
newdesk | Joined since 2014-09-04

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2014-10-16 14:52 | Report Abuse

@Raptor Amongst all organic fruits and vegetables, you are the only cannon i know... *newdesk's heart races as she recalls the intense ride on Raptor's jet, in the safe enclave of his cockpit*


2014-10-16 14:46 | Report Abuse

@stkoay Spidee knows, u ask her la... :))


2014-10-16 14:42 | Report Abuse

Sifu, you have been so nice and generous with your advice, views and information on our darling gem... this goes to all the great sifus @CCH @119 @rchi, sichehs @spidee @gorgeous and sihengs @22_Circles @Raptor that has positively and constructively given sound advice and reassurance on the fundamentals of this "godsent" (to quote sicheh spidee)! Of course the TCSS is incredibly great while we watch our KSL perform! :D


2014-10-16 14:26 | Report Abuse

@22_circles My apologies, I agree that we are here not to fight (though this kampung lass sure loves to know that men are willing to "do more" for her papayas). However, like all things its about supply and demand mah, although my warehouse got lots of papayas... the market should only know good things like my papaya is limited and the value wld be driven up...

For me, your banana(s) is still very much prized after tasting sugarcane, eggplant, cucumbers, etc... *smiles coyly as newdesk blushes*

@spidee Our gentlemen here, really need to attend "Women 101"... good in stocks but kinda lax in handling women *sigh*


2014-10-16 14:18 | Report Abuse

@racktorick My 2 cents worth- Once you get enough comfort that KSL has stabalised from this correction period, I wld suggest you buy in to average down the entry price. This darling gem is heading north but for this period its not for the faint hearted, so have to have the holding capacity and you will be handsomely rewarded. Good luck!


2014-10-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

Oh my, I am so syy to tambah... maybe lower bargains later today? 3.78 is so so so enticing...

@22_Circles Aiyaaaaa I wanted to make you fight for me, you ended up just plating my papaya and served it to another... so cake sim!!!!

@Raptor In the sea of Red, where can i seek solace as the banana boat left me adift alone with only my papayas to keep me afloat.


2014-10-15 15:55 | Report Abuse

22_circles gives me poetic satisfaction while raptor provides a platform for exhilarating excitement... As the theory of "nan ren pu hwai, ni ren pu ai" goes, who has the upper hand?


2014-10-15 15:45 | Report Abuse

@Raptor You are so smart la... Next time u tell me when u sell ok? I shall follow you to make money... Since 22_Circles are scouting other fruits... I shall not pushing with him so much...


2014-10-14 17:24 | Report Abuse

@Raptor Shucks! Its raining heavily, I guess the only running around I wld be doing today is round the buffet dinner spread... will get fat fat liao... Rather have fat fat pockets so that I can buy and buy KSL at such attractive level. :))


2014-10-14 17:07 | Report Abuse

@Raptor I am going for a 15km run later but depending on the weather la... its been raining so heavily the past few days *sigh*


2014-10-14 16:49 | Report Abuse

@119 Sifu, are those "@#$!(*&!" you mentioned are also known as "farting colons"?


2014-10-14 16:44 | Report Abuse

@Tornado Here you go... *passes the mic to tornado for his solo performance* :D


2014-10-14 16:39 | Report Abuse

@119 Hear hear, sifu! This is a good time to "tambah" as KSL is being offered at even higher discount. Kampung lass like me loves shopping especially when there is a big sale like the current market correction phase!


2014-10-13 15:03 | Report Abuse

@CCH Thanks for the songs :))


2014-10-13 14:59 | Report Abuse

@stkoay Sifu, I am humbled by your greeting. Sorry, have been extremely busy with my papaya garden these days and also there was the lpga over the weekend :)
Personally, I would think this is a good level to buy some for trading purpose when it rebounds. Our darling-gem seems to see support last week from KSL itself, so I would think anything below 4.14 (where the chairman himself has bought in) wld be a good trading opportunity, but not for contra players la. But then again, my dear sifu, you know better than me. I am just a plankton investor, unlike the sifus, sihengs, sichehs (esp. @spidee) and other forumers here. I got no bullet liao. :((


2014-10-10 14:58 | Report Abuse

@Raptor Thanks... *phew* that's comforting :)) with that we can possibly do more then :D


2014-10-10 10:29 | Report Abuse

@stkoay Now I am the one who talk 3 talk 4 here with no constructive input whatsoever... :))


2014-10-10 10:28 | Report Abuse

So nice to have you back! The stress of managing all these men here on my own has made me siao siao liao. With you around, they seem more calm... you are truly the man whisperer!

With you hugging me tightly, how to feel safe??? Who is manning the jet's steering wheel????!!!! Hhhhelpppp........


2014-10-09 23:25 | Report Abuse

Awww... I thought you wld never ask... I would put on my fav leather jacket rather similar to the one that Kylie was wearing in this video I dedicate to you. You sure know how to make a girl feel excited. ;D Do note the lyrics ya. Never been on a plane that carries weapons.... So macho la!


