
newdesk | Joined since 2014-09-04

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2014-10-30 17:39 | Report Abuse

@CCH Co-Chairman Sifu, thats for being such a great sport and for the great song you dedicated to Raptor and me.

@Raptor Hope you have great fun while you are away ya... do come back soon :)


2014-10-30 17:17 | Report Abuse

@SS661M Errr... I hope you dun mean me... u didnt offend me, moreover we are quite a happy bunch here. Spidee my sicheh is shopping around for good bargains and watching her other darlings race up. Wish she is here more as she always gives so much support and spur very informative discussions in this forum. :)

@Junie Thanks! Welcome to our KSL, one big happy prosperous family :)


2014-10-30 16:01 | Report Abuse

Last few trading days the volume has been very thin... Pmetal has been on a rocket ride since it bottomed out at 4.84. Our darling gem is warming up its engine for it rush to 5 and 6 and then beyond 8 after surging thru 7... *feeling hopeful and fingers-crossed*


2014-10-30 12:00 | Report Abuse

@spidee I am so happy you get me everytime dearie...
@SS661M *wink*wink* I dunno what are you talking about... hehehe. I must be very careful with how I carry myself as a lady and strive to not offend anyone here... :))


2014-10-30 11:44 | Report Abuse

emmm... the chart today reminds me of something that I cant seem to put my finger on... good sign! *feeling happy*


2014-10-29 16:52 | Report Abuse

@Raptor Why why why... promise to come back? You promised to follow me, wherever I go... can i follow you where you go?


2014-10-28 19:06 | Report Abuse

@Junie Thank you for yr gracious acceptance of my apology. May we all here live long n prosper ;)


2014-10-28 16:33 | Report Abuse

@spidee Yes yes... we share laughs and poke fun at each other in the name of lau juak... hehehe. Unlike most of the other forums which scolds and belittle each other and give wrong information to current n potential investors. This is the only forum that i feel like i am at home and that most of you (the active contributors) are like genuine real friends. So sorry that i admit that i did get carried away at times.


2014-10-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

@Junie I sincerely apologise to you and all other forummers that i may have offended. This apology is genuine and sincere and without any tinge of sarcasm. We are here to profit together and hopefully add some colors to the fun here while at it. Again, my apologies as I may have been carried away behind the veil of anonymity.


2014-10-28 13:38 | Report Abuse

Wordings used are innocent if you read within context, no? Interpretation of is the devil as it varies depending on the person reading it... just my own 2cents worth. We may agree to disagree. :)


2014-10-28 12:22 | Report Abuse

*blushes and raised her hand for the queen's wave as newdesk walks in to the committee meeting *
Thank you, thank you so much for the nomination @CCH and seconder @spidee dearie... i've never felt so honored in my life, with the exception that my garden was awarded the Best Papayas in my kampung for 10 consecutive years... makes me feel all so perky. :D

To top this wild excitement wld be that our Darling Gem thrust north with great force today to gratify the needs of all forummers here and may we all erupt in great euphoria of such magnitude that its so mind-blowing and earth shattering satisfying liken to the burst of august fireworks against the seemingly impenetrable black of the curious night... :))


2014-10-28 10:08 | Report Abuse

@Spidee dear, I learnt from the best, I learnt from the co-chairmans :)
@Raptor Warm hugs hugs
@22_Circles Leaving me high n dry eh, banana boy...


2014-10-28 10:03 | Report Abuse

Gd morning to all humsup committee and all forumers. May our darling gem heads north penetrating all resistance with ease...


2014-10-27 17:24 | Report Abuse

@119 Thanks so much dearie sikung... hugs hugs


2014-10-27 17:23 | Report Abuse

Good finish, but rather thin volume today tho... emmm


2014-10-27 16:30 | Report Abuse

now we are only missing 22C but we sure have met quorum and the level of humsup-ness is heating up thanks to sifu @cch's recent comment... LOL


2014-10-27 16:03 | Report Abuse

I was at the papaya garden earlier... now back because raining heavily outside. :D
Yea KSL is pointing upwards, the talk of humsup-ness has aroused our darling gem :))


2014-10-24 12:47 | Report Abuse

@spidee sicheh dearie, when you are on ah peks' lap pls wat liew for ho kang tao and we prosper together ok. Dangerous stunts like riding on weaponry, let me take all the risks ok :)).

@Raptor I am in for the long run babe. My faint heart cant take such excitement... hehe


2014-10-23 17:44 | Report Abuse

@CCH Agreed. And sicheh spidee can sit on the thigh of each chairman :))


2014-10-23 17:19 | Report Abuse

My proposed line-up
Co-Chairman: CCH
Co-Chairman: STKoay
Secretary: Spidee
Strategist: Raptor
Marketing: C22
Treasurer: Newdesk


2014-10-23 16:55 | Report Abuse

wahh... so lau juak here today... where is my sicheh spidee in the elected Hamsup Team?


2014-10-21 17:42 | Report Abuse

Thanks Kentau for the info and link :)


2014-10-21 16:54 | Report Abuse

@spidee We have all the sifus and sikungs that can sing well not forgetting also sihengs Raptor and 22C too. Shld we organise a KSL concert with all the talents we have here?


