
moonslayer274 | Joined since 2023-05-11

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2023-05-19 12:30 | Report Abuse

According to a layman's theory about market acceptability and happiness, the market for Bahvest now is happy by 12.5%. Few days ago market disappointed and not happy. This theory, could be new from Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger.


2023-05-19 12:25 | Report Abuse

Must pay royalty to K7198. He coined the title of Dracula for the Ah Beng, and I kind of like to label Ah Beng as that.


2023-05-19 12:22 | Report Abuse

Wah market maker dont respect Dracula anymore. He waited for the return of Dracula's share holding into the market, but never came. Great, even if Dracula wants to dispose later, to him no problem, only a minority shareholder. bye bye Dracula


2023-05-19 11:34 | Report Abuse

Market for bahvest stagnate. Looks like no loose bullets in huge numbers. Those throwing at 12 sen might be T2 players with high insurance premiums non claimable. Hopefully, Dracula get out of remand detention, and afternoon give the sell orders, including his underwear.


2023-05-19 11:07 | Report Abuse

not easy for Dracula. How to close the mouth and jam the brains of the other 5 vampires. By the time, anyone coming out from the base dungeon of the MACC, everything would be spilled out. And this are buffoons who has never gone through the reign of Hitler's Gestapo.
Best for Dracula to heed the advice of K7198, sell and run to Phil quickly. He will have his hands full now on how to get those 5 buffoons to shut up. About his vengeance: dream on. He is only an Ah Beng, no way has he the brains to scheme a corporate raid.


2023-05-19 09:51 | Report Abuse

1) DL is still the ED, so any share dealings will have to be reported, despite now holding traces of shares, maybe 30mil shares stashed in his underwear. On the warrants, no knowledge.
2) If he is booted out at EGM by Kretam iceman's back heel kick, then he becomes a real Dracula, a ghost with shares as minority shareholder that does not require to report in share dealings. So presumably, after EGM, we will never see his name appear at Bursa announcement for shares dealing.
3) From what the market maker has been doing the past week, Dracula's holding is not a problem to handle even if he decides to release in one day, which is good, so that he can instantly bid sayonara. No point in him over extending his unwelcome stay.


2023-05-18 16:56 | Report Abuse

I think now the market is about 8.7% happier becos the price is up, according to some layman;s theory of market acceptability and happiness. Fantastic most revolutionized perception. Wall street should adopt.


2023-05-18 16:30 | Report Abuse

That's the problem with you joyeast when you become paranoid, you dont read. Did I specifically say FL is going for an MGO? My inference is that the iceman and his gang might have mopped out shares totaling among them probably 30%, as controlling stake, becos previous was only 10%. That is why you should stop trying to be ahead of everyone here saying people are delusional and whatsoever...


2023-05-18 15:31 | Report Abuse

Nicholas 99, my gut feel says no one in the company now during the EGM can fight Kretam Iceman and gang with respect to shareholding percentage. They have mopped up most probably most of the shares, perhaps more than 30% which as a group they could trigger the MGO (mandatory general offer).


2023-05-18 15:13 | Report Abuse

The market maker owes no one whatsoever, except to the party that it is being engaged for. Why should the market maker create the vibrant conditions, when he knows that DL still has 4 mil shares stashed in his underwear and he is not gonna provide an expensive life line for Ah Beng to exit. Couple this to the impending uncertain Q results, and chaos engulfing the current scenarios, what is the reason for prices to escalate? Just becos DL faces legal issues, why should that warrant the market maker to upward rate the company valuations. The market maker is there to tempt weak and nervous holders under pressure to release their stock holdings. If I were the market maker, that would be my strategy for now.


2023-05-18 11:21 | Report Abuse

yea la. Dato Lo already accepts 7mil from bahvest....
Nic, i reckon this can be reclaimable, as this was the initial deposit to commence talks between the feuding parties. And i think the clause stating being non-refundable irrespective of the outcome might only apply once negotiations are underway. Anyway, this DL is a typical politician creating a mess, never a corporate player.