2014-10-09 18:12 | Report Abuse

my si cheh @spidee is so quiet today... miss her classy witty remarks and enriching inputs :)


2014-10-09 17:40 | Report Abuse

Yea lor... only paper gain for now. Looking fwd to see land (in reference to personal TPs) soon from here
*newdesk peeks from the back of 22_circles' strong shoulders as she shields her eyes from the blinding sunlight with her left hand and anchoring her other hand elsewhere as the banana boat bobs in the waves and turbulence of the open sea*


2014-10-09 17:24 | Report Abuse

@Raptor Thanks for the reminder. I believe so too, KSL family members we shall all trade with care ya!
*This is a community service reminder sponsored by Raptor Cannon Weaponry and Newdesk Papaya Garden* :D


2014-10-09 17:21 | Report Abuse

@stkoay Key-in and contra off la my dear... no money to pick up... so dun dare lor... dun dare to play margins... very risk adverse lass here... got burnt a few times so now dun dare liow... no money to pick up and then suffer losses due to contra :(


2014-10-09 17:09 | Report Abuse

@stkoay Have a great jog yea... I am still stuck in the papaya garden with many issues to resolve! Sigh! Always great to know that KSL performs better, esp after a correction for the past 2 weeks.

@119 Always glad to hear from you even though you are so far away :)


2014-10-09 17:06 | Report Abuse

Not so brave la... if I am brave, I wld have keyed in 100k shares and then contra off... I can say that I am very lucky as Dow rebounded and news that interest rates in the US are to be kept low, giving the comfort that investors need to be confident again. Perception triumphs fundamentals... just so lucky that today our Darling-Gem lured more smart investors. Lucky lucky :D


2014-10-09 12:56 | Report Abuse

@CCH Enjoy your trip to shangri-la a.k.a "san ka la" :D. Hope you've got reception there to continue to enrich and entertain us while you are away.


2014-10-09 00:11 | Report Abuse

@spidee yea I do. Gonna do the terry fox run and great eastern 12k run in November. Wanna join me for good cause? @stkoay @cch come along as well... It's always fun to chase the girls right?

@cch yea local ones always think their are underpaid and undervalued and overworked... As I feel so too all the time :((


2014-10-08 22:12 | Report Abuse

It's always safe when I m flagged by my bodyguards-cum-plantation helpers... So burly they are that sometimes I got frightened myself when I got too caught up with my pace that I forgot they are with me... *feeling silly, as newdesk has dumb blonde moments*


2014-10-08 18:52 | Report Abuse

As the selling down slows down and the price stabilising, its time to grab seats like what @22_Circles advised or one may miss the KSL show.

Have a good evening y'all forumers, I am going for my 10k run now round the parameters of 22_Circle's banana plantation and my papaya garden!


2014-10-08 18:09 | Report Abuse

Can see support at 4.05... have not seen such a significant number for a long long time


2014-10-08 16:35 | Report Abuse

wahhh only 3 of you dominating the forum today...


2014-10-08 09:56 | Report Abuse

good morning my dearest KSL family... a great day for bargain hunting today :))


2014-10-07 14:22 | Report Abuse

In all fairness, stkoay has never proclaimed he is the sifu here. It is only out of respect, most of us here refer to him as that. I am the 1st to defend him that he never called himself that and if it was mentioned, it is just by reference to others who referred him as one or it is just for laughs.

We are here to prosper together... lets beat the market and NOT beat ourselves while at it :).

"Ka wor man si heng". *Newdesk offers fresh papayas from her garden for all to feast and enjoy as a peace gesture*


2014-10-07 12:23 | Report Abuse

@CCH And with that comment, you have regained the pole position in "hamsup-ness" :P


2014-10-07 12:22 | Report Abuse

sifus @stkoay @CCH, sicheh @spidee, siheng @22_circles @raptor, @mayren, @SS661M, @huckle @kllady.... wahhh so "lau juak" our KSL family over the weekend and today! Was busy attending to the issues at the plantation and hence, I didnt get to join in earlier. So happy to see our family of value investors are growing. And with @raptor rejoining the fun, its gonna be a great fiesta here! :D


2014-10-04 00:39 | Report Abuse

Goodnight spidee n stkoay... Hv a great long weekend ahead. Hugs n kisses


2014-10-03 23:50 | Report Abuse

Thanks sifu dear... I think I can sleep well now *hugs*


2014-10-03 23:47 | Report Abuse

@stkoay *yawn* when you arrive it's dim sum time lor my dear sifu....


2014-10-03 23:25 | Report Abuse

@stkoay our darling gem performance today made me can't sleep lor... Excited to see what happens next week ;))


2014-10-03 23:06 | Report Abuse

@spidee can trade with my genuine alisa (my neighbor in my kampung who makes killer anyaman bags) made veneta bottega-like bag ka? We shld go shopping together when our KSL limits up. ;D


2014-10-03 22:00 | Report Abuse

@spidee I dun mind ;)


2014-10-03 21:23 | Report Abuse

@128Huat *phew* you almost got me there!
@spidee sicheh so nice to see you here so late... Glad that you made money this morning... You wanna trade off your used Chanel n other bags too? Mine was ruined in 22_Circles' plantation earlier...


2014-10-03 21:07 | Report Abuse

*familiar with


2014-10-03 21:06 | Report Abuse

@128Huat Directors finished disposing? How is that good news?? *puzzled*
@Raptor I, a kampung lass, hv not been exposed to cannon wor... Only familiar organically kampung grown produce wor... And cannon sounds frightening, no?


2014-10-03 18:21 | Report Abuse

And 22_circles' banana... plantation gives me the same feeling too.


2014-10-03 18:19 | Report Abuse

And van gogh's works are just mesmerising... remembered when i stared into one of his paintings at The Met for more than an hour! KSL does that to me too sometimes...


2014-10-03 18:13 | Report Abuse

@CCH oh my, that is one of my favourite songs of all time!!! You are so sweet... but how did you know... if spidee dun want, I want can? LOL


2014-10-03 18:07 | Report Abuse

i think my maneuvers and skills make up for all the insanity... that what some says *blushes*


2014-10-03 18:04 | Report Abuse

i meant *chuckled