
moonslayer274 | Joined since 2023-05-11

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2023-07-12 14:40 | Report Abuse


I think Sodashi lost to Songline due to the bobbing of heads, the natural momentum in horses while being pushed to the wire. If the Bobbing heads swing in the same position for the slight second hitting the wire, it will be a dead heat. I have seen Sodashi on other races, quite versatile runner, able to come from behind and sometimes off pace from front runners.
But Bahvest now slowly acting like Camberly, a not so handsome horse, of the Yellow colors of the Inderapura stable. He has to be coaxed slowly, and seems lazy. But when it comes to feature events like the 1100 m Ipoh straight and Agung;s Gold cup 1200m, we get to see his final burst.


2023-07-12 14:24 | Report Abuse

Someone bought 4 straitght days 21 5 cts n 3 days 22-22.5 without failed.
Ave around 22 cts to get how much profits?
Bro, I dont dispute that the person who does that will profit, but at the same time this has to be considered on a wider aspect. Firstly, it will depend on your appetite for risk, and your psychological and emotional balance. Dont misunderstand, I am just highlighting the issues and aspects involved in various trading preferences, which is up to the trading preferences of individuals
a) When trades are done within a tight range, you have to be strong emotionally, have to do homework, all the analysis required to try and be accurate to time the market. and be very vigilant with attention closely held and glued to the live streaming screen. And you must be sensitive to the dynamics of moment to moment sentiment. Your thoughts will be filled with a concoction of what if scenarios and your heart beat alternates between anxiety and euphoria. And if you are not able to clear the day;s transaction you will try to predict what will happen tomorrow, sleep patterns are erratic, you will develop butterflies in your stomach, mood swings and uneasy feeling and your mind's preoccupation inevitably will be markets entirely. Impossible to shake it off. So there health implications and associated cost which later on will arise.
b) Lets say you profited from the trade. Your next purchase you can retain same no of lots if you buy slightly lower than your selling price. But if you miss the boat, then you will either add cash to the purchase or reduce number of lots. Issues of brokerage is quite obvious, so mention needed. What I want to highlight here is, as you trade within tight range at higher prices, you are doing it with a very cautious mindset, and the pressure mounts to disturb and distract your emotion and thoughts. Stress level is higher, Example: your stress level buying at 23 sen and 30 sen, 40 sen and 50 sen, will be different, as your propensity to risk magnifies as the price goes higher. So emotional and health cost slowly developing.
c) Now comes the best part: BV reaches RM1.00. You buy to trade within a tight range. Suddenly, sirens start screaming " SCAM, SCAM,SCAM, Run as fast as you can. 1st half trades will fall 30% to 70 sens. Your loss escapade is confirmed, only thing at which level. And this loss could dilute your total involvement with Bahvest.
But for those who entered at 20/30 sen. hold it to the day of the scam, sell at 70 sen. No dilution of profits, no anxiety and alternate swings of emotional euphoria and depression and most of all no regrets. Lessen chances of neurotic psychosis in the future. An expensive problem to treat.
As for me, I have other work and activities engaged, and I cant spare the time on the live streams of trades performed.
Cicakman its OK bro, if people trade and profit from your analysis and forecast. You have undisclosed fans and followers who appreciate your contribution, meaning, you know how the game is played. Bro I am sure you believe in the adage: Rezeki untuk tiap2 orang itu ada.
So with all these, now we turn to listen to the Beatles classic song:" Let It Be."


2023-07-12 09:52 | Report Abuse

Who bought 22.5 cts yesterday?

What's the story?


2023-07-12 08:19 | Report Abuse

LFM daughter is like this. Very pretty.

You must be joking, this one is all rubber and silicone. You don't need to buy a water bed.


2023-07-12 08:16 | Report Abuse

We go to seek this tribe in Amazon area. You will be fascinated by the beauty the tribe…

Yeah,yeah, you go buy paint all colors, you place it into the shower system, you give them a colorful bath, and walla, you have a simulation of amazonian natives. Go ask them their preferance: ICI, PAR or Nippon Paints?


