
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-03-29 18:14 | Report Abuse

China is to blame for current global pandemic! China should have immediately ban it's citizens from leaving China and quickly recall those already outside of China! Instead they wasted time by denying even blame other countries for imposing travel ban on chinese China! Now that Covid19 gone global, we are witnessing gloabl lockdown and demand for China goods completely halt! In the end, China suffer blow from it's own inaction!


2020-03-29 15:05 | Report Abuse

Yeah, you are absolutely right!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:28 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, i agree with you! A bit disappointment too! Because of this irresponsible and selfish 5k, there rest of us are suffering!


2020-03-29 14:20 | Report Abuse

Because whites are smartxss! If Donald Trump put New York on quarantine, you really think whites will be as cooperative as malaysians!
Donald Trump will deal with so many Q3 and lawsuits from intelligent but egoistic human rights groups!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:17 | Report Abuse

Q3! The purpose of this lockdown is to identify all carriers and to curb the spread! We are dealing with unseen enemy here!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:02 | Report Abuse

And you listen to Boris Johson, the idiotic who is tested positive Covid19!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:01 | Report Abuse

Q3! It's now confirm that public walkway can pick up Covid19 virus! You can bring back this virus after your jog! Your shoes if not sanitize will wheck havoc to your next of kins!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 14:00 | Report Abuse

Don't praise China and Singapore too early! It's possible 2nd wave will hit China if indeed Covid19 mutate to Covid20! By the way, if China had contain this pandemic much earlier and close it's borders then instead of criticizing US and other natons for banning tourists from China back then, we would not have to deal with current global disaster!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 13:54 | Report Abuse

Q3! You are the only one who thinks our lockdown is stupid! May i ask when are you moving out from this stupid coutnry!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 13:50 | Report Abuse

Q3! You just been selfish and irresponsible! Are you implicate that freedom is more important that short term lockdown! Do you expect our very limited medical staff and resources manage 100% infection among malaysians! You will be the first to be treated on 5 foot walkway then! You think malaysians are so stupid to be concern and cooperative during lockdown! Well, let me be the first to donate to Q3 one way ticket to New York! I will donate generously so Q3 can enjoy her freedom over there!
Anyway, Singapore will face certain disaster! They are more concern with domestic economy than anything else! My son and wifey took unpaid leave! It's better to be safe than sorry!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:20 | Report Abuse

Ks55! Not all new intake! Just fraction! Harapan fail to curb full pension!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:19 | Report Abuse

Q3! You are absolutely wrong! Malaysia will be among less infected in the world! Because what you think is stupid lockdown has saved us from uncontrollable disaster! So i suggest you move to UK immediately!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:17 | Report Abuse

Do you know that by 2030, Malaysia will have more old people compare to young ones! Yeah, those in their 20s already 30s in 10 years time! Those who are in their 30s already 40s! And yeah, by 2030, Malaysia will have explosion of retiree from civil service!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:15 | Report Abuse

It was Najib who bloated our civil service with useless extra 1 million! No thoughts that future generations will be overburden with pension welfare for this bloated 4 to 5 million retirees! In the end, Malaysia will spend 60% of it's annual budget feeding useless civil servants!
Be firm! You don't give pension to non performers! You are cultivating lazy culture! Only get pension to deserving and talents teachers, core medical staff, and so forth! Be very selective! Pension for those who are useable in time of crisis! Example, during current pandemic, you can recall those retiree doctors and nurses and pay extra on top of their pension! It's worth it! Tell me, what do retired clerical civil servants do! When half of they working life spend playing around!


