
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-03-19 10:31 | Report Abuse

It's gross when China started using it's propaganda machine telling the rest of the world that Covid19 is biological weapon from US! This new lie about fake US army sent to Wuhan for military training hence trigger massive contagion in Wuhan!
The thing is, China must first admit that the practice of eating wildlife already caused 2 major outbreak! First Sars and now Covid19! The cause was the same, traders in Wuhan wet market stacked wildlife on top of each other hence trigger cross mutation of coronavirus from one wildlife to another! China should own this mistake! And wipe off wildlife trade once and for all!
Covid19 won't be the last if China refuse to do so! Perhaps the next outbreak will be much more severe!


2020-03-18 22:02 | Report Abuse

We barely recover from 600 infected from Sri Petaling gathering! And now they are gathering in Sulawesi to continue spreading Covid19!
Please! Be firm and ban them from returning or entering Malaysia! For malaysians who participate in Sulewasi gathering, don't let them in during this 2 weeks! Let them die there!


2020-03-18 16:41 | Report Abuse

Kadoos to malaysians! I did check around the neighborhood shops and found almost everybody follow the lockdown instruction from government! Even food shops remove chairs to prevent customers from dining in! This shows how almost everyone is seriously helping our nation to curb the spread!
Unfortunately, those who attended the Sri Petaling mosque mass gathering didn't do their part! Large number refuse to turn in themselves for checkup! This is very highly irresponsible act! You are selfish and not helping at all! Do you part!
I think the government has done it's part by imposing 2 weeks lockdown! I think it's sufficient to flatten the curve in coming days!
2 weeks should be long enough to identify all those who are infected as this virus will take take long to surface!
The only thing that i am very unhappy about is that all 4D outlets closed and how difficult it is for me to find toilet paper! There are selfish people out there who whallop all the toilet paper for themselves!
Let's hope Malaysia will come out victorious in coming 2 weeks!


2020-03-18 16:35 | Report Abuse



2020-03-18 16:31 | Report Abuse

It is now confirm that those attended the 4 days Sri Petaling mass gathering have very high probability of getting infected!
So please! Do the right thing and head for medical check up! You are infecting millions of malaysians with your lacksaidal attitude!
Half of those infected cases came from this gathering! Don't be irresponsible! Help the authority to contain the spread!


2020-03-18 16:08 | Report Abuse

I will help Mr Koon! I will que 50 cents to support the price!

News & Blogs

2020-03-17 20:16 | Report Abuse

I think manufacturers can continue their operation as long as they can commit containment for their workers by providing lodging and food during this 2 weeks! We certainly don't want our exports to be effected! Again, the issue here is containment! 2 weeks unpaid leave for this foreign workers will only worsen things as they will roam around and that's not what we want to see!

News & Blogs

2020-03-17 14:00 | Report Abuse

Look, you can rationalize that covid19 is harmless until you and your family members get into ICU and there's no bed for you and your family members because 16 million malaysians are infected!
The thing is, we need to contain it! 2 weeks lockdown should do it! Provided everybody play their part!


2020-03-17 13:34 | Report Abuse

What a sad thing to see Mahathir as his age still aggresively plot and scheming to remain in corridor of power!
While Najib is having a blast with rakyat, you hardly see Mahathir enjoy the affection of the ordinary malaysians! Once in a while, his PR team would publish stories about his barber, his tailor or his favorite hawker but that has been recycle thingy for decades now! I mean, how many times can you tell rakyat about his barber, his Raya tailor and so forth!
Instead, Najib enjoy a strong comeback if he wants to but so far, Najib has not indicate such a thing!
To see Mahathir making a comeback! Rather remastered version of a comeback without rakyat endorsement will bound to fail!
So yeah, Mahathir can return as Bersatu chairman! But we doubt Mukriz will be able to fight Mohiden for presidency! So basically, Mahathir is expected to be topdog of Bersatu again come June!
From there on, we should expect rather predict eventually oust of Mohiden! And by then Mukriz will replace Mohiden as president of Bersatu and walla! Mukriz is now PM of Malaysia! Brilliant right!
But that will not come to pass! Because Pas Umno will most probably move a motion of no confidence in parliment! Or Pas Umno will make sudden break from Perikatan Nasional!
Again, Mahathir will win the battle but lose the war! Another major mistep in his plotting!


2020-03-17 13:20 | Report Abuse

What Malaysia can do is to coordinate with Thai and Singapore and close down all borders!


2020-03-17 13:15 | Report Abuse

The only fastest way to wipe off covid19 is for all world leaders to implement global 2 weeks lockdown!


2020-03-17 12:40 | Report Abuse

This is more like dead bear rebound!

News & Blogs

2020-03-17 12:33 | Report Abuse

2 weeks lockdown should drastically reduce covid19 spread hence successful containment! So Rafizi, don't be a scare monger!