2023-07-11 19:25 | Report Abuse

Wah Income, now acting like Rajnikanth, Kollywood hero, and transforming from Dr Jekyl to Mr Hyde. Makan viagra, minum Ketum ka!


2023-07-11 17:27 | Report Abuse


So bro, you got your syndicated connections abroad together and organize the gold purchase to provide the supportive environment to develop and grow Bahvest. Undeniably, an exciting season to look forward to, on the prospects of this champion.


2023-07-11 16:23 | Report Abuse

When u see women taking bath naked,cannot laugh too.Later kena penalties 🀣

Bro, good place to open subsidiary office, for family enlargement? The process application is simple or they have tribal or feudal culture and rituals?


2023-07-11 16:20 | Report Abuse

In certain interior of Kalimantan,if you knock down a hunting dogs,the penalties are cows and sometimes gold,cz dogs hunts foods for them.
Therefore carefull when driving
There gold bit less value.

Sort of Barter system, exchange in kind, perhaps no established currency, and because customary practices, I think maybe, due to distance, far from commercial activities, they perceive gold just as decorative and cosmetic appeal, not due to valuations set by market forces.


2023-07-11 14:34 | Report Abuse

You open bit of your mouth,not even 30 minutes they take first 22.5 cts.
Ppl follow up 1 cts,later they cabut or tomolo + bit up they cabut .

Aya bro, if that is the case, then we must use binary code or old fashioned Morse code to communicate, I think its Ok lah,,, different people different trading styles. If people were to profit from your comments, than you should take pride that your analysis and forecast has credibility. Bro, cannot avoid or prevent this phenomenon, impossible.


2023-07-11 14:21 | Report Abuse

I guess joyvest"s age is in her 20ish to 30s. Still got alot to learn in the way of corporate matters.
a) Ayoyo Bluberries, why have you pinched and awaken the Ripper, she is gonna carry a machete and start swinging and slashing anything in his path, without due care for other people's safety and her own safety. Sirens blaring and bellowing sound approaching: Run for cover, here comes Armageddon. 😁😁😁

I think Bursa and SC are doing their work on the quiet. Those who think the authorities have closed the files do not know how they work,
b) Again have to quote my idol VK Linggam: Correct, correct, correct. The stack of filed cases, outstanding and backlog handled by respective authorities is unprecedented. There are just too many scoundrels embezzling and squandering assets, including Fishmongers and vampires.. As for MACC delays, i think its a good means of giving court clusters anxiety and sleepless nights, as small recompense B4 the big showtime if they are confirmed legally booked to perform at Bamboo River or Kajang Square for a lengthy contractual performance.
Let me invoke some unrelated court cases and duration just to have an idea of litigation time span. This is in reference to the blood money Dracula is craving for.
a) To declare someone bankrupt- with out of court settlement proposition initially, Sick leave, absentism, plea bargain, argue here, argue there and whatever lah,,, with the experience of some who are friend of mines: 5-7 years , before the hammer goes down to effect the bankruptcy, and this was when the 30K limit was eligible for legal pursuit. Now limit is 100K.
2) Landlord Tenancy eviction can run up to 2 years.
There are many factors that can delay litigation. Perhaps location such as Tawau and Sandakan much quicker, because regional and fewer cases. But what if Kretam decides to fight at Federal Level because of the enormity of the alleged demand. So another delay. Kretam will send a greeting card to Dracula: " Open your mouth and keep on waiting"
-For all u know, previous BOD may do a quiet retreat if they do not want a full blown stories on what they did and did not do properly.
a) No offense to you Bro, they do it at the Tawau market place or coffee shop. Mana ada standard for this people to book a retreat. Or perhaps on a sampan at the middle of the Sulu Sea.
In my opinion, the ensuing litigation in respect of the abuse of authority with malicious intention disguised within the execution of their fiduciary duties, will see them handing over the 6 mil on a platter and pleading for Kretam Assassins to spare them. As Zazzy aptly wrote yesterday, if those vampires can get a leeway on this issue, Heaven have no eye.


