
musang_foxking | Joined since 2013-08-17

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2014-09-10 17:25 | Report Abuse

Bluang malah pakai mulut pakai keyboard

olang lain malah... simpan li lalam peti

pisang gold li bawa pelayaran

mee maggie selap li makan

utang buli li bawa mati ( die die die)

mee tikus olang geli

olang gila kata selap ape?

kalau tuan olang yg manyiak panlai

tentu tau itu si sohai


2014-09-10 17:17 | Report Abuse

548,700 x 11sen = RM60,357 onli onli onli

sikalang kila itu suma dilektos jual jual ngam ngam soi... latus latus yuta..tak tau kila... takut mau kila... malu mau kila...esok or ini hali... lu galenti jumpa lagi announcement

Halo bro bluang gold... lu malah olang gila ... wa tatak hailan... tapi itu olang gila... maciam mana mau tau lu malahkah sukakah... dia gila ape... mana boleh paham lor... lagi sidih.... sindili kaunter yatuh yatuh ...kiki


2014-09-10 17:08 | Report Abuse

Betul2... canlaughdiediedie mimang panlai... mimang minang... mimang hailan... kikiki twilight zone of the die die die ... canhailandiediedie kiki.... ok bobo ... bozo... ini hali tangguh... kikiki muka... ala sinyum... kikiki lival ala hailan ... kikiki


2014-09-10 17:03 | Report Abuse

Kikiki... ini hali kenluffdiediedie... minang... esok lia minang lali.... con firm.... bungkus ... kikiki


2014-09-10 17:02 | Report Abuse

Hehe... sepuluh sen.. semua olang mau masuk... bukan pasal mulah saje... tapi tau itu shark pun mau makan 10 sen juga .... kikikimi


2014-09-10 17:00 | Report Abuse

10 cents muke melah... 44 cents muke hijau?? Wa sikalang galu wa pinya kipala ... mau bagi paham... hmmm... con-firm lu memang manyiak sabar.... kikiki... mesti con and firm pinya


2014-09-10 16:57 | Report Abuse

Oic... nau I no wai u engli... suma beldala ... kikiki


2014-09-10 16:56 | Report Abuse

Jangian malah lor... 10 sen kah 50 kah 145.50 kaj 1 juta kah... apa pasal lu malah2 kawan? Lu bukan ala bili pun....Lu pinya suma yatuh yatuh lu tatak malah pun... kikiki


2014-09-10 16:53 | Report Abuse

Takut lor... wa ingat wa paking 435 lor... ini olang despelet... no wan no lor...


2014-09-10 16:51 | Report Abuse

Halo boleh notis ala olang kasi pull sell oler at 44.5... cipat cipat kasi buang ... wa mau angkat 44


2014-09-10 16:50 | Report Abuse

Cbm ciakap manyiak manis... bagui lor... ah moi syok lor kasi dinga itu mulut manis... chiom pun manis lor

Tapi ala satu lagi canto .. pun cbm ... culi balik money ... lor..


2014-09-10 16:47 | Report Abuse

Silalu lun... tapi talak yatuh yatuh... lu pigi tengok suma... beldala wa ciakap... slo slo


2014-09-10 16:44 | Report Abuse

Low volum hi volum dumped no effect on glotek lor... ini suma ala efek kah? Itu maciam manyiak sinang mau kila dilection... bututkah ... tipukah?


2014-09-10 16:42 | Report Abuse

Haiya sulah mau tutup... olang buang sama wa et 44 balum sampai... kasi cipat lor....


2014-09-10 16:41 | Report Abuse

Haiya sulah mau tutup... olang buang sama wa et 44 balum sampai... kasi cipat lor....


2014-09-10 16:39 | Report Abuse

Latuk silly goh thien chua ciakap lia mau kasi inkelis lia pinya sto, lalam glotek flom 19.8% to 25%
25 25... sulah mau laila

The Star Online

Goh, who currently has a 19.8% stake in the company is also looking to increase his stake to about 25%, as he is optimistic about its growth, particularly in the plantation sector. 

“Coming from Sabah, I know plantation well. Our first choice would be to acquire plantation land from Sabah as I am very familiar with the local conditions there. The price of land there is also cheaper. However, we will also consider Indonesia if the opportunity is right,. While the first drilling by NCE a subsidiary of Globaltec will starts on first quarter 2015", said Goh. 

Currently, Globaltec's palm oil plantation activities are carried out by its subsidiaries, Cergas Fortune Sdn Bhd and Malgreen Progress Sdn Bhd. It has about 916.25ha in Kinabatangan, Sabah, with about 836.96ha planted with oil palm. 

The approximate planted ages of the trees range from four to 14 years. As at end of 2011, the net book value of the oil palm plantations was RM30.39mil. 

Goh said that once Globaltec had a bigger palm oil plantations, then it would justify constructing an oil palm mill. 

Globaltec is a special-purpose company comprising the formerly listed AIC Corp Bhd, Jotech Holdings Bhd and AutoV Corp Bhd. It has exposures in electrical and electronics, automotive, semiconductor, palm oil and coal mining and CBM gas operator and owner, hydroelectric and solar power station. 

