someone where is the source of your information. I am going to say this once and will not entertain lazy questions. The Court case number is found in the injunction order. All court cases Civil ones are public document , with the case number all you need to do is go and make a search in court and the answer is there. Bursa gets the information from the company secretary , you can wait until the order comes out but by then it is stale news la. So please la, you have some "otak", use it and dont make silly remarks like this. In a Blog do not expect to be spoon fed. You put money into this counter you want to have an advantage, work a bit la. In my case these are part of my research papers in behavioral science. Some of you think I am shareholder or have an interest in this counter. I do not and I am not related to anyone in this counter. AQ short cut is just call the company secretary and he will tell you.


2014-05-09 10:27 | Report Abuse

Fact of matter no one knows anything or can be sure of everything. Someone say we buy on rumors and sell on facts. Not really true we buy on advise by our stock broker , friends and what we get from announcement from Bursa or read in newspaper. You want tips ? You just go to any stockbroking firm they predict sell hold or buy. If we can rely on these experts we all become very rich. But psychologist says that most of those who goes into the market are gamblers at heart but behaving like investors , do you agree? I think so , and nice if you can give your views la for my research program. But all the same happy trading.


2014-05-08 16:48 | Report Abuse

Hello people the old directors can fight all they want but the law is clear and the EGM will go on. This confidence by the public is always there but from the looks the old directors are keeping quiet. Now look at this counter has anything changed since the injunction till now after it has been lifted. Nothing. This counter has gone up because investors and speculators have confidence in this counter. I say wait till those old directors are kicked out completely they you see some real action . Now makes you feel shiok only that it is going out. Where is my friend kt99 , he is going to buy me nasi leak basic and Starbucks coffee when counter hits .50 . I am waiting la to claim my prize la.


2014-05-08 00:33 | Report Abuse

If the directors are investors they would not have resisted the take over and would have just sat and allowed better person to be in charge . They did not , these people got their shares probably at .10 sens or lower, ( I did not check the history but my guess is the amount ) . At current .26 if they were to sell they would have more than double their investment..As a matter of pride if they have any , probably they should dump their shares and shake the market and cash out. If they have thick skin they should shut their trap and quietly see this counter being handled by people better than them. Lets see at the coming EGM whether they are going to pull out some monkey tricks. My deductions only.


2014-05-07 18:11 | Report Abuse

Breaking News: The injunction was set aside today. But the not so good news is the EGM can proceed and the company secretary have to serve the statutory notice to all share holders. Now that the old directors have lost, I hope they will dump whatever shares in their hands .Sure the market is cautious but if fall .25 I say pick .


2014-05-02 15:43 | Report Abuse

Arthur you raised a valid point. Yes I have confidence in the new directors , let's talk about this Ace counter . I say that Ace counter are driven by perception, the old directors under their care this counter was A .10 shares , when new boys came in it double up to the .25. Let us pause here , are there any substantial change in the structure of the company ? No Arthur but what causes it to shoot to .25 ? The part where I was intrigued is this.25 bench marked why is it resting in this region ? I surmise that when those company like swift icon , manjung untung, crystal privilege came in to this counter it was within this price. Now all this are conjectures even if your argument is right that it takes time to build the company. I say if the confidence is given to the counter can bring it to the .40 I say if they take over purely on perception it will go to the fifties . The hearing I understand is early next week . So be patient, I may be wrong but I get a thrill if I am right , and apart from making some money, I take pride that my analysis is correct. Ego problem.


2014-04-30 17:35 | Report Abuse

It is dead but will it rise from the dead ? I think it will let's see what happens next


2014-04-30 09:53 | Report Abuse

What is the excitement all about? The injunction is not set aside price drop and goes up again. The disposal by Swift Icon is hardly significant and please look at the volume la. It is not enough to shake the market , sure some panic but these are the speculators and contra players. There is a delay because on that silly 23rd April injunction. That order only caused a ripple not a panic. I say get that 2 old directors out and give the new directors take their places.


2014-04-29 07:30 | Report Abuse

Welcome SMTRACK Berhad. All that you have asked at the EGM has been passed now it is time for you to bring this counter to greater heights.Congratulations.


2014-04-28 17:21 | Report Abuse

kt99 steady la, do not worry, volume very small la. This litigation is a small set back. If there is a panic run and people are dumping , it will be in the millions, no one is dumping perhaps those speculators and contra players.


2014-04-28 17:17 | Report Abuse

Is this counter now known as SM Track Berhad?


2014-04-28 17:09 | Report Abuse

Today is the EGM , can anyone confirm that all the motions are carried?


2014-04-28 16:39 | Report Abuse

Alamak nama saya Minah pun unik ka? Terimah kasih la. Kalo Minah tak karant acam nak jalan? Hey you chaps take note this is a Blog and not a gambling site. We should not buy on rumors okay. Whether you buy or you sell it is up to you but we do it on informed and available facts. I personally feel it is not right to say buy now because going up or sell now going to crash. I give my reason, sometimes also wrong. Since you ask the other Ace counter that caught my interest is Smartag. Why? this counter was sleeping at .9 .95 .10 for a very long long time , shot to .14 then went to .11. But that story we talk there la. Here we talk this counter la okay. Not asking you to buy or sell okay people? Happy trading. This counter we have to wait for them to set aside the injunction, in my opinion I do not see why they cannot do so.


2014-04-28 14:39 | Report Abuse

No not at all my hobby is to look at share counter and gather information and try and read the market . I am a small time investor hoping to make some money from the share market . This counter is a .10 sen counter for a long time . Shot up to .20ties and I am curious to know why? I blog my views to share and hope you chaps make money also. So all happy. Most time I am quite correct t but sometimes things do go wrong. Like this injunction taken by the old director did not see that coming.