2023-07-11 13:18 | Report Abuse

moon bro, think Terry Lucas was his regular rider. Oh yes, Equus Stable has many good race horses too.

The powerful sequence after Martigny, the fiery mid distance/stayer, Andermatt, followed by the versatile and unexpected finishing burst of St Galen. Incidently, both are half brothers, foaled by the dame Aminonia.


2023-07-11 12:48 | Report Abuse

Bit busy ma.
I heard big intraday traders buy n sell on daily basis n use info from forum n makes money so dowan this burger to make easy life.
Kita sibuk2 dia dpt duit pulak....better keep quiet bah.

1) Good for you, go attend to more demanding matters. Market is only secondary issue. Rather than sit and look at popping, up down numbers, put time to better use on important issues.
2) That is why sometimes Myself and KK7198 hide under the guise of horse racing, it is a must to use coded language to hide info, bro. Ayo, gurau saja bro. Market pun macam sudah umur 7th series, mau jalan pun pakai tongkat. 😁😁
3) Kita sibuk2 dia dpt duit pulak....better keep quiet bah: Never mind la bro: everyone have their on and off days. Kita relax aja.


2023-07-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

KK7198, I remember Martigny, the Ivan Allen trained speedster for the green colors of Equus stable. If not mistaken in the last years of its racing career, he will be ridden by Lucas or Donelly.

Btw where is the Cicakman. Yesterday indisposed. Need a replacement race caller for this thread.


2023-07-11 11:15 | Report Abuse

You see… in a moment notice, I immediately give you LFM daughter data and pic.

Yeah, Yeah, so you think I am running a private investigation syndicate by you supplying all these info.. Like KK7198 wrote. so rather than you dream about her, why don't you chase reality, put on a saddle and ride to Tawau. Go to the market place, but buy a ring first, ask for Dracula, approach him, and make your proposition. But if your head is put on sale the next moment beside the Red Snapper decapitated body, not my fault eh.
BTW, she is 38, unlikely that she is single. But considering that Tawau not many eligible suitors, perhaps she is still available. What if she is a divorcee with one daughter, and she opens her heart to you, (income don't get second ideas or be cheeky, literally only her heart and nothing else), would you seize the opportunity. Bro this like being given the chance to ride Makybe Diva, the Melbourne champion mare.


2023-07-10 22:33 | Report Abuse


Sunday Silence: The great grandfather of Equinox.


2023-07-10 22:31 | Report Abuse

Lately Japan has become world beater and they have produced many world class runners.

Horses: Just when we think we have seen Equinox, we thought, oh probably only by chance: by the numbers that they are producing, I am not surprise if its "factory-production concept" Japang... without doubt know what competitiveness is, continuity, what next issues and evolutionary and revolutionary change.
Bro, the west is either oblivious or in the state of denial of this fact. Never mind, we continue supplying the air con for them to continue their slumber. Sweet Dreams, for when you one day start opening your eyes, its all Japanese.


2023-07-10 22:11 | Report Abuse

Moon, This is the place where gld has no value compare to your life. Come, we make a trip there.

Bro, I dispute your statement and the veracity of the video narration. About a month ago Malaysia vs Papua New Guinea at our local Football Stadium. The game ended with Msia winning majestically 10-0. But after the game, there were no reports of Papua players feasting over dead corpse of Msian footballers on the field. Well isn't the game also considered as a battle?
So be careful on how to decipher information, could be FAKE. FAKE my friend.πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜„πŸ˜
Anyway, if you visit PNG, take care of your marbles. Tribal acceptance is fostered with outsiders, if they can fondle your marbles, a token of mutual linkages that can enhance friendship. Don't believe?


