
moonslayer274 | Joined since 2023-05-11

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2023-06-23 15:53 | Report Abuse

KK7198: Not one single lot of my shares or warrant is returning to the market, not until year end at least.


2023-06-23 15:22 | Report Abuse

Maybe, I try to buy some at 0.225. If cannot, just sell back. We,bilis are at big fish's mercy

If possible avoid the T2 trades. Keep it for a while longer, and then let the big fish swallow the bitter pill.


2023-06-23 15:11 | Report Abuse

KK7198, they can throw as much as they want to, I am staying. What is the problem, is this not how shares are traded? How many times has this company face similar situations?


2023-06-23 14:51 | Report Abuse

KK7198, 3 corporate players and 2 companies involved in takeover to chase away the vampires and cashing out in less than 2 months. isnt it a waste of time? so it is Unlikely. Palm oil is mundane for Kretam in Sandakan. Bahvest is their new champion in the making, How else did they officially announce change of address from Sandakan to Tawau.
What happens in this last three days is just noise, if the objective is sending out the champion in 2024.


2023-06-23 14:29 | Report Abuse

KK7198, the point is that it is only turning 3 years old by end September, and its gonna burn out too soon, if it is being sent to the turf too frequently. Consideration should be focused on Bahvest current health and the selection of events that it is suitable to participate, Perhaps he needs the much needed rest, perhaps a short non competition spell. Meantime we will engage riding boys to monitor his track work performance. The situation is not alarming yet, so I reckon we still let the current jockey engaged to ride him. Frankie, Ryan and Christophe Soumillon are fully booked for the next 3 months.
Also current turf conditions are heavy going, which might be stressful for this future champion.


2023-06-23 11:41 | Report Abuse

cicakman: Who you think bikin kacau sell? :(

This is market maker toying around creating activity to force out the resistance upwards. Jangan lupa this counter originally was 40 sen higher, has lots of people holding higher up the ladder. It is now starting from lower ground. As well as, clearing the path, this is also a shorting pathway, that the market maker can make money. In brief, left side right side mostly are market maker bullets. That is why he is known as the market maker. He moves and create the dynamics. So what about People like us: oh well, wishful thinkers and day dreamers. 😁😁😁


2023-06-23 11:26 | Report Abuse

cicakman: Cat,it not that easy to make it up.
Later need big money to buy lower and to buy up.
Support will come

Betul, rule no1 for market maker, public cannot be allowed to buy cheaper than the market makers average. rule no 2, dont make this mistake,


2023-06-23 11:18 | Report Abuse

cicakman: Buncit still out there ka? :(
Inno oso won't keep quiet.
Any sell drasfic or slowly highly possibility will cover up.

There is no reason for Dracula to put his nose and sniff around at Bahvest anymore. He got caught with margin calls empty his trousers and underwear of all his stock holdings, reflecting on his profile as a corporate man with lower wisdom capacity, (not polite to call him S2pid) Wont he be even more less wise now to purchase higher to get back to fight? Even via warrants he has to vomit out 43 sen to buy per share, as against the 9 -12 sen that he sold. He will either be an owl or cuckoo (not water dispenser 😁😁) if he did this,
He is in no position or time now to think about Bahvest let alone on matters pertaining stock holdings. He has to think of what needs to be done with his upcoming SPRM issues, and also his next professional venture.
Come on, in comparison if Kretam iceman is a Class 1 galloper, Dracula and his cohorts of vampires can only compete under restricted or Malaysian Bread Tanjung Rambutan events. Perhaps only with Korean or Hong kong movies can we see Dracula attempting and finally wresting control again. Other than that, probably its best Dracula just rest in caves away from sunlight.


2023-06-23 10:52 | Report Abuse

cicakman: Rembember this fotever,
Most PRU / PRN goreng counter majority will always come from property counter.
Those property taukei are kaya ppl bah..

