
neuwook | Joined since 2017-11-29

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2018-02-22 09:47 | Report Abuse

birdparadise, how is that not relevant leh...?? Victoria capital has a small stake in Kretam too mah...while Kretam boss has stake in Bornoil too mah....U still chickened out since yesterday. How?

Hope u don't keep avoiding ya.....wakakakaka


2018-02-22 09:37 | Report Abuse

Good news must be shared loh...!! Unlike chihuahua chan9301 who knows how to do just ONE thing.....BARKING....!! wakakaka


2018-02-22 09:07 | Report Abuse

Current Deputy PM Zahid Hamidi was also a director of Kretam back in the 80/90s...

Is it safe to say that Freddy Lim's massive divestment in Kretam's shareholding is a POLITICAL play? since election is coming too.....wakakakaka


2018-02-22 08:41 | Report Abuse

If u go through the list of properties owned by Kretam, many of the plantation lands are actually along the highways of Sandakan-LahaDatu-Tawau where the Pan Borneo Highway will undergo road widening for the highway upgrades. The mining industry in Sabah will be very busy in the coming years...not only the government is constructing highways but major irrigation projects to support such highways as well being cluster 1 industry.


2018-02-22 08:17 | Report Abuse

Kretam assets revalued at 0.97 so offer price 0.92 is discounted 5% still considered a good bargain because a lot of these lands are located in the east coast of Sabah where the upcoming CEMENT PLANT is to be set up by Hapseng's boss via BORNOIL. More projects will follow thereafter. If u are wiling to wait, pay attention to the ONE counter that has a lot of catalysts on the pipeline that's none other than our beloved BORNOIL...!!


2018-02-22 08:14 | Report Abuse

Kretam assets revalued at 0.97 so offer price 0.92 is discounted 5% still considered a good bargain because a lot of these lands are located in the east coast of Sabah where the upcoming CEMENT PLANT is to be set up by Hapseng's boss via BORNOIL. More projects will follow thereafter. If u are wiling to wait, pay attention to the ONE counter that has a lot of catalysts on the pipeline.


2018-02-22 07:28 | Report Abuse

Hmmm.....the GRAND PLAN is slowly getting closer for the COLLECTIVE COMPANIES of TAN SRI LAU.....


HSPLANT acquiring KRETAM...

The BORNOIL's GREEN ENERGY division is going to need a lot of palm oil xxxx.......for future uses! Don't be like sohzai chihuahua chan9301 to squat under a durian tree waiting for free durian everyday..."soar high" loser like him knows nothing but only barks! wakakakaka

I've mentioned many times in the past to pay attention to the overlapping sector these companies are in....


Something even BIGGER will happen under BORNOIL's GREEN ENERGY division after the related party transaction...!! Follow closely if u want to be part of a bigger GRAND PLAN in the making....!!


2018-02-22 06:57 | Report Abuse

Lol! chan9301 can go back to kampong and plant some durian. U will be better off waiting for that...wakakaka


2018-02-21 21:17 | Report Abuse

Chihuahua barks at night too? which of ur eye sees I sell leh? Doggie chan must be too hungry....wakakaka


2018-02-21 20:03 | Report Abuse

The only place where chan9301 really belongs to is the kennel...and since doggie chan likes to bark then it can guard some houses for us. I suggest we can outsource chan9301's mouthful barking as a viable business earning us some income based on contracts to guard anyone's houses. Can charge 8 cent per night contract so that we can reinvest it back into Bornoil.....wakakakaka


2018-02-21 19:57 | Report Abuse

bruce551133, the transformation for Bornoil is coming soon...!! Let the dog barks a while longer then it should shut up....wakakaka


2018-02-21 16:37 | Report Abuse

birdparadise, so how? Why u chickened out? Acting dumb suddenly won't serve u any justice so if u are not dumb then please speak up loh....!! wakakakaka


2018-02-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

Hope u don't chickened out ya.....wakakaka


2018-02-21 15:57 | Report Abuse

Wakakaka! How leh? Can enlighten us ah? Your reply will be useful and entertaining


2018-02-21 15:46 | Report Abuse

birdparadise, u serious?! If this is really a rubbish company then WHAT ARE U DOING HERE EVERYDAY? Can enlighten us?


2018-02-21 15:20 | Report Abuse

Mighty Hapseng boss is making a move loh...!! Eyeing quite a few things this year 2018.....


2018-02-21 15:12 | Report Abuse

birdparadise watches too much birds


2018-02-21 12:13 | Report Abuse

U bet stock is no haram meh? wakakakaka


2018-02-21 11:47 | Report Abuse

U wanna bet if Bornoil is going for big movement this year? Come come...


2018-02-21 11:46 | Report Abuse

How to believe u leh? U no reasoning but talk cocks least don't be prawn head loh...wakakaka


2018-02-21 11:35 | Report Abuse

A new addition in the equation!

Hapseng x Hsplant x Bornoil x Kretam = ???

What is the overlapping sector they are in? Something profoundly interesting is to be created. A pioneering technology is about to take off in a mass commercialization is in progress.......

That falls under Bornoil's GREEN ENERGY division which is yet to be revealed to the world! A true gamechanger and so great that it was 10 years in the making secretly!