2023-07-10 21:54 | Report Abuse

Dracula daughter unexpected bone breaking in a tussle… 😭

This is the sport I least enjoy. Both gladiators bringing their problems from home, wanting to whack their boyfriends or partner, but end up slugging it out seemingly into female brutality and ferociousness (not Ferero Roche OK). Rather than do this, come to Tawau Gold mine and be Kretam's Hench- woman and whack the intruding gangsters out of their diapers. Thats for a good cause.

Btw upload again the 2 daughters of Tawau Dracula. Wanna review. I doubt they are still working at BV. But Be careful Ok. Don't do a con job on me. Produce authentic pictures of the said person. Don't you simply pluck samples from any source. Thanks 😁😁


2023-07-10 21:39 | Report Abuse


1) Emblem road odds 99:1, I somehow am not comfortable with this main event, richest prize winner. He is owned by the Saudi crown prince. These dignified Arabs at times like a spoiled child, because they forked out the prize money, Its like they demand their entry to win. No proof to this statement, just making similar comparisons to Dubai Cup,. If I recall, before the Japanese Equinox invasion, the premiere Dubai Cup event for many years were won by Godolphin the No1sheikh of Dubai owned stable, and contracted jockey, none other than yours truly F. Dettori. But, undeniably, these people, they are damn bloody good in organizing a splash of a colorful, extravaganza gala carnival, an unforgettable experience. Well they don't call it sport of the kings for nothing, is it?
2) Lets go buy water from Japan. There must be something in their water, Hey, that;s a world class field and they are making the other runners fall like dominoes. Not 1 or 2 races, but between Saudi and Dubai cup, they swept about 6 events I think. I am not surprised, if they have already reserved Residential Facilities and adopted Cristoffe Lamiere.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


2023-07-10 18:25 | Report Abuse

Bro, relax la bro, Just drop the whole issue la: no gain in all this. Nobody wins and lose in these offensive and defensive ordeal. We are here not to argue or prove anything to anybody. If anything at all, we have already done our explanation, that is sufficient. We are here to see how Bahvest develops and grow to be a blue chip. We are here to stay. Don't be distracted by noise. What is important is that we survive to fight another battle another day. Let Bahvest be the proof of the pudding.


2023-07-10 17:22 | Report Abuse

KK7198, the UMNO Stable UEMS. where did he come from? Not sighted at all, out of the blue storming home thru the pack. Also big dividend payouts, 11.4% rise.
Well during heavy going there will be rare moments for some strange ones to perform.


2023-07-10 17:13 | Report Abuse

moon, in another scenario joyvest is eyeing to be a " Foo Mah". In short, Dracula's son-in-law.He knows the 100KGS gold are with him.

Its obvious, retail player in this thread, where got standard and affluence Bro to court Dracula's 2 good looking daughters. At least Zac Purton standard or Cristoffe Laniere, only then can open account. If not how to match Dracula's gold value stashed under his bed...πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
Perhaps we get Clyde to court one of them, Seriously bro, they have looks little resemblance to their father. Unless Income has done a con job on me on this issue.


2023-07-10 16:58 | Report Abuse

Joyvest. Why dont you be a bit more civil, matured and sophisticated about what you are able to write. Just because we dont share the same view, not necessary for you to start using words triggered from the spur of the moment dissatisfaction and emotional disturbance and star recoiling to the extent that people here in the thread can somehow picture on your weakness amd emotional instability.
So i do piss you off eh. Which is good. Because that is how a professional strikes without the need to get personal. You still have a lot to learn about lessons in life. I am least perturbed by your insults. I have lost nothing from it. I think if its too hot for you, since i am here, its best you try some other threads. You seem to be lamenting and seeking for attention. My goodness, grow up.


2023-07-10 15:45 | Report Abuse

KK7198, Looks like most market makers for speculative counters from all 40 barrier starting gates are having evening coffee and chit-chatting. So its good also that BV just run off pace from the leaders. No point striking a sudden move that might attract attention, but might not finish in the money. BV is a smart horse.


