
moneymakerx | Joined since 2020-09-11

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2021-06-14 17:46 | Report Abuse

@Consultant. At RM2. Can privatise already. no need go to RM1.


2021-06-09 17:29 | Report Abuse

@Jimmy Song Most folks want to be spoon fed.


2021-06-09 17:28 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff Read more books please. same document also you can read wrongly. That's weekly sell off. Refer to page 5.
Look at the YTD net buy from FF. It's at RM853mil. Hello? You know how to read or not? Jokers


2021-06-09 16:51 | Report Abuse

@fortheemprah Just sell if no confidence. No need to argue


2021-06-09 16:38 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff Who cares about JPM? FF is buying topglov shares. Cakap tak serupa bikin.


2021-06-09 16:29 | Report Abuse

@GlovsOff, can retire already.


2021-06-09 16:02 | Report Abuse

@richman, local institution and local nominees have been the net sellers.
Local retailers, foreign institutions are the nett buyers.


2021-06-09 15:41 | Report Abuse

everyday collect money only. how to be excited.


2021-06-09 14:41 | Report Abuse

Another boring day.


2021-06-02 12:18 | Report Abuse

@GlovesOff, thanks for sheding the light. Now that the major threat of Intco is gone. TG will benefit most from this.


2021-05-27 15:32 | Report Abuse

RISK8888 from the Q4 report, Debt standing at 4bil vs cash in hand 800k. if something bad happen, current debt level will bring it down heavily. 4bil debt is not small amount.

Who taught you how to read report? 800k? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


2021-05-21 15:16 | Report Abuse

EPF buys when foreign funds are throwing. Today's RSS volume is still interesting.


2021-05-12 09:52 | Report Abuse

A boring day, a few dogs here only.


2021-05-07 10:58 | Report Abuse

@myinvestor. Such packaging of gloves are horror story, this is like 2nd and 3rd grade packaging method. How do you even make sure gloves retrieval will not contaminate the entire box. This is fail on so many levels.


2021-05-07 10:33 | Report Abuse

@moi87. Have got to learn to ignore these trolls. I3 is filled with traders, and TG made a lot of traders lost their pants. TG is not for trader, so you will see these losers here. All this talk about windfall tax. FDI already shrink until no more to shrink. Windfall tax will just seal this deal. TG heavily expanding oversea now. Even Supermax expanding overseas already.

The economist and the exbanker who suggested this tax is thinking with their lutut at best. TG can just spend all in expanding, forever stay within 100m profit, see how they are going to tax. Economist konon.


2021-05-06 15:46 | Report Abuse

@invest_malaysia want to bring people to holland liao. go steel counter now.


2021-05-05 14:00 | Report Abuse

@Dreamhunter. most athletes best form is during 18-22. Wait for another 1 year, can really retire. another 2 years, can become coach already. Unless no audience, all competition wear full PPE, swap every few hours, I dont see how it's possible to run olympics by 2024.


2021-05-05 13:46 | Report Abuse

when olympics finally happen, I think the athletes can retire already.


2021-05-05 12:05 | Report Abuse

@siulan_dion. Vaccination only for the rich countries. US has over 230mil shots of vaccines, more than the world combined, discounting the chinese made vaccines. So US think that by hoarding the vaccines they can make the recovery of their own people. but they forget that much of their economies rely on these "weak and poor" countries. And by the rate this is going, COVID will be politically controlled.

So, worldwide is out of the question.
US, UK, Israel, may be fully vaccinated. the rest of the world, will be inaccessible for US. So, the trend you mention is still a dream.

If glove is no longer needed, CBP should have dropped the ban at least 2 months ago. The shorting would have stopped, but it's not. It's still going on. So always read news with pinch of salts, never take news at face value. All these propaganda has blinded retailers for too long.


2021-05-05 10:21 | Report Abuse

Drop to RM2.XX? That's gotta be a joke right? Dividend will be 50%. you can keep dreaming.


2021-05-04 14:55 | Report Abuse

@DickyMe No sh!t sherlock. EPF is about goreng-goreng, softening blow from selling and profiting from foreign buying. That's their job.

Weak hands are washed almost 100% now. those who hold with paperloss now is either diamond hand or those who dont need those cash anyway.

So there is no way RSS can cover the short from retailer. They need bigger holders to dump the stock to them to cover.

Come September 1, this is all history.


2021-05-04 14:50 | Report Abuse

@yingzhe17, diam7 la you.
If EPF is not selling. they cannot buy back.


2021-05-04 14:48 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, operators need to work harder lo.


2021-05-04 14:34 | Report Abuse

All the shocks absorbed.


2021-05-03 16:15 | Report Abuse

Whole bursa is red, but these sorrchai only cry in TG counters.


2021-04-30 15:18 | Report Abuse

@bigfu, talk big meh. I also investor, I no concern, which investor have concern? then sell lor.


2021-04-29 08:32 | Report Abuse

@Mercator Medical is around 4% of Topglove. You really want to compare them?