Bro, on this fact I beg to differ. Times have changed, In fact most property counters are not spared the suffering from current economic uncertainties, in reality they are the ones because of the industry and supply chain effects, will cry much longer. There will be political funding from towkays no doubt, albeit less prominent than the Maddey years.


2023-06-23 10:26 | Report Abuse

Analyst say the market will be better only after the State ERECTION. So Everyone must be responsible to go for the ERECTION anytime between Aug and early September. This ERECTION is very important, to decide whether man or women should fill the cabinet. Those minister guilty of rigging the ERECTION will become the kitchen cabinet.


2023-06-23 10:06 | Report Abuse

cicakman: Got s2pid counter can monitor.
Straits n picop but very very very very very very difficult to move.

Previously i look see look see Straits info:
1) The BOD besar, looks impressive but too good to be true.
2) Turnover annual macam can break the roof. But the nature of bunkering services is characteristically low percentage margins, around 5%, based on industry analysis.
3) O&G kurang seksi la sekarang. Kalau dia potong skirt tepi lagi atas pun, orang punya mata malas mau tengok. selalu kena disappointment sahaja.
4) Overseas itu Banle pun nampak macam tak steady. Listing at Nasdaq pun macam kurang Tongkat Ali.
5) Straits ada itu satu substantial holder. Sikit harga naik saja dia kacau, kasi buang. The spoiler.


2023-06-23 09:20 | Report Abuse

Considering Kretam style of treating market movements in those previous years when the opportunities arise, I reckon Kretam Iceman is gonna play big on this Bahvest thoroughbred. I would be naive to think that kretan iceman is only focused on this gold concession, when the plan to stake Dracula and the Vampires to oblivion were devised.
Without further ado, I now place my warrants bet at 3 sen, Non negotiableπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


2023-06-23 08:58 | Report Abuse

KK7198 and FL888, That is why i rephrase the issue here: in another 14 months till August 2024, if the warrants become discounted being lesser than what it is today, then Bahvest becomes so predictable and so unexciting, except that it just fattens itself on nutrition and sleep. Max 40 something sen.


2023-06-22 23:25 | Report Abuse

Thanks KK7198 for commenting, but as usual, we can only hope for the best but could never be sure of anything at all.... If FL888 is around, could you just share what was your primary reason for the interest in Warrants in the first place....


2023-06-22 22:26 | Report Abuse

KK7198, now about this speculative itchy brain syndrome: Give me your comments and thoughts, right or wrong doesn't matter, or else all of us here would be millionaires would afford to have our own stables due to acquired affluence:
1) I postulate that there is more than meets the eye pertaining to this hostile takeover. This cannot be just mere takeover with linear improvements put into place just to prove that they can manage the Co better than Dracula. This is a concerted effort by one maverick, one household supermarket penny-stock name, one internal cloak and dagger practitioner and 2 entities, with one being the current market maker, I presume. My gut feel says that there will be significant announcements of new business related activities in coming months. All i can say to support this statement is to invoke a question, who would have expected Jumbo Jet, Hes Dawan, Star Prince to achieve dizzying heights in their accolades.
2) Bahvest is unique, and currently no comparative benchmark with respect to fundamental price establishing mechanism. PE? EPS? Market Cap? Are we new to instances or naive to the fact where elementary facts and info get thrown out the window for some listed companies, I am not discounting the fact that turbulence with respect to their performance is only round the corner and in the next 3 months or so share price could be in a precarious state. In retrospect, how many instances or mishap circumstances have we seen where the market maker held Bahvest firmly in control of his turf. The point here is: fundamentals are important, but the current situation in Bahvest is conditioned by what the market maker and his connection decides to do.
3) When I responded to FL888, my inference of Kretam iceman(KI) negating ESOS to prevent dilution is weak and might be flawed. KI shot down the idea primarily to deny Dracula and the vampires rewarding themselves and expanding their ownership size. But warrants conversion is not a rewarding objective, as the associated exercise price has to be fulfilled to acquire the share.
4) If the Wa is killed or denied activity, we can be assured that Bahvest will be a horse that will fatten in the stables till next August in 2024. He will achieve Max 40 cents plus: Period! That will make Bahvest predictably unexciting and mundane. Do we see our champion like this, and still be in this forum?
5) This Wa as cicakman describes as a headache is true. But based on my speculative analysis, I believe that Bahvest can achieve Class 2 of 50 cents MRA ratings this year despite those challenges and headwinds it faces in the coming months.
KK7198, tomorrow, I am allocating about 3K to purchase warrants, I intend to hold it till year end as token bet. I appreciate the fact that with each passing month the warrants loses its premium, until it becomes discounted near its demise.
So KK7198, comment on this. Again, I emphasize there is no right or no wrong, just exploring issues.
And for anyone reading, I have no intention to elicit or influence anybody on whatever decisions they make.😎😎😎


