
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-03-13 17:55 | Report Abuse

You know, we are living in the past! Because whatever happen now, already happened multiple times before!
Coronavirus indeed the black swan that we didn't anticipated! However, coronavirus is also containable as in case of China It takes very strong political willpower to curb it! And Donald Trump took preventive measures that are not well liked by Democrats! Anyway, Democrats are good at playing politics and nothing else, so it's really waste of time ven to mention about them!
So yeah, EU will be taking serious measures in coming days! Italy already under lockdown! The rest of UE will follow suit!
What i am trying to say is that, we may see the height of coronavirus globally! But then again, if lacksaidal atittude rule the day, then god helps us!
Having said that, closer to home, i suggest all religious places to close shop for a while! Same with weddings and so forth! Cut all outings! Prevention is much better than to suffer hellish breathing!
Coronavirus will come to pass very soon if infected are isolated like what happen in China!
Anyway, i bought some stocks for contra!

News & Blogs

2020-03-13 16:55 | Report Abuse

Yeah, donate them to Zakar Naik, Dignity Congress and KL Summit!

News & Blogs

2020-03-13 16:32 | Report Abuse

Joke of the day! Most of Russia don't even have proper roads!


2020-03-13 15:10 | Report Abuse

Yeah, one thing about coronavirus is that, we take it easy, it just spread like wild fire!
That's what happen in Italy! And now the rest of EU is heading the same direction!


2020-03-13 15:06 | Report Abuse

Really! Pas Umno support Mohiden to divide and rule Harapan! You think pas Umno have any use for Bersatu come GE15! Come on, can't even win Tanjung Piai, MCA can beat Bersatu hands down!


2020-03-13 14:20 | Report Abuse

Let's be frank here! In this new PN Mohiden government, Asmin and Mohiden are the biggest winners! In fact they even play divide and rule tactic by appointing Khairy and Hisham into the cabinet! Zahid completely leace to dry and Tok Mat was completed ignored! Same with Pas! Hadi was kept outside like uninvited guest!
In short, PN is shiok with Mohiden and Asmin! They think they are topdogs!
But here's the thing, Pas Umno do not need Bersatu! Why share the pie with Bersatu! Yeah, come GE15, Pas Umno will not even want to work with Bersatu! Remember Tanjung Piai, MCA can even beat Bersatu hands down! So Pas Umno can always place MCA against Bersatu and win with landslide majority!
So you see, why Bersatu need Muafakat Nasional! And why Bersatu will go back to Harapan at last minute! So yeah, expect Bersatu to unite with Harapan! There's no 2 ways about it!


2020-03-13 13:21 | Report Abuse

Even introduced Jawi into chinese schools! Can't you see Mahathir is a liability for Harapan!


2020-03-13 13:21 | Report Abuse

Can't Harapan leaders see that Mahathir now is a F grade PM material! Can't you see Mahathir is still with his 'tuan melayu' mentality! Zakar Naik, Dignity Congress and KL Summit should not be held under Harapan banner! Yet Anwar and the Lims kept quiet!


2020-03-13 13:12 | Report Abuse

Look, if i were the Lims and Anwar, i won't not entertain Mahathir at all! Don't let Mahathir control Harapan!
Until Mahathir agree to Harapan terms and conditions, there's no room for Mahathir!
In fact if Harapan cut ties with Mahathir, he would be the first to beg to be reinstalled! It's not hard to understand this old fox! Or may i say, untrust worthy un principled stateman!
Not only majority malays rejected him long time ago but rakyat in general dont' even want to support him! mahathir has no influence on rakyat! Mahathir is like those 90s singers, nobody wants to bring back Rick Astley or Madonna nowadays!
This no benefit at all keeping Mahathir in Harapan! What Harapan should do is set condition for Mahathir to bring in Bersatu or no deal! I tell you, Mahathir will be more useful in destroying Bersatu than to wheck havoc in Harapan!

News & Blogs

2020-03-13 13:01 | Report Abuse

Yeah, now is the best time to showoff that drinking liquor is actually good for health!
Drinking high alcohol content drinks like vodka or tequila is the best preventation at the moment! Virus will be killed thanks to it's high alcohol!

News & Blogs

2020-03-13 12:58 | Report Abuse

Not just friday prayers! close all religous places especially those with air conditioner!


2020-03-13 12:56 | Report Abuse

Yeah, coronavirus is now our black swan! Markets are falling down like hard rocks! There's nothing we can do! Just wait until the blood on the streets dry up!


2020-03-13 12:55 | Report Abuse

Donald Trump took the strictest measure by shuting down it's border to EU! While Democrats capitalize on this, Donald Trump is just doing what is best for USA! Now, that's how president should act! Not trying to please everybody like Pakatan did!
Anyway, do you realise that China has only 13k infected now! Do you know Italy has 15k infected! Yeah, pretty soon Iran will exceed all this figures! Other EU countries also seems at lost containing this pandemic!
Unfortunately, i see Malaysia, even with new government, not biting the bullet! Mohiden should issue emergency to close churches, mosque or any religious places! The spread of coronavirus should be taken very seriously! Once spread, it's very hard to contain them!


2020-03-13 10:54 | Report Abuse

Well, i missout but since there's a dip, i bought 1.60!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 19:52 | Report Abuse

Baloney! Mahathir will once again outplay the Lims! And again, outplay Harapan! Never learn anything!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 19:41 | Report Abuse

And please! Why do the Lims continue to rely on Mahathir! Why reject Anwar! Why on earth do the Lims support F grade PM like Mahathir! You must be joking or just too desperate to go back to Putrajya!