2023-05-18 11:12 | Report Abuse

Share price to be in hibernation, no problem. As long as DL disappear from Bahvest, then there is opportunity and greater potential for future upward re-rating.


2023-05-18 10:14 | Report Abuse

I am not so concerned with the current market price, but if anyone think that the market maker is there to carry out a favor for you, then perhaps you could be in the wrong domain.


2023-05-18 10:08 | Report Abuse

putting the allegations and future litigation aside, with the ROD (records of depository) in the hands of Kretam Iceman, and with DL as ordinary shareholder, DL bidding as MD or founder is finished, if the EGM goes thru. How does he substantiate his presence. By showing his remaining small baggage kept in his last trousers?
DL is a joke of the century wanting to be a corporate player. And this is the type of specie that you still wanna defend?


2023-05-18 09:31 | Report Abuse

Come on DL spread your legs and shit out all your balance holding. Dont waste time, dreaming of a return. The most despised and marked man of all time at Bahvest.


2023-05-17 22:25 | Report Abuse

BTW, Anyone knows what is the position to be assumed by Kretam Iceman, FL, in the scheme of things, once the dust has settled?


2023-05-17 22:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo!! Tomorrow look like another drop and below 10C again.

Dont despair my friend. Within the price dynamics for tomorrow, there might be a temporary fear instilled moments when the market maker test the sentiment from the news coverage to make those faint-hearted release their holdings to him. Based on the previous trading prices, the 12 sen level was being protected like crazy. So no way will the market maker let the price linger too long below 12 sen which might allow others to buy below his bulk collecting price. In fact the news was released before the 2nd session today, i think at 2pm, yet there was no panic selling. Even if pampers wearing DL wants to shit out his balance 40 million shares tomorrow at one go, the market maker is prepared, judging by the way how they absorbed the over hundred million shares on previous trading days.
Sayonara DL and enjoy roti canai and menu rahmah in seclusion for some parts of your remaining life span. Karma indeed.


2023-05-17 17:57 | Report Abuse

Brace for end of the month QR.
In all probability, the current price might have factored in the possibly dismal upcoming Q results. But this is just short term noise. In the medium term, this Co has goodwill and with good governance and management the future upward re-rating is anybody's guess.


2023-05-17 17:33 | Report Abuse

by month end, Q report will be out. My gut feel says that it will be negative, how much?well looking at how DL treats Bahvest without much regard except his own pocket, there would be much pain from the accounting numbers in the previous and latest quarter. Its doubtful that there will be big price gains from now till end of the 3rd quarter. Anyway, the good thing is the non-fit CEO and smugglers gang are removed, and hope that the kretam iceman and gang can add real value to the existing mining operations.


2023-05-17 16:15 | Report Abuse

Jack K, i think this news is authentic. I went into their portal, Berita Harian, and i could retrieve this piece under "Nasional". But if its fake, then wait for BH to disavow.


2023-05-17 15:48 | Report Abuse

So with the news of DL and his band of smugglers ditelanjangkan oleh SPRM, looks like the open house is cancelled? Looking forward to Grand Hyatt goodies, but now looks like no chance I place my bets that DL will be wearing pampers come friday, but SPRM beat me to the line.They have stripped DL last night.


2023-05-17 11:01 | Report Abuse

Dracula is an apt description of this squandering and devouring specie, sucking out every bloody inch of company resources., He has to affirmatively go, perhaps he is more fit to just operate a gold smith and pajak gadai shop. Only hope not trading fools gold. But definitely no cut to run a public listed entity.


2023-05-17 10:05 | Report Abuse

Still ada reserve lagi for throwing. DL baju semua sudah jual, tinggal seluar, singlet sama underwear saja. By Friday dia mau pakai pampers saja.


2023-05-16 14:18 | Report Abuse

investor should stay out till the situation is clear to minimize your risk
On the contrary, investors should buy, because as investors you would have analysed that this is an aberration posing as temporary noise. But if you dare jump over the cliff in T2 trades, the insurance premium is very high and at times non- claimable.