25% ? mimpi ayamtua tupai tupai 25 25 is coming


2014-09-10 16:35 | Report Abuse

Wa mau makan itu india pinya... itu laddu.... itu dadu kasi canlaughsuresuicide play or makan


2014-09-10 16:31 | Report Abuse

Sumati lu sala ciakap...

Ini maciam ciakap...

kena ape... kena ape ... kena ape... haiya lu sikola sjkc kah


2014-09-10 16:25 | Report Abuse

Haiya... nasib talak ong lor... talak olang mau kasi dump lagi 44 ... haiya bila lagi ini si si mau latang lor...

tomolo u all wait.. hoh...


2014-09-10 16:22 | Report Abuse

So itu kaunter kila baik lor...?? Kasi bili lah 44 onli... sure 39... talak takut lor...

pinang sulah lisik sulah main sulah... kawin balum? Halam zaleh


2014-09-10 16:20 | Report Abuse

Ala olang sula kawin... tapi claim balum kawin... kikiki... tapi ala phuji itu plempuan tue.....kikiki


2014-09-10 16:17 | Report Abuse

Angin? Apa angin tu... wa talak anderstein lor


2014-09-10 16:15 | Report Abuse

Mee maggie cipat li masak

selap li makan

mee tikus ... tikus sulah makan

masih selap li makan.... kikiki


2014-09-10 16:14 | Report Abuse

Bagut2... kasi bili apa counter? Hali2 selang suma... sadenly stoop? Now claim tatak bili suma... defen saja2... lor... hau kam? No shares at all... apa pasal luluk dalam ini folum? Suka cit cat hah? Kikiki


2014-09-10 16:06 | Report Abuse

Cipat cipat 44 sudah laila... tahan tahan... eat eat gelenti pegi langit masyuk syulga ... buy buy buy 44 sula laila... cipat cipat jangan kasi tulun lor... gud ta..ikut ikut ikut... baik pinya counter lor.. angkat2... boleh exercise itu light... walan si pircuma lor ... free free free? Cina cakap itu maciamkah? Bukan flee flee flee kah?


2014-09-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

Eat eat... jangan tak eat.... eat banyak banyak... balu bole sembuh lor...


2014-09-10 15:54 | Report Abuse

Ini kaunter tutup unchen 10 cents... olang tatak hilan lor... lu suma pinya... tutup 39 cents... pun olang tatak hilan lor... fair and square lor...

wa pinya company... glotec levenue 90m lor ... all flom opelation... tatak makan duit investor lor... suma pinya... levenue... lu olang sidiqah lor... suma pinya investos manyiak baik hati... manyiak sidiqah pinya olang... semua pandei lor

Company suma minta suma bayar balu pinya light isu... memang ada olang baik hati cam lu, angkat pinya... baik ada makna tu... bukan lu... itu ha lim suck... typo saad


2014-09-10 15:48 | Report Abuse

SUdaMATICo mmg hibat pinya... itu pasal dilektos kasi jual jual jual... susah mau write... tak telkile... itu pasal olang cam lu hibat pinya... glotec low plofile... humble pinya counter ... baik baik pinya naik langit lor...


2014-09-10 15:44 | Report Abuse

Wa pinya counter always have buyers pinya... mesti mau confident pinya... tatak takut mati lor... gualenti ham ham sap pinya.... our dilektos no sell2 one... glotec ... baik pinys counter... how to sell lor... suma pinya... hali2 ada dilektos jual jual pinya... pandai itu dilektos dlm suma... tapi lu lagi manyiak panpandei lor....


2014-09-10 15:40 | Report Abuse

Sure confident... 10 cents ... and sure confident RM1 .... also confident RM145.50.... hahaha.... misti pinya... glotec menuju ke langit ... ngam ngam soi


2014-09-10 15:38 | Report Abuse

I am sorry to say that some of your members come to glotec forum and make noises... so it is my turn... as usual

when it breaks 44 ..... si si .... die die ....

tungkuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!

tungkullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!!


2014-09-10 15:34 | Report Abuse

I told u so... when simon84 said it will be bad... ifca rebounded... yet when simon84 bought and said it is cheap... it fell ... I told u so.... brahmal is selling at most minimum at 40 cents... but anything goes after this... I tell u what... glotec keeps its price white ...while other counters green or red.... glotec... guaranteed most safest, most cheapest... most potential... hear me and follow me buy glotec... if u decline... no sweat... no sweat... coming near to u... 50 cents.... at least


2014-09-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

Today may again close at 10 cents... good good good... ada org suma suda marah le ... hahehihohu


2014-09-10 15:25 | Report Abuse

Good another me... same style like in suma forum... haha

now my turn...

buy buy buy... guaranteed 50 cents ... at least


2014-09-10 14:51 | Report Abuse

I told u so... to keep your iris and dont sell, isnt it... haha I know... iris is good


2014-09-10 14:41 | Report Abuse

Suka hati lu lah mau bili apa...


2014-09-10 14:41 | Report Abuse

Suka hati lu lah mau bili apa...