2020-03-12 19:14 | Report Abuse

It seems coronavirus is very contagious! It's not that it's lethal, the problem with this virus is that there's no vaccine nor cure at the moment! Once you are seriously infected, it makes breathing a living hell! So don't play play!
So for us here, please guys! Don't be lacksaidal! Just look at Italy, South Korea and Iran!
Please to stay away from mass gathering! Stay away from air conditioned places! Wash your hands after touching public doors, toilet and so forth! Wear face mask! Cut your outings!
WHO already declare that coronavirus is now global pandemic! We don't know if it's already mutated! But judging from how fast it spread, we should be worried!


2020-03-12 19:08 | Report Abuse

Apollo! You are always on the dot! Always very observant! Thanks for your input!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 19:07 | Report Abuse

Sad that Pakatan never learn anything after 2 years in power! Now back to the same modus operandi! They say you only lie once, if you continue to recycle the same fake promises and fake allegations, then you are not fit to be the government of the day! Pakatan grow up, you really mess up Malaysia!


2020-03-12 16:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by apolloang > Mar 12, 2020 3:58 PM | Report Abuse

today Thailand and Philippines down over 9%,boosa only down 1.26%

Answer : Yeah, thank God for intervention! If Mahathir is in charge, we could have seen bursa hitting limit down!


2020-03-12 15:58 | Report Abuse

Well, we could have seen the end of coronavirus by next week as China data shows only 14k infected cases today!
However, thanks to lacksaidal attitude from 3 other countries for not taking serious pre caution, we see huge leap of infected cases in Italy, South Korea and Iran!
While Italy and South Korea have finally taken serious actions, Iran continue to be in denial! So Iran may see more cases in days to come!
As for Italy, given their culture, containment will be hard! So let's see how they deal with it!
As for South Korea, containment should be on tight measures from now on!
For us here in Malaysia, it's best to avoid air conditoned places for the next 30 days! Reduce your outings! If you want to take fresh air, then go outdoor! Avoid mass gatherings! This goes to Pakatan who are fond of making rally nowadays!
This is crucial period! We must take pre cautions! Take vodka! It can kill coronavirus! Wash your hands! Wash your face every now and then!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 15:50 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! It's one way ticket! Dont' bother to come back!


2020-03-12 15:45 | Report Abuse

Fortunately for Mohiden, he has tons of mega projects to help spur our economy! Basically, all it need is green light from him!
RTS, HSR, Pan Borneo, MRT3 and so forth! This mega projects are high impact and have immediately benefit for rakyat upon completion!
All the paperworks are done 2 years ago! All Mohiden need to do is activate them all at once!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 15:40 | Report Abuse

Yeah, now that Mahathir realise he has zero malay support, change tune to attract them!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 15:30 | Report Abuse

This airline group should be shot immediately! They don't care about health at all!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 15:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah, even those parasites in Bersatu kick Mahathir out! And yet the Lims and Amanah begging Mahathir to lead them!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 15:08 | Report Abuse

Baloney! Look at Italy, South Korea and Iran! They didn't impose travel ban on China chinese tourists!


2020-03-12 14:25 | Report Abuse

Malaysia economy is really in bad shape! And thank God, Mahathir and LGE were removed from office! They certainly team of idiots!
Anyway, it's very fortunately that Mohiden pick a technocrat to manage our economy!
The proof of the puddit is in the tasting! So give chance to our new finance minister to proof his worth!
But i think, most would agree that GST is a must at this point! Yeah, those who dont' understand economy will rant how GST only help to crooks in Putrajaya! It may be true to certain extend! But the impact of remaining in denial like what Pakatan had done is no brainer! Malaysia will rot very quickly!

News & Blogs

2020-03-12 13:41 | Report Abuse

Baloney! During those 2 years, only fatten up cronies and family members! As usually used malay and Islam as bait!


2020-03-12 13:39 | Report Abuse

Yeah, somehow up there, God saw that Malaysia need help! And God remove Mahathir as PM!
If not, we would heard Mahathir faulty solutions to current triple whammy!
Of course, palm oil was man made disaster called Old Fox! Coronanvirus was managed badly during Pakatan time! Some ministers even mocked that coronavirus was a joke! They say coronavirus is just a small matter! Thank God that they were goner as well!
Anyway, Mohiden is moving at snail pace minus the political drama that we used to for the past 2 years!
It's tough situation we are in at the moment! As i see it, GST must be re installed as quickly as possible due to pro long oil war! It's not going to be short lived price war! That's for sure!
Actually, the current price war is much more severe that one realise! You see, EV is taking over! And oil demand will drastically drop if EV becomes mainstream sooner than expected! That's why Opec and Russia are not fighting for market share!


2020-03-12 13:17 | Report Abuse

Yeah, this old bugger is like old monkey in China shop! Destroy everything!


2020-03-12 13:14 | Report Abuse

Cancel my 1.00 today! Seems 1.00 to easy! Probably can get 50 cents by next week!


2020-03-12 13:10 | Report Abuse

Once Pakatan burn the bridge with Mahathir, trust me, it will make Mohiden days living hell!


2020-03-12 13:09 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is like 100kg baby that hang on to your neck! Like it or not, you got to let him go!


2020-03-12 13:08 | Report Abuse

The Lims and Anwar haven't learn anything from Sheraton Move! To any kindergarden political analysts, it's plain easy!
Mahathir is the problem! And best way to deal with thsi sort of problem is to kick him out from Pakatan for good!
Let Mahathir crawl back to Bersatu and let him create havoc until Bersatu crumble! It's the best way to avenge him and those traitors!


2020-03-12 09:32 | Report Abuse

Wow! So many overconfident buyers here! But i think 50 cents is quite reasonable in 2 months time!