
namaste | Joined since 2017-03-08

Investing Experience Beginner
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2017-05-11 22:53 | Report Abuse

No, nobody at home. Nobody except for the flies. They won't open the door for you because they are still in stupor. Lazy buggers. I just told them to go swat themselves.


2017-05-04 10:29 | Report Abuse

Yeah....quiet stock. I can either sailang or take profit. It's not logical to try to do both at the same time! Can't decide which way is better at the moment.


2017-05-03 10:28 | Report Abuse

Took a quick peek this morning. Ah yessss...the 2000 lots are still standing there. Still the same old number. I guess the market maker has not changed his car yet.


2017-05-03 10:22 | Report Abuse

My name is OngHengHuat and I came here to sailang and take profit.


2017-04-28 13:43 | Report Abuse

Yesterday, I commented that the market maker's car plate number must be MM2000. This morning, I find that many of the numbers on the buy/sell board are no more the old familiar 2000. This market maker....wa lau eh.....why you so like that, arh? I say your car plate number one time only mah. Say one time also cannot meh? I like your number 2000 because it is not so confusing leh. I only need to decide whether to sailang 2000 lots or not. Easy decision for my brain. Now with all these confusing random numbers appearing on the board, my simple brain just want to go to sleep. Just like the flies I wanted to swat. The only thing preventing me from sleeping is the fear that I may accidentally swat myself. Sheeeeeesh....


2017-04-27 11:56 | Report Abuse

Checked up on this counter this morning just to see what the Market Maker is up to. Aha..... I see his famous 2000 lots standing everywhere. Why 2000? Must be his lucky number. Maybe his car plate is MM2000. Yeah, that makes a whole lotta sense.


2017-04-21 13:30 | Report Abuse

This morning the market maker tried to put random figures in the buy and sell queues to create a semblance of "normalcy". When the figures did not move, I think he gave up and just put 2000 in every queue. That's more like it. Round figures are easier to see mah........ No need to try to make things look normal because we all know that in the market, nothing is really normal.

Today, I am happy to report that Donald did not try to manufacture another crisis to depress the market. As for the North Koreans who are have already been reportedly evacuated from Pyongyang, they are trying to make the long and arduous journey back to their homes. Luckily, only 2 people had been evacuated in total and they both jogged back in 5 minutes. So much for the crisis.


2017-04-17 22:30 | Report Abuse

I was expecting the market to lao sai this morning on account of the North Korea tension. I would have thought that the market maker would have moved the price down to 2 sens already. So I waited patiently with my two sens. But didn't happen. Looks like the market maker doesn't want my two sens. So stuck up! I'm tempted to call Donny Trump tonight to complain.


2017-04-15 23:14 | Report Abuse

This North Korean saga is pressing down the market. I mean wholesale evacuation of the population can't be good, right? Where will they go? It's like a balik kampung rush without the kampung.

Everybody is panicking. Everybody except for the flies here. Not even the slightest movement. Zilch. It looks like they don't know how the "panic" word is written.

News & Blogs

2017-04-15 22:39 | Report Abuse

Duit bro, thank you for the "follow economic cycle" advice. I received you loud and clear.


2017-04-14 10:25 | Report Abuse

I was about to compare this stock to some slow moving animal and then I suddenly remembered that I am not supposed to mention a 100 year old tortoise. It is NSFW. Luckily I remembered just in time! So for today's posting, I will not mention a 100 year old tortoise. However, if I do not mention a 100 year old tortoise, everybody will not know what I am commenting about. But it's okay. Neither do I.

News & Blogs

2017-04-13 22:53 | Report Abuse

Hi Duit. Please add me to your email list. I'm at
Thank you. Bye.


2017-04-13 22:23 | Report Abuse

Hengtai, since Mr Market Maker is not entertaining me, I got to entertain myself lor. I dunno how long I can keep this up before I also hibernate from boredom.


2017-04-12 23:18 | Report Abuse

Wow.....I got a post removed by the administrator! He must have thought it was a bit too racy. Probably objected to my mentioning a 100-year old tortoise. Or more correctly, objected to what the tortoise was doing (unmentionable). Sorry Mr Administrator!