2020-03-29 12:06 | Report Abuse

Yeah, that's the mantra of Harapan! So working and learning from Mahathir! Where did Harapan end up!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:05 | Report Abuse

When UK PM and Queen already tested positive for Covid19, imagine the larger population! If i were in UK, it's better to be infected that question when you get infected!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:03 | Report Abuse

With current Covid19 pandemic, India seems to be in the spotlight! From drinking cow urine, taking overdose of tumeric or curry, and now young and uprising fortune teller, i am sure i3 will be promoting parrot from India that can precisely pick a card when Covid19 will subside!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 12:01 | Report Abuse

Remind me of the days where i love spending small fortune seeking advise from 5 foot fortune tellers! You name it, parrot picking cards, holymen from India, palm readers, face readers, even rats that can predict numbers! So now i3 promote a young indian boy that can predict faith of humanity!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 11:57 | Report Abuse

Do you know large number of civil servants job is just shifting paper! And they are given pension for life! You have tons in private firms doing tons of job,paid the same salary but will be jobless in few years time because this firms will replace them with young and cheaper workforce!
SsLee is right! Come recession, depression or like current pandemic, civil servants can shake their legs! Full salary at end of the month, pension once retired! And their contribution is peanut! What a waste! I strongly propose that civil service abolish pension and replace with contractual basis!


2020-03-29 02:17 | Report Abuse

Hard to say! Because this pandemic will not go away! So expect 2nd wave to hit China! Again, if US and EU down, China will hit harder! Because US and EU are China biggest consumers!
In short, nobody get's away! Everybody in the same boat!
So the race is who gets to develop vaccine and cure for Covid19!


2020-03-29 01:38 | Report Abuse

Ventilators are expensive! Disinfection, face mask and so forth are much cheaper!


2020-03-29 01:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah! It think it's more of an ego that anything else! They don't even bother to do disinfection!
And i thought whites are the most smartest of human being! I mean, i am sure those whites who get creative with disinfection!
They could have attached tank full of disinfection and spray using those high pressure car washer and spray large public walkway!
Heck! Malaysia government can just drive around spraying disinfected using this method, high pressure car washer with those huge gallon filled with dettol!


2020-03-29 01:10 | Report Abuse

Mass disinfection does not need expensive equipment! Government can even buy those cheap Mr Diy 8 litre sprayer fill with Dettol to spray all public walkway!
It is now confirm that Covid19 can spread through shoes when virus pick up while walking on infected public walkway!


2020-03-29 00:07 | Report Abuse

Basically, everybody ignore the lesson from Wuhan, China! It's not just about social distancing! It's the full scale disinfection that was very effective in curbing Covid19 spread!
You see, only now, maybe small number of US and EU medical team realise that the virus is pick up by the shoes that they wear! Yes! Everybody is bringing in Covid19 into their homes!
So why is US and EU and the rest of the world ignore disinfecting public walkway!
The floor that we walk in supermarket must be constantly disinfected! The public toilets floor must be constantly mop with disinfected!
We must spray disinfected on our shoes before we enter our homes!

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 21:28 | Report Abuse

I am surprise disinfection not mention in this article! Disinfection works! No doubt about it! China has proven this! But unfortunately such large scale disinfection ignore in most countries including Malaysia!


2020-03-28 19:39 | Report Abuse

This Harapan leaders just like to play politics! Do you guys have heart for rakyat!


2020-03-28 19:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i don't know if Harapan leaders understand what they wanted! You think MPs are immune to Covid19! One infected MPs can infect all other MPs!
Then you have to shut down the caretaker government and let Agong run the country!
This is irresponsible and selfish demand from Harapan leaders!

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 19:31 | Report Abuse

China will be most affected with current Covid19 global spread! As US and Eu engulf in uncontrol pandemic, China will have zero buyers for their goods! And if Covid19 suddenly makes a uturn back to China, you think China will survive a mutated version!


2020-03-28 15:17 | Report Abuse

To be honest, i dare not see light at the end of the tunnel for small and medium size industry after lockdown is lifted!
You see, we should see pro long closed borders for another 6 months or so! Why, because our neighbours like Phillipines, Indonesia even Singapore will be battling against spread of Covid19!
We are very fortunately! Containment has worked! 95% malaysians really put effort in curbing the spread! Yet the selfish and irresponsible small number of Sri Petaling carriers refuse to cooperate!
Anyway, in coming days, they will have to surface no doubt as most if not all of they will be dying! Without treatment, death is a sure thing for them!
But once lockdown is lifted middle of April, most of us will face new normal challenges! WE will be isolated from the rest of the world! The rest of the world fail in the attempt contain the spread! Worst still, the possibility of Covid19 mutates into Covid20! Which is already a very likely scenario!
Shortage of rice in coming months as most rice exporters will rather keep stock! We will have to depend on local stocks! Maybe we should switch to other staple instead!
But fish will be abundant! For the first time in modern times, fish population actually increasing!
In short, don't expect tourists to come back! Instead most will be traveling within out borders!