2023-06-22 21:11 | Report Abuse


5- 6 months in advance they are already hyping up and pumping the adrenaline in anticipation of the monumental event in racing history.
Btw, Saimee Jummat still riding? Rocketman just crossed my mind.


2023-06-22 20:43 | Report Abuse

Fat lady still practicing karaoke… singing karaoke…Who let the dogs out… woh woh…

The song should be: who short the stocks out; hoya hoya hoi.


2023-06-22 15:57 | Report Abuse

Izit joyvest and his gang sold downvtov0.24 sen?

Bro, if they are shorting, do they know what they are doing?
I think must investigate the rider. The instruction was scoop and go forward, but instead throw out and move forward to position 6. Must raise an objection, rider could be covered by betting syndicates. Rider like this must be given the road run...roundabout accident or bullet in envelope?


2023-06-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo income, you borrowed the giant marlin from cicakman and place it into your fat lady' s vocal chords, so you need more space: ok smart, i tak boleh dispute.


2023-06-22 14:31 | Report Abuse

Woi Income, I tau lah ini free space, but can you fit in the story of your singing fat lady, as in Juventus, in one capsule? You makan 8 capsules to introduce your soprano.....OMG


2023-06-22 14:26 | Report Abuse

KK7198, Persian Sapphire, ..nostalgic, the Agasam Garnet Borgoure combination, but most of all the rider that elicits the emotion: The late AK Cheam.
Shadowfax was Auric, but was Pateman, Wagg or Gwilliam.....aboard?


2023-06-22 14:18 | Report Abuse

@KK7198, There is this issue about Wa, which is intriguing as well as being a brain teaser. So far the case of Wa is only brought up by FL888, and on two occasions I responded to him fairly of my reluctance to acquire based on an inference that Kretam Iceman does not favor dilution as per his negation of the ESOS implementation. This is only an inference but not a confirmation. This ESOS opposing fact is only a deductive logic directed to the fate of the warrants, but might not hold water, and does not provide a conducive environment for the development of the champion Bahvest.
I wont delve further now because in another 20 minutes time, we have the champion in the making, performing in an important race. I will describe the conceived scenarios tonight and hope that you could give me your thoughts and comments on the matter. Because, seriously, I am slowly but surely in favor of FL888's idea of the Wa.


2023-06-22 13:11 | Report Abuse

@KK7109 So many sellers in the warrant. Think Dracula still have many warrats to dispose.

Dont forget the contrarian principle and the mathematics supporting it. If the objective is to advance higher, and to entice and garner market participation, the seller volume must be huge to support the volume traded within the top 40's. How else can you advance higher, if not by managing the sellers who are always one bid higher than the buyers.