2018-02-21 11:28 | Report Abuse

LuRen, I'm desperate to buy as low as possible before a big movement starts! Look at the whole picture if u could interpret and understand it.


2018-02-21 11:18 | Report Abuse

Bonuschew, welcome back!


2018-02-21 11:17 | Report Abuse

Keep an eye on Bornoil. Something huge is coming all under Hapseng's big boss via Bornoil.


2018-02-21 11:16 | Report Abuse

Keep an eye on Bornoil. Something huge is coming all under Hapseng's big boss via Bornoil.


2018-02-21 11:16 | Report Abuse

Same announcement timing for both Kretam and HSplant has started!


2018-02-21 11:16 | Report Abuse

Same announcement timing for both Kretam and HSplant has started!


2018-02-21 11:15 | Report Abuse

Keep an eye on Bornoil. Something huge is coming all under Hapseng's big boss via Bornoil.


2018-02-21 08:01 | Report Abuse

Lol! since Dennis opine that Bornoil shares are toilet paper BUT he's still here. Hmm.....better sell yours or u will be another depressed holder like chan9301 wakakakaka


2018-02-21 07:29 | Report Abuse

bruce551133, the chihuahua is trying so hard to make some impact without knowing his ability is confined to a small patch only...wakakakaka


2018-02-21 07:28 | Report Abuse

Woah...!! An early morning bark from our loyalist chihuahua chan9301. I thought only rooster calls the morning? How come chihuahua also makes so much noise Wakakakaka


2018-02-20 21:23 | Report Abuse

Enough talking to a dog loh.....Now we have to get down to next piece of upcoming news. Wakakaka


2018-02-20 21:20 | Report Abuse

chan9301, I think u better don't eat any foods in Malaysia or elsewhere loh....!! because most are using the affordable palm oil to cook human foods. Oh yeah....I forgot your DOG FOOD no need to be cooked or wonder loh...!! wakakaka


2018-02-20 21:17 | Report Abuse

Good dog chan9301! When master summons u out, there goes an obedient four-legged chihuahua.

Master just release Dog Chan out to do its job which is to bark out loud & entertain us. Little did we know u left some poop under a durian tree hoping to see some durian fruits drop in front of u. Even it does, a "soar high" wannabe dog like chan9301 will not know how to open durian...let alone enjoy the creamy king of fruits! wakakakaka


2018-02-20 10:47 | Report Abuse

Hapseng x Hsplant x Bornoil = ???

What is the overlapping sector they are involved in?


2018-02-20 10:46 | Report Abuse

Now company is very steady...having so much resources on hand. It's about time to monetize on the assets of the company this year. I'm too excited and most likely will be frightened on the next news regarding the Biofraction Vetrolysis (BV) plant! A true gamechanger for the plantation & energy sector entirely! Breakthrough technology of the BV plant will storm both the industries especially in Malaysia and Indonesia!


2018-02-20 10:42 | Report Abuse

195410, i really sad didn't purchase more at dirt cheap 0.075/0.08 loh....aiya! still waiting for more depressed para-para sorzai sekalian to dispose loh...!! wakakaka


2018-02-20 10:40 | Report Abuse

Thanks! to bruce551133 and woodswater we all know good things take time to be revealed! wakakaka


2018-02-20 09:01 | Report Abuse

While the chan dog barks, we're making few rounds earlier


2018-02-20 08:42 | Report Abuse

chan9301 has a lot of sniffing to do...please don't sniff the wrong thing! lol! wakakaka


2018-02-20 07:40 | Report Abuse

Upcoming news.....Bornoil's 10 years old pioneering project Biofraction Vetrolysis plant....!! Yaohoo...!!


2018-02-20 06:23 | Report Abuse

bruce, let the ball-less doggie bark. The creature was shamed by relatives during cny lol!


2018-02-19 21:45 | Report Abuse

Really laugh9die me whenever doggie chan comes out barking. Don't worry, peanuts like chan9301 will never get to understand about what the catalyst of Bornoil means or worth....


2018-02-19 11:12 | Report Abuse

Crude oil price will be unsustainable and it's through cooperation between opec & russia then it could only push up that much. Merely a price manipulation with no fundamental demand growth at all. Trust me, u won't regret if u sold all O&G counters and move into Bornoil because it has a more appealing and breakthrough RENEWABLE and SUSTAINABLE ENERGY project coming up! Not convenient to reveal too much just yet.


2018-02-19 10:49 | Report Abuse

Oh no! Bornoil please don't rise up so fast! we still looking to buy from depressed holders like sohzai chan....wakakaka


2018-02-19 10:24 | Report Abuse

Lol! The dog still unable to move on after lost underwear even after cny also still naked. Pitiful chanyifie.....may i suggest u sit under a durian tree waiting....wakakaka


2018-02-19 09:32 | Report Abuse

The two flagship logistic and power projects in Sabah alone costing a total RM 18.29 billion.....

Pan Borneo Highway: RM 12.86 billion
Trans-Sabah Gas Pipeline: RM 4.53 billion

Does CEMENT in high demand in Sabah? Why Bornoil bought additional quarry land with more limestone reserves in topping up its already massive quarry reserves? Why LSH the largest shareholder in Bornoil bought Westrac one of the largest Caterpillar dealership in the world? Wakakaka