2020-03-28 14:12 | Report Abuse

A huge letdown from Harapan! Continue to disagree with everything but agree on none!


2020-03-28 14:11 | Report Abuse

As for Mohiden, he is very fortunate as malaysians are very cooperative! A huge kadoos to all! We are among the most discipiline in fighting Covid19 even surpass singaporeans who are still refusing to bite the bullet!


2020-03-28 14:09 | Report Abuse

He just refuse to bite the bullet! Too much pleasing the crowd! Eventualy the crowd all got infected!


2020-03-28 14:08 | Report Abuse

I don't think Donald will win against Covid19! I just don't have the confidence!

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:48 | Report Abuse

Yeah, we all know Covid19 originated from USA!


2020-03-28 13:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_down > Mar 28, 2020 1:31 PM | Report Abuse

I am much more confident to PM Muhyiddin leadership in comparison with Trump. Lolz

Answer : Like totally! Donald Trump really fail this round!

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:40 | Report Abuse

Once again, China trumph against america virus!

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:40 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah, i forgot! Chinese Chna are superhuman and the americans are enemy of CCP! Shows that China is superior against enemy US!

News & Blogs

2020-03-28 13:11 | Report Abuse

Bizarro! How can China has zero infection!


2020-03-28 13:09 | Report Abuse

I foresee prolong infection period in western nations! If this virus really mutate then we may see whites been wipeout from civilization! Bear in mind, half a billion were infected by Black plaque and Spanish flu!


2020-03-28 13:08 | Report Abuse

While China is to blame for not able to contain Covid19 within it's border during earlys stage, China too must bear further blame for demanding other countries not to close it's borders from China as spread becomes obvious in February!
What China should have done is to immediately ask the world to close borders and send it's citizens back as soon as possible and quarantine those who have been to China!
Now, China is closing it's borders from the rest of the world as it is scare to get hit by incoming worsening Covid19!
US and Eu will fail! That's the verdict! Containment is futile for them! Why, because of this whites attitude! Because whites do not understand how to contain the spread!
There's hardly any disinfection exercise! There's hardly concern that due to no disinfection on public areas espcially those in red zones, they are bring back the virus to their homes! Hence the explosion of new cases in this nations!
It is now discovered that they are bringing back the virus on their shoes! And you know whites don't like to open their shoes inside their homes! Hence the virus infected their homes and inhabitants!
That is why disinfection is a must in curbing Covid19! Somethng our government is not doing! We are lucky in the sense, the hot and humid weather instantly kill the virus or else we would have seen it spread like wild fire!
Anyway, for Malayaia all the red zones are now under strict supervision! So next week will be extra crucial period as carriers will reach their peak spread! Those in red zones must strictly stay at home!


2020-03-28 00:22 | Report Abuse

Look, i think malaysians who are not on paid channel will really appreciate binge watching tv series and movies! For me, i have probably watch every single movies and tv series since my son download for me! It's really relaxing and help one see in totally new angle of life!


2020-03-27 20:38 | Report Abuse

Malaysians now can stand tall among south koreans for been among few who are able to curb further spread of Covid19!


2020-03-27 20:37 | Report Abuse

Looking at US and EU, they have been major failure! Donald Trump has fail americans or rather americans fail themselves!
But for us malaysians, we should stand proud to know our containment exercises have been great!
While Harapan did nothing during early days, the current caretaker government manage to curb further spread! I mean, halting friday prayers is one major decision no PM wants to do! But surprisingly, we didn't see any malays running amok instead we see a very quiet and obedience citizens! Kadoos everybody!
However,having said that, it's those small irresponsible and selfish Sri Petaling attendees that have yet to surrender themselves for screen! You guys are selfish! You guys deserve to die and if still alive, rot in jail! Do you part, surrender and screen yourselves!