2023-06-22 12:29 | Report Abuse

Cicakman, i nominate you as orator or commentator for minute to minute dynamics of Bahvest performance....
This afternoon, i am available to watch the champion perform. So Bahvest, do your thing.....πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


2023-06-22 12:24 | Report Abuse

KK7198, Bahvest now is bunching up with about 6 other runners. He is about 7 lengths behind the leader, and the leader i guess will not have much more room to go. I reckon he is on the job for today's event. He might not be interested to catch the leader, but i place my bet that he will mow down about 5 other horses and finish in the money for minor placings. Are you engaging Clyde aboard today? Because his presence here is crucial, especially when challenges are coming from everywhere. Hello its anybody's race......πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜„


2023-06-22 10:11 | Report Abuse

Btw, i am meeting bahvest at the 25.5 pole marker. I think the jockey should not toy around too much, or else bahvest might be confused in future outings.
But since cicakman syndicated funds have given full assurance and backing, bahvest should be firing all pistons this evening


2023-06-22 10:02 | Report Abuse

kk7198, you introduce to income secretariat, dia ada faham keπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
I tak run road, tapi stop off road, rest sekejap, layan bahvest punya owner ma!
Bahvest now significantly groomed as a distance stayer. Now always coming from behind. Yesterday he finished even money, the jockey look see look see yesterday, not really trying, however does not seem to be influenced by blacklist syndicates.
Ok now to continue my journey back home. Pergi KK to view a parcel of land, but if Champion bahvest hits 10 rgt, i take private heli ma...🀣🀣


2023-06-21 09:23 | Report Abuse

kk7198, wow equinox.japanese invasion?
Still in KK. Check out with you later.
Wow, bahvest pulling double yesterday during trackwork πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


2023-06-20 09:18 | Report Abuse

Cicakman, we can sit all night long deliberating on the market disparity against the economy, till the cows come home, but yet the fact remains, no one man is bigger than the market, No point getting so worked up about the pathetic conditions of the market, nanti boleh dapat hypertension, not worth it. Lagi pun, esok masih ada, lusa and the future days ahead. Kita tunggu dan lihat.
Ok, got to leave, nak pergi KK, Kuala Kangsar bah, bukan Kota Kinabalu. Kalau itu KK7198, dia Bayern Munich punya defence against any mis- dealings invoving Bahvest. Ini minggu sibuk sikit.


2023-06-19 22:58 | Report Abuse

@KK7198 where weight is concerned, the great Siapa Rajah III, ridden by John Murray, in V shaped striped yellow black silk, over the grueling 2400 meters under the hefty penalized weight of 62 kg was remarkable. That was awesome as hell!
Of Elcarim, I cant distinguish, always mixing up with Alysheba. But St Galen: oh yes, the Ivan Allen /Charles Read trained Equus stable dark green colors worn by Terry Lucas and later Luke Danis and i think on an occasion by KLOo. A very strong stayer but can sweep off his rivals under hands and heels by LN Danis in the Penang sprint trophy over 1400m. Prior to St Galen there was his half brother, the great Andermatt also owned by Equus. Both were foaled by the dame Aminonia. Thus both were similar in performance.


2023-06-19 22:04 | Report Abuse

@Income: Reforms to minimise ringgit weakness......

Apa ini income.... announce reduction stamp duty, all players in the market can only shake their head in disappointment... Patutnya announce market trading has been made more attractive ..increase T2 to T10... or something like this baru Cun brother! reduce borrowing rates for share speculation, PN17 more liberal get out of jail rules, reduce capped values of shares, margin calls only limited to 30% of holding inventory, at least Dracula Buncit can still have some Bahvest shares....😁😁😁