2023-07-10 15:34 | Report Abuse

Well said, moonslayer274. How to know joyvest curi curi beli. He tries to buy low.

Actually if Bahvest were to run true to form and capitalize on what the world has to positively offer him, then, perhaps when he goes to Melbourne at odds of RM 2.50 in Nov. 2024, in retrospect at that time, would it have mattered if the buying price for BV was 20 sen or 25 sen or 50 sen?
Since we are not T2 players, no necessity to time the market.
Who is there to BV can do it or otherwise.. If they are so confident about their prediction (I don't consider it analysis because the reasoning is weak), then why waste time, might as well queue at the Magnum or Sports Toto, buy maximum, until both gaming counter go bust paying out the winning tickets. The fact is, the crystal ball can say nothing about what will happen tomorrow. Everything in the future is odds and probability.
About retailers not confident in supporting the counter: OMG spare me the thought. Since when do counters move due to retail support. Retail buying is meant for market maker manipulation, as receivers and helpers, but not essential. Cornered stocks move rapidly due to retail support? KK7198, those 2nd board counters you previously listed REPCO and Hwa Tai and their cohorts, they had retail support? If they had, it will never achieve those ridiculous heights. On the contrary, when retail is huge, the market maker stops and short so that retailers vomit out again lower.. The market maker is not a welfare department. And most of all they love the T2 players most, to participate in their pump and dump scheme. I myself only a retailer but not T2, even if I buy 1 million shares, I am least the source of any concern or hindrance to the Market maker. But when the bus load is heavy, then market maker will need for most passengers to run for the exit door. to leave, too many journey disturbance and stoppages, Anyway, did we not condition ourselves that retail is only ikan bilis standard!


2023-07-10 12:46 | Report Abuse

Comrades,, think market will improve after PRN in Aug 12. Meanwhile, just hold on your horses.This Bahvest is no ordinary stallion. He is earmarked for stud duties like the great Seattle Slew.

Bro, it makes no difference, my shares are kept sealed in a genie bottle, the genie is guarding the bottle, but has thrown the keys away deep into the Sulu Sea. He has even erased the password for stashing away the bottle in a chest where formerly, it contained the heart of Davy Jones, Pirates of the Carribean. So i have to abide by the spell being cast 😁😎: The shares are only available in August 2024.πŸ˜‹


2023-07-10 12:38 | Report Abuse


Income once pointed out that Datuk LFM has two good looking daughters, perhaps the dame must be contributing to the positive DNA to mold their good looking appearance. 😁 I have always carried this uncertain feeling, worried if by any chance that Joyvest might be one of the daughters.
So now Joyvest ,parley, meaning stop for a moment so that i might clear my conscience by asking you this question: Joyvest, by any chance, are you the daughter of Datuk Lo Fu Ming? Please be honest, because if you are I would be guilty as hell inside me for addressing him with the various pseudonyms. So Joyvest, YES or NO? if YES, then that will be my lessons learned not to assume, and I apologize and will make the proper adjustments. If NO, then let the battle resume. Straightforward. So Joyvest, over to you!


2023-07-10 12:04 | Report Abuse

youarewelcome88 and Kk7198
Party to the said contract between Bahvet and Southsea: who sign on the dotted lines? Witness signature as testimony hard to speculate, not important; So probability between BV and South Sea:
1) Son for bahvest and Dracula forSouthsea
2) Datuk (one of the datuks that they drove off from bahvest, cant remember his name) for Bahvest and Dracula for Southsea
3) Dracula for Bahvest and Dracula for Southsea: unlikely, or else Dracula would either be high on Shabu or utterly Stup....
And all already abandon ship. Not that it matters, because the contract is still valid, but we can derive that all signatory to the contract are eager to draw and seal the contract. Incidentally, all are court clusters. By the way there are no psychopaths here as signatory, only fraudsters.


2023-07-10 11:26 | Report Abuse


Bro, they are waiting to dump USD bonds. If i were Msia, I buy RMB .