2020-03-17 12:32 | Report Abuse

It's restricted movement! Construction players can go on as usually provided workers are restricted to working place! I mean, used this time to do renovation!

News & Blogs

2020-03-17 12:30 | Report Abuse

Starting tomorrow, industry players can do major or minor refurbishment for their premise!

News & Blogs

2020-03-17 12:29 | Report Abuse

Baloney! Starting tomorrow, food delivery providers will be laughing all the way to the bank!


2020-03-17 12:28 | Report Abuse

I believe this is the best period for tourism industry to prepare themselves and improve their offerings!


2020-03-17 12:27 | Report Abuse

Look, this is a 2 weeks lockdown! Genting Highlands did the right thing by following the lockdown period! Instead of worry about losing customers, this is actually the best period to rejuvanate Genting Highlands by refurbishing most of it's hotels and entertainment areas! I believe with this lockdown, all industry players will benefited if they view this as renovation period!
Government should give blessing by providing insentives to industry players to do minor or major renovations!


2020-03-17 00:36 | Report Abuse

The only way to make money from bursa is to short! That's it! Unfortunately i forgot about shorting! Haix! Could have made a killing!


2020-03-17 00:31 | Report Abuse

Pang! No brainer! No eyes also can see!

News & Blogs

2020-03-17 00:15 | Report Abuse

Because sooner or later, China will buy over Malaysia!


2020-03-17 00:15 | Report Abuse

I will start to buy Airasia 2 weeks from now! The lockdown should contain the spread!


2020-03-17 00:14 | Report Abuse

Anyway, i give 4 thumbs up for the lockdown! 2 weeks lockdown should drastically reduce the spread! By 2 weeks, we should know the real number of infected and they should be under quarantine! So this 2 weeks should be able to contain it! So please everybody, cooperate! Don't whine and complain! Stock food for this 2 weeks! Don't panic buy and whallop all the toilet paper out there!


2020-03-17 00:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Mar 16, 2020 11:23 PM | Report Abuse

Haha Datuk Sri,
4819 and 1234 jackpot

Answer : SsLee! Please provide more numbers! Last chance for me to buy tomorrow before lockdown!


2020-03-16 23:18 | Report Abuse

Haix! 4D outlets on lockdown too! Better buy tomorrow!


2020-03-16 22:58 | Report Abuse

Covid19! Sounds like 4819 to me!


2020-03-16 22:57 | Report Abuse

Anyway, i hope 4D outlets remain open as usually! I mean, it's the only thing that keep me alive these days!


2020-03-16 22:55 | Report Abuse

Anyway, better stock plenty of toilet paper! You know there's going to be panic buying tomorrow!


2020-03-16 22:54 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow no eyes also can see! Hope bursa on lockdown too!


2020-03-16 22:54 | Report Abuse

Luckily i sold all my contra when the market opened! At least cut profit on all!


2020-03-16 22:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Mar 16, 2020 10:47 PM | Report Abuse

Limit down day. Super discount day sales.

Answer : Exactly! That's why government should pull down the roller shutter for bursa for few days!


2020-03-16 22:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by hollandking > Mar 16, 2020 10:45 PM | Report Abuse

i think is an overkill.

Answer : Yeah! The best way to deal with pandemic!


2020-03-16 22:46 | Report Abuse

There's no point to open shop! You know i know what will happen to bursa anyway! After few days, common sense return, then open bursa! I think by then bursa could turn green!


2020-03-16 22:45 | Report Abuse

No announcement yet but government should do it to prevent panic! Just shut down bursa for few days until everybody calm down!


2020-03-16 22:44 | Report Abuse

My advise to the government, shutdown bursa tomorrow! Kadoos, government of the day finally woke up to reality and did the overkill!
Don't listen to fairy tales! This pandemic need super drastic action! The sooner you deal with it, the sooner things go back to normal!


2020-03-16 21:11 | Report Abuse

There's no 2 ways about it! Don't dilly dally! Take the overkill!

News & Blogs

2020-03-16 19:01 | Report Abuse

Looks like Mohiden missing the whole point! The main concern now is to contain the spread before reaching critical level! Do what Donald Trump did, push overkill so that you deal with small number of infected! The sooner you deal with it, the sooner you get back to normal!


2020-03-16 18:55 | Report Abuse

It's been a long time since i read Mr Koon brag! I kinda miss it!

News & Blogs

2020-03-16 18:44 | Report Abuse

Imagine muslims go for prayers 5 times a day! Multiply that many times over! You are looking at New Wuhan in matter of weeks! So far all christian churches are in lockdown since yesterday! Even yesterday most if not all churches conduct sunday prayer using social media!

News & Blogs

2020-03-16 18:39 | Report Abuse

It looks like this new government just like Harapan! Remain in denial and treat this pandemic as a joke! Yeah, good luck with that!