2023-05-16 11:14 | Report Abuse

Gold prices up, Bahvest down…make no sense…think buy GD 4d 0098 to recover
A horse that is in pain and indisposed due to injury cannot run in a race even if the purse money is 30 million at stake. Thus it cannot be re-rated and hence valuation is stifled.


2023-05-16 10:57 | Report Abuse

DL is selling down warrant heavily.
By thursday, he will sell his trousers. By friday morning his crocodile underwear. By afternoon session, he starts pulling his hair. Crazy but magical fella: his right hand can talk to his left hand. Kind of imaginative but cunning guy.


2023-05-16 10:47 | Report Abuse

kk7198 @moonslayer274, coming QR is end of the month? The last QR was delayed for 2 months.
Correct, i agree with you that is why for the faint hearted like me, i must go buy eye-patches. Then can peep to see whether see the minus sign first, and then what is the number next to it. hahaha...


2023-05-16 10:28 | Report Abuse

Hold on to your tickets, nothing is gonna happen b4 any EGM is held. All bookies and bets are opened once EGM invitation is sent out. I am putting money that Kretam Iceman will choke-slam Bahvest TuaGold, give him the back heel kick and out goes flying DL from the ring. Also go buy 2 eye patches if too scared to see the 'stunning' or 'stunting' quarter results.
Btw, Muyutin, what happened to elephant, sudah pencen kah, now horse only riding the wife, not wife riding the horse. oh.. or whatever lah...


2023-05-15 10:49 | Report Abuse

Joyvest: From the reflection of the current share price , it could tell you that the market is not happy with the removal of the three incumbent Directors
I beg to differ on this statement. Any counter thats gonna trade actively will have the services of a market maker, be it institutions, Private equity or syndicates, to decide on the direction and dynamics of the price changes. The composite of the ikan bilis gang including me are only as instruments to their end.
In this issue, since the predators are squeezing the little balls of our MD forcing him to exit by virtue of blackmailing him due to his own mismanagement, the predators are now telling the MD "thank you very much for handing to us your shares at a huge huge discount," and now the MD can go find the exit door himself. Without a controlling stake, best he dont even show his face at the EGM.
The 20 mil demanded is only a scare tactic as well as face saving recoup compensation.. With the MD losing control, the operations can still continue whilst the 20 mil suit becomes a protracted case, which might reach settlement in god knows how many years. The MD would be wise to just accept the recent reconciliation arrangement and walk away without the need for an EGM where he is just an ordinary shareholder.


2023-05-13 10:13 | Report Abuse

Trespassing since 2017 says a lot of Bahvest... conducting illegal mining all along!!!

This reminds me of the 1MDB issue where the prime minister ask the finance minister: but hold on minute: Ayoyo, both PM and FM same person, same DNA( to dispel any uncertainty)
On the same token, South Sea gold ask Bahvest on the occupancy matter and Bahvest have to answer. And on opposite sides are the same individual, same DNA. Perhaps another addition to the annals of the corporate buffoons and fumble of the century.
The only judgement sentence suitable, meted out to people like this would be in China. Put the head under the barrel, blow out the bullshit from their heads. Only thing is at times some will hit the ceiling fan, and fall on others who will eventually be successors to this unstoppable menace.


2023-05-13 09:52 | Report Abuse

Alankam159: If such issue not able to be resolve then what will happen to the share price. What will happen to the company prospect, without a solid fundamental mid or big investor wouldnt invest in it. Then all shareholder will drag into a sink holes.

I sincerely share your concern on this predicament. But we have witnessed over decades Company values being destroyed by ruthless and unconscionable so call claiming to be corporate leaders. The truth of the matter is they dont care when push comes to shove, when in dire circumstances or being cornered The corporation is only their playground. they have already amassed huge personal wealth that will support them for generations to come. Its only people like us whom they want to manipulate when required support is needed. Other than that, when under pressure, they will call the shots themselves and tell us to defend ourselves single handed. We are on our own.
The morale is that under the guise of ringgit and sens, dont ever discount our own backside, and think that they will never screw us up.