2023-07-10 11:24 | Report Abuse

youarewelcome88 and Kk7198
Example: My allegation is structured like this: KK7198 demands 6 mil from me. But i will not pay him because via embezzlement and fraud, he now wants to recover 6 million arising from his misdeeds. So, will the court allow these writs and statement of claim to run separately or currently. My writ claims that KK7198 should not be paid because he has committed a crime, embezzlement. Whatever that was earlier agreed upon as contract or whatsoever, will not take precedence anymore. If I prove KK7198 in court as a cheat related to the 6 mil, so judge gonna rule KK7198 has cheated, but he deserve to be paid 6 mil.? In Zimbabwean court Maybe!


2023-07-10 11:05 | Report Abuse

When Kretam Iceman was running life rough and tough, Dracula was in Diapers, no fangs yet.
Watch how they nail Dracula's coffin when the issue of misconduct in executing fiduciary duties, duty of care and statutory duties towards Bahvest and/or otherwise exercised their powers for an improper purpose; Notice, this is top of the itinerary for Kretams writ and statement of claim, it captures attention because it is an act perpetrated by the intent to commit crime. Only then the RGT 6 mil. is stated as the 3rd itinerary. They, primarily want to fix him up for good. They want to fight him in court to prove his criminal acts. Bro, The current CEO was their CFO if not mistaken. Records are in his possession.
Dracula never for a moment thought that he would be driven out immediately after the MACC detention. So in all probability, he could not burn or destroy records. That is why Kretam assassins are confident of proving this case in court. If he is found guilty, the RGT6 million is inconsequential, as it is related to the case of breach of fiduciary duty.
The penalty for breach of fiduciary duty is typically payment for the actual damages incurred, as well as any punitive damages if the breach of fiduciary duty involved fraud or malice. Technically you can go to jail for some breaches of fiduciary duty, such as theft, fraud, and embezzlement.
If Dracula is found guilty. payment for damages and legal expenses will drag him to his knees. He will never smell board membership of any PLC;s for a long time, let alone talk of him making a comeback. Did we forget about jail-time? Anyway; lets not go to that, because that might only take effect after 2028.


2023-07-10 10:30 | Report Abuse


Arrogate: I have seen few rums, quite versatile, can come from behind and sometimes can stay just off pace from the front runner and win, as in the video. Size wise: He is a biggie Ibig), long-striding.


2023-07-10 08:45 | Report Abuse


Global economic developments, impending chaos and turmoil, are promoting brighter chances for Bahvest to be Bank Negara owned, 😁😁😁 When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
With 200 meters left to run, challengers are coming from everywhere, its anybody's race, but hello, coming thru the center is the green Kretam Colors of Bahvest.....πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Œ


2023-07-09 23:24 | Report Abuse

moon, Martin Sng had passed away. Saw him winning the Sultan of Selangor Gold Cup on Paititi Gold in 1982.

My condolence. Died of old age, when and location? Sng was an Ipoh boy, smallish rider if i recall. Yeah, Paititi Gold with his long stretch, being perhaps 9-10 year old at that time running over his pet distance of 1600m. Perhaps that is the strength of Garnet Bougoure: 3 old runners who could still give the younger ones a run for their money: Paititi Gold, Western Union, Persian Sapphire.