News & Blogs

2017-04-11 23:58 | Report Abuse

Generally, I don't have much interest in property counters so I am going to sit this one out. The one time that I followed your call was in Tmakmur last year. Yup, I made some! Good call...... and thank you!


2017-04-08 21:31 | Report Abuse

I just sold this stock some days ago because I thought it wasn't going to go anywhere. And now it suddenly decides to go up? Yau mou gau chor.........that's life i suppose.


2017-04-08 21:08 | Report Abuse

Hi abangadik. Get your fly swatter ready.


2017-04-08 20:58 | Report Abuse

Walau eh.....up a bit, can sell already. But I think it is wiser to hold on to it a bit longer. May not be able to buy it back at this level later.


2017-04-07 13:29 | Report Abuse

Paddyfield gor, please don't mind me! I come here to sound off a bit when I am bored because I know not many people come here. And also there are a lot of flies to swat freely left right and center!


2017-04-06 14:12 | Report Abuse

As usual, nothing much happening. Let's see if the 9.25 line for the mother can hold or not.
The flies are still in stupor. They are so numb that when I swatted them, they complained that they didn't feel a thing. Insensitive buggers.

News & Blogs

2017-04-05 23:25 | Report Abuse

Bro Paddyfields, I think the goreng guy is playing reverse psychology with you. So when you say "down", he goreng up. For this type of uncooperative character, you must reverse psychology him back. If you say something like "Ong ah! Heng ah! Huat ah!", maybe he will press down the price low low. Then we can all collect. Anyway, it's just a theory. But warn us first before you shout "Sailang!" okay?


2017-04-05 13:24 | Report Abuse

Don't think it is going to go down to that level anytime soon.


2017-04-05 12:06 | Report Abuse

It's like nobody trades this counter.

Am I bored? Of course not. However, the only entertainment here is betting with myself which fly is the first fly to wake up for me to swat.


2017-04-04 19:00 | Report Abuse

Aha! Finally moving up strongly!


2017-04-03 10:23 | Report Abuse

Whenever I want some peace and quiet, I come here. So that I can contemplate on whatever it is that I contemplate on. Which sounds really deep but isn't really saying anything. Never mind.


2017-03-31 14:01 | Report Abuse

Amazing! There's nobody at this counter except for the market maker! I should be swatting flies, except that the flies are so bored that they fell into deep sleep. I have half a mind to wake them up so that I can at least have something to swat.


2017-03-29 14:01 | Report Abuse

Wa piang.....even the flies are sleeping from boredom. My fly swatter got no business leh.


2017-03-29 10:10 | Report Abuse

The trading action here is non-existent. I have my fly swatter with me. The next fly that flies past me is going to get it. Hard.

News & Blogs

2017-03-26 22:31 | Report Abuse

Huh? You didn't make? How come? I followed some of your recommendations and I made. (Very big thank you!) I cannot think of a logical reason you did not make except that maybe you just forgot to buy.


2017-03-24 17:19 | Report Abuse

Today's price jump was si bae song. Could not resist taking profit on the few shares that I owned. Did not make that much but enough for some steamed fishhead with ginger. I think this counter still has a lot of upside to go in the long term.


2017-03-16 22:58 | Report Abuse

Duit gor, looks like you had a good laugh! This morning's action was so slumber that I did not bother to check the afternoon. The evening was like a "huh?" moment. Tabik. Respeck!


2017-03-15 10:55 | Report Abuse

Wanted to, but forgot to take profit 2 days ago. Took profit this morning already. Now can relax a bit. Maybe go for a movie. Haven't seen that movie about an island with a big monkey yet.


2017-03-13 23:10 | Report Abuse

Past few days have been good. Can take some profit liao. Made enough for one Air Asia flight ticket. May have to go to some other counter to earn the return flight.


2017-03-08 11:15 | Report Abuse

Looks like Sime will consolidate for the next few weeks. Will look at it again in May.