2014-10-21 15:14 | Report Abuse

A big thank you to both sifus on the sharing of the songs :)


2014-10-21 15:14 | Report Abuse

@119 sifu, I am sure you have always been the gentleman. Sifu @CCH on the other hand is without a doubt the naughtiest of the lot... :D


2014-10-21 13:47 | Report Abuse

Our Darling Gem seems to be holding up well :)) So have you boys been good while I am away? :D


2014-10-17 18:39 | Report Abuse

@CCH I syy to go into Inari earlier today and when i came back after attending to matters of the papaya garden, found out that the rebound is so strong that I resigned to the fact that I missed the boat liao hehehe.... could have contraed for a good meal and no need to barter trade for dinner tonight


2014-10-17 18:36 | Report Abuse

@stkoay could ask sifu CCH to check for you, no? Hehehe


2014-10-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

@CCH Capital OMG!!! You have gone to the divine level of "humsap-ness"!


2014-10-17 13:05 | Report Abuse

@119 Thanks, sifu!


2014-10-17 13:03 | Report Abuse

@stkoay I think sicheh meant its her 2cents worth and asking for (to translate directly) "much much point teach" or in cantonese "duo duo zi gao"... correct ka, spidee dear?


2014-10-17 12:51 | Report Abuse

@119 I have been hit by a curse. A curse that I am unable to catch 'POTO' on stage ever. Missed it 5 times in various venues and with ticket in hand in various periods of my life. At the last minute, something always comes up that I have to fore go my seat in the theater. Woe is me!


2014-10-17 12:44 | Report Abuse

Oppps, just refreshed and saw that there is an ongoing discussion amongst forumers on a more relevant topic.
*with all these serious opinions being exchanged, newdesk feels she is the dumb-blonde in the room*


2014-10-17 12:40 | Report Abuse

@spidee Our boys here are not just good stock-pickers, astute economists, strategic investors, naughty jesters but good singers too... wah, we KSL forumers are quite a talented bunch ahh! :)


2014-10-17 12:35 | Report Abuse

@119 I too love musicals. LesMis being one of my favourites, I am in tears 80% of the time when I watch it. *newdesk is such a crybaby* There are just so many newer ones that are so good too. Evita, Wicked, Jersey Boys and Mamamia is coming to KL again for its second run :)


2014-10-17 12:26 | Report Abuse

@Raptor Sure or not? I going there for food research, you may be bored when you tag along as all I do is just eat, eat and eat... and eat. Not forgetting, all the spa sessions in between.


2014-10-17 12:18 | Report Abuse

@119 West Side Story: Tonight, tonight, I'll see my love tonight. And for us, stars will stop where they are. Today, the minutes seem like hours, the hours go so slowly and still the sky is light... R u a musical fan too? :D


2014-10-17 12:14 | Report Abuse

@Raptor Who said I am selling... LOL! I just accumulated more actually.... I am leaving to Bali tonight la!


2014-10-17 11:52 | Report Abuse

@119, @stkoay Wah.. you boys watch the Dow last night and kept awake till the wee hours like the World Cup Finals... :).

@119 Thanks for the sharing! *Hugs*Muahs*


2014-10-17 11:46 | Report Abuse

@Raptor I wld love to but tonight, "I am leaving on a jet plane... I dunno when I'll be back again, Oh babe, I hate to go..."


2014-10-17 11:40 | Report Abuse

@CCH Sifu dearie, I dun need to feel like a poetry in motion, I AM poetry in motion. *smiles bashfully*


2014-10-17 11:30 | Report Abuse

Big boys accumulation begins? Or was that just sifu @stkoay or @CCH or @Spidee? 1k+ lots cleared at 3.90... :D


2014-10-17 09:59 | Report Abuse

@22_Circles Good morning :)


2014-10-17 09:57 | Report Abuse

@CCH, Spidee, Raptor Good morning, my dears!


2014-10-16 17:18 | Report Abuse

@spidee He wants to use the joystick with you mah... hehehe


2014-10-16 16:56 | Report Abuse

@stkoay I couldnt agree more!


2014-10-16 16:53 | Report Abuse

I am happy that we can all still be gracious and polite amidst the market situation...

@22_Circle My heart warms with your gallant gesture of politeness
@Raptor You earned my salute for standing for women
@119 Your timely wisdom and quote have this kampung lass moved deeply

KSL Forumers, you guys surprise me all the time and I have found friendship in people that I have never met, for you (esp. the lau juak humorous bunch) always make my day. KUDOS! Muah Muah Hugs Hugs.


2014-10-16 15:18 | Report Abuse

@22circles shall i bring some fruits to the temple?

@stkoay emmm u want the schedule of the course "women 101"?


2014-10-16 15:09 | Report Abuse

Sifu, u do know that we forumers here are quite different from the rest :D To use sifu@CCH's description of himself, in my humble opinion, i believe most forumers here are value investors and not tactical traders :)


2014-10-16 14:53 | Report Abuse

Thanks sifu@119. Your views are always prized. Thanks again. Hugs.