2023-07-09 23:12 | Report Abuse

moonslayer274, a good one. Bossku is also one of the participants in your Alumni whats app group?
Oh no, he is more senior, but he has a younger brother, Nizam, in the same cohort who is low profile not mentioned in politics. but as usual sits on few BOD's of PLC;s, But he is very reserved, not in the Forum. But one distinct personality is in the Johanian Forum: the 6 bil Penang Tunnel Debacle, We use to rock out and party together those times, but that's about it. As time pass by, we digressed in direction and led our own lifestyles, he was always in the corporate maneuvering with Bursa PLC;s while I worked to earn a living. At times he will meet me privately, share his stories about meeting the chief minister of Penang and whatever. The fact is that I am only there to lend my ears, other than that, those issues doesn't strike me as captivating my interest. Wheeling and dealing lifestyles seems elegant and macho, state of the art, but to me beneath it its, very artificial. I know of many friends and sometimes wonder why these people should go to great lengths to achieve great things in life to the extent of jeopardizing their health, family, personal beliefs and values, just primarily to prove to the world that they are great, possess affluence, and exhibit life's trappings. These are the qualities that scares me because sincerity becomes relegated and most things in life are pegged to objectivity and means of achieving. Horses race is acceptable, there is a finishing line. But Human racing in pursuit of esteem and power is somewhat endless.


2023-07-09 22:14 | Report Abuse

a) gold is a rarity: the supply will deplete with time. With chaos and turmoil creating engines of uncertainty, the concept of safe haven grows strongly. Future price ascending trend is expected: MRA circuit
b) Sabah, Sarawak and Kalimantan, virtually near virgin conditions with respect to minerals mining (gold- silver- copper- rare earth), only small percentage explored: Singapore Kramji stint
c) The progressive move towards gold backed currency: Joining BRICS : Hong Kong Shatin.
d) Bank Negara requires physical gold inventory from Bahvest.: Melbourne, Flemington.
e) EPF, PNB, KWAP awaken to the reality of Bahvest: Dubai and Saudi carnival.
f) A supermarket of Minerals inventory: supplier and trader, progressing to the Glencore and Rio Tinto league: Breeders Cup .
Bahvest life cycle:😁😁😁


2023-07-09 21:36 | Report Abuse

The boy Dracula since young is suspecting a fake… that’s why he keeps on investigating… πŸ˜‚

Woi Income, dont insult my Bayern Munich eh... whatever still German league champions for a decade without a break: Its because they rule the field, people are calling it farmer's league.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I think French league is also dominated by PSG, no competition.


2023-07-09 21:31 | Report Abuse

KK7198: I sent the above link to a whats app group, who were so keen talking about the impending PRN and political funding. I wrote "Since funds are hard to come by to support campaigns, please contact my friend Mr. Zac Purton in Hong Kong, who will be glad to provide the required lifeline to support those aspiring to become the most disgusting creature on this earth at the rate of 2.5% interest a month. And if winner must develop the culture of promoting active horse racing in this country. But rather than be political figures as targets of hate speech and focus for ridicule, better become jockey." like Mr. Zac Purton. 😁😁😁


2023-07-09 17:07 | Report Abuse

Its a walk in the park for Zac Purton. Statistically he wins 1 in about 4 races. All is required is one more win. If he has 4 rides out of a total daily card of 8. given this rider, he will bag the winner from the 50% chance. And he knows his objective being the prize of the coveted title.


2023-07-08 23:00 | Report Abuse

Bahvest will be unstoppable comes next year.

We wait for Kretam iceman to mold and make this colt attractive for Institutional participation. Once this champion is sighted for potential and the feelers are extended into the open, then we will witness a multi step change in its valuations, and a new chapter might be written for this future champion..
Call it the boss, the unstoppable, Bahvest it is.


2023-07-08 22:31 | Report Abuse

Just look at the hand signs at the end of the video.

The scene where the bare body stick holding ah beng kicked the bucket, reminds me of prize for guessing. Your guess is as good as mine. BTW, you know the expression kick the bucket? That fella should just go and do that!😎😎


2023-07-08 22:25 | Report Abuse

After Dracula being booted out from Bv BOD… He had no choice but to venture into this new recycling business in Land Below The Wind. Haha πŸ˜‚

Dracula did not venture into this, but Dracula was looking for a job as a forklift driver, after escaping from animal welfare service to care for pygmy elephants.
BTW, any knowledge if what they do here is what our local recycler would do? However glass use now is decreasing, so quite some downward pressure exerted onto"the business of recycling.