2014-09-10 14:21 | Report Abuse

Ketawa ketawa dahulu... mampus mampus kemudian... canlaughsuicide3 's motto


2014-09-10 14:18 | Report Abuse

Sure canlaughdiediedie.. can laugh now.... then die die die ... how to laugh again ma ... laugh first die later... triple die...

1st hati keras losing capital due to price falling everyday... like dying

2nd hati pedih losing almost all capital due to extreme losses of company.... mayat idup... dying

3nd hati mati .. no more hope to rebound... playing dead... the owner still alive... yet hati sudah mati... kira mati le tu

4th... canlaughsuicidesuicidesuicide if he chooses ... hahehihohu


2014-09-10 14:04 | Report Abuse

Canlaughdiediedie , how is your "investment in suma" since u buy it last month? Turunkah, naikkah? Dont wori... sabar2... mesti jatuh sikit lagi... pecah kalu 44 ... in chinese si si ... die die ... dont forget to run lor... kikiki


2014-09-10 13:45 | Report Abuse

Ini petang 10 cents pun cukup... kasi sembelih all disbelievers ... kikikiki ... we will not move it ..WILL NOT MOVEUPWARD UNTIL EACH PERSONS BUYING IT, BELIEVE IT WILL SHOOT TO DA MOON


2014-09-10 12:12 | Report Abuse

Globaltec to expand in plantations the star online


KUALA LUMPUR: Globaltec Formation Bhd, which has businesses in manufacturing services, semiconductor and resources, will see its next phase of expansion in the plantation sector.

Group executive chairman Datuk Goh Tian Chuan said Globaltec planned to acquire matured plantation land either in Sabah or Indonesia.

Goh, who currently has a 19.8% stake in the company is also looking to increase his stake to about 25%, as he is optimistic about its growth, particularly in the plantation sector.

“Coming from Sabah, I know plantation well. Our first choice would be to acquire plantation land from Sabah as I am very familiar with the local conditions there. The price of land there is also cheaper. However, we will also consider Indonesia if the opportunity is right,. While the first drilling by NCE a subsidiary of Globaltec will starts on first quarter 2015", said Goh.

Currently, Globaltec's palm oil plantation activities are carried out by its subsidiaries, Cergas Fortune Sdn Bhd and Malgreen Progress Sdn Bhd. It has about 916.25ha in Kinabatangan, Sabah, with about 836.96ha planted with oil palm.

The approximate planted ages of the trees range from four to 14 years. As at end of 2011, the net book value of the oil palm plantations was RM30.39mil.

Goh said that once Globaltec had a bigger palm oil plantations, then it would justify constructing an oil palm mill.

Globaltec is a special-purpose company comprising the formerly listed AIC Corp Bhd, Jotech Holdings Bhd and AutoV Corp Bhd. It has exposures in electrical and electronics, automotive, semiconductor, palm oil and coal mining and CBM gas operator and owner, hydroelectric and solar power station.

25% ? mimpi ayamtua tupai tupai 25 25 is coming


2014-09-10 11:38 | Report Abuse

Where in bursa is there any word or promise that when u buy a stock at a certain price that u can always sell back at price u bought... not a single stock... but this glotec... I give u that kind of guarantee... so what are u waiting for... u can try... and see if this is true or just a sweet promise!!!


2014-09-10 11:34 | Report Abuse

If majority shareholders want to privatize and squeeze u... guaranteed 22 cents in your hands


2014-09-10 11:32 | Report Abuse

If one buys at 10 cents... and then too bored and not patient enough... u can always sell back at 10 cents... guaranteed at least 10 cents u can sell... so the risk is very low, yet profit unimaginable


2014-09-10 10:48 | Report Abuse

Lu pernah jumpa ini maciam pinya trading style? Never ever....!!! why why why.... haha big profit... too big... u cannot imagine... after this can retire for good from klse.....


2014-09-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

Lu buang manyiak manapun always ada olang tadah mau makan... somebody says "nonsense"... cuma ada rasa takut... tapi tak pernah pakai otak... and ask why? Why? Why? Why?.... apa pasal suda kna attack hari2... ratus juta kna buang... tak boleh jatuh2? Ask TA experts... sure u will understand then


2014-09-10 10:40 | Report Abuse

How many days shares are dumped... dumped... dumped again and again... still not going down... hundred millions shares .... billions shares.. changing hands... yet top majority shares are still intact.. except RM60k values by ltat... silap blok.. ada pulak org yg makan... haha... even LTAT also kow tim with goh and low


2014-09-10 10:35 | Report Abuse

Goreng terus tak boleh... kena kumpul shares... sampai hampir2 no one has this share.... mau goleng 5.38b shares to rise to RM145.50.... u think is easy... kumpul gila2 sampai org fade up... gila2 kumpul... block block block everyday... then they will buy by thenselves... to da moon...REPCO LO is behind....


2014-09-10 10:29 | Report Abuse

But goreng is not the key...

the key is cbm gashuge reserves ... hydroelectric power station... solar power station...engine proreka supercharger sprintex made in malaysia... export internationally... palm oil plantation in sabah

but the best... the ultimate key is KEE YONG WAH... proven high status ex haliburton gamechanger...