2021-04-27 09:41 | Report Abuse

@williamh, everyday run meh? I added more, my avg is at RM1.85. To the moon!


2021-04-26 19:51 | Report Abuse

@invest_malaysia. people can always average up. think like a poor fools, end up like a poor fool.


2021-04-26 15:58 | Report Abuse

Making money has never been easier. stock, crypto.


2021-04-25 18:43 | Report Abuse

He gave sell call just a week. HAHAHAA


2021-04-23 09:08 | Report Abuse

@blackleopard, ya because US want to handhold India to go against China. Just like that US did to Australia, and also TG of Malaysia


2021-04-23 09:04 | Report Abuse

Many dont understand how rich are hongkies, although they dont like to be called hongkies.
We can have many definition of rich people, but a report came out just recently.

"The Hong Kong definition of a multimillionaire is the net current assets of US$2 million that can be used or cashed out at any time after deducting liabilities, excluding the owner-occupied house, including cash, bonds, stocks, and funds.

There are 6 million adult accounts in Hong Kong, and 515,000 citizens meet this threshold.
So there is 1 for every 12 adults, whom can easily come up with 2 million US dollars."


2021-04-22 16:17 | Report Abuse


Steel +145%
Lumber +126%
Oil +80%
Soybeans +71%
Corn _69%
Copper +50%
Silver +38%
Cotton +35%
Coffee +34%
Wheat +25%
FAO Food Index +25%
Cattle +21%
Bitcoin +470%
Stock Market +23%
Home Values + 8%
Hourly Wages +5%
Money Supply Up +24%

Here is the overall picture.


2021-04-22 16:11 | Report Abuse

@Sam Singh, no one follows your advice. From your words, already know you are a forked-tongue.


2021-04-22 15:08 | Report Abuse

@will75, when one shouts wolf, wolf...

One day when wolf comes, he/she will say "told you so.." but the wolf may come after 10 years, 20 years.

That's as good as gambling, why bother TG? Go to penny stock, better margin play, better volatility.


2021-04-22 11:32 | Report Abuse

@will75. ya, It's really such a shame, that India is world power builder for O2, yet they failed to deliver to where their people needed most. If Malaysia runs out of O2, it's understandable, but for a country that produces biggest amount of O2 to be lack of ventilators + O2, that's just embarassing.

It's like Malaysia running out of gloves, that's just terrible.

And US embargo of raw materials of vaccine to SII is another political tools to pressure India to follow US.

Australia, Japan already turned their back to China.
Even at this crucial point in humanity, US is still playing politics.


2021-04-22 11:30 | Report Abuse

Experts have been harping on the herd immunity, cluster immunity and so on, hinged on the assumption that virus mutation is one at a time.

Now we have combined virus that have the defence it needs, and the offence it needs. So the vaccine makers, experts, scientists are caught off guard.


2021-04-22 11:28 | Report Abuse

@Ikoky, I think that reports are partially true.

But no one could have predicted that, virus can combine and causes these immunities to be invalid. Which is a very big cause of concern.


2021-04-21 18:28 | Report Abuse

@gohuat888 We have to thank RSS without IDSS. If not how to press down the price to collect?


2021-04-21 13:45 | Report Abuse

@etct70 The thing about short selling is always Timing + volume + movement of price. And all the factors are good for short sellers if the timeframe is relatively short. Typically shortselling can last for a year if not more, which creates the type of TA signals that break 200ma, 100ma and 50ma but not triggering much of signal of overselling all at once so that the shorting can be done in stages.

Price will only move upwards unhindered when IDSS, PSS is permitted. that's when the playing field is almost level.


2021-04-21 13:41 | Report Abuse

@newbie1111. US like people to "admit" doing wrong. that's their white supremacist tactic. You are too young and naive.


2021-04-20 13:28 | Report Abuse

Israel less than 10,000,000 population. World population is 7,900,000,000. Some people are just tone deaf to facts and figures.


2021-04-17 09:26 | Report Abuse

@Invest_malaysia, obviously you dont know how to calculate. Same like the one before you, forgot his handle, but he also dont know how to calculate tropicana stake in TG now whether it's still a paper profit position or paper loss position. Show your stup!dity elsewhere.


2021-04-17 09:25 | Report Abuse

Only newbies will believe the newspaper. the "reported loss", if one can calculate, Trop is still sitting on around 3.4mil profit after selling this stake. All these "guru" and fake "saviours" are here to dupe newbies. Maybe you just dont know how to count.


2021-04-16 21:29 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, the forked tongue snake appear.


2021-04-16 21:29 | Report Abuse

RM29, after split is around RM9. and from RM9 to RM4.5. That's 50%. hardly a crash as manipulation was done all the way.


2021-04-16 21:28 | Report Abuse

This implosion of JPM will make TG short losses of around now RM200mil (USD50mil) seems so small in comparison. They wiill close the rank very soon.


2021-04-16 21:26 | Report Abuse

JPM has a lot of holes to cover up now. the hole burnt by korean, needs to plug. close to 1B USD. Still want to scare monger everywhere. Karma is real.