2023-07-08 18:15 | Report Abuse

KK7198, I tell you what: When Bahvest has completed its mission, we must organize a live get together session with those who are interested to attend in close proximity to the location of the event, to rejoice the victory achieved by the Champion Bahvest.😁😁😁. Doesnt matter, Joyvest shall also be invited, its all done in the spirit of the achievements of Bahvest.


2023-07-08 18:05 | Report Abuse

Bro you have overlooked one embarrassing fact about me. although I communicate via this thread in i3 Investor, but i have never opened a Facebook account in my life. For example, in my whats app, there are two big social forums ex- Johanian Alumni group, which I had much reservations but oblige to be included decades ago, but i hardly participate, just too many messages being plunged into the virtual domain, and also due to time constraint. I find inter connectivity now to hot to handle, so I am very selective on matters of social forums. And I am very particular about messaging. I respect the readers of the intended messages, so I am careful so as to offer comprehension and benefits and not be misconstrued.


2023-07-08 16:50 | Report Abuse

kk7198, Stephen Cook, not familiar, can't recall maybe end 90's. If its Graham Cook, i remember. He partnered the Buang Abu Bakar trained Freedon Fighter to win the Singapore gold cup.


2023-07-08 14:31 | Report Abuse

Income,is Dracula now not taking care of pygmy elephants?
Income: you watch below, snippets of Dracula Movie:

Question: 1) Who is more good looking; This Dracula or ex Bahvest Dracula.
2) Who can speak better: This Dracula or ex Bahvest Dracula.


2023-07-08 13:32 | Report Abuse

KK7198 Singapore closing by Oct 2024, seems a certainty. Tough going for your friend Muhd Az to assume other professional transitions: outside of the horse racing fraternity would be a profession culture shock for jockeys. However, there is about 16 months ahead, b4 the decision is implemented, anything can happen interim, and also a period that would be useful to prepare the affected ones for professional adjustments. Who knows, by a stroke of good luck, Singapore Premier could get a parcel of reclaimed land about 120 hectares between Johor and Singapore sea borders, and Walla, racing overlooking the Sea. That would be really stylish and prestige. 120 hectares, about 1/2 square mile, seems big, but at the same time not that big.


2023-07-08 12:01 | Report Abuse

R2-7/ R3-1/ R6-4/ R10-5 for today spore good luck bro πŸŽπŸ‘

The Last time I visited and wagered on a horse was at Ipoh. Year2004. I went to Ipoh, for some assignment, stayed at the now deserted and run down Syuen Hotel. I wanted to specifically attend the off-course event that day, the running of the Penang Governor;s Gold Cup. The lucky stars were shining on this occasion of my Swan Song of wagering on horses. I placed a 10 Win/10 Place bet, and sure enough the Mohd Zafir trained Baby Star with South African, Mike Wepner on board won the race with not bad odds of 60+/20+. But the scary turn of events that day occurred. This curtain closing year, race event coincided with the catastrophic 26 Dec 2004, 9.0 earthquake triggered tsunami. I receive news of this colossal global destruction when I returned to the hotel. I was shocked as hell!
Come next year, it will be 20 years since i last place a wager. Races are an attraction with the pull effect being enhanced if you have the common interest + influencer group within the acquaintance circle. The early days was fun: we knew stable hands, few stable families, riding boys, and common interest friends at workplace. The much awaited weekends were like a carnival, and plus the hawker fare, were just something you look forward to to spend your weekends. Well, KK7198, you are more aware and acquainted to these experiences with clear memories of the past.
Once I took up a position at Johor, the interest waned. The nearest, Bukit Timah, Singapore was a distant away. Friends with horse racing interest, not to be found. And news coverage about the sport were very subdued, and printed bulletins were on the brink of extinction. Internet was only for messages, not having the capacity for live streaming. And with family and professional commitment, the interest became void.
I do from time to time follow overseas development, ( local coverage very superficial) because I love horse racing for what it is, but wagering is long gone.