2023-06-19 21:34 | Report Abuse

@ kk7198: Yeah...still steady,last defence line is 0.23,according to chartist bojed.
Jockey Moonslayer 274, today indisposed, spending hours on the road, under the hot sweltering heat. Turf conditions were declared Hard.
I had a sneak preview of barrier 24.5 got attracted to whats on offer and decided to build inventory. I pushed for a place in barrier 24, but the pile up by the market maker made it prohibitive to try acquiring anything from there.
Perhaps this fact might allay or mitigate the associated risk of today's performance: today was T3 for the magnificent 2 furlong run by Bahvest during trackwork, clocking under 26.5 with about 40 million forward bets being placed on that particular day. I concur with Cicakman that hitting 24.5 is still commendable.
Bojed has contributed to configuring the pathway or performance dynamics of Bahvest. It would be good if he could comment and provide his views on the fact that the trajectory for the last 30 days, were defined by a new jockey (market maker) under trainer Kreatam Iceman. Old jockey (market maker) for Dracula irrelevant during the chaotic episode. I view the slight decline with significant receding volume as positive indication that the market maker is still on the job.


2023-06-18 19:26 | Report Abuse

1) Horses instinctively will not step on anything, even a tissue paper, other that the turf. The befallen fate of AK Cheam was an unfortunate mishap. He was never stampeded by the pursuing horses but rather as he slowly attempted to lift himself from the fall, he lifted his head covered helmet, and was kicked by the backward hind leg momentum of the horse that had passed over him. The momentum was so forceful that the helmet caved in breaking his skull. Very sad incident.
2) Leslie Khoo: Oh well, Valley Fame comes to mind. The triple winner of the Tungku Gold Cup.
3) I was also there to witness the budding years of App Azhar and Ismadi. But I reckon both have already surpassed their 50th birthday. Subian had a son, Sam, whom i read had to call it a day many years back due to health reasons. Then there was wonder boy M Rahmat under the tutelage of Samsuri, completing his 40 winners in one season. Luke Danis was a Johanian, my junior, who used to live at Selangor Mansion, the two blocks of Flats across Malacca Street. Racing changed his life to a position of affluence.

Anyway, in about 14 hours time, we will get to witness Bahvest in action.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


2023-06-18 11:46 | Report Abuse

1969 were years ahead of my first taste of thoroughbreds in action. So never had the chance of witnessing that 2200 m race then. Moonbeam still running late, delaying the age of normal retirement, might be partly due to the tutelage structured by Eddie Van Breukelen who is known for handing out good price winners in their twilight years. But, ridden then by Moses Lee was the teaser. As i recall, Moses in the 70's and early 80;s was,a jockey of controversy and mostly stands within a 10 foot pole away from punters choice, with respect to rides that he was engaged to undertake.
My entry into the thoroughbreds action started at Jalan Ampang, in the mid 70's, and guess what, the irony was that, it was my girlfriend that made the suggestion, as we had some hours left before we adjourned. And that evening,the beginners luck open all future doors to the sport. We were entertained by her choice of winners: 1) Msian bred event won by Truly Thankful with M Yusoff aboard and Joy Up (hmm not Joyvest, OK, I hope I did not awaken him/her) ridden by the late Randy Suckling.
I have seen a couple of times previously the Secretariat video winning by a street, where you can queue up and collect your money with 200 meters left to run. For Secretariat, the adage used commonly among the racing fraternity, that if a monkey was aboard, secretariat would still win by that margin, was befittingly appropriate. No way can anyone rein in Secretariat when its on the job!


2023-06-16 18:04 | Report Abuse

@Income: How to makan crabs and Peking duck. Until today 100kg πŸ‘‘ also can’t be found. Haizzz
How about kalau we hire Inspector Clouseau from the film Return of Pink Panther to investigate this persisting issue. Lagi pun his personality is like a jigsaw puzzle when you combine with Dracula Buncit.😁😁


2023-06-16 15:21 | Report Abuse

I think market maker is just shorting according to sentiment. Although nothing to do with Bahvest, the appearance of the DON of gloves, top gloves, on the losing side of about 11% carries some negative connotations to the market. Perhaps a noisy day with too much traffic to overcome. So just pull the brakes, or reverse a bit to calm things down.


2023-06-16 14:36 | Report Abuse

3333 mean Liberation and Success.