2023-05-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

just kentut and runnnn: laju ma... turbo charged.


2023-05-12 16:09 | Report Abuse

nicholas99, saya sudah buy ini counter semalam, tapi saya tak mau trade sama ini Bahvest T2. Saya ingat kalau trade ini counter, bahaya, sebab hostile takeover. Itu predator mau kasi itu prey naked without underwear dulu. But due to goodwill from gold, once the dust settle, then we can reap the harvest. Cicakman is right, the market bias now towards downside is very strong. Most market makers are shorting. If you can make it for T2 trade, at most 2 bids, but mostly 1 bid.


2023-05-12 15:57 | Report Abuse

Ok cicakman, you punya technical and fundamental analysis on kentut boleh pakai. You ada pakai chart kah?.....


2023-05-12 15:44 | Report Abuse

Cicakman, you ada talent boleh jadi poet,,,, tapi siapa punya kentut lagi busuk?... orang Kaya kah atau orang miskin?....


2023-05-12 15:40 | Report Abuse

Muyutin, Warren B cerita 10 tahun minimum simpan, so ada lagi 5 tahun. 5 tahun lagi elephat pun sudah ada 2 anak la....


2023-05-12 15:36 | Report Abuse

Ini elephant manyak gatal dan celaka la....


2023-05-12 15:33 | Report Abuse

hahaha cicakman, tepat sekali... ini chaos lebih teruk dari Astro 202, Sivaji the boss atau MGR filem,


2023-05-12 15:27 | Report Abuse

muyutin ah.. kalau kasi gempa bumi telan itu binatang lagi baik. Takut nanti elephant pun dia boleh negotiate ma....


2023-05-12 14:42 | Report Abuse

rohank71, correct. This is Sabah: corporate culture is feudalistic, call it mafioso or whatever and by virtue of political will, things happen mystically. We mistakenly think that their actions and behavior are within our expectations, but in the land below the wind, not easy to comprehend why things happen. For example, Land owner can ask himself why did he set up structures on his own land? Is not amusing to posses that line of thought in oneself?
BTW, Bahvest is a PLC, owing 20 million for an entity that has goodwill from precious metal is a walk in the park. Private placement, bank borrowings, rights issue: make your choice whats for dinner.


2023-05-12 11:04 | Report Abuse

The market maker is protecting the sacred 12 sen like there is no tomorrow. Will there be thunderstorm this Friday afternoon? But overall what this market requires is an aphrodisiac to rectify erectile dysfunction. Every day, must wear shade glasses to ward off red flashes!


2023-05-12 10:06 | Report Abuse

The market maker is doing cleansing, lots of dirty laundry to whiten, before handing it over to the predators. The only consolation left is whats concealed underneath the earth. That which provides goodwill as well as reason for this whole mess. Hopefully its not fools gold!


2023-05-11 21:36 | Report Abuse

This is a hostile takeover, and the last few days seemed likely that the market maker is acting in concert with the predators: Kretam Lim and gang. No way will predators provide the lifeline parachute for outgoing directors as the prey. "This is the price for your exit, thank you very much and bye-bye". As for the alleged debts owing, no problem, many ways to go about it. After all, Kretam Lim is an expert in the feudalistic and political culture prevalent within the Sabah run businesses. ESOS is just an excuse to leverage support from shareholders during the EGM, but most probably Kretam Lim is dreaming of being hailed as natural resource and commodity tycoon king of Sabah. Very ambitious and far sighted indeed. IMHO this exercise is healthy, as the current operational blueprint created by the sitting MD is not adding value. Just dont let the world hear that Sabah mining operations are disrupted by extreme weather conditions repetitively for many years without mitigating factors: how embarrassing can it be for a PLC MD. In the name of value enhancement, the current MD has to come to terms with reality: Relevance and competitiveness. As usual, the element of time shall be proof of the pudding. And to those caught within the crossfire and chaos, dont despair and panic. Be patient. The issue is not cheeseburgers or carbonated drinks. We are talking about gold and silver.