Fuyoh> Ibrahim Linkon


2023-06-16 14:20 | Report Abuse

Asian markets performing with strong percentage gains. If our beloved bursa shows weakness and unresponsive, I think next week got to call in funds from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Sudan. Must target military defense and offensive funds.


2023-06-16 12:32 | Report Abuse

Ayo.. you punya teka- teki mau kasi break through, pening bro: So apa itu 3333?


2023-06-16 12:07 | Report Abuse

Where is Bv menu Rahmah? I am waiting…

Bro, takkan lah menu rahmah: you buy 100 lots, even up one bid 0.5 sen can get you sumptious crabs and prawns at riverside. eateries. Dont la sama kan ini BV seperti KPDN category (Kementerian Pengguna Dalam negeri) atau Kementerian tak da guna
dalam Negeri πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜„


2023-06-16 10:50 | Report Abuse

Market maker is calling the shorts now. He is slowly loading his bullets at 25 sen. Siapa yang tak boleh tahan di silakan kembalikan Bahvest at 24.5sen. Siapa ada desire atau keinginan boleh dapatkan Bahvest pada harga 25 sen. Tapi saya masih menunggu at 24 sen.


2023-06-16 09:58 | Report Abuse

You ever heard this song.
"Berkikis Bulu Betis" :) :)

Ayo bro, ini mana punya radio you sudah dengar? tahun berapa Bro? Kikis pakai gilette shaver kah atau itu phillips body groom.


2023-06-16 09:50 | Report Abuse

If inosabah dowan bah,
Can ask inosarawak wak.

Bro itu macam, biar i check dulu, whether ada Inno Johor, Inno Penang or Inno Selangor. Ini semua ada excess funds. Easy bah, contact Seben Eleben Johore sultanate.😁😁


2023-06-16 09:47 | Report Abuse

Bahvest now is a full fledged stayer. His victory is when he is let loose to come from behind at the final 200 meter burst. But he might not perform during qualification stages or ordinary run-ups, Bahvest is a stayer with big race temperament and a big fighting heart.


2023-06-16 09:10 | Report Abuse

cicakman, I sedang tunggu to ambush at the 24th pole marker, see if can catch a few more ikan Bawal Emas.


2023-06-16 09:04 | Report Abuse

Cicakman, apa ini, bunyi place your bets macam jadi boss judi Tawau fish market.😎😎


2023-06-16 08:54 | Report Abuse

Do you think Batu Gantong is safe from the pursuit of development? But Karanji is a full stop issue and not an internal relocation which is really disheartening. Betting and gaming are besides the point, Its just that this is a wonderful and beautiful sport to witness.


2023-06-16 00:27 | Report Abuse
KK 7198, is this for real, its sad, least expect this to happen. And if its Singapore, the name Ivan Allen, Jumbo Jet is household. Seems like they even wanna hold Jumbo Jet's remains in time.


2023-06-15 22:48 | Report Abuse

Dracula is trying his best to throw disrepute to Bahvest wih allegations of untrustworthy and deceit on the manner by which Q&A at the EGM were handled. Despite the fact, the market maker of Bahvest today was holding down its ground in commendable fashion, though he was understandably shorting to quite an extent. returning to its support level of 25 sen as what Bojed had indicated, in its attempt to filter off the noise created by the vampires. What these blood sucking creature fail to realize is Bahvest is no more their foe. What they have to proof now is their integrity and honesty to prevail as current concession holders to the state Gomen. If found guilty, the state gomen will strip Dracula of the concession until his underwear. Dracula can scream and shout and can go on rampage, but that wont have any significant impact on Bahvest. However, if he is extremely dissatisfied. only one way to quench his blood thirsting appetite: go purchase from open market enough Bahvest shares, up to the level to qualify entering the boxing ring with Kretam assasins. When that happens, i can help Dracula, if he buys my shares at 50 sen.😁😁😁